Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1256: assassin

Song Qingshu is also a black line, and I have to sigh in my heart, there are no wet shoes standing by the river, no wonder there is no news of martial arts masters making waves in the Southern Song imperial palace in recent years. It turns out that this imperial palace still hides such things* *oss. ???

Back then, Qu Lingfeng entered the palace to steal valuable calligraphy and painting, but fled to Niujia Village or was chased and killed by Shi Yanming with the imperial weapon. Huang Yaoshi also felt that if Qu Lingfeng had not broken his leg in his early years, he would never die.

Thinking about it now, I can only say that Qu Lingfeng can't enter Huang Shang's eyes, otherwise he won't even have a chance to leave the palace.

The "Nine Yin Scriptures", which drove the entire martial arts to flock, the Eastern Evil, the Western Poison, the Southern Emperor, the Northern Beggar Zhong, fought for seven days and seven nights in Huashan for this book, and even masters of this level regarded it as a treasure. How profound and subtle is the Yin Zhen Jing.

Although Song Qingshu has already mastered the "Nine Yin Scriptures" for a long time, he would not be naive to think that Huang Chang's martial arts is only a "Nine Yin Scriptures" that can respond, just like Dugu's martial arts for defeat is by no means equivalent to Dugu Jiu. Sword + snake gall internal force + epee + a large eagle.

What's more, Huang Chang wrote the "Nine Yin Scriptures" decades ago, and the ghost knew what new martial arts he had learned over the years and what level he had elevated to.

Song Qingshu was suddenly depressed. He wanted Hong Qigong Zhou Botong to cheat and drink in the palace. Ouyang Feng and others ran to find Wu Mu's suicide note. Why didn't they see Huang Changguan? As a result, he hit a thunder as soon as he came?

After thinking about going to Song Qingshu, it can only be understood that Hong Qigong and the others only haunt the edge of the imperial palace, such as the imperial dining room, and Huang Chang didn't bother to care about them, unlike when he ran into the emperor's harem, he finally disturbed his old man.

"Unexpectedly, after so many years, there are still people in the rivers and lakes who remember me," the person in the black cloak looked up at the moon, as if recalling some things in the past, but didn't know if the cloak was too wide or something else. Even if bathed in the moonlight, his face is still blurry, "It is inevitable for young people to make mistakes. As long as they know how to turn their heads back, they can still be saved. Putting down the concubine in his hand and staying in the palace to copy and write for ten years, the old man can guarantee No one will hold you accountable for what you did tonight."

"Ten years?" Song Qingshu chuckled lightly, "Xia Xia still prefers the colorful world outside than copying books."

"Crossing into the bedroom and kidnapping concubines is the sin of the Jiu Clan. Young people should not be obsessed with understanding." Huang Chang sighed softly. The surrounding flowers and trees seemed to feel his emotions, and there was a rustle, and soon A feeling of regret filled the surrounding air.

Song Qingshu's expression was solemn. The other party had obviously cultivated to the realm of the unity of nature and man, and was integrated with nature in every move. His cultivation level was even higher than that of Wang Chongyang, but once Wang Chongyang used the Beidou Tiangang formation, he could sway him. With several times their strength, it's really hard to say how the two of them will fight.

"Let's do it, thinking that you are a junior, the old man can let you three moves." Huang Chang's tone faintly revealed an absolute confidence.

"Senior are you serious about this?" Song Qingshu's mouth raised slightly, as if he was already in his chest.

"Naturally will not lie to you a junior." Huang Chang replied lightly.

"Then thank you senior." Song Qingshu smiled slightly, kicked the sole of his foot on the ground, and disappeared into the night sky while holding Li Yuanzhi.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Huang Chang was stunned, and he didn't react for a while. Although he was relaxed just now, he has not taken it lightly. This young man's martial arts is not inferior to anyone he has seen in his life, and even makes him somewhat Can't see the depth. However, the grandmaster has the style of a grandmaster. As a senior, he naturally can't make the first move. It is still affordable for him to make the other party three moves.

Originally, he was concentrating on guard, waiting for the opponent to make a shocking blow, who knew that the opponent ran directly... ran away!

Generally speaking, a master has his own pride, and will not escape from battle unless he has to do it. This person has a clear and unpredictable cultivation, but he does not play cards according to common sense.

Over the years, Huang Chang had been able to practice cultivating with great concentration, but when he saw the scene before him, he became a little annoyed, and his figure flashed, and he chased in the direction where the other party disappeared.

However, after chasing a stick of incense in a row, not only did he not catch up, but he was getting farther and farther away from the opponent, and finally disappeared. Huang Chang had to stop and give up the chase, muttering to himself: "There is such a frightening feat in this world? It seems that I haven't asked about the world for too long. I have the opportunity to ask Yingluo to ask what are in the rivers and lakes in recent years. A young man with strong martial arts."

Back in the cold palace, Song Qingshu put Li Yuanzhi down, and said with a sigh of relief: "Finally dumped it."

"Who is that person?" Although Li Yuanzhi is considered half a person in the world, a legendary figure like Huang Chang is too far away from her, so she doesn't know who the other party is.

"The author of "Nine Yin Zhenjing", a powerful master." Song Qingshu replied.

