Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1258: kneel?

Looking at the head rolling on the ground, Song Qingshu said indifferently: "You are too overestimating your status."

The reason why I didn’t kill Wan Kyu before was because it would be too cheap to kill him directly. It’s better to let him be punished a little bit more; second, the timing is not ripe, Song Qingshu didn’t want to give Li Kexiu an excuse to send troops at the critical moment. .

Now that the overall situation is settled, there is no need to worry so much. Wan Kyu's favored by Wan Tao is nothing more than a stubborn identity. How can it affect the political decisions of the court? And it doesn't matter if it is a prostitute, because Wan Chengmao is already hard to protect himself anyway.

Originally, Song Qingshu was so vicious when he heard what he said before, and then thinking of Di Yun's hatred, he planned to sell Wan Gui to the rabbit shop to serve Uncle Black. With his fine skin and tender flesh and a small white face, he would surely become a red card.

But the picture was too disgusting to think about, Song Qingshu thought of leaving such an enemy full of resentment and good at conspiracy and tricks. The ghost knew if he would have any adventures to come back for revenge. Of course he was not afraid of him because of Song Qingshu's cultivation, but there were so many around him. Hongyan, can't take them at risk.

Maybe it's because I watched too many movies and TV shows in my previous life, knowing that the villain often died of talking too much, so I can't repeat the same mistakes.

"Brother Di, I am taking revenge for you." Thinking of the honest Di Yun, Song Qingshu couldn't help but sighed for a long time. "Don't worry, Wan Tongmao will come to the ground to apologize to you soon."

The signal was given to the subordinates of Jinsheying lurking in Lin'an City. Song Qingshu ordered: "Send this person's bones to Maxipu, Xiangxi, and give it to a woman named Qi Fang, and let her bury the bones in Diyun Tomb. Atonement before."

"By the way, clean up all these other people."

Several agents of the Golden Snake Camp saluted: "Yes, Lord!" These people are shrewd and capable, and soon these people were cleaned up, and even the blood stains were wiped clean.

After this turmoil, especially considering that someone had been poked to the ground, Song Qingshu could not sleep, so he simply meditated on a stool beside him.

When about Mo arrived at Yin, officials from Honghe Temple ran to inform him that he was ready to enter the palace for an early visit. Song Qingshu noticed that one of them saw that he was safe and sound, his eyes were extremely surprised, and he looked around from time to time.

Knowing that he was the internal coordinator arranged by Wan Gui, Song Qingshu smiled slightly and did not take it seriously. He was optimistic, the scene was cleaned up, if he could really see what was going on.

Compared with this, Song Qingshu has another headache. Looking at the dark night outside the window, he can't help but slander: Now this point is replaced by the time of the previous life at about 3 in the morning. It is the person who slept soundly. At that time, the early dynasty system in ancient times was really inhumane.

(Note: This is the early dynasty system of the Ming Dynasty. This is not the case in Song Dynasty. There will be no dynasty meeting even for a few days, but for convenience, the Ming system is used uniformly.)

"When can I meet your emperor?" Song Qingshu asked.

One of the officials of Hongshe Temple hurriedly replied: "We will wait outside the palace first. The gate of the palace will open at about 960 hours. At that time, someone will arrange for the son to wait in a side hall. When the emperor summons you, there will be The **** led the son to the Jinluan Temple."

"Mao Shi?" Song Qingshu laughed anxiously, wouldn't it be 5 in the morning? He had to wait two hours before entering the palace. After entering the palace, he waited for the emperor to be summoned. He didn't know how long he would wait. Of course he didn't do it.

The officials at Hongxu Temple became anxious. All kinds of emotions were revealed and reasoned. Song Qingshu was still unmoved. As a result, the group of people finally asked his father to tell his grandmother. Song Qingshu finally couldn't bear to say, "Forget it, too. It's not difficult for you errands, I just go ahead. But I can't wait that long, I promise to be there before the palace gate opens."

Those people in Hongshe Temple had no choice but to compromise. Then Song Qingshu took another hour to rest before walking slowly to the palace.

When he arrived at the gate of the palace, the hundreds of civil and military officials were already waiting there. The first person was Wan Chengxuan, but he seemed a little absent-minded at this time, and he didn't even notice Song Qingshu's arrival.

The person next to him is wide-eyed, with his hands in the sleeve cage. The whole person has his shoulders and hunchback. The overall image is very awkward. Although Song Qingshu has never seen him, from his position, he guessed that he is Zhang Jun. .

"Hmph, he was also involved in the Yangzhou last time, and his younger brother Zhang Rou... Even if it wasn't for himself, he had to settle this account for the sake of Prince Yue." Song Qing's writing expression was cold, and suddenly appeared in his mind. With a beautiful and unparalleled cheek, I don't know where the little dragon girl is now. Wan Tong had known that she was Yue Fei's orphan before, and she didn't know if she was in any danger.

When he was losing his mind, Han Dongxuan waved to him: "Master Song, come here soon, I will introduce a few people to you." After all, the Golden Snake King was called out by a group of people from the rivers and lakes. At the bottom, Han Tong didn't mind shouting the Golden Snake King a few times to show respect, but now that everyone is in full view, he is in the heart of the palace, so he is naturally not easy to follow the truth.

Song Qingshu didn't care about this, and walked over with a smile: "Han Xiangzao."

