Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1257: Noisy

How could he forget this thing, that he had tossed him to the sky and nowhere, and was chased like a dog by the men of Wan Tumeng and Li Kexiu.

"Jinbo Xunhua!" Song Qingshu's voice was cold, and there were people who used Jinbo Xunhua to deal with themselves.

After checking the assassin outside the window, he didn't find any clues of his identity. Song Qingshu frowned: "Who is going to deal with me? Is it Wan Hao?"

After all, Jin Bo Xunhua is very scarce. He only knows that Ling Tuisi and Wan Tu's family have them. Although he and Ling Tuisi had a feud, but that was how many years ago, and the other party is far away in Jiangling, so the probability of committing a crime is not high. Now in Lin'an City, the most suspicious person is Wan Qiang.

Although he was 70% sure in his heart, Song Qingshu still did not dare to take it lightly. At this critical moment, if there is an enemy hiding in the dark and watching him but he doesn't know it, that would be bad.

"You have to make sure who the other party is." With a move in his heart, Song Qingshu had an idea, took out a spare set of clothes and put it on the assassin's corpse, moved him to the bed, lying face down, disguised as being poisoned and before he died. Still very uncomfortable, and then he hid on the beam.

As expected, before a cup of tea, the door was pushed open. Several people in black approached the bed cautiously, and stabbed the person on the bed with a knife a few times until they were sure of the other person. He was relieved just after he died.

"It's said that the Golden Snake King's martial arts is superb, but I think it's just like that."

"It is estimated that Jin Bo Xunhua is poisonous enough, and even the most powerful masters have to stop cooking."

"By the way, why didn't you see Chen San's kid?"

Several people started talking, because they were afraid of Jinbo Xunhua's poison, they didn't dare to get too close to the corpse, plus the clothes of Song Qingshu on the corpse, they were preconceived, and the corpse that didn't show up on the bed was their companion Chen San.

"Maybe he ran back to ask for credit when he saw it, Dongzi, quickly signal to the son." A man in black said to another tall and thin companion.

"Okay~" The man named Dongzi ran out happily.

Song Qing's writing on the beam shows weird colors, Chen San, Dong Zi...The rest will not be called Gao Yi, Zhao Zhen or something, I really miss the previous world, and I don't know if it will end.

Hearing the footsteps coming from outside the door, Song Qingshu quickly put away his cranky thoughts, lowered his head and looked down, only to see a handsome man walk in, but the gloom between his brows ruined his overall feeling.

"Who am I? It turned out to be Wan Gui's waste person." Song Qingshu sneered in his heart. Seeing his sad expression on his face, he must have been suffering during this period.

"Are you really sure he is dead?" Seeing the man lying on the bed, Wan Gui stood at the door and hesitated, his body trembled imperceptibly. Obviously, although he hated Song Qingshu to the extreme, he was also afraid at the same time. To the extreme.

"Don't worry, son, we have checked it many times." A man in black was afraid that Wan Gui would not believe it. He picked up the knife and stabbed the corpse on the bed.

"Be careful, Jinbo Xunhua is very poisonous, don't let the blood spill out and hurt the son." The companion hurriedly reminded.

"It's okay!" Seeing'Song Qingshu' lying there like a dead dog, Wan Gui only felt that the big rock in his heart was finally removed, and he laughed in excitement.

Since the last time he was abolished by Song Qingshu in the mansion, he wanted to revenge madly, but it was a pity that the opponent Shenlong could not see the end, and then he heard the news that the opponent had led a large army into Yangzhou, not to mention him, even the emperor. I'm afraid it's impossible to move the other party.

Originally thought that there was no hope for revenge in this life, who knew that Song Qingshu actually came to Lin'an, and he didn't bring any guards with him, only a few of Han Tong's men accompanied him.

Wan Gui could not bear it, and immediately summoned the masters of the palace to kill him at the inn. Fortunately, he hasn't lost his mind yet. Knowing that Song Qingshu's martial arts is so powerful, he didn't dare to be tough, so he first asked the confidant of Honghe Temple to persuade him to drink. It took the lead and didn't rush over until after confirming that it was successful.

"You go out first." Looking at the corpse on the bed, Wan Gui tried his best to suppress his body's excitement, and his handsome face became extremely distorted.

"Yes!" Seeing his expression, several people in black only felt terribly cold, thinking that their son was so'interested' in corpses, and that the other party was still a man... the more he thought about it, the more nauseous he felt. The individual hurried out and closed the door.

"Song, I didn't expect you to have today." Without other people around, Wan Gui couldn't restrain his emotions anymore, and laughed frantically. "When you came here with Qi Fang, how awesome is it? Isn't it lying on the bed like a dead dog now?"

