Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1265: Pinnacle showdown

After all, Huang Chang is a senior, and he has no hatred with Song Qingshu. It is said that the Nine Yin Scriptures he practiced with Zhou Zhiruo are also the legacy of the other party, so although he has the opportunity to attack the other party's vitals, he still chooses the insignificant part of the shoulder.

But why did he wait for Xiu now? Although this punch has no reputation for bluffing people, the light of the fist faintly shines in front of the fist, even if it is hit by Huang Chang, I am afraid that it will lose its combat effectiveness.

"Big Brother Song is great!" Li Yuanzhi's eyes cast red hearts. Girls' feelings are always poetry. Of course, they hope that their lover is better.

Chen Yuanyuan and A Ke interlocked with their fingers. They were obviously very nervous. They were inexplicably worried when they saw Song Qingshu in danger. Now they are more worried when they see Huang Chang in danger. After all, once Song Qingshu wins, the ghost knows what they will face. fate.

However, their eyes widened quickly, and they saw Huang Chang's arm suddenly retracted a few inches into the body, just in time to avoid Song Qingshu's inevitable blow.

"The method of tightening tendons and shrinking bones?" Song Qingshu had studied the Jiuyin Scriptures, and naturally knew that there was one such martial arts.

When he was slightly lost, Huang Chang's retracted arm popped out quickly, Song Qingshu's expression changed and he hurriedly moved a few feet out of thin air, but unfortunately he was still swept to the elbow by the other's five fingers. He only felt his arm numb and he was full of strength. Suddenly disappear.

"Hand wave five strings!" Song Qingshu recognized this trick in the "Nine Yin Zhenjing" in an instant, but he had no time to think about it. The top priority was to respond to Huang Chang's victory.

Although the whole body strength disappeared for only a moment, for a master of Huang Chang's level, this moment was more than enough.

Seeing that it was inevitable, Song Qingshu's eyes suddenly flashed a strange light, and a villain with a sword appeared in his pupils, as if he was ready to rush out at any time.

Huang Chang felt his heart palpitations, and he noticed that the surrounding air suddenly changed, as if he was no longer controlled by his aura. The great master's instinct made him instantly raise his hand back, and a long black ink shot from his sleeve. The whip was wrapped around the beam in the distance, and he pulled the whole person violently and retreated several meters away. The cloak of his whole body was automatically without wind, and it swelled several times in an instant. The palms were slowly raised, and the surrounding air was usually twisted around the body. Even the light became distorted. Not far away, a few women just glanced at them, and felt annoyed and vomited, and they closed their eyes in fright.

Seeing Huang Chang looking like an enemy, Song Qingshu smiled slightly, the golden figure in his eyes gradually faded, and with a little toe, he came to Chen Yuanyuan's mother and daughter behind Ake, looking at Huang Chang and said: "Senior, you and I have no deep hatred. , Why bother with life and death? How about giving up?"

Hearing the sound in their ears, Akko and Chen Yuanyuan only learned that Song Qingshu had come to them. They couldn't help but lose their color. Akko subconsciously attacked behind him, but as soon as he raised his hand, he felt that all his strength was gone, and his hand was weak. The ground hangs down.

"It's hard for a disobedient woman to please a man." Song Qingshu leaned into her ear and said, and the exhaled heat made Ake's pretty face smeared with red clouds in an instant, and at the same time provoked Li Yuanzhi who was not far away. A little mouth was made.

The air around Huang Chang gradually returned to calm, and a black cloak was revealed again, and his voice was full of solemnity: "What was your effort just now?"

"A kind of kung fu that shouldn't exist in this world." Song Qingshu said in a pun, Sword Twenty-Three, judging from the name, it is martial arts in the wind and clouds, and it is indeed not considered the kung fu in this world.

Huang Chang wanted to ask again. Suddenly he frowned and closed his mouth. Then the palace door was knocked open, and a lot of guards poured in. It turned out that the two had fought for so long and finally shocked the guards in the palace.

