Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1226: Embarrassed

Feeling Cheng Ying's struggle, Song Qingshu hurriedly said: "Don't move, if it causes Miss Lu's wound to shift, it will really fall short."

Cheng Ying then realized that her cousin was in a coma, and she got up rashly, possibly causing her newly fixed wound to be dislocated. She was so scared that she didn't dare to move and lay there quietly.

"It will be fine when I get through the meridians for Ms. Lu, Ms. Cheng will bear with me for the time being." Song Qingshu now Yiyang's correcting envoy did not dare to be distracted at the critical moment.

"Yeah." Cheng Ying hummed softly, his voice softer than mosquitoes and flies.

A burst of scent of young girls came into his nose, Rao Song Qingshu traversed the flowers, and now he couldn't help but feel stunned, holding two beautiful young girls in his arms at the same time, and one of them had his face pressed tightly between his legs. Thinking of Cheng Ying's daily elegance and grace, Song Qingshu only felt a warm air in her lower abdomen rising uncontrollably.

Cheng Ying was extremely embarrassed when she was lying on that part. Suddenly she felt a hard thing touch her face. She couldn't help but startled. What is this? There was no one just now.

Although she studied under Huang Yaoshi, astronomy, geography, and astrological divination, she is nothing but an unmanned girl. Although Huang Yaoshi is pedantic, there are differences between men and women, and he cannot teach his female apprentices about that. Gesture, so Cheng Ying didn't realize what it was sticking to his face for a while, just as if the hidden weapon hidden in Song Qingshu's body was hit like that just now, and it slipped out of his pocket.

"I don't know what hidden weapon?" Cheng Ying thought secretly, the hidden weapon that could be hidden by Song Qingshu, a powerful martial artist, must be infinitely powerful. But no matter how powerful the hidden weapon was, she had nothing to do with her, and soon her attention was focused on how to remove it.

This concealed weapon stabbed her extremely uncomfortably, but she was helpless with her hands outside at this time, because there was still a Lu Wushuang behind her back, and if she stretched her hand in, she would have to move the other party.

Cheng Ying and Lu Wushuang depended on each other for their lives, and they had long regarded her as their own sister and loved her. Now it is about her life's happiness. Cheng Ying dare not take any risks, for fear that her cousin's newly inserted bones will be dislocated if she moves a little bit bigger.

She couldn't use her hands, she could only turn her face slightly, trying to move the hidden weapon to the other side, but she never expected that she moved it over with difficulty, who knew that the thing seemed to be flexible Usually she returned to her original position in an instant, causing her cheek to ache a little.

Fortunately, Cheng Ying's temperament has always been calm and calm, and she is not too anxious, and then starts to use her face to try to remove the hidden weapon. But the hidden weapon seemed to be against her deliberately. She moved it several times, and the other side bounced back several times.

And don't know if it was an illusion or something, Cheng Ying faintly felt that the hidden weapon seemed to swell a bit.

After going back and forth several times like this, it was Cheng Ying's idle temper, and she couldn't help feeling a little angry, wondering where the hidden weapon got stuck, so that it bounced back every time?

It seems that only by removing the hidden weapon from the stuck place can the problem be completely solved. But if you want to remove the hidden weapon from the stuck place, you can't do it with your face tightly.

But she can't help with her hands...

When Cheng Ying was in distress, suddenly there was a flash of light in her mind and she couldn't use her hands. Don't she still have a mouth?

I've been pestering for so long, let's see how I clean up you!

Cheng Ying thought bitterly, and bit the thing with a red lips, and kept trying to move it out of the stuck place.

At this moment, Song Qingshu's expression was really weird to the extreme. He had been focusing on dredging the meridians in his legs for Lu Wushuang, and there was no evil in his heart, but after all, he was in his prime, and Wenxiang Nephrite was in his arms, and the **** body involuntarily produced some reaction.

At first, Cheng Ying tried to move her face away. Song Qingshu was embarrassed to the extreme. He thought that this time he really jumped into the Yellow River and couldn't wash it out. While worrying about how to explain it, Cheng Ying did not show the slightest blame. Meaning, instead he continued to rub his face.

Song Qingshu was dumbfounded at once, wondering if his charm has become so great that just a fate made Cheng Ying, who was indifferent, take the initiative to give him a hug?

But as soon as this idea came out, he denied it. Although he was self-loving, he was not narcissistic to the extent of brain damage.

"Could it be that I accidentally used Huanxi Zhenqi." Then Song Qingshu guessed again that this is the best explanation for the current weird situation. After all, the power of Huanxi Zhenqi is so powerful that it can make the Saintess of Iceberg become more passionate than volcanic magma. He and many confidantes have verified countless times.

But then Song Qingshu denied this conjecture. After all, the last time he was treated for Xiaolongnu, he accidentally let Huanxi Zhenqi enter her body, which had already caused very serious consequences.

Although the consequences are extremely fragrant, Song Qingshu is not such a low-ranking person after all. He is disdainful of using this method to deal with women. Therefore, he learned the lesson from that time. Later, he improved the trajectory of his luck in his body, so that he could use a Yang finger to save people At this time, Huanxi Zhenqi is prohibited from running out to make trouble.

This time, he didn't use a trace of joy from the beginning to the end, so why did Cheng Ying react like this?

When Song Qingshu was struggling with the cause, he suddenly became stiff because Cheng Ying started to use his mouth.

Cheng Ying was also very depressed at this time. She was so tired that her cheeks were faintly aching, and she couldn't remove the hidden weapon, because no matter which direction she moved, the hidden weapon would always bounce back to its original place. It seemed that it wasn't where it was. Stuck, but grows on the other person.

Song Qingshu had completely opened up the meridians on Lu Wushuang's legs, and immediately fell into a struggle of reason and desire. Is it wrong to make mistakes like this or to be Liu Xiahui?

In the end, Song Qingshu decided to be Liu Xiahui. After all, everything that happened before him was too abnormal, and he was a little uneasy if he didn't figure it out.

First moved Lu Wushuang onto the bed and was hesitating what to say to Cheng Ying, Cheng Ying also felt the weight on her body lightened, and she sat up straight with a sigh of relief: "Are my cousin's legs good?"

Putting her face still with the usual elegant and quiet look, and even a hint of holiness, Song Qing's writing is even more weird: "I have dredged her shrinking meridians, and waited a month for her bones to heal again. After that, it should be no different from ordinary people."

"That's really thanks to the son." Cheng Ying leaned slightly, her eyes fell on the hidden weapon again, and couldn't help asking curiously, "I don't know what hidden weapon the son is carrying."

"Hidden weapon?" Song Qingshu looked inexplicable.

"That's it." Cheng Ying stretched out her hand and shook it as she spoke, trying to pull up the thing that tormented her crazy.

"Hiss~" Song Qingshu took a deep breath, "Tap gently, it's going to be broken."

"What are you going to break?" Cheng Ying looked blank, but noticed that Song Qingshu's body followed along with her involvement. Suddenly there was a flash of light in her mind. She understood everything in an instant, and she screamed in a hurry. Let go, and the whole person sits there embarrassed and angrily--

Happy Lantern Festival, gentlemen! ! !

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