Thinking of something that day, Wan Kyujun’s face was twisted again. He picked up the knife and chopped the lower body of the corpse on the bed. He threw away the knife until it became bloody. He gritted his teeth and said, "You made me not a man. I won’t let this hate go. I heard that you have a wife who is full of beauty and a lot of confidantes. Hey, I will not let them go. I will let them be ridden by thousands of people. Pressure, let you go to **** and wear countless green hats..."

He was talking about the excitement, who knew that a cold voice suddenly came from his ear: "I'm afraid you don't have that chance."

Song Qingshu originally wanted to hear if he could get any information from him, but after listening to it for a while, it was discovered that Wan Gui had only hatred left, plus he actually moved his thoughts on his own woman, he couldn't bear it.

"You, you..." Hearing the familiar voice, Wan Gui's hair on his body stood up, and when he saw Song Qingshu appear in front of him safe and sound, he was even more heartbroken, unable to say a word.

"Say, I wasn't quite proud just now, why don't you say it now?" Song Qingshu looked at him coldly.

"Why didn't you die!" Wan Gui exclaimed, his voice as sharp as an eunuch. He was originally very afraid of being known that he was not a man, so he deliberately hides his changing voice on weekdays, but now he is so scared that he is so scared that he doesn't even care about it.

"You haven't died, how am I willing to die." Song Qingshu replied lightly.

"Who is on this bed?" Wan Gui was frightened and angry, and at the same time scolded his group of men half to death, wishing to escape their lives today, and castrated all of them as eunuchs after returning.

"Your unlucky man named Chen San." Song Qingshu smiled slightly, but this smile fell in Wan Gui's eyes, but it was a hundred times more terrifying than the devil.

"The son!" At this time, Wan Gui's men who were guarding outside heard the movement and had rushed in, and they were all dumbfounded when they saw Song Qingshu standing in the room with ease.

"What are you doing? Kill him for me." Wan Gui knew how ridiculous his words were. Although these subordinates were all carefully selected masters in the Xiangfu, they were far behind Song Qingshu. He didn't ask these people to really hurt each other, but only hoped that they would entangle each other and leave time for himself to escape.

Therefore, as soon as the voice fell, the whole person used the energy of milking and slammed into the window, trying to escape into the street, to see if he could get rid of the opponent with the help of the complicated terrain.

It's a pity that he saw that he was about to touch the window, but felt a sharp pain in his legs. The whole person fell to the ground like a heavy sandbag. He crawled and turned around in horror, and now Song Qingshu was standing behind. Looking at him quietly, and then looking at his own hands, I saw that all those people fell to the ground, seeing that they were no longer alive.

"Unexpectedly, I killed so many masters silently in an instant." Wan Gui was shocked, and there was even a bit of envy and jealousy in his heart. If he had such a high level of martial arts, why bother to rely on conspiracy and tricks every time.

"Your subordinates have gone to Huangquan to find the way for you, now it's up to you." Song Qingshu didn't kill him last time, because he thought it was too cheap to kill him. Now he has been suffering for so long and the heat is about the same.

Song Qingshu’s words pulled Wan Gui back to reality in an instant. He only felt that his body was limp. Originally, he thought he might as well die if he couldn’t be a man. The belief in revenge has always supported him to live, but now he is really facing death, he suddenly realized himself. I was so scared, thinking that as the grandson of the grandfather, even if I can’t enjoy the things of men and women, there are many other places to enjoy...

The more he thought about it, the more he became afraid, Wan Gui said hurriedly: "Don't kill me...No, you dare not kill me..."

Song Qingshu chuckled, "I dare not kill you?"

Wan Kyu also calmed down a little at this time: "Yes, as the grandson of the prime minister of Song Dynasty, you are here again to beg for relatives. If you kill me, you will openly slap the entire court in the face, and then the emperor will again How would you marry the princess?" It was because he heard this news that he was jealous and angry, so that he could not hold back and plan the assassination the day before the official meeting.

Seeing Song Qingshu fell into silence, Wan Gui felt that he had grasped his veins, and became more courageous: "Hey, if you really kill me, don't say you can't ask for a kiss, even your golden snake camp. Can’t keep it. My grandfather, as the prime minister of the court, will use all his power to get the court to send troops northward in order to avenge me. You Jin Snake Camp will wait for death."

"Unless you kill my grandfather...hehe, but my grandfather is one of a hundred officials. If you die in your hands, the whole country will be absolutely shocked. Even if the emperor is unwilling, he will have to send troops to inquire, the same result. "

Wan Gui said a lot of things, and seeing Song Qingshu never refuted, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, thinking that these people in the arena, no matter how high in martial arts, are just people who can't stand up to the table, how can they compare to these figures in the temple.

Shaking his clothes, Wan Gui laughed and said, "If there is nothing wrong, I will leave first. As for the deaths of these subordinates, the young master is in a good mood today, so I will not pursue it..." He hasn't finished his words yet. , I felt a cold in my neck, and then the world turned around. The last sentence I heard in this life was:

"Noisy!" 8

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