Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1331: Legal loli making power?

"Song, you have to be shameless!" Tang Saier did not answer, but Li Qingluo suddenly became angry, "With me here, I will never watch you bully my apprentice!" /p

Tang Saier glanced at her in surprise, and when she saw that she was protecting herself like this, she was so moved for a while, she couldn't help but choked up a little: "Master~"/p

Song Qingshu laughed: "You two masters and apprentices are obviously pregnant with ghosts, but now they are acting in front of me with deep affection between them. It's too much. Pinshu (.vodt.com/p

Li Qingluo's face flushed, and he apparently poked the painful spot: "I don't care, anyway, I can't just sit back and watch you take advantage of people in such a despicable way."/p

"Where did I take advantage of others?" Song Qingshu pointed to Tang Saier, "If you don't believe me, ask her yourself. In this case, I am willing to make a deal with her. Is she willing or unwilling?"/p

Tang Saier bit her lip and looked at Li Qingluo apologetically: "Master, I will."/p

Li Qingluo almost didn't get **** off, thinking that you girl is also very clever on weekdays, why did you come to take down my station so unscrupulously today? I'm obviously helping you, OK! /p

After Tang Saier's answer, Song Qingshu looked at Li Qingluo with a smile but a smile: "Madam is so angry, is it jealous, right?"/p

"I'm jealous?" Li Qingluo almost didn't jump up, feeling a little bit irritated, "Forget it, since she is willing to be bullied by you, I don't bother to control it." After that, she turned and left. /p

"Cousin~" Xiaolongnv exclaimed. When the two obviously made an appointment to go to bed late, Li Qingluo would tell her about her father and mother. How could she leave like this and hurriedly chased her out. /p

Soon there were only two people left in the room, and Song Qing's book stall spread his hands: "Can you give it to me now, right?"/p

Tang Saier's face was reddened, and at the same time a hint of anger flashed in her eyes, but now she has no other choice but to look up at him: "They may come back anytime, anywhere. Are you sure you want me to give it now? ?"/P

"What does this have to do? I don't have any other advantages. It is guaranteed to be done quickly." Song Qingshu promised, patting his chest. /p

"It will be done soon..." Tang Saier's eyes were a little more contemptuous, but she didn't say anything, and got up and closed the door first. /p

"What are you doing when you close the door?" Song Qingshu was startled. /p

Tang Saier gave him an angry look, thinking that you pretended to look a lot like that, no matter how much I was of royal blood, and I had a sense of shame, how could I open the door to do this kind of thing with you. /p

"Forget it, hurry up." Song Qingshu also understood at this time that the other party was afraid that the wall would have ears. /p

"This person is really..." Tang Saier at this time even doubted whether the man in front of him was a fake. You must know the rumors that Song Qingshu is a romantic and suave lover that countless women dream of, but now it is too ugly. What's the difference between this anxious look and those who have a big belly? /p

Being in the Bailian Sect, I have often dealt with the three teachers and the nine liu, and I have many spies in the brothel. In these years, Tang Saier has not rarely seen the ugliness of some men. /p

Although the impression of Song Qingshu in his heart has fallen to a freezing point, Tang Saier still knows that nowadays, I am a fish, and he sighed quietly, his hands in his sleeves clenched into fists, and secretly said: "Everything is for the family!" /p

Seeing that the charming face of the woman in front of him suddenly showed a holy light, and then began to untie the ribbon around her waist and take off her clothes, Song Qingshu was dumbfounded: "What are you doing?" /p

Will you humiliate me even now? /p

Tang Saier's blush flashed by, and she took a deep breath to calm her anger, and replied in a light tone: "Didn't you want my most precious thing? I'll give it to you now." /p

"Uh~" Song Qingshu realized that there was a huge ambiguity in what he said just now. Although he didn't mind taking the opportunity to admire Tang Saier's beautiful body, it would be too uncharacteristic to do so, "I didn't mean that." /p

Tang Saier stopped her hand movement and asked subconsciously: "What does that mean?"/p

"What I call your most precious thing is the martial arts passed down by your family, such as life and death talisman, Lingbo Weibu, etc., not...that." Song Qingshu chuckled a few times. /p

Tang Saier flushed instantly, staring at him with wide apricot eyes: "You mean my body is not as precious as martial arts."/p

"Uh, there are many confidantes around me, and we don't have any feelings between us. What do I want you to do with your body." Seeing that the other's face became more and more ugly, Song Qingshu wisely closed his mouth. /p

"You...you deceived people too much!" Tang Saier was born beautifully, and as a white lotus sage, whoever of the men who come into contact with the rivers and lakes on weekdays is confounded by her smirk and smiles, but he looks like the person in front of him. So I don't even take the initiative to send the door! /p

Song Qingshu shrugged: "Miss Fu, I don't want to continue arguing with you about this issue, you should hurry up and hand over those martial arts."/p

"No! These are secrets that have not been passed on, how can I be a sinner of the family!" Tang Saier is still angrily thinking about it now. /p

Song Qingshu sighed: "If you cause your family to cut off the incense, you will really become the sinner of the family."/p

