Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1238: Exploring the Fragrant Boudoir at Night

"Why bother with words, take the move. ???" Linghu Chong continued impatiently, and with force under his feet, he pierced in the direction of Song Qingshu with a sword. The long sword made the sound of the dragon's roar, and the sword aura seemed to match the moonlight. Melting into one body, it shrouded a place with a radius of about ten feet centered on Song Qingshu.

Originally with Linghu Chong's temperament, he would never be the first to attack like this, but he knew that Song Qingshu's martial arts was unfathomable, so he didn't dare to be careless at all.

Of course, he has always had an open-minded personality, even if he was the first to make a move, he made it clear in advance, and he did not secretly attack.

If there is a third person observing at this time, it will be horrified to see Linghu Chong as if suddenly turned into several figures, a while before, a while after, and a while before, and a while, the tip of the sword is fluctuating, but with a kind of profound mystery. The trajectory is getting closer and closer to Song Qingshu.

"Dugu Nine Swords are indeed well-deserved." Song Qingshu sighed in admiration, his figure finally moved, and he took a step forward slightly, and then the splendid sword shadows all over the sky disappeared without a trace, and the yard suddenly fell into a kind of Strange tranquility.

Looking at the tip of the sword firmly clamped by the opponent's two fingers, Linghu flushed a face suddenly.

"How can it be!"

This is the only thought in his mind right now. You must know that the most dangerous thing in his life against the enemy is to deal with the Invincible Oriental with Ren Woxing. At that time, the invincible shape of the Oriental was able to kill a top expert in seconds, so fast. He still had the surplus to fight back, using the subtlety of Dugu Nine Swords combined with the two-lost style of play, the Eastern Unbeaten couldn't help him for a while.

But now he consciously feels that his internal strength and swordsmanship are better than when he went to the Black Wood Cliff, who knew that the sword he was determined to win was taken down so lightly by the opponent.

The biggest feature of Dugu Nine Swords is that as soon as you see the flaws in the opponent's moves, you can take advantage of the void, come first, and win with one move. Although the eastern invincibility was fast before, there were flaws in the moves, but the flaws flashed. The death is hard to catch, but in the face of Song Qingshu, Linghu Chong has not even seen the opponent's tricks, and has been controlled by others.

He seemed to have an illusion, as if he had lost his memory for a few breaths just now. He didn't know what happened in the middle. When he recovered his memory, the tip of his sword had been caught by the opponent's finger.

But he knew very well that he was awake from beginning to end, but the tip of his sword was caught by the opponent so inexplicably.

Song Qingshu smiled faintly: "Brother Linghu, you are not my opponent, so why be too persistent."

Although Dugu Nine Swords is close to a kind of regular martial arts, it is still the person in the painting after all. His own distance has faintly broken through the limitation of space. At that moment, the two sides are not in the same dimension. Naturally, Linghu Chong can't see his emergence. trick.

Hearing what the other party said, Linghu Chong's face suddenly became extremely ugly. He had always been fearless and fearless. With a cold snort, he picked up his internal strength and attacked the opponent along the tip of the sword.

He thought to himself that he couldn't see your moves, but the internal strength of the competition is solid and can't be faked. I don't believe you can be so easy!

"Bi Neili?" Song Qingshu understood the other party's thoughts in an instant, and said with a wry smile, "Brother Linghu, you have an unsteady foundation in the law. If you meet a real master, you will hurt yourself...Huh?" Suddenly, his expression changed, and he realized that the other party was not trying to absorb his own internal force by using the Star Absorption Technique, but a powerful and powerful internal force surged from the tip of the sword.

It turned out that Linghu Chong was jealous of Song Qingshu's majestic internal power, and was worried that he would injure his meridians by drawing wolves into the room, so he did not resort to the power of sucking stars at the beginning, but compared his internal power with a stern look.

Ling Huchong's expression was solemn, and his expression was not as relaxed as the other party's. At this moment, it was the critical moment for the internal strength competition. How could he vent his anger? At the same time, he was shocked. The opponent and his own internal powers still have time to speak. Isn't the opponent's skill better than him?

"This internal force?" Song Qingshu frowned slightly, only feeling a very familiar feeling. After a little thought, it was clear. "It turns out to be the Yijinjing of Shaolin Temple. Congratulations to Brother Linghu for learning the supreme secrets of Shaolin Temple. If I didn't expect it If it's wrong, it should be taught to you by Master Fang Zheng."

Linghu Chong was even more horrified, how could he feel that everything could not escape his eyes?

Song Qingshu also sighed. It seems that the world will correct the plot to a certain extent and make it tend to show the original works. Linghu Chong still learned the Yi Jin Jing.

At the same time, Song Qingshu was also secretly vigilant. Fang Zhengchuan said that Linghu Chong's "Yi Jin Jing" would never be a targetless target. There must be Shaolin's instruction in it. In recent years, they have not rarely made enemies with Shaolin. They learned about the relationship between Linghu Chong and themselves. It is really a good calculation to use him to contain himself to a certain extent.

"It's really a ghost." Song Qingshu felt angry, thinking that one day the group of bald donkeys would be able to relieve the hatred, but he quickly gave up this idea. After all, Shaolin has been passed down for thousands of years and has his own principles, and Shaolin There were also many good monks among them, and it was a bit abrupt to kill with one shot.

"Speaking of Shaolin's Sanskrit version of Yi Jin Jing is still in my hands, it's just that no one can understand Sanskrit, so I haven't cracked its secrets." Song Qingshu secretly frowned. This world really understands Sanskrit more than later Crested Ibis. To be scarce, after deliberation, in the world of golden books, he only knows that Huang Chang, Master Yideng, the younger brother of Yideng, Ku Mazhi, and several eminent monks of Shaolin Temple understand Sanskrit.

