Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1254: Heartbroken

Chen Yuanyuan, who was sleeping, gave a hum, her eyebrows frowned, as if he was aware of life matters.

Song Qingshu never expected Li Yuanzhi to do such a thing, and could not help being surprised and angry: "What are you doing?"

"Get revenge on them," Li Yuanzhi replied as it should be, and at the same time tore a side of Ake's pants, spit out the remaining thing into the palm of her hand, and wiped it randomly on the base of her thigh.

"Enough!" Song Qingshu's eyelids jumped and hurriedly pulled her back.

"Why, angry?" Li Yuanzhi leaned close to him, rubbed his shoulder with her body, and smiled with a successful conspiracy.

Song Qingshu snorted coldly, and glanced at Chen Yuanyuan's delicate red lips, which seemed to have a moist luster, shining brightly under the candle light. He couldn't help but his heart jumped wildly, and he turned his face hurriedly.

"Oh, they caused me to lose my innocence. I originally planned to give them a taste of their innocence. But Brother Song, you are a gentleman and refuse to help me. A masterpiece, Li Yuanzhi's chin is raised, and the corners of her slightly upturned mouth show that she is extremely proud at this time. "Although they can't really destroy their virginity, it's good to scare them this way. When they think that they wake up, they are frightened and suspicious. I’m so happy to think that this kind of life will last a long time, and I’m even happier.”

Song Qingshu heard a black line. Before he dared to love Li Yuanzhi said that he had given up revenge but was lying to him, and luring him into bed was also part of the revenge plan... This girl, as expected, was a little demon girl.

"Okay, you have to report your grudges. You should be satisfied now?" Song Qingshu picked up the clothes scattered on the side and threw them to her, "Hurry up and get dressed, we should go now."

On the bed, Chen Yuanyuan and A Ke lay there, with scattered clouds on the temples, unclothed, faintly revealing ivory skin, like a begonia after being damaged by a storm, but there is a strange allure, Song Qingshu is worried about staying there. Here, I cannot guarantee that I will not do anything impulsively, so I hurriedly pulled Li Yuanzhi away.

"Looking to scare you, is it still the famous Golden Snake King?" Li Yuanzhi curled his lips, but still began to put on clothes obediently, and said with a smile while wearing them, "Big Brother Song, what are you doing with such a big reaction? Is the one that has the most advantage, okay."

Song Qingshu almost didn't fall down, and said angrily: "What advantage do I take?"

"Let the world's first beauty swallow yourself... Well, I don't know how many men in this world can't live for ten years." Li Yuanzhi's apricot eyes seemed to brighten, showing a playful look.

"Ahem" Song Qingshu was extremely embarrassed, "Your behavior will be regarded as an idiot or abnormal in my hometown. It's getting late, let's go."

"Wait a minute!" Halfway through, Li Yuanzhi suddenly turned and ran to the bed.

Song Qingshu was worried that she would really do something, and ran over and asked in a low voice, "What else do you want to do?"

"It needs to be more disguised." Li Yuanzhi answered with a grin, then used both hands and feet, pinching and scratching Chen Yuanyuan and A Ke.

"Yeah," Chen Yuanyuan and Akko, who were asleep, felt everything even though they were touched at the sleeping point, and there were bursts of painful grunts in their throats subconsciously.

Song Qingshu watched her eyelids beating, and was planning to stop it, but she thought that she wouldn't let this little witch vent her anger. Later, she might come up with any damage. After hesitating, she left it to her. Anyway, she started with a sense of measure. Although the skin of the mother and daughter were turned blue and purple, they were all skin traumas. Just a few days of recuperation will be fine, and there will be no sequelae.

Song Qingshu had no choice but to silently read in her heart: "Speaking of which, you are the first to harm Li Yuanzhi. It is self-evident how important a woman's virginity is in this world. Compared to Li Yuanzhi's loss of her virginity, it is nothing for them to receive this kind of revenge."

"You're done!" Li Yuanzhi clapped her hands, and looked at her work condescendingly, with a very satisfied expression.

Seeing Chen Yuanyuan and A Ke lying on the bed with a broken flower and a willow as if they had been abused, Song Qingshu couldn't help but jumped in his heart. This scene reminded him that Queen Pei Man in the Golden State Palace would also disguise the two Song princesses. Cheng was violent by the king of Wei, but obviously the picture in front of him is more visually impactful.

"Big Brother Song, let's go!" Li Yuanzhi took revenge, and the negative emotions suppressed during this period of time were wiped out, and she instantly changed back to the bright girl before.

"It's not as good as sparse, and that's fine." Song Qingshu smiled slightly and put his arms around her slender waist. The two quickly disappeared into the night outside the window.

Not long after they left, Akko and Chen Yuanyuan woke up one after another. First, Song Qingshu did not use much internal force to seal the acupuncture points of the two, and secondly, the pain caused by Li Yuanzhi's pinch was to a certain extent. Let them wake up much earlier.

"What's the matter?" Akko sat up in a daze, because her skin was silky smooth, and the quilt naturally slipped off her body. Feeling the chill in the air, she realized that her clothes were disheveled, subconsciously. Exclaimed.

"What's the matter?" Chen Yuanyuan next to her also sat up, rubbing her forehead constantly. She only felt a lot of pain all over her body, because she was a little unconscious when she woke up, and swallowed subconsciously when she sat up.


Chen Yuanyuan looked weird. She felt that she had swallowed something. She hurriedly touched it with her hand. She just touched the trace of the corner of her lips. When she took it to the tip of her nose, she smelled it. The strange and familiar smell almost didn't make her dizzy.