Tang Saier finally calmed down from his anger. After thinking about the relationship, he had to admit that the other party was right: "What do you want to learn?"/p

Turning a blind eye to her dissatisfaction with her tone, Song Qingshu smiled and said, "Of course I learn all of them." Objectively speaking, his current cultivation level is limited by the martial arts of the Xiaoyao School, but there are many mysterious aspects of the Xiaoyao School's martial arts that are worth learning. , Such as Lingbo's dodge method of microsteps, the control of life and death talisman on people, and Beiming Divine Art, a plug-in that can turn a person who does not know martial arts into a master of martial arts in a short time... all have a lot to do for him in the future. help. /p

"What!" Tang Saier was shocked and angry, "This is absolutely impossible!" She originally thought that in order to save her younger brother, she would not blame her by revealing one or two exercises, but if all the martial arts were used, the ancestors and ancestors would not blame her. All leaked, it was considered successful to rescue the younger brother, and he was also the sinner of the family through the ages. /p

"What's impossible," Song Qingshu glanced at him lightly. "Since you can find me, you obviously know what your brother has done. If you don't get enough returns, how can I spare his life?"/p

Tang Saier’s face changed. She had learned from Shi Xiangyun what had happened before. She learned that the baby brother was captured by Song Qingshu, and her whole body was blown up. She hurried over here to save people. Unfortunately, the gap between the two sides was too big. Saving people by force has become impossible. /p

After a fierce ideological struggle, Tang Saier took a deep breath: "I can only teach you three kinds of martial arts at most. This is already the limit. If we have broken the incense, and Pan Lang inherited the line of ancestors. Last will, I can't let our siblings become sinners of the Chai family."/p

"There are three and three, but I have to choose which of the three." Song Qingshu said. /p

Tang Saier hesitated for a moment and nodded: "Okay!" She thought that Xiaoyao School of martial arts was profound and mysterious, and even many people in this school didn't know which magical skills they had. The three schools he knew by an outsider were definitely not the highest school. deep. /p

"The first door, life and death talisman." Song Qingshu said without hesitation. He had always used Sanshi Brain Shendan and Leopard Tire Yijing Pills to control some people, but the ghost knew whether these weird poisons would have anything. If you want to control a situation like Zhao Min in the future, the life and death talisman should be harmless. /p

"No problem." Tang Saier also guessed that he would choose this way. Originally, the life and death talisman had a very clear status in the martial arts system of the Xiaoyao School. An outsider unlocked it, and suddenly dropped this magical skill to the altar. She even had doubts about it, so she didn't feel so distressed to teach this skill. /p

Song Qingshu was very satisfied with her and went on to say: "The second door, Ling Bo's microsteps." His current light skill, treading on the sand without a trace, sprints as fast as lightning, and the "Tai Xuan Jing" light skill ignores gravity, but dodges in a small area. The light work is not so brilliant. It is close to the horizon and it is close to space teleportation. Although it is powerful, it consumes too much and cannot be used as a conventional weapon. Usually, the "snake-shaped turning raccoon" in the "Nine Yin Zhenjing" is used more. Although the dodge effect is excellent, the posture of rolling around on the ground is too ugly. /p

According to the saying of playing basketball in the school of the previous life, it doesn't matter if you get in or not, you must have a handsome shooting posture! /p

Song Qingshu's current status, if he uses the "snake-shaped turning raccoon" again, it will really damage his compelling status, and Lingbo's Weibu is simply a forceful weapon, and it is just a fungus harvester... Charm breaks through the horizon. /p

"Okay." Tang Saier still promised very readily. She had already used her to avoid Li Qingluo's attack just now, and it was no surprise that the other party proposed it. /p

Song Qingshu nodded: "The last one, Beiming Divine Art!" With his current martial arts, Beiming Divine Art is of no use to him. After all, he can't abandon his internal strength and practice Beiming Divine Art, but this technique. But it is the only weapon to be trained to become a master. You must know that people like Lian Duan Yu in the original book who have no power to bind chickens only practiced one meridian of the Beiming magical technique, and then sucked and sucked in the rivers and lakes, accumulating the shock of the ancients in a short time. Today's internal force. /p

If you use it to train your subordinates, you can train a large number of combat power in a short time; or pass it to some cute girls around you, so that they can protect themselves when they encounter danger. /p

Although Song Qingshu had the secret book of "Sudden Stars Dharma" before, "Sudden Stars Dharma" was only a beggar version of "Beiming Magical Art", and there were a lot of fatal bugs. Naturally, it was useful for not genuine "Beiming Magical Art". /p

Tang Saier, who readily agreed the previous two times, frowned this time: "I don't know this technique."/p

"You won't?" Song Qingshu was startled suddenly. /p

"Xiaoyao Sect martial arts is profound and profound. We can't practice all the exercises. We will only choose the one that suits us to practice." Tang Saier explained. /p

"Then what are you practicing?" Song Qingshu asked kindly. /p

"The Eight Desolation and Six Combinations are the only one who respects the skill," Tang Saier said with a light lips, "also called the Changchun Kung fu forever."/p

Song Qingshu's eyes lit up: "Is that the legal luoli making power?"

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