Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1317: Wife savior

But after all, the members of the Beggar Gang are not all simple-minded people. There are still many people who are skeptical. Chen Youliang didn't give them the opportunity to be difficult, and said first: "What's more, now Song Gongzi is running for the unjust case of General Yue. In an attempt to restore General Yue’s reputation, everyone’s days in Lin'an City are not short. Although even three-year-old children know about General Yue’s grievances, after so many years, can anyone in the court dare to openly come out to reverse the case for him?"

"The group of dog officials!"

"They are all greedy people who fear death!"


The group of beggars were filled with righteous indignation and scolded one after another. Every vigorous Song Dynasty people felt extremely ashamed of the Jingkang disaster that year. Finally, a Yue Fei appeared and gave them hope of revenge, but who knew he was killed by the fainted monarch and traitor. . 』』

The ministers in the court dared not express their position because of various concerns, but the common people would not care so much, and the beggars at the bottom were even treated as gods by Yue Fei.

Seeing the excitement of the crowd below, Chen Youliang coughed lightly, and then said: "Nowadays, it is so hard for a young master Song to publicly redress for General Yue. If we deal with him at this time, wouldn't it be possible for General Yue to never be unjustified? Sinner through the ages?"

Chen Youliang said impassionedly, and dispelled the only doubts in some people's hearts. Although he thought that Song Qingshu had killed the two elders, if it was because of General Yue, then he could put aside the enmity between the two sides for the time being.

"Moreover, I just communicated with Song Gongzi. It turns out that all the brothers in this gang can also contribute to General Yue." Chen Youliang went on to throw out a bit of information.

All the beggars blasted the pot immediately: "What can be done?"

"How can I help General Yue?"

"Elder Chen, don't betray you, just say it!"


Only then did Chen Youliang replied: “According to Song Gongzi’s plan, in order to Zhaoxue for General Yue, we must first create enough public opinion. We beggars don’t help others, but there are too many people. From tomorrow on, the streets and alleys will be everywhere. All disciples are sent to talk about General Yue’s grievances, but there will definitely be arrests and arrests. The brothers who are caught may be imprisoned. Are you afraid?"

Being so excited by Chen Youliang, which of the beggars disciples can bear: "We in the beggars have no one who is greedy for life and fear of death!"

"It's a big deal eighteen years later, I'll be a hero again!"


It completely detonated the enthusiasm of the helpers, and Chen Youliang took Song Qingshu away. After arriving in a quiet room, he looked at Song Qingshu with a flattering expression: "My son, are you satisfied with my performance just now?"

Song Qingshu really couldn't connect the servile man in front of him with the impassioned appearance just now, and he secretly raised a sense of vigilance in his heart. Then he nodded and said: "You are doing a good job. You are really a talent."

"The son is overwhelmed." Chen Youliang's tight heart finally relaxed.

Song Qingshu discussed with him some details of future communication, and suddenly there was a rapid knock on the door, and then a beggar’s disciple broke in.

"What's the matter, haven't you seen me discussing major issues with Song Gongzi?" Chen Youliang asked angrily.

"This matter is about Song... Young Master Song." The man apparently hadn't gotten too used to the enemy of the gang and suddenly became a guest of honor.

"About me?" Song Qing was surprised, "What is it about me?"

The person hurriedly replied: "The girl surnamed Shi made a big quarrel and asked to see Young Master Song." Just now Chen Youliang and Cheng Kun fled, Song Qingshu chased them out. The Beggars were unable to help, so they could only help Shi Xiangyun and Wei. Ruolan took control.

Chen Youliang's eyes rolled around, "My son, I'll go to arrange matters for General Yue first."

Thinking of his ambiguous eyes when he left, Song Qingshu was speechless for a while, and it was obvious that Chen Youliang still insisted that he had some ulterior relationship with Shi Xiangyun.

Song Qingshu originally didn't want to see her, but thought that the issues of both sides would always need to be resolved: "Let her come in."

