Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1320: Own choice

Song Qingshu didn't use the Great Soul-Transferring Law. It was purely his own powerful aura that gave people a thought of surrender. The worship of powerful men is a woman's nature, so she unknowingly obeyed the order.

After getting close to Song Qingshu, the oncoming man's masculine aura made her a little sober, and she was ashamed and shocked. What was she doing?

Panicking and trying to step back, he was caught by the man in front of him and pulled his hand and fell into the other's arms.

"Quickly let go of me~" Shi Xiangyun struggled and found it was completely futile, and as she struggled, she keenly sensed that the man's body was getting hotter and hotter.

"It's your own choice." A trace of madness flashed in Song Qingshu's eyes, and he was even keenly aware that there was something wrong with his current mood.

"Does the demon of Huanxi Zen appear again?" Song Qingshu was shocked, but he quickly despised himself, using the demon as an excuse every time, is it hypocritical?

Even if it is a demon, it is the true thought deep in his own heart. Why should he be suppressed?

"No..." Shi Xiangyun felt a little flustered when he felt the heat coming from the nape of his neck, "I regret it."

"You have already reached a deal with me, but you don't regret it." Song Qingshu didn't let go of her, and the tip of her nose gently moved into her collar.

"Don't~" Shi Xiangyun exclaimed, her body trembling uncontrollably.

Song Qingshu didn't take any further action, but stopped and said faintly: "Miss, is this time pretending to look like Sanzhen and Jiulie to comfort your poor self-esteem?"

Shi Xiangyun paled and said angrily: "You bastard! Why do you say that to me!"

Song Qingshu lifted her chin and said with a sarcasm: "It was a deal you made yourself. Now you are here again. What is it if you are a **** and set up an archway?"

"You!" Shi Xiangyun was trembling with anger, but didn't know how to refute for a while.

"Well, I'm so compassionate to give you a choice at the end," Song Qingshu's eyes fell to Wei Ruolan, "Do you want me to save him? You can choose not to save him, and I won't force you. "

Shi Xiangyun glanced at his lover with a complicated expression, and suddenly felt a little shaken in his heart.

"Actually, you are just greedy for this mundane world. If you really love him to the bottom of your heart, you can go to Huangquan with him. He must be able to laugh at Jiuquan. Why are you entangled here?" Song Qingshu's tone was mocking. .

Shi Xiangyun smiled sadly: "If you don't understand, if he is dead, he will never smile at Jiuquan."

"If the fiancee sacrificed his innocence in order to save him, I believe he will not smile." Song Qingshu said coldly.

Shi Xiangyun sighed faintly: "He has more important things to do. What is a woman in the least? That's his mission..."

"It's just a champion, what big things can I do?" Song Qingshu couldn't help but snorted, not understanding what she meant.

Shi Xiangyun shook his head and did not explain, but just said: "I have figured it out clearly, you can save him."

"Really think about it?" Song Qingshu asked again.

"Yeah~" Shi Xiangyun lowered his head as if burning clouds on both cheeks.

Song Qingshu stretched out her hand and raised her chin: "Then be natural, don't make me force you."

Shi Xiangyun was short of breath, wondering what is the difference between taking advantage of others and coercion?

"Do you think I'm taking advantage of others?" Song Qingshu looked at her with a smile.

Shi Xiangyun was shocked: "You...how do you know what I'm thinking?"

"Guess." Song Qingshu smiled faintly. He didn't lie. He has experienced so many things and has cultivated a pair of wise eyes that can penetrate people's hearts. Maybe he can't guess the thoughts of some old foxes, but he has to deal with people like Shi Xiangyun in a greenhouse. Flowers, there is no problem at all.

The more he said that, the less he believed Shi Xiangyun, the more he thought of the previous rumors about Song Qingshu, especially that night in the palace for rain, her eyes were getting more and more strange. The man in front of her is not really a fairy .

But as soon as this idea came out, she denied it. What a joke, how could the heavenly immortals be so shameless!

"Take it off." Song Qingshu suddenly said.

"What?" Shi Xiangyun didn't react for a while.

Song Qingshu shrugged: "I will let you take it off and let you remember that all this is out of your own will, lest you always feel that I am forcing you or something in the future."

Shi Xiangyun couldn't wait to bite this man to death. After a long time, she calmed down the agitated mood. After all, she had already figured it out clearly, everything was to save the lover.

"Let's go~" Shi Xiangyun stood up and said blankly.

"Where to go?" Song Qingshu asked strangely.

Shi Xiangyun was startled first, then he was ashamed and angry: "Do you want to be here?"

Song Qingshu smiled slightly: "Where are you not here?"

Looking at the lover on the straw mat not far away, Shi Xiangyun bit her lip: "No!"

"I have to say it again. I have never lacked women around me. Although you are beautiful, you are not even the top ten in terms of beauty. Do you think I will be attracted by your beauty?" Song Qingshu sneered, "The reason I agree is that your words aroused my interest. What could be more sensible than revenge on the enemy's woman."

Shi Xiangyun's face turned red and white: "I have said something similar, but I didn't say that I should be in front of him!"

"Isn't that dull?" Seeing that the other party was about to have an attack, Song Qingshu continued, "Don't worry, he is in a deep coma at this time, and his five senses have automatically shut down. How can I know what happened outside."

"No... this is ridiculous!" Shi Xiangyun desperately shook his head, but his tone was loose.

"I still said that, everything depends on your willingness," Song Qingshu sat down in time, "I won't go anywhere anyway."

"By the way, I have to remind that the effect of an hour has already passed for a while. If any accident happens due to the delay of the time, don't rely on me."

Shi Xiangyun trembled all over, staring at the man in front of him: "The thing I regret most in my life is meeting you at that inn."

Song Qingshu shook his head: "No, the thing you should regret the most is to hurt me like that afterwards. It's just your retribution. Compared to the tragic ending I suffered, your loss is almost negligible. ."

"Enough!" Shi Xiangyun walked directly in front of him, straddling his legs, "I will compensate you!"

The corner of Song Qingshu's mouth rose slightly: "You only feel like the first time I saw you, like a flame of passion and unrestrained, hearty and generous."

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