Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1240: Pluck your heartstrings

Coming from that technologically advanced world, Song Qingshu is not a doctor, but he knows some medical knowledge more or less. After a person’s body temperature exceeds forty, he is very easy to fall into fainting, cramps, etc. Once fainted, even if he has cramps After it is cured, it is easy to leave irreversible brain damage and sequelae.

t Lu Wushuang himself could feel that his body was in a very dangerous state, and he leaned on his forehead and asked weakly, "How to cool down? The doctor hasn't arrived yet..."

"Even if the doctor comes, he thinks there is no good way." Song Qingshu said directly, to know whether the future generations have a lot of debate on the use of Chinese medicine, but whether it is Chinese medicine black or Chinese medicine powder, they should all agree on the same thing, that is, the effect of Chinese medicine. Slowly, wait until the doctor comes to prescribe the prescription, and then spend time to boil the medicine. After the medicine is taken, the effect of the medicine will work.

Song Qingshu thought for a while, and said, "The only solution for the present is to physically cool down your body temperature first."

"Physical cooling?" Lu Wushuang looked blank, "What is physical cooling."

"Uh..." Song Qingshu said, "The best physical cooling method is to soak in a bucket of warm water so that the water can continuously absorb your body temperature..."

Before he finished speaking, Lu Wushuang wondered: "Since you want to cool down, why use warm water instead of cold water? Isn't cold water better to cool down?"

Song Qingshu shook his head and explained: "The temperature difference between cold water and skin is too great, it will stimulate the skin and cause pores and blood vessels to constrict. The heat will be sealed in the body and cannot escape. Not only can it not reduce the temperature, but it will also cause more and more illnesses. The more serious it is."

"It turned out to be like this." Lu Wushuang suddenly realized. She remembered that she had heard Yang Guo mentioned that she had cultivated a jade girl. The heart meridian generates a lot of heat, which must be emitted in time, but it cannot be practiced on the cold jade bed of the ancient tomb. reason.

"It's a pity..." Song Qingshu's eyes fell on her leg, "Now you have an injury on your leg. You can't take a bath to cool down."

Lu Wushuang's face turned red, and he didn't answer.

Song Qingshu continued: "Now you can only let the maid wipe your body with a towel, especially the neck, underarms, and groin. The cooling effect is also very good. You can pull the bell to change the maid."

Who knew that Lu Wushuang lowered his head and whispered, "There is no more maid."

"?" Song Qingshu was confused, really not sure what was going on.

"The maid was sent to see the doctor just now." Lu Wushuang had no choice but to explain.

Song Qingshu wondered: "A wealthy family like the Lu Mansion, if you have a magnificent Seventh Miss, how can they only match you with a maid?"

"I asked for it myself. I have been living in the rivers and lakes since I was a child, and I am not used to being served by others. In addition... and my temper is not good, I simply drove all the other maids away, leaving only one." Lu Wushuang blushed and replied, after all, a woman's temper is not very good, it is really not a glorious thing.

Who knows that Song Qingshu didn't look down on her at all, instead he smiled and said, "Actually, I don't like people to serve." He came from later generations, and he didn't take slaves for granted like the nobles in this world.

I don’t know if it’s because of illness or weakness. Lu Wushuang looked at Song Qingshu at this time and found it more pleasing to the eye. How could he dislike it before?

However, the dizziness came again, and she shook her body and said to Song Qingshu: "Excuse me, Brother Song, go and help me see if the little girl is back."

Song Qingshu nodded, walked to the door and looked out, only to see that the night was quiet, and there was no half of the shadow of that maid.

"No, it's really hard for her to ask her a little girl to find the doctor in the middle of the night." Song Qingshu smiled bitterly.

Lu Wushuang suddenly looked disappointed and muttered to himself

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page): "Then...what can I do?" She felt that she couldn't hold on anymore.

Song Qingshu said in a deep voice, "I'll wipe it off for you."

"Huh?" Lu Wushuang was a little dizzy at first, and he became even more dizzy when he heard this. He glanced at him in disbelief. Seeing that he didn't seem to be joking, he couldn't help blushing and groaning, "How can this be done!"

Song Qingshu said with a serious face: "Your body temperature has reached a terrifying level now, and you must immediately physically cool down to lower the temperature."

"But... but men and women are different after all." According to Lu Wushuang's usual temperament, she might have already scolded him, but noticed that his eyes were extremely clear and he did not have any evil thoughts. In addition, Lu Wushuang's affection for him has increased greatly. Wushuang didn't doubt his intentions.

"I know your concerns. I will close my eyes later and cover my eyes with cloth strips. Don't worry." Song Qingshu did not have the idea of ​​taking advantage of her. Now I only think about how to save people. If it hadn't been for her to treat her legs before, she had weakened her body's resistance, and then told her about Yang Guo, which shocked her deeply, and even Cheng Ying had left because of him.

If something happened to Lu Wushuang in the end, he would probably have a conscience for the rest of his life.

Seeing that she was still hesitating, Song Qingshu had no choice but to say: "Otherwise, I will immediately call other people in the Lu Mansion to come over."

"Don't..." Lu Wushuang hurriedly stopped. It turned out that she was always stubborn. This time she was ordered to kneel in public to make amends. Although the culprit was the man in front of her, she did not hate Song Qingshu at all. People's previous behaviors are brooding.

After all, this is not her home, and she is not her own grandmother...

