Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1321: Proud heart

"Come if you want, stop talking nonsense.??" Shi Xiangyun bit his red lips and gave him a fierce look.

Song Qingshu's fingertips gently stroked her lips: "You can still be so proud now, I admire you a little."

Shi Xiangyun opened his mouth abruptly and bit his finger fiercely. Seeing her desperate posture, if this bite was bitten, her fingers would be seriously injured.

With Song Qingshu's current cultivation base, even if Shi Xiangyun was surprised, he would not be able to reach him at all, but he had no intention to evade, so he bit her off.

Shi Xiangyun's eyes were happy, but she was too late to be happy. The tingling and sharp pain from her gums made her feel that her teeth seemed to be broken, and the pain made her tears flow.

"You are also half of the martial arts, why didn't you know that there is a real energy body protection." Song Qingshu gently pulled out his finger and slowly put it back. Shi Xiangyun is now numb in his cheeks, and he can't react for a while, he can only watch. Seeing the man in front of him teasing himself like this.

Shi Xiangyun secretly cried out. In fact, it’s not that she didn’t know Zhen Qi body protection, but that ordinary people simply couldn’t practice Zhen Qi to some fragile places, and the bite force of the teeth was so amazing, even those in the arena who are good at kung fu might also Don't dare to be bitten like this. I don't know that the fingers of this **** in front of me are harder than Jin Shi, what a hell!

After the initial pain and numbness, Shi Xiangyun suddenly felt the strangeness in his mouth, and then realized that the other party was invading himself in an alternative way, and hurriedly fell back.

"Bah, baah!" Shi Xiangyun spit out with a look of disgust, "You're not nauseous."

"Do you really think it was disgusting just now?" Song Qingshu raised her shiny fingers and said with a smile.

Shi Xiangyun's heart jumped inexplicably by his expression, and he hurriedly turned away and snorted: "I don't want to waste time with you here, start early and end early."

Song Qingshu's eyebrows moved slightly: "I don't know if you overestimated yourself or underestimated me, I didn't end that soon."

"That's not necessarily." Shi Xiangyun said coldly.

"You know how to seduce you?" Song Qingshu frowned, only thinking of this answer. According to legend, those women who are good at fascinating even made men surrender with just one look, but the woman in front of them can't look up and down. Out of any shadow of Meigu Tiancheng.

"Who do you think of me!" Shi Xiangyun seemed to be insulted, "How can my dignified daughter learn such nasty things."

"A little girl is a little girl. That kind of mysterious ability is actually a nasty thing in your mouth." Song Qingshu shook his head, and couldn't help but think of Su Quan in his mind. She is a typical example of Meigong's cultivation to the extreme. , Shenlong taught so many men that she didn't even dare to look at her.

"She wrote before that she was in Liao, and when she was free, she wanted to see what the **** she was doing." Song Qingshu thought in her heart.

"When you look at your appearance, you must be thinking about a woman. The rumor is true that you are an out-and-out evil spirit." Shi Xiangyun's cold voice interrupted Song Qingshu's thoughts.

Song Qingshu was not angry, but just glanced at her strangely: "Since you don't know how to fetish, how can your self-confidence make a devil like me come to an end?"

After a pause, he opened his mouth again: "In fact, even if you can fascinate you, it will not affect me at all."

"Bah, I've said that I don't know what to do," Shi Xiangyun sipped, "I won't tell you, you'll find out later."

"Woman, you succeeded in attracting my attention." Song Qingshu said, imitating the overbearing president Wen of the previous life.

&nb glanced at him, then lay down directly on the side table: "Come on." There was no emotional fluctuation in his tone, as if he was telling something that had nothing to do with him.

Seeing her suddenly cooperate in this way, Song Qingshu was very uncomfortable: "Did you take the wrong medicine?"

Shi Xiangyun didn't even look at him, but continued to say in an ethereal tone: "I have heard a lot of rumors about you. Everyone says you are suave and merciful. There must be so many confidantes around. It looks beautiful, but it may not be very attractive to you. The only thing that strikes you is that you want to retaliate against me and Brother Wei."

Shi Xiangyun paused for a while and continued: "So the more I resist you, the more happiness I can experience from it. Why should I practice myself to satisfy your disgusting habit."

Song Qingshu's eyes lit up, and he smiled slightly and said: "Your remarks made me look at me with admiration. I even doubt it. How can you, an unmanned yellow girl, understand men's minds so much?"

Shi Xiangyun turned her head and didn't speak. The reason why she could see all this clearly was due to her few dude brothers, all of whom were good at playing with women, and communicated with each other when she had nothing to do. Naturally, she was caught in the ears and eyes. Also know some.

Another thing she didn't say was that although several brothers have different tastes, they have one thing in common that they hate women who are like dead fish in bed, which will make them instantly dull.

In her opinion, Song Qingshu and her elder brothers are almost inferior. Those elder brothers hate, Song Qingshu will certainly be no exception.

Seeing her expression, Song Qingshu quickly laughed: "I have probably guessed your way, but you will be disappointed. To deal with an inexperienced girl like you, I only need to move my fingers to make You beg me to go to you."

"I am!" Shi Xiangyun gritted her teeth and glared at her, "It is impossible!"

"Really?" Song Qingshu's eyes were cold, and he gently placed his fingers on her delicate neck and slowly rubbed it.

Being touched by a strange man like this, Shi Xiangyun's body trembled involuntarily, but immediately she gritted her teeth to restrain the tension and shyness of her body, and simply closed her eyes and lay there without expression.

A sardonic smile appeared on Song Qingshu's face. With his current rich experience in love, it is not difficult to choose a lady in love. He is confident that Shi Xiangyun is not undesirable. Unfortunately, those methods are generally only used with lovers. In terms of emotional communication, for the coquettish woman in front of him, he did not have the leisure time to cook.

The Huanxi Zhenqi was directly transported, and as the hand moved gently on her body, the Huanxi Zhenqi was silently injected into her body meridians.

At first, Shi Xiangyun was still holding on, but gradually she felt a tingling sensation in her body. She didn't take it too seriously, just as she wasn't used to being so intimately contacted by men.

But before long, her whole body gradually became hot and dry, and her face finally changed slightly: "How is it possible, I like Brother Wei, why are you so sensitive to this man's touch?"

She had planned to be an iceberg rock girl from start to finish. How could she not panic if she knew that there were signs of melting at the beginning? 8

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