Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1332: Moonlight lover

Tang Saier stared at him with big eyes and looked at him blankly: "What is legal luoli?"

"Ahem~" Being stared at by her pure and innocent eyes, and listening to her serious question, Song Qingshu almost didn't choke to death with saliva, "Legal luoli is something that perverts like very much."

Tang Saier nodded as if understanding or not, thinking to himself, it seems that you are a pervert.

"How old are you now?" Song Qingshu asked suddenly.

"Twenty is six." Tang Saier looked embarrassed, after all, an average woman of this age in this world has long been married.

"When did you start practicing this unold Changchun Gong?" Song Qingshu asked unwillingly.

Tang Saier didn't understand why he wanted to ask this. After thinking about it, it seemed that there was nothing left to say, so he replied, "I started practicing at the age of six."

"Six years old, there are still ten years." Song Qingshu looked disappointed. Originally, he wanted to get a legal luoli to play with. Unfortunately, Changchun Gong didn't do it every thirty years. When she was rejuvenated last time, it would cost ten. year.

"What ten years?" Tang Saier looked blank.

"Nothing." Song Qing was unhappy about the book, and suddenly thought that he could pass on the old Changchun Gong to the confidantes around him. Choose a few older ones, such as Mrs. Hu and Li Qingluo. Isn't it close to time? But he quickly despised his mathematics. The 30-year rebirth of Changchun Gong is calculated from the practice. They practice now, and they have to wait 30 years! The day lilies are cold.

Song Qingshu glanced up and down at Tang Saier inexplicably: "It seems that the hope of legal luoli rests only on her. Ten years is not too long..."

"Why are you looking at me like this?" Tang Saier suddenly felt a bit chilly as he swept across his eyes, and couldn't help but step back with his arms, and gave him a wary look.

"Ahem, it's okay, you can tell me the formula of the old Changchun Gong." Although it is not realistic to make legal luoli, it is good to let those confidantes around you practice to stay young forever, this Tang Sai'er is obviously twenty-six years old, but on the outside it looks like he is only sixteen years old, which is obviously the result of the old Changchun Gong.

Tang Saier hesitated for a while, and finally nodded, "Okay."

"Boom, dong, dong~" There was a knock on the door, and Song Qingshu looked up and saw the little dragon girl standing timidly at the door.

"Cousin said to stay at the house to sleep with me tonight. There are a lot of things to tell me about my parents. She asked me to come over and inform you who is the master." Xiaolongnv said lightly, her eyes on Tang Sai He stayed on his body for a while, and quickly moved away without showing a trace.

"Okay, I have something to deal with here. You should go to rest first." Song Qingshu secretly smiled after sending away the little dragon girl. When did Li Qingluo become so polite and reasonable, he obviously sent the little dragon girl over to spy on the military situation. Fortunately, I didn't do anything to her apprentice, otherwise she wouldn't be able to kill with a knife right away?

Next, Tang Saier said the formula of Changchun Gong for not being old, and she was secretly contemptuous in her heart, thinking that you pretended not to take a pen to record it, even if you don't forget it now, when I don't believe it tomorrow, you will remember it.

She even played a little bit more carefully, tampering with some of the formulas a little bit in the middle, thinking that you don't know the true or false anyway, but who knows that Song Qingshu quickly raised objections to some of the formulas and asked her if she remembered it wrong. , So scared that she didn't dare to think about it anymore.

"I heard that martial arts are high enough to be able to automatically complete the exercises through deduction. I didn't expect it to be true." Tang Saier secretly smacked his tongue, and then honestly explained the following formulas.

After reciting Lingbo's Weibu formula, Song Qingshu instantly turned into a blue smoke and moved around in the room. Tang Saier was already numb, and it was also Lingbo Weibu. Why did people make it so much better than him? many.

Song Qingshu performed a lot of exercises and had to admire the greatness of the founder of Lingbo Weibu. Based on the eighty-six-four hexagrams of the Book of Changes, he actually developed such a delicate footwork, and as his internal strength increased, Lingbowei The step is stronger.

Every step taken by Lingbo Weibu is closely related to internal power. It is not just a walking step. If a person without the foundation of internal power, the Lingbo Weibu can walk strongly, which will cause the danger of self-extinction meridian.

"Let's start talking about life and death talisman." After Song Qingshu realized the subtlety of Ling Bo's Weibu, he focused on the last martial arts.

"To learn how to refine the Talisman of Life and Death, you must first learn how to solve the Talisman of Life and Death," Tang Saier paused and continued. ..."

About three sticks of fragrant time, Song Qingshu opened his eyes, stretched out his hand and inhaled into the wine glass beside him, and a burst of wine arrow was instantly sucked into his hand. As soon as the cold and true anger turned, the cluster of wine turned into a few thin slices like a cicada. Wing's thin ice then raised his hand casually, and those pieces of thin ice were instantly ingested into several acupuncture points on Tang Saier's body.

