Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1323: She satisfied me

In fact, there is another reason Song Qingshu did not say, because just now, looking at Wei Ruolan, who was lying on the side and unable to move, he couldn't help thinking that he was lying like this at the beginning of the journey, because Zhang Wuji clicked it and moved completely. Can't move.

It was just that I was relatively lucky, and Zhou Zhiruo was determined, and in the end nothing was born that night.

"I didn't expect to become the person I once hated the most after all." Recalling the anger and madness at the time, Song Qingshu couldn't help but sigh.

Of course, he is not the Virgin Mary with overwhelming sympathy. The revenge is still to be reported. Although he didn't really take Shi Xiangyun's innocence, he wouldn't mind letting Wei Ruolan misunderstand this matter.

"You...Kill me." Shi Xiangyun was extremely uncomfortable at this time, wishing that the whole person would pounce on the man in the distance, but she still had a trace of reason, since the other party was so humiliated to her, she could only try to restrain her. With this impulse.

"I don't have many advantages, but Lianxiangxiyu is definitely one of them," Song Qingshu said with a slight smile, "I won't even take your innocence, so how can I take your life."

If he heard these words half an hour ago, Shi Xiangyun would definitely jump up with joy, but now she has only primitive longing left, and even hopes that a man will treat her rudely, so he can't feel it at all. A little bit of happiness.

Shi Xiangyun couldn't figure out why her body was so sensitive, and she even wondered if she was born cheap, and Song Qingshu's disdain for her, she suddenly gritted her teeth and ran into the corner of the wall.

Originally thinking that she had died a hundred, but she didn't feel the hard wall, but slammed into a soft embrace. Song Qingshu, who was sitting in the distance before, had already blocked the wall in advance.

"Hey, I'm always so soft-hearted." Song Qingshu hugged her delicate and mellow body and couldn't help sighing.

Feeling the hormones of the opposite sex, Shi Xiangyun only felt a thud in his mind, and the last trace of reason disappeared, and the whole person was like an octopus, tightly entwining the man beside him.

Wenxiang Nephrite was in her arms, but Song Qingshu's eyes were full of clarity. He hugged her to the bed, first put it gently on the bed, and then hurryed her a few times.

The Dao was sealed, and Shi Xiangyun no longer moved like before. He could only twist his waist constantly, muttering to himself: "I want I want"

Seeing that the arrogant and arrogant daughter of the former daughter turned into the way she is now, Song Qingshu secretly shook her head, Huanxi Zhenqi is really too domineering for a woman, and we must be cautious in the future.

With one hand on her chest and one hand on her lower abdomen, Song Qingshu's delicate and elastic youthful touch did not distract Song Qingshu at all. He closed his eyes, secretly urging his skills, and the joy in the girl’s body. Infuriated little by little.

As the saying goes, illness comes like a mountain, and illness goes like a thread, and Huanxi Zhenqi has a similar effect. It invades a woman's body very quickly, but it is very troublesome to get it out completely.

Fortunately, Song Qingshu's control of Zhen Qi is now more accurate than that of a scalpel. As the palm of her hand keeps wandering around her body, the Huan Xi Zhen Qi in her body is also drawn out bit by bit.

Shi Xiangyun also gradually calmed down, not as red as a cooked shrimp like before. As it faded, sanity returned to the body. Looking at the man who was seriously treating herself, her eyes became complicated and difficult to understand.

Just because she physically destroyed her sanity, it didn't mean that she didn't remember what happened during that time. Thinking of her humble and humble appearance just now, she was so embarrassed and embarrassed that she wished to smash her head to death.

Originally, all this was caused by this man's coercion and temptation. She should hate him to death, but the other party did not take advantage of the danger, and did not take away her most precious things, making her feelings at this moment complicated. .

"Are you awake?" Song Qingshu said lightly, noticing her movement.

"Yeah." Shi Xiangyun no longer had the pungentness he had before, and was as soft as a quail. In order to resolve his embarrassment, he whispered, "I just...why did that happen?"

Song Qingshu smiled slightly: "Maybe I am too charming." What a joke, how could he be so stupid to tell the truth.

"Shameless!" Shi Xiangyun cursed secretly, but unexpectedly found that she was no longer as angry as before. When she was losing her mind, the strange touch from her body made her instantly recover, blushing and asked in a low voice. "When will you touch it."

"Until you release yourself completely." Song Qingshu has gone through wind and rain, and has long been calm, with no unnaturalness in his tone, "Unless you want to meet a man in the future and be so cute and hug, it's better to let me continue. ."

Shi Xiangyun always likes to wander outside, and she has to contact men on weekdays. She often comes into contact with men from Prince Wang and Sun, to traffickers and pawns. If she really becomes the physique of a man, she might as well die .

But the woman's reservedness made her unable to say anything to let the other party continue to touch, so she turned her face into the bed and pretended to be an ostrich.

In this way, the room fell into silence again, Song Qingshu continued to concentrate on tapping and pressing on her hand, Shi Xiangyun regained consciousness at this time, and the heat of the man's palm gradually turned her face red again.

When Shi Xiangyun was shaking his heart, Song Qingshu suddenly turned her over and slapped her on the ass.

"Ah" Before Shi Xiangyun had time to be angry, she suddenly felt like a string of electric current was flowing through her whole body, and an unprecedented sense of joy came from all her limbs. The feeling was too strong and sudden, and she could not restrain her body at all. His instinctive reaction, a tactful and tiring cry sounded throughout the house.

"Okay." Song Qingshu stood up, took the silk scarf that fell off her just now, wiped her hands, and threw it back on her.

Shi Xiangyun glared at him bashfully, but she couldn't say a word in her mouth. She clamped her legs tightly, and her whole body trembled constantly, feeling that her body was like a dam with a bursting bank.

"You take a good rest." After dealing with the things here, Song Qingshu didn't mean to stay at all, and he opened the door and walked out.

Song Qingshu didn't hesitate all the way, went straight to the room where Wei Ruolan was detained on the other side, and looked at him condescendingly at what he described as lying on the straw mat. He couldn't help but sneered: "You actually cried?"

Hearing his voice, Wei Ruolan suddenly opened his eyes: "You thief!"

Song Qingshu said faintly: "Who is a dog thief in both of us knows very well in our hearts, and those who have survived under your life and death rune over the past few years also know that, and those who have worked so hard for a lifetime and have been sucked by you. The soul of the skill is also very clear, but I am better at it and I haven't repeated their mistakes."

Seeing what Wei Ruolan wanted to say, Song Qingshu coldly interrupted: "I didn't come here to argue with you about this issue. It's just that Miss Shi made me very satisfied. I will follow the promise to save your life."


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