Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1326: Indescribable

Wei Ruolan did not answer. Instead, she kept looking behind him. She didn't see the beautiful figure. She couldn't help asking, "Why didn't she come back?"

"She?" Song Qingshu's expression was a little weird, and he smiled and replied, "I don't feel well, so I went back to sleep.??"

It was just fine, and I felt uncomfortable after going out for a while, and then I got a chance to be forgiven...Wei Ruolan was not stupid, she naturally thought of something, and her face changed in an instant.

As if guessing what he was thinking, Song Qingshu said in a deliberately ambiguous tone: "You are a smart person. You can guess some things without me. I still admire you a little bit."

"What do you admire me?" Wei Ruolan tried to restrain her, only to make her reaction more normal.

"I admire you for letting the dignified historian's daughter have a deep affection for you," Song Qingshu said in amazement, "She is willing to make such a big sacrifice for you. Many couples in this world may not be able to do this."

Hearing his praise, Wei Ruolan was not happy at all, her whole person was extremely angry, and her eyes turned red.

"Are you angry now?" Song Qingshu didn't wait for him to answer, and said to himself, "That's right, what happened to his fiancée by other men will naturally be angry."

Wei Ruolan's eyes were red, but she couldn't speak at this time, leaving only the gurgling sound in her throat.

"Actually, what you should most do now is not anger, but regret. Regret shouldn't be profitable, regret shouldn't be against me," Song Qingshu's voice turned cold.

"Should you not be against you?" Wei Ruolan muttered to herself, and couldn't help but think, yes, if there was no design to harm him in the beginning, he wouldn't be reduced to such a field now.

Song Qingshu’s dark eyes became extremely deep, looking at the other party’s desperate appearance, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and slowly said: “Because of your behavior, your life is hanging by a thread, and you have to rely on your fiancée to sell your body to get the right to live. Whatever happened today, no matter what your future will be, you are a total loser in front of me."

"I'm a loser, I'm a loser..." Although from all aspects, Wei Ruolan is a very determined person, but today, after experiencing great joy and compassion, Song Qingshu used Shi Xiangyun's various stimulations, no matter how strong the heart is. There was a crack, and at this time the three words "loser" were constantly echoing in his mind, and his whole person was ashamed and desperate.

Song Qingshu was waiting for this opportunity, taking the opportunity to leave a mark on the other side's heart that he did not dare to be an enemy of himself.

Of course, he didn't want to turn Wei Ruolan into his own slave, but he couldn't do it. For a person with such a determined and high level of cultivation, even if he broke his defense, he couldn't want to leave him with any spiritual imprint. Just leave him with a spiritual imprint, and he can only follow the trend and follow the trend.

After all, the effort to become another person is definitely not acceptable to such a young talent with high spirits, but he dared not be an enemy of himself, but to a certain extent he echoed his inner thoughts.

Generally speaking, the first reaction of a man who hates his wife is revenge, but if the enemy is so strong that he can't match it in his life, that man will wisely give up the hatred, and even wave the flag for the other party.

There are countless things like this in history. For example, when Ming Wuzong Zhu Houzhao called the minister’s wife to stay in the palace for the night, the minister did not dare to let one fart. Liu E, the queen of Zhenzong in the Northern Song Dynasty, was the wife of a silversmith in Sichuan in the early years. Later, after entering the palace, without foundation and helpers, he called his ex-husband to the palace to serve as the emperor’s guard. As a result, the silversmith did not have any thoughts of taking his wife away, and he had been loyal to guard the current husband of his wife throughout his life. .

Why is there such a thing that violates common sense? Without him, the difference in strength between the two sides is too huge. Although women are important to men, they are not necessarily the most important.

Seeing Wei Ruolan's desperation, Song Qingshu knew that his plan had been successful, so naturally he was not interested in staying here and talking nonsense with him, and left the room directly.

Shi Xiangyun was waiting for him in another room, and when he saw him coming in, he hurriedly got up: "How is Brother Wei?"

"Don't worry, he can't die." Song Qingshu just healed him. Although he was interrupted by the opponent's Beiming Divine Art, he has successfully dispelled the cold poison in his body to seven or eighty eight. Although he has not recovered, his life is no longer in danger. .

"Then when can we leave?" Shi Xiangyun secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the lover's turn in danger, and hurriedly asked.

"You can leave at any time." Before Shi Xiangyun had time to be happy, Song Qingshu's next sentence made her stand on the spot, "but when did I say that Wei Ruolan can leave?"

Shi Xiangyun subconsciously replied: "Didn't you promise me before?"

"I only promised to save him, but I didn't promise to let him go." Song Qingshu smiled like an old fox.

"You!" Shi Xiangyun immediately realized his own word trap.

"When you follow the agreement to tell your father to move the platform, I will naturally let him go." Song Qingshu also didn't want the transitional stimulation to cause him to have any rebellious psychology, and then said, "In fact, you don't have to react so much, I Letting him go now hurts him."

Shi Xiangyun was actually diverted attention: "What do you mean?"

"Didn't you say that when I was healing for him just now, he used Beiming True Qi to harm me, causing the treatment to stop and the cold air poured into his internal organs. It takes time for me to completely heal him." Song Qingshu is now deceiving people. His kung fu has reached the stage, he speaks with a serious face, his face is not red and his heart beats.

"It turned out to be like this." Shi Xiangyun knew what happened just now, but he didn't worry about him.

"If you don't worry, you can stay here with him." Song Qingshu suddenly laughed.

"I don't want it!" Shi Xiangyun subconsciously exclaimed.

"Wei Ruolan might be sad to hear this." Song Qingshu said with a smile.

"I'm going back first." Shi Xiangyun's face flushed. Of course she didn't want to accompany Wei Ruolan, but embarrassed to admit that she recalled the thrilling scene just now, afraid that she would really have something to do with Song Qing scholar if she stayed. What's more, after the tossing just now, she was sticky with sweat all over, which was too terrible for a woman, she just wanted to go home quickly and take a shower.

Before leaving, Shi Xiangyun suddenly turned around: "Just now you called me out, but you just sat quietly for half an hour. What does it mean?"

Song Qingshu smiled slightly, seemingly unconcealed: "Of course it's to make your fiance misunderstand that we are doing something indescribable." —

The monk also knows that it's been too slow recently. It's really too tired to take the baby recently. Fortunately, the child and his grandmother are coming to rescue me soon, thank goodness~8

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