As someone who came by, how could she not know what it was? When she thought that she had swallowed so much just now, she felt nauseous and nauseated in her chest and abdomen, and she hurriedly retched on the side.

It's a pity that I vomited for half a day, except for some clean water, but nothing came out.

"Mother, what's wrong with you?" Akko was taken aback and patted her back in a hurry, trying to make her feel better.

"Water, I want water." Chen Yuanyuan's white jade-like cheeks seemed to be smeared with a bright rouge, and he didn't know if he was anxious or ashamed.

"Niangniang, what's going on." At this time, the maid outside the palace also heard the exclamation when Ake woke up, and hurried in.

As soon as those palace ladies came in, they saw that the mother and daughter were full of peach blossoms, the other was scattered, and the clothes on the two of them were messy, their eyes could not be straightened, and all of them thought to themselves: they would not be playing. That kind of fake phoenix virtual phoenix game, right? They are mothers and daughters...

Apart from the guards of the huge palace, there is only the emperor. There are only dozens of people who have received the emperor's blessings. The tens of thousands of palace ladies are lonely, and it is impossible to guarantee that they will seek some support.

Some palace ladies seek out the eunuchs for food. Although they can't do anything, they can at least live together and eat together, which can make both parties feel the warmth of home to a certain extent.

However, the imperial palaces of the past dynasties have banned the act of eating food. Once the punishment is severe, some other palace ladies will look for other palace ladies and play some fake games of phoenix and phoenix. Sometimes the harem concubine will mix with the palace ladies.

These are all tacit secrets. To survive in the palace, everyone is a human spirit and knows the truth of the evil coming out of their mouths, so they all lowered their heads when they saw the mess on the bed.

"Go and pour my mother a glass of water." Akko said hurriedly.

"Don't..." Chen Yuanyuan hurriedly stopped, "It's okay, you can go down first."

"Mother?" Akko looked at her puzzled.

"I'll talk later." Chen Yuanyuan said in a low voice.

"Yes!" The court ladies hurriedly retreated.

"Wait!" Chen Yuanyuan suddenly thought of something, "has anyone come in just now?"

Several of the palace ladies looked at each other, and then the leader replied: "We have been guarding the outside, no one has ever come in."

Chen Yuanyuan was surprised in her heart, but she didn't understand the expression on her face, and waved her hand and said, "I see, then you go down first."

After a few palace ladies closed the door, Akko finally couldn't help but wonder: "Mother, why are you going to push them away?"

Chen Yuanyuan smiled bitterly: "What happened today is too unbelievable. As long as we leak the wind, our mother and daughter will be killed." It turns out that she has experienced too many storms in her life after all. After the initial panic, she quickly realized The risk of getting there, once those palace ladies come in to see something or smell something, they can no longer hide what happened to them.

With Li Yuanzhi's lessons learned, she knows what tragic fate awaits them if the harem concubine loses her innocence.

As Chen Yuanyuan was talking, he only felt that his mouth was full of that kind of taste. He frowned and hurriedly said to her daughter, "Go and pour me a glass of water first."

"Okay!" Akko put on a dress and wrapped it around her body. She got up and was about to fetch her water. He suddenly fell back on the bed with a cry, his face full of pain.

"What's wrong with you?" Chen Yuanyuan hurried to help her.

"My leg hurts so much." Akko frowned. If a man saw her next to her, she might be distressed by her pitiful appearance.

Chen Yuanyuan's face changed drastically, she hurriedly opened her daughter's clothes and saw that there were patches of bruise on the white and tender thighs, and what was even more shocking was the sticky piece on the inner thigh of Ake. The familiar smell made Chen Yuanyuanyi. The heart suddenly sank to the bottom.

"This...what are these things?" Akko is an unmanned girl after all. In addition, the world is not as good as the information of future generations. She didn't even realize the seriousness of the matter, so she reached out and wiped it After sending it to the tip of the nose and smelling it, a strange and heart-palpiting smell came, making her whole body startled.

"Don't smell it!" Chen Yuanyuan pulled her hand away, with a charming blush on her face, screamed, "This is a pickled thing."

The previous public account voting has ended,

In the end, Li Qiushui, Li Qingluo, Wang Yuyan, and Li Qinglu became the most popular choice with 26 votes, but the monk is curious if they have the upper hand.

Ake Chen Yuanyuan followed with 15 votes. It seems that this pair of mothers and daughters with unbelievable looks are still loved by many gentlemen.

Next came Li Canghai Xiaolongnv and Huang Rong Guo Fu, both tied for third with 14 votes. Li Canghai and Xiaolongnv got a little more votes. Many people commented that Huang Rong was dragged by Guo Fu. The monk wondered if he added one. Guo Xiang, I am afraid that their votes will rise sharply, but it is a pity that Guo Xiang has not yet appeared in the book.

The fourth place was the purple shirt dragon king Xiaozhao, with 9 votes. Originally, the monk was very optimistic about this pair.

The other votes are as follows:

Pucha Ali Tiger finishes the festival, 4

Ruan Xingzhu Azi Azhu, 3

Nanlan Miao Ruolan, 3

Qin Hong Mian Mu Wanqing, 3

Ningzhong Ze Yue Lingshan, 2

Gan Baobao Zhong Ling is the bottom, but it is a pity that the combination of these cute and soft girls, the monk will wait a while to comfort them and comfort them.

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