Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1239: Hot Lady

Lu Wushuang’s boudoir is in the inner house of the Lu Mansion, while Song Qingshu is arranged in the guest room on the other side. If he passes in an upright manner, it will inevitably disturb the rest of the Lu Mansion. Although he has a clear conscience, he will visit those who have not left the pavilion in the middle of the night. Girl, other people will inevitably have some messy thoughts.

Song Qingshu hesitated for a moment. In order to save trouble, he finally decided to go quietly and come back quietly. Anyway, with his light work, no one in Lu Fu will find him. Lu Wushuang is a son and daughter of the rivers and lakes, plus he went to deliver the medicine and left, presumably She wouldn't mind.

With a decision in his mind, he didn't disturb anyone, and took advantage of the darkness to go to the courtyard where Lu Wushuang was in his memory.

It didn't take long before Song Qingshu arrived at the destination. Without disturbing the maid outside, he went straight to Lu Wushuang's boudoir.

t "Miss Lu, in the next Song Qingshu, I want to see you with important matters." Song Qingshu didn't go in abruptly, but knocked gently at the door, gathering the sound internally and passing it in.

After waiting for a while, there was no response in the room, and Song Qingshu frowned, "Could it be that he was already asleep?" If it's not early today, Lu Wushuang is injured again, and it is not surprising that he went to bed earlier.

"Ms. Cheng, Ms. Cheng?" Song Qingshu changed to calling Cheng Ying to get up. In his opinion, Cheng Ying and Lu Wushuang had such a good relationship, and they would definitely accompany her to take care of them at this time.

Lu Wushuang slept a little deeper because of Wounded, while Cheng Ying was always alert and should be easily awakened.

Who knew that after a while, there was still no response inside, Song Qingshu said strangely: "Is it because yesterday's thing did not dare to see me?"

It’s normal that she didn’t want to see it last night. Song Qingshu smiled, worried that the other party wanted to be crooked, so she said the reason for this trip again, thinking that this is related to Lu Wushuang’s lifelong event. You should always Come see you.

Who knew there was still no response inside, Song Qingshu finally became serious, closed his eyes and checked the situation in the room with a gas machine, and found that there was only one person breathing inside, and it should be Lu Wushuang infallible.

"Is Cheng Ying not here?" Song Qingshu never expected this result. "Forget it, it's the same with Lu Wushuang."

The internal force released through the crack of the door and pushed the door bolt inside. Song Qingshu walked in. In addition to the smell of herbs, there was a faint fragrance of her daughter. Song Qingshu couldn't help laughing. It seems that until the sky is old, the daughter's family is also Fragrant.

"Miss Lu, Miss Lu?" After closing the door, Song Qingshu yelled as he walked inside until he almost walked to the bed, but the other party didn't respond.

Song Qingshu had a black thread, thinking that this woman slept like a pig, and I'm afraid they didn't even know if she slept her.

"Miss Lu?" Sitting down by the bed, Song Qingshu reached out and shook her shoulder, thinking that she should wake up like this. Although he knew the strict ethics in this world, he didn't feel that there was anything wrong with his behavior. It was normal among future friends. Anyway, there were no outsiders here, and he didn't bother to obey the red tape.

Who knew that Lu Wushuang not only didn't wake up, but turned over to hold him in his hand, and repeated indistinctly in his mouth: "Fool, fool... Don't leave me..."

Song Qingshu stretched out her other hand and probed her forehead, and found that it was terribly hot. He couldn't help but frown, "Nobody cares about fever? What about Cheng Ying?"

He released the Qi machine completely, and found that in the entire yard except for Lu Wushuang, there was only one maid’s breathing, and there was no sign of Cheng Ying. According to what he saw yesterday, Cheng Yingming was right next door: "Where is she going? went?"

It turned out that Cheng Ying was really shocked by what happened last night. She was absent-minded and worried about gains and losses all day long. She didn’t know how to face Song Qingshu and her cousin in the future, and the return of her brother-in-law Lu Guanying made her even more unhappy. comfortable.

