Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1242: It doesn't work anymore

t "Xiaohuan, this dead girl, how did you recruit these people!" Lu Wushuang was startled in a cold sweat, and secretly groaned in his heart. These aunts, aunts, and so on, were notoriously broken mouths, and had nothing to do in the deep house compound all day long. Chewing your tongue, if they were to see this scene in the room, it might be how the entire Sanyin City passed on its reputation.

Song Qingshu stood up, and he obviously heard the voice outside: "Let me avoid it first."

t "Yeah," Lu Wushuang nodded, his eyes fell on the basin next to him, and said hurriedly, "Hurry up and hide this basin, otherwise I can't explain it later." The maid was sent out, and she is here. She certainly couldn't fetch water. It was obvious that someone had come, and when those people asked, she really didn't know how to lie.

Song Qingshu didn't care so much at this time. He tore off the cloth strips from his eyes and glanced around, and found that the basin was really not easy to hide. After thinking about it, he had to put it under the bed first.

When he saw him tear off the blindfold, Lu Wushuang exclaimed, and subconsciously shrank under the covers, causing Song Qingshu to roll his eyes: "I am worried that I won't be able to see and wasted time, and I didn't want to take the opportunity to see you."

"I know." Lu Wushuang pursed his lips. Seeing that he was about to hide behind the screen, he said hurriedly, "They are crowded, and you can easily be seen hiding there."

t "Otherwise, where do I hide?" Song Qingshu glanced around. The layout of this room is simple, the roof is not high, and it can't be hidden on the beams. Except for the screen, there is only the bottom of the bed, but he is reluctant to go under the bed. Yes, it's really unlucky.

Listening to the footsteps of those people, he was about to enter the door in an instant. Lu Wushuang was also nervous to the extreme, blurting out, "Go to bed!"

Song Qingshu was slightly startled, but he reacted quickly. With a tiptoe, he jumped onto the bed. Lu Wushuang couldn't help but picked up the quilt and put it on him. At the same time, he put down the bed curtain and just covered Song Qingshu. Brought in a large group of aunts and aunts.

t "Miss, I found the doctor. When I came back, I just ran into someone in the house. When I learned of your condition, the ladies in every room came to see you." The maid said as soon as she entered the door, it turned out that she was out. For so long, because I didn't know who to look for at night, I finally asked the housekeeper. After the housekeeper directed her to go to Doctor Qiu, he notified her master.

After Lu Zai learned that, because it was midnight in the middle of the night, he was inconvenient to go to his daughter’s boudoir, so he instructed his wife to visit, but Mrs. Tang did not feel embarrassed to come over to meet her just like that, so he found his daughter-in-law. , Lu You's wife went to visit. The gossip of this deep house compound spread quickly. After the other houses were unwilling to let go of the courtesy, they came to visit one after another. Whether this was true love or face effort, everyone knew well.

Lu You’s wife knows the general situation and knows that people who are sick should not be disturbed. If you are alone and I will visit once a while, and those who are not ill will be tossed out of the disease, so I decided to wait for everyone to come together and go together, so it was delayed. Long time, or I will come over long ago.

Seeing so many people coming in, Lu Wushuang rolled his eyes and almost didn't faint. He thought that this little ring was more than a success. After waiting for today, he will kick her out tomorrow.

As soon as the group of female relatives came in, they exclaimed again and again. Each of them ran over to the bed and asked for warmth. For fear that they could not express their concern, Lu Wushuang raised her throat with a heart. Although she covered Song Qingshu with a quilt, she put down the bed curtain again. With,

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) But if these people are sitting on the bed, how can they not find him?

When I didn’t know what to do, fortunately, Lu You’s wife cleared her throat and stopped the group of people: "Okay, okay, Wushuang is sick now, and can’t stand the toss of you. Let Dr. Qiu get her pulse first. Right."

The group of female relatives sat down in angrily looking for places in the house. There were so many people in such a small house. If Song Qingshu had just hidden behind the screen, he would definitely be found.

"Your heart is beating fast, is it nervous?" Lu Wushuang just breathed a sigh of relief. At this moment, Song Qingshu's voice suddenly came from his ear, and he almost screamed, thinking that everyone was there at this time. Did you kill me!

It’s strange that everyone else in the room seemed to be unaware of it. Everyone’s attention was on that Doctor Qiu. Lu Wushuang was unsure. So, the other party’s voice came in his ears: "Don’t worry, I’m using voice transmission. Enter the secret, they can't hear it."

When Song Qingshu's warm nose sprayed on his neck, itchy and numb at the same time, Lu Wushuang only felt a strange emotion in his heart.

"Miss, please stretch out your hand, and the old man will take your pulse for you." Doctor Qiu interrupted Lu Wushuang's cranky thoughts. She hurriedly stretched her hand out from under the gauze tent, and the maid next to him brought a silk scarf that had been prepared long ago. Covering her wrist, the other party checked her pulse through the silk scarf without touching her skin.

Lu Wushuang really wanted to pull Song Qingshu's ears to let him see how others diagnosed and treated him, and he didn't dare to be polite at all. It was like he was just now...that kind of nonsense.