"Ah!" Tang Saier exclaimed, before he had time to express his anger, a peculiar itch spread through the acupuncture points, and he curled up in pain, trying to grasp the itch on his body with his hands, but his wrists were tight. , Has long been held by Song Qingshu.

Tang Saier felt that itching was about to collapse, and her hand was grabbed by the other party and could not be scratched. She couldn't help but scolded, "Song Qingshu, you bastard, let me go."

"If you let go of your scratching, at least it will make your clothes untidy, and at the worst, you will scratch your skin. Are you sure you want me to let go?" Song Qingshu said with a smile.

"Quickly let me go!" Tang Saier was still in control of so much at this time, and the whole person desperately rubbed in his arms, trying to use some of the body friction to resolve her itching.

Song Qingshu didn't expect her to act like this as a girl at home, feeling her hot and trembling body twisting in her arms, and a warmth in her lower abdomen rose instantly.

"Don't move, I'll untie it for you." Song Qingshu hurriedly pressed Qi Nian, quickly tapped a few points on her body, and then put his palm on her body and walked around, using Zhen Qi to resolve her life and death talisman.

Tang Saier gradually calmed down after her symptoms got changed. After the tossing just now, the sweat has already soaked through her clothes. Now the thin clothes can't stop anything. She can clearly feel the temperature of the opponent's palm, presumably The other party can also feel the tenderness of her skin.

Realizing that there was something wrong with her mood at this time, Tang Saier hurriedly reduced her mind and changed the subject: "Why are you doing this to me?"

"Who asked you to lie to me with fake formulas at the beginning? I can deduce the internal strength, but the life and death talisman still has to be tried in person to know if it is true or false." Song Qingshu replied.

Tang Saier was speechless for a while, it turned out that he had already seen through his mind.

"I'm pretty good to you, I'll solve the life and death talisman for you right away." Song Qingshu also felt that she was too troubled, and apologized.

Feeling the hand wandering around on his body, Tang Saier bit his lip and replied in a ghostly reply: "Who knows if you want to take the opportunity to touch me."

Song Qingshu almost didn't fall down, and said with some irritation: "I think you will touch it openly. How can you make these tricks that are not on the stage?"

Tang Saier spit out her tongue. In fact, she also understood that the other party was not that kind of person. After all, he refused to take the initiative to undress, but the pain of the life and death talisman just now was too shocking. She was holding a wave of evil fire in her heart. I couldn't help but want to vent, so I stabbed the other person like that.

"I have resolved the life and death talisman in your body." Song Qingshu let out a sigh of relief, then helped her up.

"Thank you," Tang Saier regretted as soon as he said it. It was obviously the life and death symbol he planted for himself. Thank him for what he did. While tidying up his clothes, he changed the topic to resolve his embarrassment, "I have done my promise. Now You should let my brother go."

"Don't worry, I will let your brother go, but he was hit by the phantom Yin finger, and he still needs time to heal him. You will be able to see him when he gets better." Song Qingshu replied.

Tang Saier glanced at him deeply: "This is different from what we agreed."

"It's nothing different," Song Qingshu said lightly, "There will be nothing wrong with your brother."

"Well, if I find that you lie to me, I will seek revenge from you by all means in my life." Tang Saier gave him a fierce look when he was leaving.

Seeing her disappear into the night sky, Song Qingshu shrugged, even without this deal, he would have to save Wei Ruolan's life, after all, his identity had too much room for expression.

Of course, it’s better to have a deal. How can he know that Tang Saier is so stupid. It is obvious that Shi Xiangyun has already made a deal with herself, and she actually came to give it away again, and she doesn’t know if Wei Ruolan has any other confidantes or Sisters or something, I don't refuse anyone who comes.

"I don't know if they are asleep." Song Qingshu looked at the sky and found that it was late at night.

"Let's check it out." Song Qingshu felt an inexplicable throbbing in his heart, hesitated, and finally walked to the room where Xiaolongnv and the others were.

In the middle of the night, the women's boudoir was not so glamorous, so Song Qingshu deliberately hid his traces when he passed by. With his current cultivation base, they would not be afraid of being discovered by them.

"I will come back if they are asleep. If they are not asleep, just go in and talk." Song Qingshu kept talking to himself, as if to hide his guilty conscience.

"Hey, the lights are all off." When he came to the window, Song Qingshu sighed secretly.

"Would you like to take a look?" This thought became uncontrollable after a lifetime. Song Qingshu rubbed his hands, his expression struggling and hesitant.

Suddenly, if he felt something, he turned his head and looked to the other side, only to see Li Qingluo turning out from the corner with a smile but not a smile: "The dignified Golden Snake King came to spy on a woman's bedroom in the middle of the night, and he was not afraid to spread his reputation."

The watery moonlight quietly laid down, Li Qingluo exuded a mysterious attraction, looking at the bright and charming face of the young woman in front of him, the plump and symmetrical figure, especially the exaggerated waist and hip curve, Song Qingshu did not speak. , Walked straight to her and walked back to her room.

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