Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1327: Exaggerated charm

Hearing what he said, Shi Xiangyun was startled at first, and he reacted quickly, and instantly blushed: "Why are you so mean!"

"I'm mean?" Song Qingshu smiled lightly, "Compared with your lover's harm to me, I use this little trick to retaliate, but it's obviously more kind."

Shi Xiangyun opened his mouth, only to find that he could not find anything to refute him.

Song Qingshu then continued: "In fact, you don't have to care so much. If Wei Ruolan really loves you, this little trick will not affect him at all. If he misunderstands you because of this, it proves that the relationship between you is not strong. Even if you don’t try it out this time, problems will happen sooner or later. Rather than regretting it in the future, it’s better to stop the loss earlier. In this way, you have to thank me."

Shi Xiangyun was so dizzy by him, murmured to himself: "What you said also makes sense...Forget it..." After speaking, she frowned and left with a heavy heart.

Seeing her going away, Song Qingshu smiled slightly. Although Shi Xiangyun was born into a wealthy man and had a vision beyond ordinary women, she never knew how to teach her about men and women. In this respect, she was no different from other girls. I don’t know about this world. The most unbearable thing is feelings.

"The son is really clever, and with a little bit of tricks, Lao Yan, a couple who is more affectionate than Jin Jian, will be separated." Chen Youliang didn't know when he emerged from the shadows.

"It's too early to say that Lao Yan divides the flight." Song Qingshu was not surprised that Chen Youliang saw the key points in it. If this conspirator didn't even have this ability, it would be really surprising.

Chen Youliang smiled and said, "This proud Miss Shi can't escape the palm of the son's hand."

Song Qingshu was noncommittal and did not explain that all this was not for Shi Xiangyun. Instead, he changed the subject: "How is the arrangement for the reversal of the case for Yue Fei and the creation of public opinion."

"The son can rest assured that the Beggar Gang has no other advantages, but there are too many people. It is guaranteed that this matter will be spread throughout Lin'an City within half a month." Chen Youliang said with a flattering smile.

"That's good." Song Qingshu nodded, "In addition, it is not convenient for me. Let Wei Ruolan stay here and take care of it. If there are no people, I will ask you." His current house is the Southern Song Dynasty official. The residence provided for him, and Wei Ruolan is no matter what the court’s champion, the man in the palace has a lot of talk, and if someone sees him imprisoning him, it will be troublesome.

"Wei Ruolan can't be lost. This is the rudder of the beggar gang. Although it's not a Longtan Tiger's Lair, you can only retreat from a young man in the world." Chen Youliang slapped a flattery.

"I hope as you said," Song Qingshu waved his sleeves, "I'm leaving first, remember to notify me whenever I have something to do." When he finished speaking the last word, the whole person had disappeared without a trace.

Chen Youliang put away the shock in his heart, his eyes darkened inexplicably, and he sighed after a long time before turning around and returning to his room.

When Song Qingshu returned to the prefectural palace, he was surprised to find that Xiaolongnu and the others hadn't come back. He subconsciously raised his head and glanced at the moon in the sky, and gradually frowned: "Li Qingluo won't abduct the little dragon girl, right?"

Is it to frame yourself? After all, he promised the Southern Song Dynasty court to ensure that Xiaolongnu stayed in the city.

However, Song Qingshu quickly rejected this speculation. Although Li Qingluo hates herself, she is a smart woman. She knows that this can only cause a little trouble to herself. With his martial arts and power, he is not afraid of the Southern Song court at all, let alone He believes that Little Dragon Girl will not harm herself...

Finally, Song Qingshu simply stopped thinking about this, and ordered the people in the mansion to prepare a few wines and dishes. When the wine and dishes were brought up, he dispelled the maid and the young servant, and had a drink alone by the window to the moon.

He didn't know how long he had drunk, he suddenly held up the wine glass and blocked it in front of his throat, and then a cold gleaming sword happened to pierce it.

The wine glass was originally fragile, not to mention being stabbed by a sharp sword, just an ordinary iron ruler, it can easily be broken. But the wine glass in Song Qingshu's hand looked like a rock, and the opponent's sharp sword did not even leave a white mark on it.

Song Qingshu held a wine glass in one hand and blocked the other's fierce sword. With a flick of the other hand, a few peanuts on the table shot out like bullets, and then a muffled grunt sounded in the room. The assassin was hit in an acupuncture point on his body, and he fell to the ground.

Hearing the tenderness in the voice of the other party, Song Qingshu raised his eyebrows and couldn't help but smile: "It's really strange, why are all the female assassins who come to assassinate me every time? It seems that God still treats me very well. Yes. I just hope it doesn’t look too ugly, so as not to waste the mercy of my men.”

The female assassin’s posture was a little weird, and Song Qingshu didn’t use her full strength, so she twisted her body at the crucial moment to avoid the acupuncture points. After the initial numbness, she slowed down a bit and was about to struggle. Standing up, he couldn't help but soften when he heard what he said, and almost fell to the ground again.

"You are still as shameless as before!"

Song Qingshu said: "This voice sounds familiar, and there must be no ugly things that impress me." While talking, stretched out her hand, the woman tried to dodge back, but the veil on her face was still taken off. Showing a charming and affectionate face.

"It turns out to be Tang Saier, the saint of the White Lotus Sect. No, you should be called Fu Minyi," Song Qingshu took a leisurely time to sit down in a chair, "Say you rushed to my fragrant boudoir in the middle of the night, you wouldn't be a coveted book. The son's male color, right?"

Although Tang Saier usually looks like a smoker in Bailianjiao, he was still defeated by Song Qingshu: "Why are you so shameless, you are so shameless... ugh..."

"Don't blame me for not reminding you, you should be polite to your master." Song Qingshu said lightly.

Tang Saier's face sank: "What master?"

"It seems that women are really forgetful animals," Song Qingshu sighed. "You won't even remember that you have been hit by my Three Corpse Brain Pill and Leopard Tire Yijing Pill." He said that. They all began to despise that they had no mercy and cherish the jade, and they actually put such a vicious poison on such a coquettish beauty, and they also gave two kinds of poison at the same time.

Thinking of Jin Guo and his entourage returning home in despair, a trace of irritation flashed across Tang Saier's face, but she quickly restrained herself and said with a deep breath, "I haven't forgotten."

"Did you dare to assassinate me?" Song Qingshu's voice turned cold, "Although it's still early for the onset of the drug, if you want to die, I can help you."

Tang Saier bit her lip, without a trace of anger in her voice: "If we can't save Wei Ruolan, it would be meaningless for me to live in this world."

"Wei Ruolan?" Song Qingshu unknowingly sat up straight, "I have to say that your answer surprised me very much."

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