Maybe it was because I was ill just now and there was no one by my side. Even Cheng Ying left. Lu Wushuang felt a sense of loneliness in his heart, and finally made up her mind. When the leg injury healed, she would leave Lu Fu to travel the rivers and lakes, and stop by Paying respects to her parents, at this time she naturally didn't want to owe too much kindness to Lu Mansion.

"You take your time to think about it. I will help you prepare the water first." Song Qingshu left a sentence and hurried out.

Seeing his back when he was leaving, Lu Wushuang was startled, thinking that he, a hero who is famous all over the world, knows how to make fire and boil water?

Just now there was someone accompanying her, but she was the only one left in the empty room. Coupled with the burning all over, Lu Wushuang suddenly felt that he was so lonely and insignificant, as if he had been abandoned by the whole world.

Thinking of her sadness, she couldn't help crying with her legs in her arms.

"Why are you crying?" A gentle voice suddenly came from his ear, and Lu Wushuang raised his head in surprise, and saw Song Qingshu standing beside the bed with a basin of water with concern.

"Big Brother Song~" Lu Wushuang wiped his eyes with embarrassment, "Why did you come back so soon."

"I'm worried that you are scared here alone." Song Qingshu smiled slightly, took the towel and twisted it in the basin.

Perhaps it is easier to be moved when you are weak. With a simple sentence, Lu Wushuang noticed that tears were coming from his eyes again, and hurriedly changed the subject to cover up: "Didn't you say you want to use warm water? I thought you didn't make a fire and boil water so quickly. It's."

Looking at the pot, there was no heat at all, it was obviously a pot of cold water, Lu Wushuang's eyes were even more puzzled.

After Song Qingshu twisted the towel, he put it in his palm and pressed it down, then put it on her forehead, and said with a smile: "Now do you see if it is cold or hot?"

"Huh?" She felt that the towel on her forehead was moderately warm, without the slightest bit of chill, and finally figured it out, "So you used internal force..."

Song Qingshu began to twist another towel, and replied casually: "You are very hot now, how can I go?

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) It is convenient to make a fire and boil water. "

"But... this will waste a lot of your internal strength." Although Lu Wushuang is not good at martial arts, he also understands how difficult it is to heat cold water instantly.

Song Qingshu smiled slightly: "It's just internal strength, you can train back again. If something happens to you, there will be no Lu Wushuang in this world."

Lu Wushuang only felt as if Fang Xin had been gently moved by an invisible hand. He didn't know how to respond for a while, but just looked at each other blankly.

"Why keep looking at me like this, don't you think I'm handsome?" Song Qingshu continued to heat the towel internally, although she didn't look back, she knew exactly what she was doing.

Lu Wushuang exclaimed and turned his head hurriedly, his heart pounding.

"Heartbeat speeds up, very good, it will make your blood flow faster and heat dissipation faster." Song Qingshu took the towel on her head and put a new one on her.

Lu Wushuang bit his lip, and whispered, "Big Brother Song, do you provoke girls like this?"

"Why do you ask?" Song Qingshu looked at her with a smile, "have you been picked up by me?"

Lu Wushuang took a sip, blushing instantly, and he couldn't even say a word.

Song Qingshu coughed: "Okay, I won't tease you. Now even if you want to call other people in the Lu Mansion, I'm afraid it's too late. Let me wipe and cool you down."

As he spoke, he picked up a ribbon beside the bed and tied it on his eyes. He covered the ribbon and closed his eyes. After all, with his current cultivation base, his eyes were already glowing, and a single layer of ribbon could not stop him. what. Of course, there is no need to tell Lu Wushuang about these things, lest she be more embarrassed and shy.

Seeing the ribbon on his eyes, Lu Wushuang's face flushed, thinking that this is the belt that others have taken off and put aside! Of course, at this time, she is not easy to say anything, she can only say: "You blindfolded, how can you wipe me if you can't see... Cool me down."

She originally wanted to wipe her body, but her heart beat wildly after she said a word, and she changed her words instantly.

She has been struggling with this problem. The other party is indeed invisible when he is blindfolded. But if he wants to wipe it for himself, he will search for it because it is impossible to see. Even if the body is not seen, he will touch it all over. Up.

Song Qingshu smiled slightly: "With my current cultivation level, I can print the position of your whole body in my mind with a glance. As long as you don't move, I won't touch the wrong place."

Lu Wushuang was extremely embarrassed by his words, and said in a low voice, "Then you drive... let's start."——

The ghost system is really a scapegoat, and the monk finally understands that the culprit is the general problem with the graphics card of Dell’s computer. As long as the graphics card driver is installed, the blue screen will occur.

Many computer owners have been checked on the Internet and have exactly the same situation. Even the people who repaired the computer visited the forums to discuss this problem, but still did not discuss how to solve it. It seems that only one person said that he re-soldered the graphics card memory to solve the problem. To solve this problem, it is said that it may be caused by the virtual soldering of the video memory.

The reply on the Dell official website is to download the driver from the official website. What is the first to install the chipset driver, then install the integrated display driver, and then install the independent display driver after restarting, all of which are useless.

The monk went to the official dell repair station to fix it. They tried for half a day and couldn't figure out where the problem was. Because the graphics card was soldered to the motherboard and could not be replaced separately, it was only recommended to replace the motherboard.

The monk had no choice but to come back and ban the independent display, and use the low-resolution set of the display, **** it, dell’s life is black since then.

(End of this chapter)

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