Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1266: The roots of troubles

"Unexpectedly, your Excellency is still a love type. I would rather save Chen Yuanyuan if I am injured.??" Although Huang Chang's mouth had an admiring tone, he didn't stop at hand and continued to pursue the victory.

"No!" Seeing her mother was vomiting blood from Huang Chang's punch, Akko felt a chill pouring from the top of her head to the soles of her feet. At this moment, she finally reacted, replaced by immense anger, and she didn't know where it came from. His courage opened his hands and stopped in front of Huang Chang, "You are not allowed to hurt my mother!"


Seeing that Huang Chang's attack was about to fall on A Ke, the guards not far away all exclaimed.

Huang Chang frowned. After all, the person in front of him was the emperor's favorite concubine. If he hurt him... he was hesitant in his heart, and his hands would be slow.

Song Qingshu took this opportunity to hold Chen Yuanyuan and slammed open the window, and soon disappeared from the sight of everyone.

"Chasing!" A group of guards rushed out with their swords out of their sheaths, but Huang Chang didn't move. He fought against Song Qingshu several times, knowing that with the light power of the other party, since he had already seized the opportunity, he definitely couldn't catch up now. Up. If it is on an open plain, he can still use his injuries to chase after him, but now the terrain in the palace is complicated, and the opponent has a hundred places to throw him away.

Shaking his head, Huang Chang turned and walked towards the shadow in the corner. The whole person was about to disappear into the darkness, but Akko suddenly ran to him and stopped him. Although he was shaking with fear, Akko still stared at him stubbornly: " Why are you killing my mother!"

Huang Chang replied indifferently: "I am not going to kill your mother, but to keep that person."

"But if that person doesn't help!" Although Ake is not a master, she can still see that Huang Chang's punch just now shows no mercy. If Song Qingshu hadn't resolved most of her mother's strength, they might be afraid now. It's already on each side.

"That's just to get rid of the trouble for Da Song." Huang Chang's tone did not fluctuate at all, as if there was no trace of emotion.

"Beauty is a disaster?" Akko muttered to himself, without reacting for a while.

"Weeping, the six armies are all suspicious, and the crown is angry as a beauty, a Chen Yuanyuan, who caused the Central Plains to fall under the iron cavalry of a foreign race... Such an unknown woman staying in the palace is not the blessing of the Song Dynasty." Huang Changliu After this sentence, the surrounding light distorted for a while, and soon disappeared without a trace.

Akko stood in place, shaking with anger: "You men are not capable of yourself, and you put all the responsibility on a woman..." As Chen Yuanyuan's daughter, she has heard similar remarks since she was a child. Although she felt a little disapproving in her heart, it was the common point of view of all people that the accumulative sum of money was ruined, and she was unable to reverse the rebuttal.

I thought of leaving my hometown and coming to the Southern Song Dynasty thousands of miles away. For the sake of my father’s cause, I had to marry someone I didn’t like. The only thing I was grateful for was that my mother accompanied me along the way. But now this only reliance is also to leave. She left... The more A Ke thought about it, the more sad she couldn't help crying.

"Don't be too sad, your mother should be fine." Li Yuanzhi walked over and comforted softly. Originally, she didn't like Ake and Chen Yuanyuan, but just now Huang Chang hurt her lover. Under the same enemy, she suddenly felt Ake is not that annoying anymore. What's more, Song Qingshu was injured just now. Fortunately, Ake stepped out in the crisis and gave the lover a chance to get out. So seeing Ake was so sad, she couldn't help but come to comfort her.

"How do you know that my mother will be fine?" Akko looked up at her hopefully with her beautiful eyes with teardrops as if she had caught the life-saving straw.

"Uh..." Li Yuanzhi thought that I couldn't tell you that it was strange that Song elder brother's pity and pity for Chen Yuanyuan could make Chen Yuanyuan trouble, so he replied, "Just now that man would rather be injured than save the quiet and loose people. I deliberately took her away, I'm afraid I'm worried that if you leave her here, you will be killed by the ghost.

Li Yuanzhi didn't know who Huang Chang was, so he simply replaced it with an alias. Anyway, Huang Chang's whole person was shrunk in his cloak on weekdays, looking like a ghost indeed.

"Is that person really not going to hurt my mother?" Akko muttered to herself, thinking that the mysterious person did something to her mother and daughter that night, but she saved her mother again today. She didn't know what to do for a while. To hate him or to be grateful to her.

Let’s say that Song Qingshu hugged Chen Yuanyuan and turned left and right in the palace, and soon left the chasing soldiers out of sight. Because Lenggong was relatively quiet, he went all the way back to Li Yuanzhi's residence.

"Wow~" As soon as Chen Yuanyuan was put on the bed, Song Qingshu vomited a mouthful of blood. It turned out that he was injured by Huang Chang's Dafu Demon's fist, and he was rushing all the way to aggravate the injury, but he never had time to adjust his breath. , Causing qi and blood to turbulent, now that he settled down a little bit, he couldn't help but vomit a bit of blood congestion.

Huang Chang's full blow was so great. Fortunately, Song Qingshu has a magical body protection, and coupled with the preparation when he took it, he did not suffer irreversible serious injuries, but he still needs to adjust his breath immediately.

Sitting cross-legged on the bed, his inner breath revolved for several weeks, Song Qingshu finally relieved his breath. If half a year ago, he might have to adjust his breath for ten and a half days if he suffered such an injury. He can adjust his current cultivation level. After a few weeks, the injury almost recovered.

Suddenly, Song Qingshu opened his eyes, and saw Chen Yuanyuan pulled off the golden hairpin on his head, struggling to climb over, and pressed the sharp end of the golden hairpin against his neck, his face was extremely pale.

Song Qingshu frowned: "What are you doing?"

Chen Yuanyuan bit her lip: "You have defiled my innocence, and I will drag you to death before I die."

Song Qingshu laughed blankly: "How can I dirty your innocence, I haven't touched you from start to finish, okay?"

"Nonsense!" Chen Yuanyuan's originally bloodless face flashed a strange red tide, "If you didn't touch me, my mouth...how could it be all that kind of pickled things in my mouth."

"What kind of pickled things?" Song Qingshu asked knowingly.

"You!" Chen Yuanyuan's eyes stood up, and she couldn't help the anger in her heart anymore, and the golden hairpin in her hand stabbed his neck forcefully.


Chen Yuanyuan only felt the palm of her hand numb, and the golden hairpin couldn't hold it anymore. She flew to a side of the pillar and stuck it. The tail of the golden hairpin still trembled, showing how skillful the other party's finger was.

Jin Chai let go, Chen Yuanyuan immediately lost her center of gravity, and she fell softly to the ground, but instead of falling to the hard floor as expected, she fell into a warm embrace.

"Madam, be careful. If you smash the face of the country and the city, I don't know how many men in this world want to sigh." Song Qingshu smiled slightly.

"Frivolity and shameless person~" Chen Yuanyuan's impression of Song Qingshu in his heart dropped to freezing point again, and angrily and anxiously tried to push him away, "Don't touch me."

"Really don't want me to touch?" Song Qingshu smiled with a strange smell.

"Of course!" Chen Yuanyuan was already injured and weak, and his breath suddenly became anxious by three points after being so provoked by him.

"That's good." Song Qingshu retracted her hands in an instant. Chen Yuanyuan was seriously injured and weak. She was only supported by him to stabilize her figure. This sudden change caused her to lose her center of gravity again and fell into his arms, even more coincidental. However, because she was facing down, her face fell directly between Song Qingshu's legs.

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