Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1316: Conquer the Jackal

Listening to the words of the completion of Kun, Song Qingshu couldn't help but fall into contemplation, who was calculating himself in secret?

Suddenly, a name came to his mind, and he hurriedly looked at Cheng Kun: "Is that person looking like a thin scholar?"

"Washing? Scholar?" Cheng Kun shook his head, "That man is a short fat man with a huge head and a rat's whiskers. He shook his head and shook his head. His appearance is very funny.?"

Hearing his description, Song Qingshu thought of a person, gritted his teeth and said, "So it's him!"

"Who is it?" Cheng Kun asked subconsciously.

Song Qingshu glanced at him lightly, but didn't mean to answer. Instead, his thoughts were like electricity. According to his description, the mysterious man was obviously the murderer Ping Yizhi, that is, Murong Jingyue.

In fact, the character that appeared in Song Qingshu's mind at the beginning was Murong Jingyue, but what he described was the appearance he had seen near Yaowangzhuang with Bing Xueer when he was a tall and thin scholar. Later, he appeared with a diametrically opposite appearance.

"Even the physical features can be changed at will. It's no wonder that Zhao Min can't find out where he is by using the forces of the Ruyang Palace." Song Qingshu secretly sighed, and at the same time realized that he should get this poisonous snake out as soon as possible, otherwise who knows he will What kind of ghost trick.

"Do you know where to find him?" Song Qingshu stared at Cheng Kun with scorching eyes.

"I don't know," Cheng Kun was worried about his unbelief, and hurriedly added, "I saw him when he rescued me at first, but he never showed up again."

Such an answer was not unexpected. Song Qingshu knew that Murong Jingyue's caution would not reveal his own information.

"Think again, did you omit or deliberately lie to me just now? If Chen Youliang's confession doesn't match yours, I don't bother to tell who is true and who is false. Both have killed a hundred." Song Qingshu said lightly.

"No, absolutely not." Cheng Kun secretly cried out, this man was so cruel and cruel at a young age, he really fell into the gutter this time.

Song Qingshu was non-committal, tapped his sleeping acupuncture point and then woke up Chen Youliang, and asked the question again. Although his answer was slightly different from Cheng Kun, it was harmless. To be honest, if the two answers were exactly the same, he would still be even less convinced. Up.

After awakening Cheng Kun again, Song Qingshu said indifferently: "You want to die or to live."

The master and apprentice looked at each other and saw the joy in each other's eyes, and hurriedly replied: "Of course I want to live!"

"Well, you will be loyal to me from now on, and I will spare your lives." Song Qingshu looked at the two quietly.

"No problem, no problem. From now on, we are absolutely loyal to the son. If we violate our oath, we will be condemned by God!" Cheng Kun and Chen Youliang agreed in unison, but they had the same idea in their hearts. After the disaster, When the time comes, the sky will be high and the birds will fly and the ocean will leap, and who the **** will return you. As for the oath, what is the scourge?

Of course, they didn't show their thoughts on their faces at all.

"Are you a fool or treat me as a fool?" Song Qingshu sneered again and again, "You don't think I believe you like this, do you?"

Whether it is sincere or Chen Youliang, the original works are the kind of unscrupulous people. It is commonplace to use all means for the purpose. How can they believe their vows.

Cheng Kun and Chen Youliang felt cold. Song Qingshu had already spread his hands, and two vermilion pills were displayed in front of them: "Eat this."

"What's this?" the master and apprentice asked in fright.

"The Three Corpse Brain Pills, I must have heard of its big name." Song Qingshu said lightly, "Either eat them and be loyal to me, or you'll die right away."

Feeling the killing intent exploded by him at this moment, Cheng Kun and Chen Youliang couldn't help but shudder, and unanimously squeezed the medicine into their mouths.

"I eat~"

"I eat~"

The master and apprentice looked at each other, and their eyes were full of bitterness. From now on, they can no longer control their lives and deaths.

"You don't have to hold grudges," as the saying goes, both grace and power, the prestige has already been applied, then it is the turn of the grace, Song Qingshu said, "Although we had grievances in the past, in the end there is no fundamental conflict of interest, and to a certain extent We still have the same interests. For example, Cheng Kun, if you want to overthrow Ming Jiao, it just so happens that Ming Jiao and I are each other's enemies..."

"Understand, understand..." Cheng Kun and Chen Youliang nodded again and again, thinking that you and Zhang Wuji were vying for Zhou Zhiruo's little trouble, who didn't know.

Song Qingshu continued to look at Chen Youliang: "You have extraordinary ambitions, and you are eager to get ahead and become a master, and I can give you this opportunity."

Seeing Chen Youliang's eyes twinkling, Song Qingshu seemed to have guessed his thoughts: "Shaolin is after all a group of monks who eat fast and reciting Buddhas. When it comes to fighting for the world, where are they good at it? Only by following me can you get what you want."

Chen Youliang was shocked and hurriedly saluted: "Youliang, see the lord!"

Song Qingshu knew that in history, Chen Youliang was a famous anti-bone boy. He was famous for killing his master, but he didn't care. At least Chen Youliang was a man of great ability. At this stage, the advantages of using him outweigh the disadvantages.

After explaining some things to the two, Song Qingshu returned to the Beggar Gang. After all, Cheng Kun killed the former gang leader Shi Huolong. His identity was sensitive so he did not go back together. Only Chen Youliang was with him.

Seeing Song Qingshu coming back with him, the Beggars gang suddenly exploded. Some people couldn't help but questioned: "Elder Chen, the traitor surnamed Song killed the law enforcement elder and the palm dragon head. Why did you talk to him so happily? "

Chen Youliang said with a serious expression: "Dare to ask everyone, is it more important for national hatred or family hatred."

"Of course, the national enmity is more important!" The beggar gang has always taken the lead with meanings. Although the Jiangnan beggar gang has been made a little smoky over the years, this value has not been lost.

Chen Youliang nodded: "So I decided to temporarily turn the enemy into a friend and form an alliance with Young Master Song!" This is also an argument after discussing with Song Qingshu. After all, because of his grievances with the Beggar Gang, if Chen Youliang said that he would take the Beggar Gang to join him. , Don't these people turn the sky right away?

However, because of this, the members of the Beggar Gang were still in an uproar. After all, everyone was fighting to the death a moment ago. All of them took Song Qingshu as their revenge target, but now they have suddenly become alliances. It is difficult for anyone to accept it so quickly.

"Be quiet, everyone, listen to me first," Chen Youliang raised his hand to signal everyone to be quiet, and then continued, "Master Song beat the Manchu dynasty, and protected me from the north of Song Dynasty. This is a great achievement. 1. Go deep into the tiger's den and rescue the humiliated princesses of the dynasty from the hands of the Kingdom of Jin, this is the second merit; persuading Mongolia to return Sichuan to the embrace of the Song Dynasty, this is the third... A national hero will be scolded by the Han people all over the world and become a beggar gang of sinners through the ages. The law enforcement elders know everything about it, and they must be unwilling to see all this."

Song Qingshu was so old-fashioned by Chen Youliang's boasting that he had to admit that he was really a master who was born to play with people's hearts. He actually resolved the feud between the two sides in a few words. 8

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