Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1255: Black cloak

"What kind of pickled thing?" Akko didn't react, and even sniffed it curiously. ???

"Let you stop smelling it." Seeing her daughter's silly behavior, Chen Yuanyuan was angrily and anxiously, grabbing her hand in a hurry, and leaning into her ear to explain in a low voice, "This is the thing of a man..."

"Ah!" Akko instantly moved his hand away from the tip of his nose, as if he was scalded.

"Don't shout!" Chen Yuanyuan hurriedly covered her daughter's mouth.

"Woo~" Ake's peachy eyes stared big, and the whole person dancing and dancing seemed to be anxious, and said vaguely, "Your hands... are all that... that kind of smell..."

Chen Yuanyuan was startled, and then realized that she had just vomited something into her palm, and quickly let go of her hand, Akko quickly wiped his mouth with his sleeve.

"Ake, don't blame your mother, the main thing is that you can't be known by anyone about what happened today, otherwise you won't have a foothold in this harem." Seeing her daughter's uncomfortable look, Chen Yuanyuan hurriedly comforted.

At this time, Ake also gradually understood what was born on her body, and her pretty face became extremely pale: "Is my daughter's innocent body taken away in a muddle?"

Thinking that she once proudly declared that her future husband would be a literary, peaceful, stable, and worldly hero, even though she is now married to an **** emperor, she still carefully cares for the beautiful and splendid dream in her heart, but now I have become a crippled willow, even if such a world-famous hero really appears, how can I be worthy of others?

The instruction of the thing that had been carefully cared for was broken, Akko only felt that everything was lost, and cried out with a wow.

Chen Yuanyuan sighed secretly, thinking I was not the same as being insulted by others, but after all, she has experienced too many things in the past few decades. In this respect, she is much better than her daughter in accepting ability. Stop comforting my daughter.

After crying for a while, Akko suddenly sat up straight, with a cold voice: "I must find that person, and the corpse will be cut through thousands of pieces!"

Chen Yuanyuan was also trembling with anger, thinking that it was not just you, I also wished to smash that man into pieces, but this kind of thing cannot be investigated publicly, so naturally I cannot use the power of the imperial concubine to find out who did it. Yes, I'm afraid it's even more difficult than climbing...

Suddenly Chen Yuanyuan's eyes lit up, as if thinking of something, she hurriedly lifted the quilt to look at her daughter's thigh.

"Mother, what are you doing~" Akko is shy and anxious, even if she is a woman, she still feels ashamed in such a private place.

Chen Yuanyuan glanced twice, then looked for it on the bed sheet, a hint of joy suddenly appeared on his face: "No blood stains, no blood stains..."

"Mother, what are you talking about!" Akko re-covered his legs with the quilt, embarrassed to the extreme.

"I said you didn't bleed..." Seeing her daughter's face blank, Chen Yuanyuan hurriedly explained, "It means you haven't lost your innocence!"

"Huh?" Although Ake is ignorant in this respect, he is not a child after all. He knows a little bit more or less. Hearing her mother's words, she couldn't help being surprised. "Really?"

Chen Yuanyuan was not very sure, and took her to ask a few questions: "Do you hurt?"

"It hurts." Akko rubbed his thigh, "It hurts all over."

Chen Yuanyuan gave her an angry look: "I'm asking you... Does it hurt?"

Akko flushed, and said: "I don't know either."

Chen Yuanyuan hurriedly said, "Get up and try walking."

Akko nodded, wrapped her dress hastily, took a deep breath after getting out of bed, prayed in her heart, and then took a tentative step, her pretty face suddenly showed a strange expression.

"How is it?" Chen Yuanyuan asked eagerly.

Akko did not answer, but continued to walk a few steps. From the beginning, he walked tentatively, and then walked as usual, and finally jumped up with joy: "Mother, I don't have any pain at all, so I didn't lose my innocence~"

"Keep it down~" Chen Yuanyuan hurriedly ran to her daughter's mouth, and immediately she was startled. Only then did she discover her legs. There was no strange feeling between them. This shocked her again. Hi, after all, she has provoke too many men in her life and consciously caused too many sins. Later, she moved out of the Pingxi Palace and practiced in the Sansheng Temple. It can be said that she has been guarding herself like a jade for these years, and she naturally does not want to be so confused and ruined. Spiritual practice.

Such a dramatic turn made the mother and daughter weep with joy. After holding each other for a long time, they finally calmed down.

"Mother, did you say that that person is a pervert? They all did... did such a thing, and... actually... he didn't really offend us." After the excitement, A Ke suddenly spoke up. In fact, she should be thankful for her talent. Yes, but she still couldn't believe it. With the looks of their mother and daughter, how could there be men in this world that could bear it?

"It's a pervert indeed~" Thinking of the bite she accidentally swallowed when she woke up, a faint blush appeared on Chen Yuanyuan's stunning face, and she also couldn't understand why it was such a result.