Soon the beggar helped his disciples bring Shi Xiangyun over. Yun's temples were scattered, and his face was still a bit dirty, where there was still the feeling of flying spirit before.

After the Beggar's disciples had left, Shi Xiangyun glanced at Song Qingshu, bit his lip, and suddenly his legs bent and knelt before Song Qing's writing.

Song Qingshu didn't mean to help her at all, so he sat in a chair leisurely and sipped tea in a leisurely manner. After a long time, he said unexpectedly: "Ms. Shi, what is this?"

Shi Xiangyun's eyes reddened and his lips moved: "I'm sorry!"

She didn't say what she was sorry, but both of them understood.

Song Qingshu said indifferently: "If I'm sorry, if it's useful, I need to do what the police do."

Shi Xiangyun was startled. She didn't understand what the police meant, but she thought it should be similar to arresting and so on, but she didn't have time to think about it, and hurriedly said, "I know that I am sorry for you, but please help the guard Brother."

"Didn't Wei Ruolan look above the top just now? What can happen?" Song Qingshu raised her eyebrows and said with some glee.

Shi Xiangyun hurriedly said: "He hit Cheng Kun's phantom Yin finger, and now he can't hold on anymore."

It turned out that just now at the very moment, Wei Ruolan blocked Cheng Kun's full blow for her and hit the phantom Yin finger of ten successful powers. Fortunately, he was not killed on the spot because of his profound skill, but after all he was seriously injured before. It's not easy to be able to hold on to the phantom Yin finger until now. Seeing that the air from the lover was more than the air in, and there was even a layer of thin ice on the surface of his body, Shi Xiangyun was worried to the extreme.

She thought about it, and now there is no other person besides Song Qingshu who can save her lover.

"He is your brother Wei, but not my brother Wei, why should I put my effort to save him?" Song Qingshu's expression didn't fluctuate at all.

"My father is the imperial historian, and my grandfather is the imperial teacher. If you are willing to help, the historian will definitely give you a generous reward." Shi Xiangyun said hurriedly.

"Great remuneration?" Song Qingshu sneered, "I have ruled a fertile land for thousands of miles, and I have 100,000 soldiers with armour. To be honest, neither your father nor your grandfather is qualified to be on an equal footing with me. I will be scared of them. Rausch pay?"

Shi Xiangyun was anxious: "Then what do you want?"

Song Qingshu shook his head: "I don't want anything. Wei Ruolan gave me a life and death talisman a few hours ago and sucked my internal strength. If I don't care about the previous suspicion, I will treat him... I am not the Madonna of an idiot."

Shi Xiangyun's face turned pale, thinking about the things the two had harmed him before, and he knew that the chance of seeking his help was very slim, but now Wei Ruolan would die at any time, and she could not find any other way.

It's not that she never thought of asking her father and grandpa for help, but for one thing she is now restricted by the gang of beggars, and secondly, even if she returns home, now Wei Ruolan's physical condition is no longer saved at home, even as an emperor. His grandfather is not good either, only Song Qingshu, a man who constantly creates miracles, can pull his lover back from the gate of ghosts.

It's a pity that Song Qingshu was indifferent to her pleading. After thinking about it, Shi Xiangyun really couldn't think of anything else that could impress the man in front of him.

When she was desperate, she suddenly thought of some rumors about Song Qingshu in the market, and her pretty face instantly blushed. After a fierce psychological struggle, she suddenly took a deep breath, as if she had made some determination.

"You go out, I still have something to deal with." Song Qingshu said lightly.

Shi Xiangyun bit his lip and suddenly untied his belt. The clothes on his body were unfettered, and he slid directly to the ground, revealing his jade-like shoulders, a flat and tight abdomen, and slender and straight legs... White and moving. The body exudes a layer of crystal light.


Suddenly a bug appeared, I forgot that I was blind at the Chengkun Tu Lion Convention...

Anyway, this is a whole new world, and Cheng Kun plays not much, just as he was only abolished martial arts by Xie Xun at the Lion Slaughter Conference.

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