Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1225: Shuang Shu in arms

It's no wonder that Cheng Ying has this kind of doubt. The kind of treatment in Song Qingshu's mouth is really horrifying, and he actually needs to crush his leg first...

With the medical level of this world, the shock of the two women at this time is probably the same as when Cao Cao heard that Hua Tuo was about to open his skull to cure the air.

The more important thing is that although Lu Wushuang is a bit lame now, her left foot can barely support walking. If her leg bones are crushed and cannot be connected back, she will be completely disabled. Whether she can stand up in the future will depend on her. Unknown, is it really worth taking such a big risk?

"Ms. Cheng thinks Song looks like a lunatic?" Song Qingshu looked at her like that.

"Of course not." Cheng Ying replied quickly, and then added in her heart, "Although he is not like a madman, he is like a frivolous prodigal."

"Since I'm not a lunatic, how can I do things that are uncertain?" Song Qingshu laughed, and then looked at Lu Wushuang, "Whether you want to treat it or not, Miss Lu will think about it, and you will find me when you think about it, but it's best Hurry up, I'm afraid I won't stay in Lu Mansion for a few days." After speaking, I got up and planned to leave.

"Wait!" Before he took the first step, Lu Wushuang called to him, "Don't think about it, just do it now, I'm willing to receive treatment."

"Cousin." Cheng Ying held her hand with a worried expression.

Lu Wushuang smiled sadly: "Cousin, instead of being lame like this for a lifetime, it's better to take a risk. Even if you fail in the end, it won't be much worse."

Song Qing showed different colors in writing, it was really unexpected that she could have such an open mind.

Cheng Ying also knew that this lame leg had become the knot of her cousin. Seeing that she had decided, she stopped persuading her, and instead owed Song Qingshu: "Then trouble son."

Song Qingshu nodded, wrung out the towel in the basin and handed it to Lu Wushuang: "Bite this, it will hurt later."

Lu Wushuang changed his normal this time and did not confront him. Instead, he put the towel in his mouth obediently, but she was a little girl after all. When she thought that her leg was about to be broken, she paled and turned. Turn around and hug Cheng Ying tightly. At this time, only the cousin can give her a sense of security.

Cheng Ying hurriedly hugged her in her arms, feeling her slightly trembling body, she couldn't help feeling a little sad.

Song Qingshu held Lu Wushuang's smooth and well-proportioned calf, stroked the delicate skin on it, and once again found her childhood wounds. With a sudden squeeze, her leg bones broke again with a click.

"Ah~" Lu Wushuang yelled in surprise, and suddenly sat up straight, pushing with both hands. With so much strength, Cheng Ying was caught off guard and was pushed onto the bed by her...

Lu Wushuang's pretty face was full of pain, and the towel in his mouth fell off unknowingly because of his open mouth.

Song Qingshu frowned. He had to completely break the crooked bones to break and stand. Now only the first step has been started, and there will be a few more painful ones. Now Lu Wushuang has no towel in his mouth, just in case. I bit my tongue later, that's terrible.

But since he has already started, he must continue in one go. If he stops halfway, not only will it not be effective, but it will be counterproductive.

The second wave of severe pain came from the injured leg. Lu Wushuang, who was already in a semi-conscious state, did not realize that the towel had fallen. He just wanted to resolve the pain of his whole body on the towel in his mouth, and bit him severely. Go down.

At the time of the sparks and fire, Song Qingshu had no time to think of other ways, so he raised his arm and stuffed her left hand into her mouth. The other side bit it down. The pain at that moment was so intense that he couldn’t help frowning, but he But he didn't say anything, his right hand methodically began to pound, pat, or click on her wound... It flew up and down extremely quickly, leaving only the afterimages, as if there were countless hands there.

Lu Wushuang also gradually reacted at this time, realizing that what he was biting was actually Song Qingshu's hand. He was ashamed and angry for a while. After all, there is no yellow girl who wants a strange man to put his hand in his mouth.

When she was about to reprimand Song Qingshu for taking advantage of her, she was stunned by the faint smell of blood coming from her mouth. Recalling what had happened just now, knowing that he was out of good intentions, the full of anger suddenly turned into incomparable guilt. He looked at the man in front of him with a complicated look.

Song Qingshu did not have time to take care of her at this moment. All of her attention was on treating her legs, breaking up the broken bones and re-splicing them together. He needed to have a clear understanding of the acupoints, meridians and tissues of the human body, as well as extreme concentration. Make a mistake and you fall short.

Although the pain kept coming, Lu Wushuang couldn't bear to bite it anymore. Fortunately, Cheng Ying had already reacted at this time, picking up the towel from her mouth and replacing Song Qingshu's hand.

Looking at the deep tooth marks and the blood stains oozing out on it, Cheng Ying glanced at her cousin in a strange way, which made Lu Wushuang both ashamed and ashamed.

"My son, I'll bandage it for you first." Cheng Ying took out a handkerchief from her arms, worried that Song Qingshu would be disturbed, and asked tentatively.

"Yeah." Song Qingshu answered casually, his attention still on Lu Wushuang's legs.