Li Yuanzhi has a small mouth open as the boss. Although she is not a third-rate master in the world, she has also heard the title of "Nine Yin Zhenjing". With a round eye, she smiled and leaned into Song Qing's book. Qianqian: "Big Brother Song, is he better than you? The first time I saw you running so embarrassed."

Song Qingshu smiled slightly, and didn't care about what she said: "After all, this time I came for business. If it is a big trouble, it will not end; not to mention that he is the master of a friend of mine, so old. What if it hurts my vitality, what happens when my friend doesn't look for me desperately?"

Li Yuanzhi snorted, "Big Brother Song's friend must be a woman? And he must be very beautiful."

The beautiful and frosty face of the girl in the yellow shirt appeared in her mind. Song Qingshu chuckled, but instead of answering, she turned to the topic: "You pack your things, and I will take you out."

Who knows Li Yuanzhi shook his head: "No, I'll stay in this cold palace. You can pick me up when you leave Lin'an."

"Why?" Song Qingshu was startled.

"How can you appreciate the frightened expressions of Concubine Wu's mother and daughter if you don't stay here?" Li Yuanzhi said with a grin.

"Uh~" Song Qingshu never expected this to be the reason, but it was also in line with her quirky temperament.

Li Yuanzhi continued to add: "Furthermore, if I suddenly disappeared from the palace and you happen to be in Lin'an again, there is no guarantee that no one will suspect you. By then, Concubine Wu and her daughter will also know who they were taken lightly tonight. "

Song Qingshu wondered if it was you who were frivolous. However, he also understands that Li Yuanzhi's worry is not unreasonable. Knowing that she is thinking about herself, he can't help but feel moved: "But what if someone else comes to give you Bai Ling?"

Li Yuanzhi snorted: "Before this girl was caught off guard. Now that I am prepared, how can I still fall into such a passive position? Don't worry, I haven't had anything to do when I lived in the rivers and lakes."

Song Qing's book was slanderous, and indeed nothing happened, it was just that he was later arrested by Zhang Zhaozhong.

"Well, you put this stuff away, and if you encounter danger, you will send out a signal. I will come to rescue you immediately." Song Qingshu took out a bamboo tube from her arms and handed it to her. This was made by Jinsheying. The ones that come out are used to transmit signals on the battlefield, similar to fireworks.

"Big Brother Song, you are so kind to me." Li Yuanzhi wrapped a scent of fragrant wind and threw himself into his arms, and gave a scented kiss enthusiastically.

After a long time, Li Yuanzhi blushed and pushed him away. After seeing the changes in his body, he hurriedly looked away: "It's almost dawn, and it will be too late if you don't leave."

Song Qing laughed and couldn't help squeezing her face: "You are afraid of little fairies?"

Li Yuanzhi screamed: "I'm still a little girl, how can I stand you... What about it... Go fast, go fast..." Then he pushed his back to the outside.

"Then be careful yourself." Song Qingshu kissed her, and soon disappeared into the night sky. Li Yuanzhi stood in front of the window, feeling a little silly for a while.

Song Qingshu returned to the inn. After tossing all night, his body became a little tired, so he fell asleep. Early the next morning, Han Tongxuan sent someone over to spread the word, and first apologized for not being able to come in person. After all, at this critical time, if he came to meet at this critical period, it would be unavoidable to lose the truth; in addition, he told Zhao Gou that he had communicated with Zhao Gou. However, the specific details still need the opinions of one hundred military officials at the court meeting; finally, he was told that officials from Hongyou Temple would come to explain to him some etiquette and precautions for the face of tomorrow.

After Han Zhang’s envoy left, it didn’t take long for the officials of Hongfu Temple to arrive. All kinds of red tapes made Song Qingshu’s ears become cocooned, so he simply called for a large table of wines and dishes on the grounds that he hadn’t eaten yet. The officials from the Hongyu Temple ate and explained, and it didn't take long for them to get drunk.

The officials of Hongshe Temple had to send them to the guest rooms nearby to rest. In order to avoid further bombing, Song Qingshu also went back to his room and pretended to sleep on the grounds of the rising drunkenness.

Because he was woken up in the morning after not sleeping for long last night, he was really sleepy. He was pretending to be asleep, but then he really fell asleep.

Not knowing how long he slept, Song Qingshu suddenly opened his eyes and moved his gaze out of the window, only to see that it was dark outside, but this was not the key to his waking up.

"Is there still someone sending a killer to deal with me now?" Song Qingshu chuckled lightly, his tone full of sarcasm.

Not long after, an inconspicuous window paper was pierced and a copper tube was inserted. Song Qingshu let out a cold snort and flicked his finger. The copper tube seemed to be hit by a huge force and thrust back in abruptly.

"Ah!" There was a scream outside, apparently pierced by a copper pipe in his throat.

Song Qingshu stretched out his hand and took a breath. The brass tube flew into his hand, and because the brass tube was pulled out suddenly, a blood arrow was spilled on the window, and there was no more sound.

"I'm curious, what kind of poison are you planning to use against me?" Song Qingshu opened the copper tube, looked at the powder inside, his face instantly sank--

In a previous chapter, Song Qingshu didn’t know that the yellow shirt girl’s master was Huang Chang. It was the monk who confused the previous storytelling for a while. Fortunately, the book friend reminded me to correct it. 8

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