"Who is that person?" Akko seemed to ask, and seemed to mutter to himself.

"Do you think you are the emperor?" Chen Yuanyuan said tentatively. In her opinion, the previous person could easily obtain the bodies of the two of them, but in the end he didn't do anything...

She is also very confident of her own charm. She alone can make all men fall under her pomegranate skirt, not to mention that there is a daughter who looks as good as hers by the side. No man in this world can refuse such temptation. Unless... he is not a man.

Being able to come and go freely in this palace, and make all the maids afraid to tell the truth, Chen Yuanyuan only thought of Zhao Go. Although Zhao Gou didn't need to be so sneaky in Ake's bedroom, he still slept here today.

Chen Yuanyuan has experienced so many twists and turns in her life, coupled with her background in the past, her grasp of men’s psychology is unsurpassed in the world. She naturally knows the nasty thoughts in men’s hearts that cannot be told. She and A Ke are so beautiful and they are mothers. It's normal for Zhao Gou to have evil thoughts about the female relationship.

However, even though he is the king of a country, this kind of thing is defamatory after all. If it is leaked out, it will probably invite impeachment by the Manchu civil and military, and will leave stains on the history books in the future, not to mention the alliance between the Southern Song Dynasty and Wu Sangui, just in case this happens. When it reaches Wu Sangui's ears, and once again rushes to the crown and becomes a confidante, the consequences can be serious.

In particular, the two of them were frivolous but never carried their guns on the horse... The more Chen Yuanyuan thought about it, the more he felt that Zhao Go was most suspicious, and a faint anger floated on his beautiful and picturesque cheeks.

"It shouldn't be him," Akko shook his head, blushing, "If he can make...make that kind of thing, he won't be the last."

Chen Yuanyuan suddenly realized that she was really confused. If Zhao Gou could really get that thing, even if they couldn’t work, the people at the Taiyuan Hospital would have a way to get the concubine in the harem pregnant. How could they find two clan children to be pregnant? Who is the prince?

"But if it weren't for him, who else could be in this palace?" Chen Yuanyuan wondered.

"Maybe it is some martial arts master." Akko knows martial arts after all, subconsciously thinking of those snitches on the rivers and lakes.

Chen Yuanyuan shook his head: "The imperial palace is heavily guarded, and the harem here is the most important thing. If those masters in the rivers and lakes are so easy to come and leave, the palace has long become a vegetable market. You. After attacking for so long, have you ever heard of any masters who can break in?"

"Never." Akko replied subconsciously, but still did not give up, "Although ordinary masters can't get in, but those top masters?" She has been living in the rivers and lakes for a period of time, and she has always been inexplicable about the legendary characters in the rivers and lakes. A sense of worship.

"Which one of the imperial weapons in the palace is not a top expert? What's more, there is..." Chen Yuanyuan said vaguely, and then continued, "Unless that person's martial arts is the highest in the world, how can he come and go without a trace? "

"But martial arts is so high, how can anyone who is not a very old and respected senior do such a despicable thing?" Chen Yuanyuan tweeted.

"No matter who he is, I must find this person and smash him into thousands of pieces." Akko clenched his fist and vowed secretly.

Besides, Song Qingshu took Li Yuanzhi to leave for a short time, suddenly his heart moved, and the whole person stopped.

Li Yuanzhi was still in the excitement of successful revenge. He didn't realize that it was wrong until he stopped. When he was about to ask, Song Qingshu held his mouth and made a silent gesture.

"Your Excellency, such a brilliant martial arts, must be a famous person in the world. Why did you do this shameless act of stealing incense and jade?" An old voice came from the oblique rear, although every word was silent. Big, but every word sounded like a huge clock ringing in her heart, which made her feel dizzy and extremely uncomfortable.

Quietly stretched out his head and looked back, and suddenly opened his mouth in surprise, only to see a person in a black cloak, only revealing white beard and fluttering lips and chin, slowly descending from the sky with his back facing the moon.

"Is he a man or a ghost?" This way of appearance in the middle of the night made Li Yuanzhi only feel terrified.

Song Qingshu did not look back, nor did he use his original figure. Instead, he said in a strange tone: "If you can practice Jiuyin Scripture to such an incredible level, is your Excellency Huang Shang?" He has also practiced Jiuyin Zhen. It is clear that the masters of the world can practice the Jiuyin Scripture to this level. Apart from Wang Chongyang, only the original author Huang Chang is left. Wang Chongyang has seen him, so who this person is, it goes without saying. That's it.

Although it is rumored that Huang Chang has already passed away in the arena, Song Qingshu learned from Huangshan Girl that Huang Chang is still alive in this world during his last trip to the Kingdom of the Kingdom.

"When you didn't look back and didn't fight with me, you could feel that I practiced the Nine Yin Sutra?" The person in the black cloak was obviously shocked, "When did such a powerful young man appear in the martial arts? ?"8

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