Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1322: Direct complaints

Song Qingshu's fingers slid across Shi Xiangyun's body, and there was no further movement, just looking at her so quietly.

Shi Xiangyun's face was indeed flushed, and his eyes were so watery that they were about to seep out: "How come, why did he just touch me a few times and I would react so badly, do I have feelings for him?"

Shaking his head, Shi Xiangyun immediately threw this idea out of his mind: "How is it possible, this person is so annoying, how can I like him!"

But even though she had looked for countless explanations in her heart, she couldn't avoid her body's reaction at this time. She couldn't help being shy and panic, and she didn't know what to do.


Shi Xiangyun was ready to be a wooden beauty right from the beginning. It was not unexpected that she would encounter challenges, but she did not expect to encounter such a big challenge.

He tried his best to suppress the body's reaction, but the more he suppressed the feeling in the depths of his body, the more obvious it was. Shi Xiangyun finally couldn't help but snorted.

She grew up with her brothers. She is a well-known tomboy in the capital. Although she is beautiful, she has a personality similar to that of a boy. She always looks like a hot air. She never expected that she would be so sweet and greasy. the sound of.

She had always thought that this kind of voice was made by those delicate girls, and she was very contemptuous in her heart. She didn't expect that she would make such a shameful voice.

Unexpectedly, as the voice came from her throat, she felt that the uncomfortable feeling in her body was reduced a bit.

"Do you want to keep making such a shameful voice?" Shi Xiangyun panicked, embarrassed to the extreme.

Although reason told her not to, the reaction in her body couldn't be restrained, and a second choke came out of her mouth soon.

At this time, Shi Xiangyun's cheeks were red and bleeding quickly, sweat was surging, his clothes had already been tightly attached to his body, and his red skin was faintly fascinating.

She couldn't help twisting her body, as if it would make her feel better, her two long legs were unconsciously clamped, and there was a hint of crying in her voice: "What the **** did you do to me?"

Song Qingshu shrugged: "I didn't do anything. It's just your own nature. If I touch you a little bit, you are even more charming than the girls in the brothel."

"No, it's not!" Shi Xiangyun retorted subconsciously, but the body's reaction couldn't deceive people. When she thought that she was so embarrassed, she couldn't accept the fact that she had always been arrogant, so she burst into tears.

"Are you uncomfortable now?" Song Qingshu looked at her with a smile.

Shi Xiangyun originally didn't dare to have any interest in men other than lovers, and didn't think Song Qingshu's voice had anything before, but now it sounds very magnetic, giving her a kind of heartfelt feeling.

"Yeah" he obviously didn't want to pay attention to him, but couldn't help but open his mouth. Shi Xiangyun hated that he was useless.

"You can beg me, I have a way to get you free." Song Qingshu's voice was inexplicably temptation.

"You are dreaming!" Shi Xiangyun turned his face away, as his full chest heaved sharply, sketching out a trembling beauty.

"You just don't want to admit it. In fact, you really like the feeling of being touched by me," Song Qingshu said while touching her waist. "Look, is this feeling very comfortable?"

"Yeah" Shi Xiangyun felt that the other party's hand seemed to be scorching sun, even if he was an iceberg, his body instantly turned into water when touched by his hand, and his whole body was softer than cotton.

"How could this happen?" Shi Xiangyun's blurred eyes revealed a trace of dazedness. She didn't understand why she obviously hated this man, but her body didn't resist him at all, and even... there was even an inexplicable expectation.

"No, I'm not at all comfortable, I hate you!" Shi Xiangyun yelled, biting her lip, as if this could conceal her current weakness.

Song Qingshu wiped a hand between her legs and raised her hand in front of her: "It's uncomfortable to say that she is not comfortable, but she is still quite honest."

At this moment, Shi Xiangyun finally collapsed: "Don't torture me like this, I can't stand it anymore."

Song Qingshu put away his smile: "Please."

Shi Xiangyun's defense finally fell across the board. At this time, the physical and psychological stimulation made her forget her usual pride: "I...I beg you."

"Please, what?" Song Qingshu's mouth raised slightly, admiring his masterpiece.

"Please... want me." Shi Xiangyun couldn't help but sat up and moved closer to Song Qingshu.

"Speak louder, I can't hear it." Song Qingshu remained indifferent.

Shi Xiangyun only felt that the expression of the man in front of her was extremely hateful, but since she spoke just now, she seemed to have abandoned all the shackles she had in her daily life, the struggle of wandering in morals and margins, and the depraved excitement of being softened. Let her completely abandon her usual restraint, leaned over and started to take off the other party's clothes, and said in a tired voice, "I beg you!"

Song Qingshu pinched her chin and looked at her condescendingly: "Do you know that you are more coquettish than those girls in Qinhuaihe?"

