Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1243: Ingenious way to reduce fever

After all, 6 You is the candidate for the next patriarch of the 6 families, and now he is the highest official in the entire 6 families. As his wife, Wang's right to speak is naturally different. The group of female relatives dare not refute her face, so they have to leave each other. The gift brought, left sadly.

After those people left, Wang came to the bed and said softly: "Wu Shuang, don't be afraid, you will get better. Auntie is here to accompany you."

6 Wushuang gave a dumb hum, but secretly groaned in her heart. Although she knew that the other party was kind, but now in this situation, she hopes that the other party will leave sooner.

Just now, Wang suddenly sat down by the bed, 6 Wushuang's heart was lifted up, for fear that she would find something strange in the bed, but fortunately, her attention was all on her own condition, and there was no abnormality.

Although Wang felt that her answer was a bit tired and her tone was a bit weird, but only when she was seriously ill and weak, how could he expect that there was still a man in the bed kissing her body at this time?

6 Wushuang has a match but not a match to deal with Wang, but the whole person is extremely nervous. The man behind him seems to be afraid of nothing. It is obvious that there is a person sitting next to the bed. Not only does he not constrain, but he gets worse...

What is strange is that at first, 6 Wushuang was a little angry. Now her eyes are full of mist, and the anger in her heart is replaced by another complex and unavoidable emotion. There is a wave of heat in her body, which makes her can't help but clamp it. Legs up.

At this moment, the Kung Fu maid had brought hot water according to the owner's instructions, and Wang got up to twist the towel: "Wushuang, your body is too hot, I will cool you down."

When Wushuang heard this, his soul was suddenly gone, and now there is still a quilt covering. If Wang really wipes his body, where will Song Qingshu have a hiding place by then?

"No...no more." 6 Wushuang said in a panic.

"Don't be childish, you are so hot now, how can you not use it." Wang ignored her, and directly held the twisted towel on his head.

6 Wushuang quickly calmed down, because the other party just applied cold compresses to her forehead and face, rubbed her neck at most, and didn't wipe her body, so that he wouldn't worry about the secret of the other party in the bed.

"Wushuang, are you particularly uncomfortable now?" Wang asked suddenly.

"No...no, why did my aunt ask like that?" 6 Wushuang hurriedly replied, and at the same time secretly wondered what is uncomfortable in his heart. It is obviously comfortable, but... Is it really going to be like this?

"I see that your body seems to be trembling all the time, and your expression seems to be enduring something." Wang said strangely.

6 Wushuang was suddenly embarrassed. It turned out that her body was already extremely sensitive to Song Qingshu. As the opponent moved down, a tingling sensation came from behind, making her seem to be falling into a bottomless abyss at any time.

"I...I'm just a little cold." In a hurry, 6 Wushuang found a reason.

Wang does not worry about him: "The hot ones will indeed feel the cold themselves. Let me help you cover the quilt."

"No!" 6 Wushuang screamed suddenly.

Wang was taken aback by her exaggerated reaction and looked at her puzzled.

6 Wushuang's face flushed: "I...I want to drink water, can auntie pour me a glass of water?"

"Look at my memory, you really should drink more water now." Wang Shi was really distracted by her, patted his head and turned around to pour her water.

"Big Brother Song, don't do this anymore." While Wang Shi turned around, Liu Wushuang turned his head to face the bed.

It's a pity that Song Qingshu didn't seem to hear her. Instead, one hand wrapped around her lower abdomen, and the other hand moved from her thigh.

6 Wushuang suddenly felt dizzy, and didn't know what to do, did he continue to let him? Or should we stop it at all costs?

After hesitating for a while, 6 Wushuang still didn't have the courage to expose, not to mention that deep in her heart, although she knew this was wrong, she felt like she couldn't stop.

Wang quickly brought water over, and 6 Wushuang hurriedly turned his head, again in a cold sweat.

After drinking the water, in order to avoid talking to Wang, Liu Wushuang pretended to fall asleep and closed his eyes tightly. At the same time, he kept praying that Wang would leave soon when he saw it.

But Wang was obviously worried about her condition and continued to sit by the window to wet her forehead and neck.

6 Wushuang's eyelashes trembled suddenly. It turned out that Song Qingshu's movements were a step closer, and her heart suddenly felt very resentful: This **** obviously had a wife at home, and he treated me like this. Every inch of my skin is now covered by him, so how can I marry in the future...

At the same time, she is also very puzzled by her abnormality: Why am I not so angry? Even if I was seen by other men on the street, I would do it, but now he treats me like this, I... I actually Isn't that angry, isn't it... Is it that I like him so that... I am willing to be bullied by him like this?

No, that's not right, the one I like is obviously a fool! No, I can't let him bully like this anymore. I'm so sorry for the fool.

6 Wushuang’s complexion changed, and when he was about to stop him together, he suddenly thought that Yang Guo not only has a love-loving dragon girl, but now there is even a fiancee. When did he think of me in the past two years? What's in my mind.

