Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1237: Excalibur Under the Moon

Han Tong's face was hot, knowing that he was sarcastically making an appointment in Yangzhou last time, and as a result, Wan Tuo had all changed his mind. For this matter, he greeted Wan Tuo's eighteenth-generation ancestors at home. ????

"I'm afraid the son is worried about Wanzuo," Han Chengxuan explained, "Yes, it was Wanzuo that was really a stalker last time, but now he is like a dead bone in a mound, and he can no longer be able to get a big wave. Don't worry."

"Withered bones in the mound?" Song Qingshu chuckled, "What do you say?"

Han Tongxun also laughed: "Wan Qiong used the land of Jianghuai to tie the court to him on the same warship, but now Li Kexiu is captured by the son and the Jiangnan Green Camp is wiped out. Wan Qiu has no more support, and the court is impeached. He is not a minority, and the situation is now shaky. If the emperor hadn't been thinking about his years of hard work, I'm afraid he would have already made an order to give up his aspect."

"Years of hard work?" Song Qingshu said coldly, "What kind of hard work can you do if you have done all the bad things? Is it his hard work to frame Yue Fei!" He always admired Yue Fei, and the more he said it, the more he was filled with righteous indignation.

Han Chuan laughed awkwardly, but did not agree. Yue Fei's case was the largest unjust case in the Southern Song Dynasty, and it can also be said to be the largest minefield in the court. Although he knew that Yue Fei was wronged back then, no one dares to raise the matter of reversal. , After all, the emperor personally decided that incident back then. If you reverse the case for Yue Fei, wouldn't you openly slap the emperor in the face?

Song Qingshu is an outsider, so it is natural to say these things. Han Tong is in the court, and coupled with the ups and downs of the emperor for many years, he has already learned so well that he is wise and protects himself. Of course, he will not get in.

However, Song Qingshu's indignation made him admire him. You must know that he has never been ashamed of what Qin Hui and Wan Hao have done. In addition, he is committed to the Northern Expedition to the Central Plains to wash away the shame of Jingkang, and he naturally regards Yue Fei as a confidant.

"Even without Wan Qi, your court seems to still have a heavyweight." Song Qingshu said suddenly.

"Is the son referring to Jia Sidao?" Han Tong's expression was suddenly very strange, "I'm afraid he didn't care about this during this period. His son made a big mistake not long ago..."

That incident involved Gong Wei, Song Qingshu was an outsider after all, Han Tong deliberately avoided taboos, but how did he know that Song Qingshu was a personal participant from beginning to end.

"...The emperor Longyan was furious, Jia Fei was beaten into the cold palace, Jia Sidao was also demoted, and his power was weakened to the extreme," Han Jong said with a face of gloat, trying to control himself so that he didn't laugh." It took him a lot of effort to save his son's life and send him to Mongolia as a hostage to make atonement. Who knows that the Mongolian mission disappeared for no reason, and his son's whereabouts are unknown. Jia Sidao now has all his energy. Check it out."

Song Qingshu was shocked, thinking that Jia Sidao couldn’t help losing his son and also lost so many top masters in Xia Ke Island. I know if I will find myself.

With such concerns in his mind, Song Qingshu asked calmly: "Oh, I don't know if I found anything?"

Han Tong also frowned: "This matter is extremely weird. You must know that the Mongolian missions are all elite riders, and there are many top masters accompanying them. Such a powerful team does not know how sacred can make them disappear out of thin air. But. The existence of the Forbidden Army was found at the scene. Someone should have used the army. According to my guess, the man behind the scenes is probably Wan Qiang."

Song Qingshu secretly thought about it, and Wan Tumao had sent out five hundred elite cavalry at the beginning, but he was a good target for the scapegoat. It's a pity that although he can deceive others, I'm afraid he can't deceive Jia Sidao. Those eighteen top masters on Xia Ke Island, all of them at the master level, even facing five hundred elite cavalry, it is impossible for the entire army to be annihilated, and none of them can escape.

Han Dongzuo smiled and said, "You don't need to worry about this, right?"

"I hope everything goes well." Song Qingshu nodded.

Then the two sides continued to negotiate, and finally reached a preliminary agreement in accordance with the previous Yangzhou agreement. However, this is not the same as in the past. Song Qingshu has more confidence to strive for more benefits. Although Han Cheng was embarrassed, he did not refuse.

Finally, Han Tong said: "The son will follow me back to Lin'an tomorrow morning. I will arrange for the emperor to meet the son, but now there is a problem."

"What's the problem?" Song Qingshu didn't make sense to meet in the palace, and he didn't worry about the dangers he would encounter. After all, with his current skills, even in the palace, he would come and go as he pleased, and who would stay. Live him?

"You must have a name to enter the palace this time. If there is nothing, everyone will only be a prince who is here to ask for peace. Then the officials will definitely have to make an inch. The harsh conditions will probably irritate the prince. Han Tong explained patiently, he didn't think this was collaborating with the enemy and traitorous country. After all, in his opinion, there was no enmity between the Southern Song Dynasty and the Golden Snake Camp, and everyone was both Han, and to some extent, he could still use the power of the Golden Snake Camp.

