Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1253: Prank girl

To borrow a popular phrase from the previous world, when Song Qingshu heard Li Yuanzhi's words, he almost didn't spit out a mouthful of salt soda. Although with Song Qingshu's current cultivation level, he could hear the sound of mosquitoes clearly, but he still asked again with some uncertainty: "What did you just say?"

t "I told you to help me break the virginity of the two of them!" Li Yuanzhi bit her lip and said blankly.

"Uh~" finally got the confirmation, Song Qingshu suddenly found that he didn't know how to respond.

Li Yuanzhi obviously also knew that such a request was a bit shocking, and she explained in a cold voice: "So they are the culprits. Fortunately, it was you that I met. If I met another man, my innocence would be gone. It's self-evident how miserable the end will be. They smashed my innocence, and I was nothing more than a tooth for a tooth and an eye for an eye, so that they could also experience what it felt like."

Song Qingshu was silent immediately. He knew that Li Yuanzhi was talking about the truth. If she hadn't taken care of her, she would have fallen into a purgatory situation now. She wanted revenge for nothing but revenge like that...

t Yes, he also admits that this way of revenge is indeed very charming. Whether it is Chen Yuanyuan or Ak, they are both fascinating and troublesome figures. Most of the men in the world are willing to live a short life of ten years just to get a kiss. Fangze, let alone the two together? Coupled with the identity of the two mothers and daughters, it adds a hint of taboo stimulation and temptation.

Faced with such a temptation, any man will be excited, Song Qingshu is no exception, but heartbeat is one thing, action is another. He never thought that he was a gentleman who sits on his feet, but he is also not an unprincipled beast.

Seeing that he has been silent, Li Yuanzhi bit her lip: "Okay, if you don't want to help, then I will do it myself."

Song Qingshu was startled, thinking that you are a woman, why do you come by yourself? With this dazed effort, Li Yuanzhi broke away from his embrace and leaped towards the bed.

"Who is it?" Chen Yuanyuan is nothing. Ake is a martial artist after all. Hearing the sound of pierced clothes, she subconsciously sat up, only seeing the silhouette of the person flashing, she fainted without seeing anything. past.

t "Ake? Come..." Chen Yuanyuan only reacted at this time, but as soon as her voice fell, her eyes went dark and she didn't know anything.

t "Big Brother Song, I knew you would help me." Li Yuanzhi smiled and looked at the man on the bed.

Song Qingshu retracted the fingers of the sleeping acupoints of the mother and daughter, and couldn't help but smile. The reason why he started to click the acupoints of Ak and Chen Yuanyuan first was because he knew that if they were to have a face-to-face with Li Yuanzhi, the aftermath would be even worse. trouble.

t "I just sealed their acupoints, but I didn't say that I would help you with such a thing." Song Qingshu said in a deep voice.

Li Yuanzhi blinked at him, eyes full of pleading, Song Qingshu almost relented, but soon strengthened his will: "If you look at me this way, I won't help you do something like that."

Seeing that acting like a baby is ineffective, Li Yuanzhi's eyes turned sharply, and the corners of her mouth rose slightly, revealing a sweet smile: "You really deserve to be the man this girl has been fond of. Congratulations, Brother Song, you passed the test!"

t "Huh?" Song Qingshu finally realized that she was actually doing her own routine for half a day!

It seems that even after a thousand years, these little tricks of women will not change. Song Qingshu can't help thinking of the routines of women circulating on the Internet in previous lives. They often pretend to be another woman on QQ or WeChat to seduce their boyfriend.

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page), to test whether her boyfriend would do something sorry for her, Song Qingshu never expected that he would encounter similar things even after crossing.

t "Okay, don't be angry~" Li Yuanzhi hugged his hand and acted like a baby for a while, his voice was sweeter than honey, "It's a big deal, I will compensate you."

Song Qingshu was startled: "How to compensate?"

Li Yuanzhi stood on tiptoe, reached his ear and whispered: "Have you forgotten our purpose here?"

Song Qingshu couldn't help but feel stunned. He glanced at the soft and comfortable bed next to him, only felt that his throat was a little dry: "You really want to be on this bed..."

Li Yuanzhi has taken off his shoes and sat on the bed, with big eyes full of flattery: "Don't you dare to Song?"

"Who said I wouldn't dare!" Song Qingshu was a little angry even though she knew she was agitating.

t "Then come up~" Li Yuanzhi was obviously just a young girl, but at this moment, the fascination exuding from her body was no less than those on the Qinhuai River, and Song Qingshu was a bit dumbfounded.

t "Yes... but they are still in bed." Song Qingshu unnaturally pointed to Chen Yuanyuan and Ake mother and daughter who were sleeping on the side.

t Li Yuanzhi waved his hand indifferently: "I don't mind, what else do you mind."

Song Qingshu also thought about it. If he tried to push it again and again, it would seem hypocritical, not to mention that he was not able to get up and down just now. He had been holding back for so long and was extremely uncomfortable. At this time, he was invited by his lover, how could he be polite?

There was an extremely alluring sweet fragrance in the air. Song Qingshu could not tell whether it was Li Yuanzhi's smell, or the smell of Ake or Chen Yuanyuan next to him. He just felt that the whole person was swollen so badly that he needed a woman's gentleness to resolve it.