Cheng Ying became more and more bored when her mood was in a state of confusion. Finally, she talked to Lu Wu.

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) Shuang farewell, and leave to relax.

Lu Wushuang repeatedly tried to stay, but Cheng Ying was inconvenient to tell the truth, so she could only lie about the teacher's call. As a result, it was inconvenient for Lu Wushuang to say anything, so she reluctantly said goodbye.

Lu Wushuang was at the weakest time because of a leg injury. He heard the news of Yang Guo again during the day. Cheng Ying was very emotional and depressed. Cheng Ying left again. She was stunned in her heart, but she eventually became ill due to longing. It was in the middle of the night. Broke out.

She felt uncomfortable and didn't want to be jokes by the maids, so she sent them away, plus Cheng Ying was not around, so she was so sick in the middle of the night that no one noticed.

Song Qingshu naturally didn't know the reason, and he didn't have time to think about it. He hurriedly raised the volume and tried to wake her up: "Miss Lu, wake up, wake up!"

Lu Wushuang finally opened his eyes a little sleepily, but it was a pity that his eyes were full of blurry colors. There was no awakeness. When he saw Song Qingshu, not only did he not look surprised, but he threw himself into his arms with joy.

"??" A fragrant wind rushed to his nose, holding the hot body in his arms, but Song Qingshu was full of question marks.

"Fool, you finally came to see me, do you know that I miss you so much during this period of time." Lu Wushuang's cheek was pressed against his chest, and he muttered to himself.

Song Qingshu finally understood, and pushed her away with a wry smile: "Miss Lu, you have admitted the wrong person." At the same time, she lost a real qi into her body.

"Huh?" Lu Wushuang's eyes finally recovered for a moment. He saw clearly who the person he was hugging was, as if he had been scalded by the boiling water, he drew back to the bed, grabbed the quilt and wrapped it tightly around him. Qiao blushed, not knowing whether it was due to embarrassment or fever, "You... why are you here?"

"I'm here to give you medicine." Song Qingshu took out the black jade intermittent ointment from her arms and shook it in front of her, knowing what she was coming for.

"Thanks...Thank you, son," she originally planned to reach out to take it, but immediately realized that her arm was bare, and instantly retracted in panic, "Excuse me... you put it on the table."

"Although Lu Wushuang's appearance is not so beautiful, I didn't expect the body under the clothes to be so white and tender." Before I had time to take a closer look, Song Qingshu found out that she was only wearing the most intimate clothing at this time. , Large white skin of arms and thighs are exposed.

Lu Wushuang blushed and turned his head as if he had noticed the look in his eyes, and he shrank inward subconsciously.

Song Qingshu smiled slightly, put the black jade intermittent ointment on the table, and then changed the subject: "Why are you alone here and no one is taking care of you, what about your cousin?"

Only then did Lu Wushuang talk about Cheng Ying's departure. Song Qingshu looked weird: "You actually ran away?"

Lu Wushuang, who was shrunk in the bed, didn't know why he reacted like this. Has anything happened between his cousin and him? As soon as the thought came up, bursts of dizziness hit her forehead, and she didn't have the mind to think about it anymore.

Feeling the shaking of her body, Song Qingshu said in a deep voice: "You have a fever now, and your body is very hot. You must reduce the fever as soon as possible. If the germs invade your injured leg and cause complications, let alone your legs, you can even kill you. Can't keep it."

Although Lu Wushuang didn't quite understand the germs and complications, it didn't prevent her from realizing the seriousness of the matter, and she panicked: "Then...what should I do."

"Let's find the doctor first." If it was an internal injury or trauma, Song Qingshu could still heal her by conveying internal force, but he couldn't do anything about the cold and flu, so he got up and walked outside.

"Hey...Song son wait a minute." Lu Wushuang yelled eagerly, a little weakly.

