Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1250: Delicate flowers grown in a greenhouse

Some beautiful pictures appeared in his mind, and even Song Qingshu's concentration was a little blushing.

Song Qingshu soon stood in silence for Zhao Gou, but unfortunately the **** emperor did not have the ability to enjoy this boundless beauty. Speaking of it, this is probably God’s retribution to him. Even Yue Fei killed him. This retribution is too light. .

Akke told the maid to prepare hot water for washing, and then threw herself behind Chen Yuanyuan: "Mother, let me remove your makeup for you."

"I have become a noble concubine and I am so reckless." Chen Yuanyuan gave her a blank glance, and then said, "Did you forget that your mother is now practicing with hair? Don't talk about makeup or even jewelry on weekdays. No need to remove makeup."

t "Oh~" Ake stuck out his tongue embarrassedly.

"It's my mother to help you remove your makeup." Chen Yuanyuan smiled slightly, pressed her daughter's shoulders and let her sit in front of the dressing table, and then began to remove pieces of ornaments from her head.

t "I don't want to be such a noble concubine anymore." Looking at herself in the bronze mirror, Akko suddenly pouted.

Chen Yuanyuan's face changed slightly, and she hurriedly glanced at the maid not far away. Seeing that they were not paying attention, she whispered: "Silly boy, you can't talk nonsense."

Akko threw the comb on the table, pouting, and said, “I’m really annoying to wear so many things on my head every day when I go out.”

Seeing that she was in a mood for this reason, Chen Yuanyuan couldn't help but laugh, and while combing her daughter's hair, she said: "It's really a child, I don't know how many women want to wear you and can't ask for it."

Akke suddenly sighed: "Mother, you are also a princess, but are you really happy to be a princess?"

Chen Yuanyuan was startled, and for a while, countless pictures appeared in her mind. The things she had experienced over the past few decades passed through her mind one by one. She couldn't help sighing faintly and wondering how I was really happy.

Seeing the sad expression of the mother in the bronze mirror, Akko hurriedly got up and comforted: "It's the daughter that is not good, so I mentioned the sad thing about my mother."

t "It's nothing. It only means that my mother's cultivation has not reached home. After so many years of practicing Buddha, she thought she could be calm and gentle, but she couldn't face it calmly." Although Chen Yuanyuan's tone was sad, The voice is still soft and moving.

t Song Qingshu saw her smile when she was smiling, and when she was sad, she could not help being full of pity, thinking that it is a pity that she was born several decades late, otherwise she would definitely protect her and make her not.

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) As for the rough fate of life, so much suffering.

t then laughed dumbly, thinking about how he could be like Wu Sangui and Li Zicheng, a lesson from the past, don't be careless.

Akke didn't know and thought of something sad at this time, and the mother and daughter were stunned at the same time standing there.

Li Yuanzhi, who was on the beam of the room, approached Song Qingshu's ear, bit his ear and whispered, "Big Brother Song, or let's go."

Song Qingshu embraced her slender waist with one hand: "Since it's all here, isn't it a pity to leave now?"

"But now there are all people below. We can't even go to the bed of Concubine Wu." Li Yuanzhi said depressed. She actually mentioned it casually just now, but she didn't think about what would really happen to the other party's bed, but she was a little unhappy. The other party looked arrogant and wanted to take revenge on her.

t "Don't worry, I have my own way, but I have to wait for these palace ladies to leave." Song Qingshu comforted. In fact, even if you show up now, you can control the house of womb girls, but the more people there are, the more troublesome the aftermath will be. .

At this moment, a group of maids filed in and came in with a basin of hot water. Song Qingshu glanced at it from a distance. With his current knowledge, he only recognized a few of them. He could not help secretly smack his tongue. It is worthy of being the Zhengshuo dynasty inherited by the Han people. This etiquette is much more exquisite than the Manchu and Jin states.

However, he is not so cold about these red tapes in his heart. After being surprised, he sneered at them. They are all the people’s anointing... Maybe because of an ordinary person in his previous life, even in this world he has now become a master, but he still often Look at the problem from the perspective of ordinary people.

After Chen Yuanyuan and A Ke washed their faces, there was a court lady holding a white jade ruler to rub, rub, and roll their faces with extremely gentle movements. Song Qingshu had an excellent line of sight, and at a glance he could see that the white jade ruler in the hand of the maid was made of precious special white jade, which was very precious. Although he didn't know it, he could roughly guess the purpose of what they did. People in this world believe that jade is the most abundant substance in "qi", and it contains the purity of yin and yang, which has a magical effect on human health. , I'm afraid this is for beauty and beauty.

Next, another court lady brought the cooked eggs that had just been peeled, and gently rubbed them on their faces so that their skins could fully absorb the essence of the eggs.

Soon the third group of court ladies came up, with the fine pearl powder in the saucer in their hands, and gently smeared them on their faces.


don't say Song Qing

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page) The book, even Li Yuanzhi was dumbfounded.

Song Qingshu thought that the women in the previous life might not have taken care of such detailed care. Seeing that they are accustomed to this appearance, it is no surprise that they have been cared for since childhood. It is no wonder that the two women are raised so beautifully, their skin is whiter than milk , More tender than tofu.

However, in this troubled world, if there is no strong man to protect them, the better they take care of their bodies, the more they will become the playthings of the powerful.

After finishing the facial treatments, the other court ladies knelt at the feet of the two of them, took off their shoes and socks for them, and put them in a tub filled with rose petals.

Song Qingshu glanced at it and couldn't help but admire. Not only did the mother and daughter look similar, but the length of the jade feet was also the same. They seemed to be carved from the same piece of jade by the top artist. No, I am afraid this world does not have such a skill. Of the artists, only the extraordinary craftsmanship of the heavens can achieve this kind of magical effect.

Looking at the mother and daughter’s jade feet, which were whiter than milk, Li Yuanzhi couldn’t help regretting it. Why did he run here? It was completely self-inflicted. Looking back, Song Qingshu was staring intently and stretched out his hand angrily. In front of him: "You are not allowed to watch!"

Song Qingshu is not the kind of voyeuristic idiot. He was not angry at all when he covered his eyes. Instead, he hugged Li Yuanzhi in his arms with pity, leaning in her ear and whispering: "Sister Yuanzhi forbids me to watch, I just dont see."

t Li Yuanzhi turned his anger into joy, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and he snorted triumphantly: "It's almost the same~"

The corners of the girl's mouth curled up slightly in her arms, her beautiful eyes are like the bright night sky, exuding a mysterious light, Song Qingshu secretly pondered: Although sister Yuanzhi is not as enchanting as the mother and daughter of Chen Yuanyuan Ake, but The spirit of the ancient spirit is full of youthful vitality, but has a special charm, not to mention that she has a deep love for herself, and the heart of the girl who is as transparent as glass is more precious than anything.

t "Why look at me like this~" Li Yuanzhi's fair face gradually became red, and she lowered her head shyly.

t "Because you are so good-looking," Song Qingshu paused, leaning into her ear and said softly, "It's so good that I can't wait now."——

Finally completed today's 4D update promise. As for whether the monthly ticket list will be exploded by the next two men, the monk does not think about it.

Good night, gentlemen, wish you good dreams every day and be a groom every night.

(End of this chapter)

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