In the hearts of Han and even all the people of the Southern Song Dynasty, the number one enemy is the Kingdom of Jin. Not long ago, we just got the news that the chaos in the Jin Dynasty was a good time for the Northern Expedition to the Central Plains and the shame of Yixue Jingkang. A lot of time has been delayed, and he is worried that if too much time is wasted in the peace talks with the Golden Snake Camp, and if the Golden State is completely relieved from the civil strife, it would really be a missed opportunity. This concession made to the Golden Snake Camp is almost negligible compared to the loss of soldiers and generals and the money and food they spent in the past.

"Dare to ask Han Xiang to learn that the next trip to the south is not for peace, but for relatives." Song Qingshu said confidently. There was also a long discussion inside Jinsheying about this issue. In the end, Zhao Min came up with an idea to change the request for peace to beggars, and the problem was solved in an instant.

"Please?" Han Tongxuan was surprised at first, then clapped his hands and praised, "It's wonderful. The last time the son rescued the princesses from the coat court in Jin Guo, there is this kind of kindness. It is difficult for the court not to give in. Others Those ministers have nothing to say."

Then the two parties discussed some specific details, and finally agreed to leave for Beijing tomorrow morning.

Then the 6th Zai arranged a feast for Han Tong to receive the dust from the house, and at the same time welcomed Song Qingshu to come, because the matter was almost talked about, everyone had a harvest, the atmosphere was very warm, and it was also called a good time for the guests and the host.

After the end of the song, Song Qingshu was drunk and was helped by the maid back to his own courtyard. Although the maid looked pretty, how could Song Qingshu be tempted by them when he was used to being stunning.

After the maid left, Song Qingshu, who had been pretending to be drunk before, opened his eyes instantly, and his eyes were full of clear and bright colors.

"Hey, do you want to go to Cheng Yaojia tonight?" Song Qingshu hesitated. If he didn't go, he felt a little lonely and sleepless. Going, 6 Guanying just came back, so I have to worry about how he feels, after all. He didn't want to plant the seeds of hatred in the other's heart.

In the midst of entanglement, Song Qingshu's heart suddenly moved, and he walked out of the door and looked at the outside of the courtyard quietly: "Since your Excellency is here, why don't you come out to meet?"

"Young Master Song is really good at cultivation, I just speeded up my heartbeat, and it was discovered by you." A figure walked in slowly from the gate of the yard, under the moonlight, a green shirt, sword eyebrows and thin lips, and his face was covered with light. Unruly color.

Song Qing revealed a different color in writing, and said, "It turned out to be Brother Linghu. I haven't seen him for a long time."

The person in front of him was naturally Linghu Chong. He was recommended by Han Yan to enter the palace and became one of the most mysterious and glorious imperial weapons. However, the emperor wanted to work hard in Han Yan to make great achievements and specially assigned him to protect Han Yan to show his holy family.

This time when Han Tong left Lin'an City, Linghu Chong had been protecting him in secret, and did not show up during the day, so Song Qingshu didn't know it at first.

"It hasn't been long since the last goodbye to Yangzhou." Linghu said coldly.

Song Qingshu knew that he had always been worried about taking Ren Yingying away from him, so he didn't care about the coldness in his tone, and smiled slightly: "Speaking of which, I would like to thank Brother Linghu for helping me last time."

Linghu snorted: "At that time, I didn't mean to save you, only when you were hit by Jin Bo Xunhua and you were dead. If you knew that you would escape from birth, I would never do that, so you don't have to thank me. ."

Song Qingshu smiled bitterly: "Brother Linghu is really upright, and Song admires it. But didn't you make it clear with Brother Linghu last time? There is no reason for you to hate me so much. It's better to pursue your younger sister with your heart."

Linghu looked at him with a calm face, and did not answer.

Song Qingshu shrugged and did not care, and continued to get close to him: "Did Brother Linghu act as I said last time, how are you doing with Ms. Yue now?"

Linghu Chong continued to remain silent, and only after a long time he said, "I have no time to go to the younger sister about being loyal to others."

Song Qingshu almost didn't choke to death, and said depressed: "Why are you so honest, you are already behind, and you don't have to hurry up to improve Miss Yue's favorability. By then, people will really become other women."


With a dragon chant, Linghu rushed the sword out of its sheath, and the tip of the sword pointed at him quietly: "I, Linghu rushed openly and upright, and disdain to use those methods to deceive the younger sister."

Song Qingshu's face was weird: "How can a woman who sincerely pursue one's beloved woman be called a lie?"

"No need to say it again," Linghu shouted, "You are not poisoned this time. I can come to you for revenge in an upright manner. Let's take a sword!"

Song Qingshu sighed, "Or is it for Yingying?"

Linghu Chong did not speak, obviously acquiescing to it.

"You are not my opponent," Song Qingshu shook his head, "If I were you, I would definitely have started in Yangzhou last time. "

Linghu said coldly: "If I did that, wouldn't I be in the same foul play with you? Let's do it, don't talk too early."

Hearing the self-confidence in his tone, Song Qingshu gave a cry, looked at him carefully, and couldn't help but wonder: "Compared with before, your skill has indeed improved a lot. Have you had any adventures lately?"——

The monk looked at the backstage news of the official account and found a dumbfounding thing. Many readers sent a lot of typos in the name. For example, Gobi was sent to Gebi, Dongfang Muxue was sent to Dongfang Muxue, Dongfang Muxue was sent to Dongfang Muxue, and Xiaotong Queen became Xiaodonghou. After the end, Tianshan child grandmother became Tong Lao, etc. Naturally, the system could not reply to the correct pictures, so it is best to check whether the characters you sent have typos. 8

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