Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1264: Tao follows nature

Hearing Huang Chang said that Song Qingshu could not do personnel affairs, Li Yuanzhi on the side couldn't help but feel a little bit ridiculous. I wondered how bad old man you know how good my brother Song is. Some scenes of the two people being intimate appeared in my mind, and I couldn't help but feel a little silly for a while. . ?

Being regarded as a **** by him, Song Qingshu was also dumbfounded, but he wanted to hide his identity, so he admitted: "Senior's eyes are like a torch."

He confessed that Chen Yuanyuan and Akke were fortunate to have a slight disappointment. Fortunately, this person really couldn't do human affairs. They were disappointed... They also didn't know why they were disappointed in their hearts. Perhaps they thought of such a handsome and handsome character. It was a pity that he was not a real man.

"The old man also heard about some things about "The Sunflower Treasure",'I want to practice magical skills and wield a knife from the palace.' The old man originally thought that this kind of training method is hurtful, but it is really going against the sky and is destined to be limited. With this skill, the Eastern Guru managed to achieve this level of cultivation at a young age, which really surprised the old man." Huang Chang was full of emotion, as if he was full of curiosity about the "Sunflower Treasure".

Song Qingshu secretly smacked his tongue, "Sunflower Treasure" is such a top-notch knowledge, and Huang Chang's cultivation base is only qualified to look down upon it.

Huang Chang turned to Song Qingshu, and his dark cloak made his face a little fuzzy: "Although the old man doesn't often walk in the rivers and lakes, he also knows that the master of the Oriental martial arts was hailed by many as the world's best master a few years ago. With such an identity, why would you come to this palace to steal incense and jade?"

Song Qingshu smiled slightly: "The "Nine Yin Zhenjing" written by the predecessor has been robbed by the world's masters. Doesn't the predecessor still commit himself to taking care of the home in the palace?" The invincible identity of the East is a very good cover He didn't want to reveal his identity at the juncture of Song Hetan, otherwise there would be a lot of variables. Anyway, Dongfang Muxue was his own, and she would not mind if she borrowed her identity.

"Sharp teeth, but also a bit of youthful vigor." Huang Chang was not angry, but rather admired.

"Senior praised." Song Qingshu's attitude is extremely humble. After all, he has also learned the "Nine Yin Scriptures", and the other party is still half of his master.

Huang Chang sighed: "Back then, my parents, wives and children were all killed by Mingjiao. Later, I devoted myself to studying martial arts revenge. When the martial arts became successful, I found out that the old enemy died and the old are old. It is no longer possible to seek revenge from those people. Meaning. The Sun Moon God Sect is inextricably linked to Ming Sect. Since the Eastern Hierarch is the leader of Sun Moon God Sect and is known as the world’s number one master, he should pay off this grievance for the predecessors."

Song Qingshu had a black thread, thinking that I was really lying down and shot, and I won't be able to pretend to be someone like Dongfang Muxue who is full of enemies in the world.

"Lest you complain about me again to bully the younger, this time you should act first." Huang Chang said lightly.

Song Qingshu was startled: "Should you not let me do three tricks?"

Huang Chang was silent, and only after a long time he said, "Your martial arts is too high. I will let you three tricks without the certainty of victory, so I still refuse."

Song Qingshu laughed anxiously: "It would be a loss of predecessor's demeanor."

Huang Chang faintly replied: "The world is not benevolent and all things are the dogs. These old men with false names have long been taken lightly."

"I have seen a lot of shameless people, but it's rare to be as straightforward as the predecessors." Song Qingshu laughed blankly.

Huang Chang didn't get angry at all: "Your martial arts are so high, you are young and strong, and I am old and weak, you should let me show three ways to respect the old and love the young."

Song Qingshu was stunned for a while, and immediately said with a smile: "If an old naughty boy meets a senior, he will definitely be a confidant."

Huang Chang shook his head: "I also know a little bit about Zhou Botong. He is Wang Chongyang’s junior but in fact half of his apprentice. The original martial arts can only be said to be so-so. I practiced my "Jiuyin". "The Book of Truth" combined with his invented right and left hand-to-hand stroke technique, it is a bit interesting. He said that it is not familiar with the world when it sounds good, and that it is unsatisfactory to say that it is unpleasant. And I have reached too much forgiveness. Although the realm of Taoism's natural state seems to be similar on the surface, it is actually quite different. He can't be my confidant."

Song Qingshu was stunned, and immediately realized something: "The junior is dull, senior please!"

Huang Chang didn't refuse, his body flickered like a big Peng spreading his wings, and he rushed towards him, with one hand clasping his face, and the other hand covering his chest.

Song Qingshu secretly laughed, thinking that although Huang Chang's cultivation level is high, he can attack him with such a degree, it is really far from it.

After all, Huang Chang is a peerless master who has been famous for decades. Song Qingshu didn't dare to take it hard. He planned to avoid his sharp edge first and was waiting for an opportunity to fight back. Who knows a little toe, but the whole person did not drift far away as expected. , But still stayed in place.

"Be careful!" Li Yuanzhi, who was watching the battle, saw that Huang Chang had already attacked Song Qing's writing. His ten fingers seemed to be about to pierce the lover's body, but the lover was still staying. She was so scared that she subconsciously wanted to scream to remind her. It was too fast, and the surrounding air seemed to suddenly become extremely viscous, making her a little breathless, so her mouth was wide open, but no sound came out.

Chen Yuanyuan and A Ke on the side have a much more complicated mood. It stands to reason that they should hate Song Qingshu very much, wishing him to be defeated, but seeing him in a dangerous situation, I don’t know why, but the mother and daughter can’t be happy. Is it Huang Chang? The whole person is hiding in the cloak like a ghost. Isn't it as pleasing as Song Qingshu's appearance?

The nervousness of the three women quickly eased. It turned out that Song Qingshu twisted his body at the first moment to avoid the fatal blow of the opponent.

"Five-finger strength, all strong and unbreakable, destroy the enemy's brain, such as piercing the mulch..." The scripture "Nine Yin Zhenjing" appeared in Song Qingshu's mind, and he secretly sighed, if Zhiruo saw how the other party used the nine Yin white bone claws. Yes, I'm afraid I will be so ashamed that I dare not admit that I will also be ashamed.

However, it was not Huang Chang’s nine-yin white claws that made him most emotional, but the air around him when the opponent attacked seemed as if it were real, becoming extremely viscous, turning into invisible shackles, making him immobile, if it weren’t for him. The skill is high enough to barely avoid it when it's a pinch. Now I am afraid that not only the victory or defeat, but also life and death are distinguished.

Looking down at his chest, I saw the clothes on my chest were tattered, and there were a few blood stains on the chest. Song Qingshu wondered: "What kind of skill is this senior, is it domain?" In my previous life, I watched so many films and television works, Domain 2 The word blurted out.

"Domain? This name is also appropriate," Huang Chang was startled, and stopped his attack. "These are some rules of the world that the old man has understood in recent years. It can control the surrounding environment to a certain extent. The kid should be careful."

Song Qingshu nodded, no longer the frivolous color on his face, and solemnly said: "The juniors also have a trick here. I hope seniors can enlighten me."

After speaking, he took a step forward, and everyone in the hall just felt that there was a flower in front of them. Song Qingshu had appeared in front of Huang Chang in an instant, and punched him on his right shoulder. 8

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