"I am different from them!" Shi Xiangyun subconsciously refuted when the other party compared herself with the prostitute in the brothel, breathing the masculine aura of the man next to her. such."

While speaking, he took his hand and put it into his own clothes, and there was a sweet gasp in his throat, as if it made her feel better.

"Only to me?" Song Qingshu pointed to Wei Ruolan on the straw mat. "What about him?"

Seeing the lover's voice and shadow, Shi Xiangyun's heart trembled. A strong sense of shame and guilt drove her to turn her face to the other side in a hurry. She didn't want her current appearance to fall into his eyes, even if the other party was in a coma.

"I...I don't want to mention him now." Shi Xiangyun's voice was a little trembling, but the turbulence in her body quickly diverted her attention. She was constantly writhing in the man's arms. The clothes were unknowingly taken off by her and thrown aside.

Holding her hot body, Song Qingshu didn't take any further action. Instead, he looked at Wei Ruolan who was lying on the side: "Looking at your fiancée in the arms of other men begging for love, what kind of feeling is in your heart at this time. "

Hearing what he said, Shi Xiangyun stiffened and turned around to look at the lover on the straw mat in disbelief.

Wei Ruolan remained motionless. She just breathed a sigh of relief, when Song Qingshu's next sentence frightened her: "Don't pretend, I know you are awake."

Wei Ruolan's breathing became sharp for an instant, and finally she spoke with difficulty, with a hint of difficulty in her voice: "I didn't expect the famous Golden Snake King to be such a despicable and shameless person."

Song Qingshu smiled slightly and didn't get angry: "It's just each other. If you treat me meanly, I will return you shamelessly, but I am much more kind than you. At least I didn't force your fiancee from beginning to end, yes. She took the initiative, you should hear clearly."

Wei Ruolan's chest rises and falls faster, obviously he is already extremely angry, but at this time he has no idea how to refute it.

Song Qingshu smiled slightly: "If someone took the initiative to send it to the door, it would be too hurt for the girl's heart if I refused. Okay, a moment is worth a lot of money. I won't waste time here with you anymore, Xiangyun, let's go." After the woman put on her clothes, she stretched out her hand to lead her.

Although reason told her to refuse to refuse, she didn't know why. Seeing her hand stretched out in front of her, Shi Xiangyun still grasped his hand in a mysterious way, and just walked out of the room behind him.

Wei Ruolan was lying on the straw mat at this time. He opened his eyes and could only see the ceiling, but it was still not difficult to tell through his ears that his fiancee had not rejected Song Qingshu at all. She was angry and angry in her heart, trying to turn over to see if she was right. It's really so unfeeling, but because of the phantom Yin finger, his whole body is stiff now, and he can only turn his neck a little bit with all his strength. From this angle, he can't see the expression of his fiancee at this time, only her two. The jade-like calf imprinted in the eye.

You must know that this society is no better than that of later generations. There are all kinds of short skirts and bikinis, for fear of less leakage. Women in this era are basically covered by dresses, and their skin can only be seen by their husbands in the bridal room. Now that she has two calves exposed, it is completely conceivable what her untidy clothes look like!

Although Shi Xiangyun was in love with Wei Ruolan on weekdays, he was very reserved in this regard. It would be nice if he could hold a small hand at best, no one had seen her calf or something.

Wei Ruolan was so angry that he was about to vomit blood when he thought that something he hadn't had a chance to get involved is now unreservedly shown in front of another man by his fiancée.

Shi Xiangyun naturally didn't know the current thoughts of the lover, or that she had already subconsciously avoided thinking about this problem, and followed Song Qingshu to another room. She only felt that her legs were soft and she could no longer support it, and the whole person seemed to melt. Falling into Song Qingshu's arms, she looked at him with watery eyes: "I'm very uncomfortable, I'm going to want me soon."

Who knows that Song Qingshu put away the frivolousness on his face, and looked at her faintly: "I just said before that you cry and beg me to go to you, but I never said that I will agree to you if you ask."

Shi Xiangyun's remaining sensibility made her humiliated. The arrogant and arrogant daughter of Shi Xiangyun now recommends herself as a pillow, but she doesn't want it. That kind of humiliation makes her want to have a seam and get in right away.

However, although reason can control the body, the reaction of the body can also destroy reason. Shi Xiangyun is in this situation at this time. Although there is a voice in her heart reprimanding her loudly, she still can't help but speak, and her voice is full of crying. : "How can you promise me?"

"I never deny that I'm lustful, but I don't have the essence. Any woman will go to the house when the insects think about it." Song Qingshu put her on the bed, but she sat on a chair in the distance, "Not to mention that compared to you. The body that destroyed Wei Ruolan’s pride and self-esteem made me even more interested. Today, all of this is a punishment for the actions you two have done before."

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