Don’t say that Lu Wushuangfang’s heart was beating at this time, even Song Qingshu, who had been on the battlefield, was stunned. The quilt was filled with the sweet smell of a girl, and the quilt was not very big. In order to avoid exposure, Song Qingshu could only cling to Behind her, and Lu Wushuang was only wearing nasty clothes, a large area of ​​snowy skin was unreservedly displayed in front of him, and Song Qingshu's mouth was a little dry with the touching touch of the skin.

How could Lu Wushuang feel that they were so tightly attached to their bodies? The whole body has softened a bit, and at the same time, I feel a little regretful. I have known that this shouldn't let him go to bed.

"Strange and strange~" The doctor Qiu stroked his goatee and muttered to himself with a look of doubt.

Everyone in the room was shocked when they heard it. Lu You's wife hurriedly asked, "Dare to ask Doctor Qiu, why is it so strange?"

Doctor Qiu explained: "Ms. Lu's illness must have been a major blow recently, and her heart was frustrated, causing the disease to enter the body..."

All the family members of the Lu family secretly nodded, thinking that the genius doctor was indeed a genius doctor, and the cause was found out so quickly. Before Mrs. Tang ordered her to kneel and kowtow to Song Qingshu, it must be a big deal for her proud and arrogant. Strike... It's a pity that these people know what the real blow to Lu Wushuang is.

Doctor Qiu continued: "It is reasonable to say that the pulse of a lady with such a disease should be weak and slow, but now she is jumping extremely fast, so weird!"

Mrs. Lu You felt cold, and asked with a trembling voice, "Can the genius doctor cure it?"

Doctor Qiu frowned slightly: "I'll prescribe a prescription first. If Miss Lu takes the medicine and the high fever can be eliminated, it will not be a major problem; if the symptoms still do not improve, then..." Although he didn't finish the sentence, he meant it. Everyone present was very clear.

Lu Wushuang also heard it clearly, and his heart suddenly became cold for the most part. He thought that he had gone like this at a young age, and his parents had not yet reported his grievances, and he had not yet met his sweetheart... the more he thought about it, the more sad he became.

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) Tears slid down, and the aunts outside did not hear a word of comfort from the aunts.

"Don't listen to this quack doctor's nonsense, you will be fine." At this moment, Song Qingshu's voice came from his ear again.

Lu Wushuang wanted to tell him that Dr. Qiu was a famous genius doctor in Shanyin City, what kind of quack, and even if he was a quack, he knew better than a layman like you.

It's a pity that she doesn't have enough skill, and she doesn't understand the kung fu of sound transmission and secret secrets.

"If you die, die. Anyway, Big Brother Yang has a fiancee, so I don't want to live anymore." A thought passed through Lu Wushuang's mind, and he was relieved immediately, but even if he was to die, he would die innocently. If these people see Song Qingshu hid on the bed, and he was squeezed into a bed with his disheveled clothes. It was really impossible to wash away after jumping into the Yellow River.

Song Qingshu continued: "In fact, the most important thing for your disease is to reduce fever. Chinese medicine in this era is too slow, and the effect of reducing fever may not be good, but you don't have to worry, I have a way to save you."

Lu Wushuang finally couldn't help it. He reached out his hand and fumbled under the covers, holding his hand, and writing with his fingers in his palm: "What way?"

Song Qingshu pondered for a while before he said, "If I tell you this method in advance, it will be useless."

Lu Wushuang was confused when he heard it, and he thought of any way to tell me it would be useless, mysterious...

She was wondering, and suddenly her face changed slightly, because she felt that the other party's mouth was kissing her neck, and his lips were dry and warm, as if there was a trace of electricity that made her skin tremble a little.

"What are you doing!" Lu Wushuang was ashamed and angry, and quickly wrote in the palm of his hand.

Song Qingshu did not answer. Instead, he took her hand and moved her lips slowly. The gentle kiss fell on every inch of her skin like raindrops.

"How could he be like this?" Lu Wushuang's mind was blank at this time, and he didn't expect this kind of result at all.

How could it be, he is such a famous hero, how could he do such a thing? Lu Wushuang's thoughts were mixed, but the strange feelings that kept coming from behind made her have to believe it.

Although she was a little angry in her heart, she had a good impression of him before, but she didn't feel disgusted for a while.

After all, Lu Wushuang is an unmanned girl, who is the opponent of a prodigal son like Song Qingshu. Under the clever technique of the other party, he breathed heavily, his skin was red, and a mist of mist appeared in his eyes. Obviously It is a sign of emotion.

"Is he crazy?" Lu Wushuang bit his lip tightly, resisting the shame coming from his body, and did not dare to make a sound. Now there are people standing all over the house, and if it is exposed, the consequences would be even more disastrous.

At this moment, Dr. Qiu had already prescribed the prescription. Lu You’s wife told the maid to go to the pharmacy to fetch the medicine and decoct it. Then he arranged for Dr. Qiu to rest in the Lu’s guest room tonight, so that nothing happened here, he could. On call.

Although Doctor Qiu was a little unwilling, the Lu family was the emperor of Shanyin, and he had a generous consultation, so he finally agreed.

When she arranged everything and turned her head, she saw that the group of women and women gathered around Lu Wu's twin bed and greeted each other, frowning, and hurriedly said to those people: "Okay, since I watched it, they are all gone. Well, Wushuang needs to rest, and I will take care of the rest."

(End of this chapter)

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