Although Li Yuanzhi said boldly, she actually had no experience. The last time she dedicated herself to the man in front of her, the whole process was in the mist. Not long after she woke up, the palace maid and **** outside had already broken in. Then came the emperor's wrath, and in one day she experienced what it was like to fall from heaven to hell.

So although what happened that day is unforgettable, her mentality has not completely changed from that of a girl. Therefore, seeing Song Qingshu showing strong muscles, she suddenly became ashamed.

But the suffocating kiss quickly made her forget her anxiety, the other party’s tenderness quickly ignited her enthusiasm, and the two white lotus arms wrapped around the man’s neck, feeling the oncoming oppression. She was so soft that she fell on the bed.

t Song Qingshu's eyes swept to Chen Yuanyuan and A Ke lying aside, two white jade-like faces, two pairs of white jade-like delicate hands, really like the sleeping images of two white jade Guanyin on the emerald seat, faintly filled with nothingness. The temptation of words.

The throat moved, Song Qingshu only felt that his mouth was very dry, and he hurriedly reduced his mind to dispel the mixed evil thoughts.

But Li Yuanzhi went through the initial shyness, and quickly recovered his usual quirky qualities, like a charming fairy teasing the man in every possible way.

t Song Qingshu let out a low growl and pressed it up heavily...

I don’t know how long it took. Song Qingshu only felt that the tenderness she was holding was abnormal. She was sighing the magic of nature. Suddenly she realized something was wrong and looked intently. He didn’t know when it started, but what she was holding was actually aside. Chen Yuanyuan wanted to let go of Chen Yuanyuan's hand subconsciously, but deep down he felt a little reluctant.

t seemed to perceive something, he turned around and found that Li Yuanzhi was looking at him with a smile, and Song Qingshu's face blushed.

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) Chen Yuanyuan hastily thrown away Chen Yuanyuan's hand.

"Big Brother Song~" Li Yuanzhi smiled so that his eyes were bent into a pair of crescents, "Some people are wrong."

t "Nonsense, I accidentally ran into it." Song Qingshu still felt very embarrassed for seeing the wind and waves. He just said a lot of words righteously a moment ago, but he slapped himself in the next moment.

"Really?" Li Yuanzhi was noncommittal. Instead, she touched Chen Yuanyuan's hand with a look of amazement, "Tsk tusk, although I should hate her, but now I am more jealous. She should be thirty or forty. I'm old now, my skin is even more delicate than mine, how does she maintain it?"

Song Qingshu teased: "People are pampering themselves in the mansion every day. How can they be like you, a wild girl, running around the rivers and lakes all day long. It is normal that the wind and the sun can't compare to them."

t "Weeping, the six armies are all well-known, and they are so angry that they are beautiful, but they are not as shameless as the number one beauty in the world." Li Yuanzhi snorted, and her mentality is surprisingly good. She doesn't know the true identity of Chen Yuanyuan at the moment. ?

Looking at the energetic young girl in front of her, Song Qingshu only felt that her heart was full of love. This is exactly what makes her cute. She is always so strange, sunny and optimistic.

A large part of the reason why he didn't agree to her revenge was because he didn't want such a lovely girl to be distorted by hatred.

t "Hey, what are you doing?" Song Qingshu suddenly found that Li Yuanzhi's hands were groping on Chen Yuanyuan and Ake's mother and daughter, and she couldn't help but wonder.

t "Take off their clothes." Li Yuanzhi answered naturally.

Song Qingshu only felt that the tip of his nose was hot, and almost didn't spray a nosebleed, and hurriedly shouted: "Don't mess around."

"There is no such thing as mischief," Li Yuanzhi narrowed his mouth aggrievedly, "I was so miserable by them, you don't need to avenge me, now I revenge myself, you still come to me."

Looking at the girl's tearful look, Song Qingshu felt guilty: "It's okay, it's Brother Song that is not good, but... is taking off their clothes your way of revenge?"

t Li Yuanzhi burst into tears and smiled: "You'll find out later."

Song Qingshu has a black line: "You don't still have that idea, do you?"

t "Don't worry, you won't be allowed to be a beast." Li Yuanzhi seemed to have guessed what he was thinking, and laughed.

Seeing that Chen Yuanyuan and Akko's clothes are getting less and less, and only the most intimate clothes are left, Song Qingshu couldn't help turning his head: "Hey, it doesn't matter if you want to retaliate against them, but now I'm by the side. After all, there is a difference between men and women. I have seen... how it is."

t Li Yuanzhi leaned into his ear and said with a gloomy voice: "Big Brother Song, you are insincere again. I clearly feel that your body just got more excited..."

"Let's see how I clean up you~" Song Qingshu became angry and decided to punish this disobedient girl. Li Yuanzhi smiled sweetly and completely relaxed his body and calmed the man's anger with endless gentleness.

At a certain critical moment, Li Yuanzhi suddenly exclaimed: "Wait a minute~" Then she twisted her waist and drew herself into the bed. Song Qingshu's expression suddenly became very strange, a little pitying, but more. A sense of conquest.

t "Hmm~" Li Yuanzhi quickly got out of the bed, her lips closed tightly, a pretty face flushed, and in Song Qingshu's suspicious eyes, she quickly climbed to the side of Chen Yuanyuan's body and pinched it with her hand. Her face parted her moist and charming red lips, and then quickly leaned over and swept the contents of her mouth in.

(End of this chapter)

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