Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1215: North Zhao Min, South Huang Rong

"Command one hundred thousand horses, and bring the United States down to Yangzhou!" Song Qingshu's eyebrows danced, "Good poetry, so wet!"

Seeing his self-satisfied expression, all the women in the room looked weird. After all, Ah Jiu couldn't help but laughed out loud. Bayi Chinese Network

Song Qingshu's face couldn't hold back: "Is there any problem?"

A Jiu pursed his lips and said with a smile: "Although Song Lang is a genius, but this poem is a bit ordinary." She was born in the royal family, and was taught by the most educated Confucian and Hanlin in the country since she was a child. Naturally, she can distinguish between good and bad.

Zhao Min on the side also smiled and added: "It's not just ordinary, there are bragging suspicions."

Song Qingshu was angry: "Where am I bragging?" At the same time, he secretly sighed, the people who traveled through the Tang poems and Song Ci pretended to be very dazzling, but he was so embarrassed, who made the dynasty that he traveled has problems. Well, those famous poems in history have already come out. The most famous poet of the Qing Dynasty, Nalan Xingde, is still there, so he has nowhere to copy if he wants to copy. He finally wrote a few sentences by himself, and was jokes by a few confidantes. Husky.

"It's not bad that you can make up five thousand cavalry with a full army, and one hundred thousand cavalry." Zhao Min smiled like crescents. When will you visit our Ruyang Palace as a guest, let you see one hundred thousand cavalry at that time. Power.

"You chew words like this is clearly a rotten scholar's behavior. The most important thing about the quality of the poems is whether the mood is good or not. Forget it, I don't understand it after talking to you people. I will go and see how the preparations are outside." Song Qingshu fled. After hearing the laughter of a few female silver bells coming from the tent behind him, he couldn't help but snorted depressed: I had known this, I should change to Qimei and go to Yangzhou, and then whoever laughed will ride whoever laughed!


Soon Song Qingshu led the army. All along the way, the Golden Snake Camp will follow Song Qingshu's instructions and adhere to the principle of attacking the city and attacking the heart. Because the main army of the green camp is annihilated, and Li Kexiu is captured, Jianghuai is all around. The state capital was already in panic, and many of them fell under the guise of the wind. Even if there were occasional resistances, they would only be crushed by the mantis arm as a car.

After about half a month of work, Song Qingshu led his army into Yangzhou, which represented that the Golden Snake Camp had occupied all the territory before Li Kexiu.

Because of the Jianghuai turmoil, the Southern Song court quickly responded. The army also began to gather in Caishiji, Nanjing, Zhenjiang, Changzhou, and Suzhou. The two sides faced off along the river, and the battle was about to be touched.

Song Qingshu convened the high-level generals of the Golden Snake Camp to study how to deal with the next situation. Most people advocated winning and pursuing the situation. The continuous momentum and the martial arts demonstrated by Song Qingshu have made their confidence soar. Yangzhou is only five or six hundred miles away from Lin'an. As long as Lin'an can be attacked, the Southern Song Dynasty will naturally fall apart. At that time, the Golden Snake Camp can take advantage of the opportunity to establish a country, and their group of people from the dragon's ministers and founding fathers can enjoy the glory for generations.

However, there are still some veteran and serious people who oppose it, thinking that it is too risky to attack the Southern Song Dynasty, but they are soon drowned in the voice of many main battles.

A group of people quarreled endlessly. Song Qingshu didn't comment. Instead, he looked back at Zhao Min and asked, "I don't know what Miss Zhao wanted?"

The room quieted down quickly. During this time, they knew the identity of Zhao Min and were not confused by her charming appearance. After all, she played with countless men in applause, and even almost made the entire Central Plains martial arts famous. The decent army is wiped out, these deeds are too sturdy.

Bei Zhao Min and Nan Huang Rong have become the two most resourceful women recognized by the world. There are even good people who imitated the Crouching Dragon and Phoenix Chick in the Three Kingdoms period and made a similar sentence, Bei Zhao Min Nan Huang Rong, if you get one, you can be peaceful and stable.

Although it was a joke made by a good deed, it was widely circulated in the arena. After all, Guo Jing got Huang Rong from a silly boy to become a generation of heroes. He also abruptly blocked the Mongolian iron cavalry from going south in Xiangyang and saved the Southern Song Dynasty. Half the country.

Not to mention Zhao Min, the initial trial of the sledge-knife made the Central Plains martial arts turmoil, allowing his father Ruyang to stand out from the countless princes of Mongolia and become one of the four most powerful kings in Mongolia today.

However, everyone just treated this kind of thing as a joke. After all, either of them is a strange woman in the world, and they will get a smoke from the tomb of the eighteenth generation ancestors. What's more, Huang Rong is already a wife. How can Guo Jing's upright temper have anything to do with Zhao Min?

Seeing the shadow of the famous tree of man, when Zhao Min wanted to say something, the others naturally quieted down.

Zhao Min smiled faintly, with a soft and crisp voice: "As the Mongolian princess, I naturally hope that the Golden Snake Camp can take advantage of the victory and go straight to Lin'an City."

Seeing her accompany her, the main battle faction was immediately excited, and began to whistle down on those main factions.

"The surname is Zhao!" Zhou Zhiruo tried to raise her eyebrows, stood up and was about to say something, but was held by Song Qingshu next to her.

"Listen to her." Song Qingshu's face was calm, unable to see whether it was sad or happy.

As if to find a confidant, Zhao Min smiled, and the front of the conversation changed in an instant: "However, as a friend of Song Qingshu, I suggest that you should discuss peace with the Southern Song Dynasty and fix it."

"Why?" The main battle faction suddenly exploded and asked one after another.

Zhao Min did not answer directly, but instead asked: "Dare to ask everyone, how does the combat power of the Golden Snake Camp compare to the Mongolian cavalry?"

A group of people looked at each other, and finally replied: "I'm afraid it's not as good." The Mongolian cavalry has guided to the north and swept Mobei, Central Plains, and the Western Regions over the years. No matter how arrogant they are, they will not be arrogant to that point.

"But we have the Golden Snake King..." There were still some people who were not convinced, and let out a weak voice.

"Song Qingshu is a flesh and blood body after all," Zhao Min glanced at Song Qingshu who was on the side. "Do you expect him to come to the army to take the general rank every time you fight?"

Seeing the group of people not speaking, Zhao Min said: "The Song Dynasty looks weak on the surface, but when it really fights, it will explode amazing energy. My Mongolian army is everywhere, and only the Southern Song Dynasty suffers the most. As soon as the Golden Snake Camp achieved some victories, you people went stunned and wanted to invade Lin'an City. It's really idiotic."

A group of people were speechless by her reprimand. Many people thought that if there were such a powerful mistress in the future, their lives would be sad.

Seeing that the time was about to come, Song Qingshu just said, "In addition to what the princess said just now, there are two other important reasons. One is that the land of Jianghuai is newly descended, and our foundation is unstable, and even the results of the previous battle have not had time to digest. It would be unwise to start the war again. Second, the Southern Song Dynasty represents the orthodoxy of the Han people in the world. If we attack the Southern Song Dynasty, it is easy to be spurned by the Han people in the world. We can't afford this risk."

"So," Song Qingshu stood up and looked towards the far south: "I decided not to make the Southern Song Dynasty to discuss the peace alliance."

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