Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1251: Hard-working mother and daughter

Li Yuanzhi was breathed in his ears, his eyebrows jumped fiercely, and half of his body was crunched. He said in a panic: "Don't... there are people down there."

Song Qingshu was naturally aware of this, and he really wanted to make something to disturb the people below. It would be troublesome after a while. After a few kisses on Li Yuanzhi's little mouth, he stopped teasing the girl in his arms.

At this moment, Chen Yuanyuan and Akko had finished washing up. After the maid had cleaned up, Akko ordered them to quit, because she knew that her mother was always happy.

The maids quit the house and carefully closed the door before leaving, and the house suddenly became quiet.

Akko puts her arms around Chen Yuanyuan, with her cheek on her shoulders: "Mother, you haven't slept with me for a long time."

Chen Yuanyuan touched her daughter's hair fondly: "You are now a noble concubine, why is it convenient for your mother to stay overnight in your palace."

Akke curled his lips and murmured, "I don't want to be this noble concubine at all."

Chen Yuanyuan shook her head, and said helplessly: "I'm talking about children again."

Akke's mouth slumped, as if he was extremely wronged, but in the end he didn't say anything.

When they walked to the bed, the two women began to take off their clothes outside. Song Qingshu's eyes were straight when they saw Song Qingshu. There is actually this benefit?

Li Yuanzhi, who was next to t, was immediately anxious, and hurriedly stretched out his palm to block his eyes, threatening: "Don't let you watch~"

Song Qingshu smiled slightly and turned his head: "I don't want to watch it." In fact, he had already seen the same a while ago, knowing that the two women only took off a few coats, and they were still wearing close-fitting clothes inside, and they didn't know anything. I can't see anything when I'm exposed.

But this made Li Yuanzhi a little embarrassed, and whispered: "Actually... it's okay for you to look at it."

Song Qingshu hugged her in his arms: "You can make up for me later."

t Li Yuanzhi was heartbroken: "How do you think I can compensate you?"

Song Qingshu leaned into her ear: "Why do you know why you ask."

t Li Yuanzhi's pretty face was flushed, and he gave an inaudible hush.

At this moment, Chen Yuanyuan and A Ke have slept on the bed. The quilt is made of fine silk, but they look eclipsed by their jade-like skin.

"By the way, Ake, why do you care about Song Qingshu so much?" Chen Yuanyuan covered her daughter with a quilt, and looked at her quietly, sideways.

The beam on the room was originally upright

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page) The two close friends were startled when they heard the words, and turned their attention to the following one after another.

When she heard her mother’s question, Ak's gaze averted: "I...I don't care about Song Qingshu."

Chen Yuanyuan stretched out a finger that was whiter than Yu's and nodded her daughter's forehead: "If you really don't care, why go to a place like the cold palace to inquire about him."

t Li Yuanzhi took a bite on Song Qingshu's shoulder: "I also said that there is nothing between you and her."

Song Qingshu looked depressed: "There is really nothing between me and her."

t "I...I'm just idle and bored, passing there by the way." Akko said with some lack of confidence.

"Don't you tell the truth with your mother?" Chen Yuanyuan sighed faintly, "It's not the mother who said you, but now you, as the imperial concubine, ran to inquire about another man's news. If it reaches the emperor's ears, then But it's a terrible disaster."

t "The emperor will not care about this." Akko suddenly said.

t Chen Yuanyuan was taken aback: "Why?"

t "Because the emperor is not a man at all." Akko seemed to endure it for a long time. As soon as she said this, she suddenly felt a sense of relaxation.

t "What?" Chen Yuanyuan was accustomed to the storm, and her face was eclipsed at this time.

Even Li Yuanzhi on the beam of the room was shocked. Only Song Qingshu had known about this for a long time, so his expression was the calmest. On the contrary, he was even more curious that Chen Yuanyuan, the mother of Ake, didn’t know about it before. ?

t "Ake, you can't talk nonsense like this. If someone hears you want to decapitate, even your dad won't be able to save you." Chen Yuanyuan said hurriedly.

t "I didn't talk nonsense." Akko bit her lips tightly. "Although I don't want to be a political victim, I know that my father's situation is not optimistic, so he sent me over and kissed me, so I confessed my fate. I originally wanted to It’s not bad to be an imperial concubine of the Southern Song Dynasty in An’an, and it can also help the father, but..."

Akko's face was reddened, as if talking about something shameful, he paused and calmed down before continuing to say: "The husband who originally thought I was able to reorganize the court in the crisis of the Great Song Dynasty and save half of the country. , The continuation of the Han Guozuo, should be a hero, but who knows he is not a man..."

Chen Yuanyuan frowned her eyebrows slightly: "You keep talking about him...saying him like that, what evidence is there?"

Akko pursed her lips and slowly explained: "On the day of our wedding, he didn't even touch me."

t "Uh, maybe...

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page) Maybe he was a little unwell that day. "Although Chen Yuanyuan said this, her heart sank to the bottom. Her daughter's appearance was almost the same as when she was young. She is a person from here, and she knows how attractive this face is to men, man It is impossible to touch her on the wedding night, unless he is not a man...

Akke chuckled lightly, and there was a hint of sarcasm in his smile: "I thought so at the beginning, but every time he came here, he let me sleep by myself. He reviewed the memorial all night, and he really supported it. I couldn’t help but just slept for a while on the couch by the side. I did a few times like this to the outside, indicating that he had added grace to me. After that, he came less and less frequently, and now he doesn’t even come anymore, but yes. My rewards are getting more and more, so I must be ashamed in my heart."

t "Maybe... he has something unspeakable, it's not what you think..." Afterwards, Chen Yuanyuan's own voice was lowered. She already believed in her daughter's judgment, because there is no man in this world who can refuse such a big deal. Temptation.

t "Once by chance, I heard a few old palace ladies whispering behind their backs, mentioning that when the emperor was pampering his concubine, suddenly there was news that Jin Bing had been only a dozen miles away from the palace, and he was scared to death. All the way to escape, Jin Bing chased and killed him all the way, and finally fled to the sea to ensure his safety. Perhaps he was frightened, or he was soaked in the water for too long, and since then he can no longer... Akko said calmly, as if all this had nothing to do with her.

Chen Yuanyuan finally understood everything, and she opened her mouth to surprise the boss: "Your father... he doesn't know this, if he does, he..." She suddenly couldn't go on speaking halfway because she knew Wu Sangui's character.

"Even if the father knows the truth in advance, he will still send me over." Akko added for her.

Seeing her daughter mocking herself, Chen Yuanyuan couldn't help feeling sad, and she hugged her in her arms and burst into tears: "How come our mothers are not so fate~"——

Thank you all the readers, both old and new, for your continued support, so that you can finally save the chrysanthemum. Thank you everyone!

In addition, today’s public account has updated a graphic introduction and voting about all the mothers and daughters in the book, I want to see which pair is more popular,

If you were given a chance, which pair would you choose? Everyone, go and vote what you want. The voting deadline is at 0:00 on the 3.3th.

Public number: Liuru monk

(End of this chapter)

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