He and Shaolin are enemies and not friends, and the Yijinjing is originally a Shaolin thing, so naturally it is impossible to ask them for help and get rid of them first. Although Kumozhi has a good personal relationship with himself, he is not righteous, and Song Qingshu is worried that he has learned the Yijinjing. Because of the endless misfortunes, I was even more worried that he would do evil secretly and deliberately translate it indiscriminately. Huang Shang studied heaven and man. He wrote the Jiuyin general outline in Sanskrit at the beginning. He naturally understood Sanskrit. It is a pity that he has been going for a long time. Brother Yideng is the most suitable candidate, but Song Qingshu has been rushing around during this period, and has not found a chance to visit them.

And even if he finds it, how to get him to translate is still a big problem. Song Qingshu is not a saint, and he doesn't want to share magical powers with outsiders. What's more, the Yi Jin Jing was seized from Shaolin by a fraud. If the news leaks out, there must be another uproar.

As for the figure appearing on the Sanskrit Yi Jin Jing by coincidence of You Tan’s chance, it was drawn with a kind of Tianzhu herb soaked in water. It appears when wet, but disappears when dry. The posture and movement lines in the picture are no longer in the original book Yi Jin. "Sutra", but a magical yoga technique of Tianzhu, passed from the Magadha Kingdom, called "Samādhi Sutra to Achieve God's Foot Sutra", which has nothing to do with "Yi Jin Sutra".

The Shenzu Sutra was originally a magical method to dissolve foreign demons during practice. It was a yoga mystery created by the ancient masters of Tianzhu Kingdom. Therefore, the painting in the picture is also a Tianzhu monk.

Song Qingshu thought about it again. Compared with the "Yi Jin Jing", maybe this "Samādhi Sutra Achieves Shen Foot Sutra" has a greater effect on him. He practiced the Tantric "Happiness Zen Method", the most fearful is the invasion of the mind demon, and the greatest effect of "Samādhi Sutra Achieving the God Foot Sutra" is used to dissolve the mind demon that arises during the practice.

Linghu Chong originally saw Song Qingshu frowned for a while and was overjoyed. He thought he was a little crazy, and couldn't help but feel overjoyed. He increased his internal strength and rushed past, but it was a pity that he mobilized as many internal attacks as he wanted into the sea without any reaction.

Because Song Qingshu was lost in thought, he didn't notice the abnormality. He just instinctively resolved the opponent's offensive. After not knowing how long it took, Linghu Chong only felt that his internal strength was about to be exhausted, and his lamp was almost exhausted. He was doing what he could do. , Only gritted his teeth.

Fortunately, at the last moment, Song Qingshu finally recovered and gradually retracted his internal strength. Ling Huchong finally couldn't hold on, half-kneeling on the ground, as if he had just picked up from the water, and his whole body was soaked.

Song Qingshu sighed: "Brother Linghu, in fact, I have always admired your character and heart, but now I and Yingying have got married, why bother to fight each other hard? I missed the last time you helped Yangzhou. Come on, I won't embarrass you this time, you can go."

In fact, in his heart, he didn't know that Linghu Chong was raising a tiger one after another, and he might one day pay the price for his support. But in his previous life, he had always admired Linghuchong's unrestrained, open-minded and open-minded temperament, as well as his jade-like character, plus he did use some disgraceful means to steal Ren Yingying, and he always owed him something in his heart.

Coming into this troubled world, after all kinds of hardships, Song Qingshu's heart is getting harder and harder on the surface, but in his bones he is a kind person after all, and there are some ridiculous persistence in his heart. It is because of this kind of kindness and persistence that he can He didn't change his temperament with the rapid leaps of martial arts and entered the magical way.

After a long time, Linghu Chong struggled to stand up from the ground, and gave him a complicated look: "Even if you let me go this time, I won't be merciful next time I have a chance."

Song Qingshu smiled slightly: "I have said that this is the kindness of Brother Linghu who helped me last time, so don't take it to heart. Finally, I still suggest that instead of wasting time with me, it is better to spend more energy to win back the younger sister. Heart."

"Don't worry about it." Linghu snorted, turned around and staggered away, perhaps because of the miserable defeat this time, his back was full of loneliness.

Song Qingshu shook his head, and when he was about to go back to rest, he suddenly thought of something: "By the way, 6 Wushuang's injured leg has to be changed every few days. I didn't expect to leave early tomorrow morning. I haven't had time to take the follow-up black jade. Give her intermittent anointing."

He was about to call a maid, and the rest of the medicine would be handed over by the maid, but Song Qingshu thought that the black jade intermittent ointment was very valuable. If there is a slight difference in the way, the leg injury of 6 Wushuang will probably never get better. After hesitating again and again, he decided to personally hand it to 6 Wushuang, and took advantage of the night to go to the attic where 6 Wushuang lived——

Today’s public account just updated to 6 Wushuang. I don’t know why. The last picture has been lingering in my mind. It is obviously not an overwhelming country, but the attitude and the flattering always make people a little messy. After thinking about it, let Xiao Song go find her.

In addition, today a book friend Mu Shan left a message behind the official account: Monk, specially to reward you, my wife and I planned to get the first child in the first month, and were also motivated by your dirty plot! Come on, use your writing function to stimulate more! Thank you again when the child is delivered smoothly!

The monk never thought that his writing still has this merit. If it were in ancient times, this reputation would spread, and the aunts and wives from all over the world would not come to me for a lot of money. I was excited when I thought about it.

Haha, everyone congratulates this book friend in the end!

Book public number: Liuru Monk 8

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