"So courageous, I dared to trespass into the forbidden area of ​​the palace and take it all for me." Seeing the situation in the house, he was frightened and angry for the guard leader, and the guards waved their hands to surround Song Qingshu and Huang Shang Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan and Song Qing Shu .

Song Qingshu laughed dumbfounded, Huang Chang's identity was mysterious, and there were only a handful of people who wanted to come to this palace to know his identity. Nowadays, the flood has rushed into the Dragon King Temple. Before, there was the appearance of a policeman catching a thief. Now he is a thief with me. It depends on how you cope with this situation.

However, his smile quickly stiffened, because Huang Chang quickly raised a golden token. After the group of guards picked it up, their expressions changed drastically, and they all knelt down to salute.

"Take this person!" Huang Chang pointed to the other side, and Song Qingshu suddenly became the focus of the audience.

"I said Lao Huang, it's boring, right? One-on-one, one-on-one, one-on-one?" Song Qingshu said depressedly. Although the guards in the palace are not top masters, they are placed in the arena. Many people are enough to be the head of a small school, as the so-called ants kill elephants, not to mention that there is a Huang Changhu staring at him next to him.

"Humans follow the earth, the earth follows the heavens, the heavens follow the natural laws, as long as we can keep you, why should I stand up against you?" Huang Chang's indifferent voice came from the cloak.

Song Qingshu was speechless for a while, and then he remembered that Huang Chang had already cultivated to the point of forgetting feelings. He wanted to use these moral rules in the world to restrain him. It was a bit idiotic to dream.

"Concubine Wu and Silent are in my hands. If you don't want to hurt them, just step back." Since Huang Chang didn't eat hard, Song Qingshu had to start with the ordinary guards.

The guards really stopped. They were different from Huang Chang. They knew that Concubine Wu was well-loved, and if there was something at all, they would not be able to eat and walk around, so all of them were thrown away.

"Quickly let go of Concubine Wu!"

"You are the great sin of the Jiu Clan!"

"Let go of Niang Niang, you can do it lightly."


The guards around you were so noisy with each and every word, Song Qingshu chuckled lightly: "I'm not a three-year-old kid, what's the point of you telling me this."

Suddenly his expression changed abruptly and he turned around, and saw Huang Chang leaping towards him like a big Peng spreading his wings.

Song Qingshu frowned, and now he was deeply encircled. He was unwilling to work hard with Huang Chang to expend his skills. He simply grabbed Chen Yuanyuan's fragrant shoulders to keep her in front of him. He planned to use this shield to avoid Huang Chang, and he took the opportunity to come. It's the best plan to take one step.

But to his surprise, seeing Chen Yuanyuan standing in between the two of them, Huang Chang didn't mean to stop at all. He still blasted a big Fumo fist and hit Chen Yuanyuan with a fist in everyone's horrified eyes.

Chen Yuanyuan spouted a mouthful of blood and slumped into Song Qingshu's body. Song Qingshu instantly felt a weird force of punching from Chen Yuanyuan's body.

"Across the mountain!" Song Qingshu understood Huang Chang's plan instantly. He originally had enough time to escape, but once he escaped, there was nowhere to vent the boxing power hidden in Chen Yuanyuan's body. This peerless beauty might be able to eliminate the jade on the spot. die.

He clenched his teeth and covered his chest with softness, and hugged Chen Yuanyuan in his arms, using his body to dissolve the spiral and violent fist in her body.

It was because he had prepared in advance, but this was equivalent to a full blow from Huang Chang's Dafu Demon Fist. Song Qingshu only felt a strong force coming from his chest, his throat was sweet, and he almost didn't faint directly--

The vertical and horizontal double monthly pass is here, and one monthly pass is counted as two. The event ends at 12 noon on the 19th.

I should be able to change chapters 5-6 today. I am not sure about more or less in the next few days. I can only say that I can do my best. Everyone, please order more monthly tickets to give the monk motivation? (????)8

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