Thinking about this, her determination faded instantly. I thought that Dr. Qiu said that she could not live long, and that she had too many regrets in this life. There were things she had never tried anyway. It happened that Brother Song didn’t hate him. ...Just let him.

The last line of defense in her heart was completely let go, and she began to experience that different feeling. The only flaw was that Wang was sitting not far away. She had to grit her teeth and endure to avoid being abnormal, which wandered between reason and * *The irritation on the edge caused her to clamp her legs in a short while, and her body shrank and trembled involuntarily.

Wang's face on the side was extremely weird. Although 6 Wushuang deliberately endured it, her body would inevitably twist, and there would inevitably be some tactful voices between her throats. As someone who came by, would she not know what was going on?

"Wu Shuang, how could she make such a shameful voice." Wang's face was reddish, only when the other party had lost consciousness after a serious illness and had a beautiful dream.

But Wang's eyes finally fell on the quilt. This quilt seemed to be much more bloated than usual. 6 Wushuang was petite, so how could it occupy so much space?

When contacted with 6 Wushuang's abnormal reaction, Wang's doubts grew in his heart, and he stood up calmly, and then opened the quilt.

"Ah~" When 6 Wushuang reacted, it was too late to stop. At that moment, there was only a blank in her mind. The sudden sense of fright and strong stimulation made her body burst suddenly, trembling all over, like a flow of heat. Poured out from the body.

"If you want to die, die." 6 Wushuang's body trembled severely, and her eyes were closed tightly at this moment, as if everything outside was irrelevant to her.

"Lady 6, open your eyes, it's okay." There was no anger or screaming from Wang, but Song Qingshu's gentle voice came from beside him.

6 Wushuang opened his eyes suspiciously, and saw Song Qingshu looking at him with a smile on his face, Wang Shi was lying on the bed, silent.

"What's wrong with her?" 6 Wushuang exclaimed, and the words "murder and kill" popped out of his head. Wang has always treated her very well. If something really happened, she might have a conscience for the rest of her life.

"It's just fainting, don't worry..." Song Qingshu saw the concern in her eyes and immediately explained. It turned out that Wang had just opened the quilt, and before he could see anything, he hit the sleeping acupoint, and his eyes were dark. I don't know anything anymore.

Knowing that Wang did not show anything, 6 Wushuang couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. As soon as he relaxed, he remembered what Song Qingshu had done to her just now, and couldn't help but feel ashamed and angry: "Big Brother Song, you... why did you just... Do that to me."

Song Qingshu was startled. Originally he thought he would face violent hurricanes. Who knew that the other party had this look, and his tone seemed to be infinitely shy?

"Six girls..." Song Qingshu's eyes were full of Qingming, and there was no such thing as sex.

"You still call her 6 girl." 6 Wushuang looked away, his tone full of resentment.

Song Qingshu smiled awkwardly, and had to change his words: "Wushuang, your body temperature was too high before. You wiped your body halfway and was interrupted by those people. The temperature remained high. You listened to what Dr. Qiu said. Knowing that your life is already in danger, since he is not sure to save you, I have to use another method as a last resort."

"Another way?" Liu Wushuang was confused when he heard it, and couldn't help turning his head in confusion.

Song Qingshu went on to explain: "The human body has an instinctive regulation of temperature. If the body temperature is high, it will sweat to dissipate the heat in the body. However, people with high fever are fighting the disease and the immune system in their body. They need to raise their body temperature to raise the temperature. The fighting power of the immune system locks the sweat glands of the body. Therefore, no matter how high the body temperature is, people with a high fever will not shed a little sweat. Only when the immune system overcomes the disease, the sweat glands will open, and then the patient will be able to open it. Sweat, so people spread word of mouth, after a high fever, as long as sweating, the disease is basically healed."

6 Wushuang heard even more in the clouds and mist, muttering: "What are you telling me about now?"

"You will understand after listening to me," Song Qingshu continued to explain, "but no matter what has to be a degree, the body temperature will help the body's immune system to eliminate the pathogens, but if the body temperature is too high, it will not have time to eliminate the disease. The evil has caused indelible damage to the human body, and even has a life worry. You were in this situation before, so I must find a way to lower your body temperature."

"Once the physical temperature exceeds 38.5 degrees, the physical cooling is just a drop in the bucket, and the effect is minimal. If it is in another world, some drugs such as acetaminophen can be used to quickly reduce the fever, but this world does not have it. I just did it. Feeling your body temperature is getting higher and higher in the bed, knowing that your life is hanging by a thread, I have to use my own method to cool you down."

Although many terms are unheard of, 6 Wushuang probably understood the meaning, and couldn't help but glanced at him with a vengeful look: "So you are so frivolous about me?"——

6 Wushuang's clothing at this time can refer to the last picture in the article about 6 Wushuang in the public account a few days ago. There are almost so many fabrics in total 8

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