Han Tong nodded, first introduced Song Qingshu's identity to everyone, and then introduced the surrounding officials to Song Qingshu one by one.

Wan Hao-mao finally recovered his mind at this moment, and said without a smile: "It seems that Han Sang has a very good relationship with the Golden Snake King."

Han Tong said with a slight smile: "If it weren't for the left-minded master's side when he was in Yangzhou, my relationship with Song Gongzi would be better." He had long expected Wan Tongxian to start from this aspect, and simply opened up and said directly. After all, it was a well-known thing that Yangzhou himself and Song Qingshu had reached an agreement before, but he directly admitted that he seemed upright and has a clear conscience, and blocked the other party after a series of actions.

Wan Tong's breath was suffocated. Obviously he was unexpectedly a little bit unexpected. He turned to Song Qingshu with a cold snort: "The old man's grandson heard that the son came to Lin'an yesterday and came to visit your place specially with a gift, but he has never returned to the house. Know if the son can tell me where he is?"

Song Qingshu secretly cursed shamelessly. The assassination with poison and a group of assassins can be described as visiting with gifts. If this is the case, then shamelessly chanting shamelessly: "Really? Why didn't I see Master Ling? You Lin’an city’s public security is so bad that everyone who lives can get lost?” Although it’s not a big deal to let him know the truth, but as the saying goes, more things are worse than less things. Song Qingshu has always been a troublesome person and can be lazy. Time will never hesitate.

"You!" Wan Tuo knew that Wan Gui was mostly folded in his hands, but the other party insisted that he had never seen it before. He had no evidence in his hand, and there was nothing he could do if he wanted to.

"Okay, okay, the gate of the palace is already open, please, please." Jia Sidao on the side said. During this time, he was desperate to find out Jia Baoyu's whereabouts, and found that Wan Tuan had been transferred to the army. At the scene, Jia Baoyu’s disappearance may not be related to him. Now that Wan Gui is missing, he is gloating in misfortune.

"Song has seen Jia Shumi." Song Qingshu was chattering with him, while having a headache, Jia Baoyu's affairs must find a proper way to deal with the aftermath, otherwise Jia Sidao will doubt me sooner or later.

"Fortunately to meet." Jia Sidao took a closer look at him, but couldn't see his depth, and was shocked for a while.

In this way, a group of people entered the palace with their own ghosts, the civil and military officials advanced into the Jinluan Hall, and Song Qingshu was led by the **** to a side hall to wait.

Being boring in the side hall, Song Qingshu even moved to look for Li Yuanzhi, but seeing the **** who is inseparable and the guards outside the door, he dismissed this idea. In broad daylight, the risk factor was too high.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for a message to announce that he had come to the meeting. Song Qingshu sorted his clothes and hurried to the Jinluan Temple in a leisurely manner.

Based on his experience over the years, the dragon chair had been seated, and seeing a Southern Song emperor really couldn't bring up his nervousness.

"Golden Snake King Song Qingshu, I've seen the emperor." After entering the hall, Song Qingshu began to look at the emperor who had a lot of criticism from later generations. He was white and fat, and he looked quite cute.

Song Qing showed a weird look in writing, thinking that he eats and drinks well all day, pampers him, and is normal. The eunuchs on TV are all fattened. But it is strange to say that Zhao Gou's beard grows quite luxuriantly, and the beard under his jaw is probably as long as a foot.

"Isn't he already a useless person? Why is there such a strong male hormone? This beard was not deliberately put on, right." Song Qingshu was slandering, there was a stern shout from the side:

"Bold, what sin should you not kneel down after seeing the emperor!"

Song Qingshu looked back and saw that Wan Qianzheng was full of righteous indignation, standing there glaring at him, and Zhang Jun beside him echoed, yin and yang said strangely: "I don't know how the people at Hongfu Temple taught, just a little bit. A grassroots should also claim to be king? You know this is a crime of treason."

Jia Sidao originally watched the show in a good time, but when Zhang Jun brought the topic to the Hongyou Temple, he suddenly stopped: "The right phase is very bad. Song Qingshu is not a citizen of the Song Dynasty, and at the same time, he is a leader of the party. It doesn’t matter if he is called king or solitary, he naturally does not need to be subject to my Da Song etiquette.” Now the officials of Hongxu Temple are under the control of the Privy Council. If Zhang Jun is responsible for this crime, he will inevitably be embarrassed. , So just speak for Song Qingshu.

Wan Tongmao sneered and said: "Master Jia's words are not good enough. Song Qingshu was born in Jingzhou area of ​​Song Dynasty. His father was Song Yuanqiao of the Wudang school. As the saying goes, the ruler is the minister and the father is the son. His father Song Yuanqiao is my father. Song Zimin, why is he not?"

Jia Sidao couldn't help being speechless for a while, and he gave a cold snort and stopped answering. Now that he has moved the focus of the topic away from Honghe Temple, he naturally doesn't bother to hold back Song Qingshu's arrows.

Han Tongxuan hurriedly signaled to Song Qingshu secretly, asking him to kneel down and shout Long Live Long Live, and give Zhao Go a step down, so that he could take the opportunity to complete the field.

Who knew that Song Qing Shuli ignored him, still standing upright in the middle of the hall, making Zhao Gou's face gradually sink. 8

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