Cheng Ying admired him deeply. First, he admired his martial arts. The effect of one-handed use was better than others' ten hands. Peach Blossom Island’s orchid brushing hands and Luoying sword palms are already extremely delicate hands. But compared with his method, it is almost a sky and an underground; but what she admires more is the other party's broad mind. The various things that happened between him and Lu Wushuang before were not pleasant, but she did not expect that he would not only treat her without prejudice. Injured, even at the mercy of being injured to protect her.

"It seems that I really misunderstood him before. How can he really be the kind of profligate person if he can be famous." Cheng Ying gently wrapped a small bow, as thought in her heart.

As if there were eyes on the back, Song Qingshu's left hand retracted as soon as the wound was bandaged, took out a porcelain bottle from his arms, and poured out a jet of pitch-black, ink-like viscous liquid.

A thick medicinal fragrance spread out, and Cheng Ying was surprised and delighted. Could this be the legendary black jade intermittent ointment, the holy healing medicine of the Western Regions?

When the black jade intermittent ointment was evenly applied on the calf, a refreshing sensation suddenly spread on Lu Wushuang's legs, and her frowning eyebrows couldn't help but unfold slightly.

Song Qingshu's hands were flying, covering her legs layer by layer, and at the same time using the prepared wooden board to completely fix her calf.

After he finally stopped, Cheng Ying asked happily, "Master, is it all right?"

Song Qingshu wryly smiled and said: "How easy is it, now I just corrected the bones, but Miss Lu's leg has been lame for more than ten years, some of the meridians have already shrunk and blocked, and she still needs a master to get through it with internal force. Destroy her meridians completely. Looking around the world, I’m afraid that only the right and peaceful power of one yang finger can be just right."

Cheng Ying exclaimed: "But the Southern Emperor Duan Emperor is now thousands of miles away, what can we do..."

Seeing her nervousness, Song Qingshu laughed: "In this world, there will be more than Nandi." After speaking, he ignored her, stretched out his fingers, and pointed to various acupuncture points on Lu Wushuang's legs.

As a disciple of Huang Yaoshi's closed door, Cheng Ying is very knowledgeable. Seeing that his fingers are soothing, his arms are relaxed and elegant, he clicked a dozen large acupoints on Lu Wushuang's legs, and he used more than a dozen different techniques. Every move is dignified, each with its own weather. It is really unseen and unheard of. I can only see Cheng Yingchi dizzy, red lips slightly open, and I think I have seen Wu Santong use a positive finger, faintly. Yoyo has a similar shadow, but it is a subtle and magical place, and the two are not the same.

When she was staring in a daze, she suddenly heard Song Qingshu say: "Wipe my sweat."

"Huh?" Cheng Ying's expression was a little strange, thinking that the act of wiping his sweat for him would be too intimate.

"Is there a problem?" Song Qingshu wondered if Cheng Ying stayed still. He came from a later generation. He was used to seeing the doctor let the nurse wipe sweat during the operation, but he didn't expect to cause such a big trouble to Cheng Ying.

"I... I'll wipe it for you." Lu Wushuang saw the swelling on his head, obviously wasting a lot of energy, and the sweat on his forehead was about to fall into his eyes, his heart moved, moved and distressed.

"Let me come." Lu Wushuang had endured such a huge pain just now. At this moment, he was soaked in sweat and exhausted. How could Cheng Ying let her do it.

But when she reached out to her arms to take the handkerchief, she was stunned. It turned out that her handkerchief had already been used to bandage Song Qingshu's wounds.

As if seeing her embarrassment, Lu Wushuang said weakly: "Use...use mine." Then he handed over his handkerchief.

Seeing the mandarin ducks on the handkerchief, Cheng Ying couldn't help but blush. Using this handkerchief to wipe the sweat of a man, it was a little...

Her own handkerchief and Lu Wushuang's were just a pair, originally a token of love given to Lu Zhanyuan by Li Mochou. Later, when Li Mochou came to Lujiazhuang to seek revenge, Lu Liding split the handkerchief into two halves and gave Cheng Yinglu Wushuang one and a half. He hoped that Li Mochou would take this handkerchief and let them go.

This half of the handkerchief is very meaningful to the two women, so they have always carried them with them, subconsciously they are going to give it to their lover in the future.

As a result, half of it is now wrapped around Song Qingshu’s wound, and the other half will be used to wipe his sweat...

However, he noticed that the sweat on Song Qingshu's forehead was getting more and more, and it was almost immersed in his eyes. Cheng Ying couldn't care about that much, so she had to wipe it off for him.

Lu Wushuang on the side looked envious: his cousin is more beautiful than me, and martial arts is better than me. Nowadays, even the movements of wiping sweat are so elegant and gentle, I am afraid I won’t be able to learn it all my life...

Lu Wushuang only felt a warm and welcoming qi coming from his legs and spreading in his body. The pain just now eased a lot. As soon as his energy was relieved, the whole person could no longer support him. Hei fainted.

Because she was worried that Song Qingshu might be disturbed, Cheng Ying was carefully wiping the sweat off his forehead, and did not notice that Lu Wushuang behind him was falling in her direction. Suddenly there was a person's weight on her body. Cheng Ying was caught off guard and her center of gravity became unstable. The two women fell into Song Qingshu's arms together.

After reacting to what had happened, Cheng Ying flushed with shame. It turned out that her entire face was directly pressed between Song Qingshu's legs, and Lu Wushuang just pressed against her back, making her unable to get up for a while.

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