Song Qingshu was startled, then turned around: "What's the matter?"

"Don't dare to bother your son, I'll let the maid go." Lu Wushuang said.

Song Qingshu shook his head: "I'm doing well, so I go faster.

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page

Lu Wushuang bit his lip, "Is the son really unaware or pretending not to know?"

Song Qingshu was a little displeased at once: "What do you say?" I thought I was kind enough to find a doctor for you, but you still don't appreciate it.

"If so... if you call the doctor, wouldn't everyone know that you came to me at night." Lu Wushuang said bitterly.

"So what, we are so beautiful, there is nothing shameful about it." Song Qingshu frowned.

"You are a great hero, so naturally you don't care about these, but the environment in which I am in is very rumors and rumors. If we really have anything, it's all right. The long-tongued women in the house are afraid of your reputation and dare not say anything; But as soon as you leave, they will think that I was abandoned by you, and they will be able to say anything unpleasant." Lu Wushuang has been in this mansion for so many years, and he doesn't know that among the rich and powerful. The nasty place.

Lu Wushuang reluctantly supported his body, stretched out his hand to pull the bell beside the bed, and then said to Song Qingshu: "I called the maid to come over, let her go to the doctor, son..."

Seeing her hesitating expression, Song Qingshu smiled and said, "After all, I know what you are going to say, so I will avoid it immediately."

Listening to the footsteps coming from outside, Song Qingshu dodged and hid behind the screen. Soon a maid ran in and screamed nervously when he saw Lu Wushuang's situation.

Lu Wushuang finally calmed her down, and then arranged for her to go to the doctor. The little maid agreed with her mouth and hurried out.

After confirming that the little maid had left, Song Qingshu came out from behind the screen, frowning and said, "This maid is so bluffing, is it reliable to do things?"

Lu Wushuang smiled bitterly: "I can't rely on it, you can only rely on her, son, can you please pour me a glass of water."

Seeing her dry lips, Song Qingshu patted her head: "Looking at my memory, patients with fever should drink more water." He hurriedly poured a glass of water out and handed it to her: "Don't take a bite. Yes, if you don't dislike it in the future, call me Big Brother Song."

Lu Wushuang held the water glass, thinking that the fool had a fiancée, thinking that Cheng Ying had left her, and when he was weakest, he was with Song Qingshu, who had never dealt with it before. All kinds of thoughts came to his mind, and suddenly he couldn't help but choke I stood up: "Thanks...Thanks, Song...Big Brother Song."

Song Qingshu smiled slightly: "It is said that people are the weakest when they are sick. Now it seems to be the case. You could not wait to bite me to death before."

Lu Wushuang's face flushed, and he said embarrassedly, "Obviously after you healed my legs, I won't hate you anymore."

Song Qingshu smiled and said, "But before this song Big Brother Song shouted so affectionately and sincerely."

"I..." Lu Wushuang was excited. He was about to say something. Who knew that his eyes were dark, he fell to the side.

Song Qingshu hurried over to hold her back: "How are you?"

Lu Wushuang lay in his arms, and only after a dozen breaths did he slow down: "I... I feel dizzy when I move a little bit."

Song Qingshu hurriedly probed her forehead, with a solemn expression: "You are probably close to forty degrees now, and there are signs of convulsions and convulsions. You have to lower the temperature immediately, otherwise your life will be in danger!"-

Before the monk, the computer would have a blue screen from time to time, but usually it would return to normal after a few restarts, so I didn't care about it.

But today, the blue screen can only start normally once more than a dozen times, and the blue screen will be abruptly in the middle.

I finally couldn't stand it anymore, so I made up my mind and decided to download a Microsoft original system, and download the driver from Dell's official website to reinstall it.

The ghost systems on the Internet are too unstable. Although most of them are normal, it is hard to guarantee that they are not compatible with your own computer models.

(End of this chapter)

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