Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1224: Three inch golden lotus

Song Qingshu smiled slightly and said, "I just admire the temperament of Ms. Cheng. Don't think too badly.?"

Cheng Ying sat aside at this moment with a look of embarrassment, and had not recovered from the shock just now. When Wushuang saw this, he said angrily: "Since it is for the sake of the cousin's face, why do I have to agree to one thing?"

Song Qingshu looked at her with surprise: "I am treating you, not your cousin."

6 Wushuang only felt that his throat was sweet, and he almost didn't spit out a mouthful of old blood.

After all, Cheng Ying was not an ordinary girl. After the initial panic, she quickly calmed down and grabbed the 6 Wushuang who was about to rush up desperately. He looked at the man in front of him and asked: "I don't know what you want us to promise."

She was secretly angry in her heart, so her name changed from the son to you unknowingly.

Song Qingshu replied: "I haven't figured out the specific things yet. I will tell you when I think about it in the future."

Cheng Ying finally got angry: "My son, don't you think it's too much for us two girls to agree to a man's condition?"

Song Qingshu smiled and said, "Ms. Cheng can rest assured, it's definitely not the kind of dirty thing you imagine."

Cheng Ying's face was hot, and he realized that he had guessed his worry, but even so, this condition was still too harsh.

After she was silent, Song Qingshu stood up and said goodbye: "Since the two are unwilling, I will naturally not force the two of them, so I will leave first."

But as soon as he walked a few steps, a soft voice came from behind: "Wait~"

"Cousin~" Six Wushuang suddenly became anxious, and hurriedly went to pull Cheng Ying to signal not to agree.

Cheng Ying ignored her. Instead, she stared at Song Qingshu's eyes quietly. It took a long time to say: "Okay, I promise you. But when the time comes, what you propose cannot violate chivalry, nor can..." His face flushed, and he paused before saying, "There shouldn't be any obscene meaning."

Song Qingshu looked depressed, opened his hands and motioned: "Do you see my upright and stalwart temperament, a person like that?"

Cheng Ying and 6 Wushuang nodded at the same time.

Song Qingshu hurriedly coughed twice to resolve the embarrassment in his heart: "Well, I promise you that, whoever, stretch out my leg to show me." He knew that the 6 Fuzhong people would definitely find a way to send the news back to Lin'an, which is needed now. Just waiting for Han Tong's reaction. During this period, there was nothing to do. He simply teased the two more favorable characters in the original book as a pastime.

He had to suspect that he and Yang Guo were the same kind of people in his own right, with three points of frivolous nature in his nature. Although there was no evil intention, he had to make fun of each girl with a few words to provoke them, causing them to be confused and infatuated. Is the delight of his heart

Hearing what he said, Liu Wushuang bit his lip hesitantly, and looked at Cheng Ying to the side. She nodded slightly to indicate that she had just stretched her leg out of the bed.

"Pants are taken off... Oh no, socks are taken off." Song Qingshu changed his mouth instantly, couldn't help despising himself, thinking about everything in his mind, he blurted out without knowing what he thought of.

6 Wushuang blushed and stared at him fiercely, even Cheng Ying next to him looked strange.

"What to see, if you want to heal your injury, naturally you have to look carefully." Song Qingshu directly replied.

In desperation, 6 Wushuang had to take off the cotton socks, and after hesitating for a long time, he stretched out his feet tremblingly.

Seeing her look like a pervert, Song Qingshu was angry and funny. If they knew that they might even take off their pants and show them to the male doctor during the gynecological examination in later generations, they would not be ashamed to commit suicide.

As soon as Song Qingshu grasped her injured left foot, he had no intention of thinking about it, but when he encountered her tender and soft ankle, he couldn't help but startled, thinking that this little Nizi's leg was still so beautiful after so many years of injury. .

You know that in this world, the feet are no less than the **** of the breasts. Now they are held in the hands by a strange young man. Six Wushuang's figure trembled, and his feet shrank subconsciously, but the other's hands were steady and strong. Still holding it firmly, she couldn't help flushing with shame.

Feeling the faint enthusiasm from the palm of the other party, a strange sensation suddenly appeared in Liu Wushuang's body. For some reason, she suddenly remembered the scene where Yang Guo had taken her bones, and she couldn't help but feel a little silly.

Cheng Ying saw the two of them holding each other, and one of them blushed and coughed deliberately.

The two were finally awakened, and 6 Wushuang suddenly became ashamed and angry: "Hey, when are you going to touch it?"

Song Qingshu's old face blushed, thinking that his old driver actually overturned the boat in front of a little girl. He really lost Jingzhou. In order to resolve the embarrassment, he snorted: "What is the noise? I'm checking your hurt."

After talking about her concentration, she began to concentrate on examining the meridians on her legs.

Seeing him with a serious face, the two women naturally showed a focused majesty, but they didn't dare to disturb him.

Song Qingshu's hand was stroking back and forth on Liu Wushuang's legs. If he hadn't seen him with a solemn expression, Cheng Ying would only assume that he was deliberately taking advantage, but Liu Wushuang did not misunderstand, because she faintly felt the infuriating energy input from the other party's fingers and probed her legs. , But despite knowing this, Liu Wushuang was still flushed with shame when he touched it like this.

"Yes...Isn't it okay?" After all, 6 Wushuang couldn't help it. As soon as he said his voice, Cheng Ying next to her gave her a surprised look. Even she herself was taken aback. Why was her voice suddenly? Become so sweet?

"Okay." Song Qingshu finally let go of his hand.

6 Wushuang hurriedly retracted her legs, turned around, turned her back to the outside, and couldn't see her expression clearly.

"Can it be cured?" Even though Cheng Ying believed that as Song Qingshu, she was not sure that she would never be aimless before, she couldn't stop worrying in her heart.

"It can be cured." Song Qingshu's sentence made her relieved, but the next sentence made her heart again, "but she might endure great pain."

"Dare to ask the son, what does this mean?" Cheng Yingqi said, even Liu Wushuang turned around curiously.

Song Qingshu slowly said: "She was injured in a young age. The person who treated her did not connect her bones. After more than ten years, the bones have grown together again, and because her bones have been constantly growing. Growth, which leads to more irregular wounds..."

Cheng Ying nodded and said: "Yes, my teacher had diagnosed her for her, and he was also sighing. If the cousin had a fracture in adulthood, he still had a way to lame her because of the failure to heal. The cousin was hurt in her childhood. "

Thinking of childhood, and thinking of the tragic death of his parents, Liu Wushuang's eye circles instantly turned red, but his thoughts were no longer on his leg injury.

"So I need to crush her leg bones and reshape her, but the pain during this period is very much tolerable." Song Qingshu smiled bitterly.

Cheng Ying looked shocked: "That... the leg bones were crushed, can they still be picked up?" 8

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