Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1267: Not a man

"Hmm~" Chen Yuanyuan tried to get up several times, but was seriously injured, and now she is weak. Several times she saw that she was going to lift her head and eventually fell back again. ..

There was a man's masculine aura in front of him, and Chen Yuanyuan couldn't wait for a crack in the ground to get in right away.

Song Qingshu spread his hands and said innocently: "It's not I touching you now, but you are touching me."

Chen Yuanyuan was embarrassed and anxious, but there was no other way, she couldn't keep lying between his legs in this posture, so she had to subdue softly: "You help me up quickly."

"No~" Song Qingshu hurriedly shook his head, deliberately prolonging her voice, "Madam said just now that I won't let me touch, I don't want to be regarded as a frivolous and shameless person."

Chen Yuanyuan's teeth tickled when she heard him deliberately teasing herself, she wanted to open her mouth to bite him, but thinking of what she would bite after opening her mouth, she was not so bold after all.

I lowered my head and admired the beautiful woman lying in her arms. She saw her cloud temples scattered, and strands of green silk slipped onto her snow-white slender neck. The contrast between the two colors seemed to exude a charming luster, which made Song Qingshu's heart move. I couldn't help but bowed his head and kissed her neck.

"Ah~" Chen Yuanyuan didn't expect this change, the hot and gentle kiss from the man on her neck made her feel a little lost for a while. She hadn't been touched by a man for a long time, and she didn't expect this touch to actually make her whole body. A tremor, there is a tremor from the soul.

She was a rosy face in her life, because of her well-known beauty, she was coveted by too many men, and because of this, she knew men better than any woman in this world.

If an ordinary girl encounters such a situation, she will only treat the other party as lustful, but from this gentle kiss, she can experience the other party’s compassion and love for her, and feel that his kiss is just for the good. Appreciation of things is naturally uncontrollable, and not out of carnal desire like other men.

She has experienced too many men in this rough life, no matter whether Wu Sangui or Li Zicheng, even if she has been a gentleman before, once she gets into bed, she will show an impatient ugly state, and she subconsciously wants to get rid of her. Her skirt, who would really pity her like this.

After thinking about going to the whole world, perhaps only Hu Yizhi from the Sanshengan Temple was the only one who was willing to become an old farmer from the dignified sword king. He spent the whole day weeding and growing vegetables in the Sansheng Temple. One is During the ten years, the two sides only said twenty or thirty sentences.

Chen Yuanyuan only learned the identity of the other party afterwards, but although she was touched in her heart, she didn't feel strange about him. In her opinion, infatuation is certainly not wrong, but pursuing a partner is not like raising a pet. It is enough to be "good to her". The relationship between men and women pays attention to the love between each other, and such love must have a certain personality. Traits can make the other person appreciate and rely on.

But it is a pity that Hu Yizhi has nothing to admire Chen Yuanyuan.

When Chen Yuanyuan was a teenager, she was crowned Qin Huai. What kind of people have never seen the most infatuated person, and they don't know how many people like Hu Yizhi. These people don't treat her as a woman, but treat her as a woman. Held into a high goddess.

Although Chen Yuanyuan also enjoys this feeling, enjoyment is one thing. The unequal status of the two parties at the beginning destined that she will not have any special feelings for this type of suitor. In her heart, Hu Yizhi has this type of People's status is not even as good as Wu Sangui or Li Zicheng.

However, Chen Yuanyuan did not have too deep feelings for Wu Sangui and Li Zicheng, after all, the two people just regarded her as a beautiful plaything.

Over the years, Chen Yuanyuan, an ancient Buddha with a blue lantern, often took self-pity in the dead of night. He knows more men in this life than an average woman has in ten lifetimes, but there is no other half who can truly be in harmony with her. I have to say It is the biggest regret in this life.

I don’t know why, being kissed by this young mysterious man now makes her feel like her whole body is electrocuted and her heartbeat is speeding up. She is also a little frightened as she is shy, how could she have such a feeling for this flower-picking thief.

"Maybe it was an illusion when I was about to die." Chen Yuanyuan's chest became more and more stuffy, and she felt pain all over her body.

Aware of her strangeness, Song Qingshu stopped teasing her, helped her up and lay on the bed gently, holding her hand to get her pulse, frowning, although Huang Chang just used the skill of fighting a cow. , But there is still a small part of Chen Yuanyuan's strength left in Chen Yuanyuan's body. Fortunately, the power of the Da Fu Moquan was resolved by her own body, otherwise this peerless beauty would have long since disappeared. But despite this, Huang Chang's hundred years of skill was so good, Chen Yuanyuan's delicate body could not stand it, seeing that only half of his life was left.

"Am I going to die?" Looking at the man sitting on the bedside exuding solemn air, Chen Yuanyuan really couldn't associate him with the lewd thief who bullied their mother and daughter that night.

Song Qingshu sighed: "You are indeed hurt very badly. Even if you are too hospitalized for consultation, I am afraid there is nothing you can do."

"Sure enough." Chen Yuanyuan's eyes were full of calmness, as if she had already prepared her mentally, "Anyway, a beauty like me should be dead for a long time."

Realizing that her pulse is getting weaker and weaker, Song Qingshu knows that she has given up the idea of ​​survival, and can't help but feel annoyed and anxious: "I haven't finished speaking yet. People in the hospital can't save you, and it doesn't mean that I can't save you. "

Chen Yuanyuan only thought he was comforting herself, and she didn't care, she looked at him quietly with beautiful eyes: "Can you promise me one thing?"

"Tell me, it depends on my mood to answer or not." Song Qingshu replied indifferently while investigating the injury in her body with real energy.

Chen Yuanyuan was startled. You must know that since she was a teenager, which man she met was not responsive to her, even if she met one or two pretending to be cold and arrogant, she would not refuse when she begged so softly. She, she is like this man

"Can you take the mask off and let me have a look." Maybe the other person's previous attitude made her predict that she might be rejected. When Chen Yuanyuan said this, he not only paid attention to the soft tone, but also blinked a pair of watery eyes. , As if he could speak, he kept conveying his plea.

"Are you trying to seduce me?" Noting her expression, a smile appeared in Song Qingshu's eyes.

Chen Yuanyuan’s white jade-like cheeks instantly showed two blushes. Since leaving Qinhuai River, she has not deliberately used these small charms for decades. I did not expect that today she would take the initiative to show this to a young kid. , But what I didn't expect was that I got such a reply.

"I'm afraid he is really not a real man, as I guessed before." Chen Yuanyuan suddenly had a thought in her mind. Fortunately, there was a trace of inexplicable regret in her heart. He finally met a man with a soul fit. The other party is actually not a man.

This book has finally given birth to a new leader. I would like to thank the book friend "King of the Pigeon" for his love and support for this book.

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