Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1333: Fucha, you forget the killing of King Yue and his father?

"Hey, what are you doing?" Li Qingluo was ashamed and angry. She didn't expect him to say a word, so she held her hand. At the same time, she was worried that she would wake up the little dragon girl inside, so she could only ask in a low voice. ??

"You." Song Qingshu's breathing was a little bit quick. Before Shi Xiangyun was unable to get up and down in the Beggar Gang, he finally became Liu Xiahui with great perseverance. Who knew that Tang Saier ignited the flames again after he came back. The astonishing elasticity of the opponent's body continued to appear in his mind. Now that Li Qingluo appeared in front of him with an enchanting posture, he couldn't bear it.

Li Qingluo was startled at first, and only felt that the other party's answer was not what she was asking, but she was a very smart person, and she quickly realized what the other party's answer meant. In an instant, Xiafei's cheeks and red lips opened, but in the end she said nothing.

She originally came here this time to inquire about the crime. After all, the last time Song Qingshu did something like that, she had to ask him to settle the account. It's a pity that I first took Xiaolongnv to visit her parents' old residence, and now I finally got free, thinking about how to deal with Song Qingshu, but she didn't know that the other party played the card completely unreasonably, which caught her by surprise.

Reason tells Li Qingluo to shake off the other party's hand at this time, and even give him a slap in the face, but the hot warmth of the other party's palm came from her wrist, and she felt as if he had lit a flame in her body.

The heart beat faster and faster, even if I didn’t touch it with my hands, I could feel my cheeks getting hotter and hotter. Seeing the other party led me into the house, Li Qingluo was secretly alarmed and warned myself: "This is not possible, I have to tell him clearly ."

As soon as the red lips were about to open, Song Qingshu's dry and hot lips blocked up like a ball of flame, blocking all her words back.

After all, Li Qingluo is a mature woman, with a touch of the charm of a young woman, and without the young girl's youthfulness. Now that she has given up talking, her two jade arms subconsciously embraced the man in front of her.

No one said a word in the next two people, only heavy breathing, wishing to rub each other into a tight hug, the fiercest kiss, and the most primitive exploration.

"Don't... don't tear my clothes... I'll do it myself..." In the end, Li Qingluo couldn't help but speak. After all, this is not her home. She didn't bring a change of clothes when she came out. Tattered, shouldn't you go to the cousin Xiaolongnu to borrow clothes to wear? She can't afford to lose this person!

Seeing Li Qingluo untie his clothes, Song Qingshu had to admire that mature women are really different from young girls. They can face up to their own body and express their enthusiasm bravely.

However, the evil fire caused by Shi Xiangyun and Tang Saier made Song Qingshu still dissatisfied with Li Qingluo's degree. He simply picked her up and came to the table, while the other hand roughly swept the things on the table. On the ground.

The crisp sound of the bowl and the plate falling to the ground quickly alarmed the maid in the house, and rushed over here, exclaiming: "My son, what happened..."

As soon as they stepped into the door, they were stunned to find a woman wrapped around his waist like each other, standing blankly on the spot. Although she couldn't see her appearance clearly because the woman buried her head in his arms, but the graceful figure was enough to make these young and young girls very envious.

"It's nothing to do with you here. Let's go down and rest." Song Qingshu waved his hand, and a wave of invisible energy rushed over. The few maids only felt a soft force coming from their bodies, and they involuntarily retreated outside the house. The door closed immediately.

Several maids glanced at each other and secretly stuck out their tongues. They had seen these things in the rich family, so naturally they would not stay here uninterested, and ran away all the way.

"You bastard, did you deliberately make me embarrassed?" Li Qingluo raised her head from his arms when she felt the maids leave, her face flushed, her eyes full of anger.

"This is really an accident. I don't know that these people are not asleep yet," Song Qingshu said with a wry smile. "Besides, they didn't see your face, and you don't have to worry about reputation damage."

"In fact, it doesn't matter if you see it." Li Qingluo said suddenly.

When Song Qingshu was strange, her next sentence made him take a breath: "The big deal is all killed."

"Uh~" Song Qingshu realized that no matter whether the lady of Manduo Mountain Villa, who always treats the ugly man as a flower, or the Virgin of the White Lotus Church, they are not some kind little white rabbits.

However, looking at the woman in front of her who was determined to kill the queen fan, the man's innate desire to conquer made the flame in Song Qingshu's heart more vigorous, and directly put the woman in his arms on the table that had just vacated.

"Here?" Li Qingluo was a little surprised.

Song Qingshu didn't have too much nonsense, just a heavy voice, Li Qingluo only felt that her heartbeat suddenly accelerated. The Wang family she married into was a well-known family, who paid the most attention to family style. The deceased husband was a weak scholar in this respect. They never dared to go beyond the rules in this respect. The two have always been respectful as guests. Therefore, Song Qingshu's request made her nervous again. From a strong sense of stimulation.

Biting her lip, Li Qingluofeng showed a hint of flattery in her eyes, dispelling her rejection, and let go of her body and mind to welcome the man on her.


When we had breakfast together on the second day, the little dragon girl looked at Li Qingluo strangely: "Cousin, your face today seems to be much rosier than yesterday?"

"Really?" Li Qingluo touched her face and glanced at Song Qingshu with a guilty conscience.

Song Qingshu smiled at her slightly, causing her to turn away very unnaturally.

In fact, whether it is Song Qingshu or Li Qingluo, both of them are very clear that there is no love between them, and some are just physical instincts.

For Li Qingluo, her husband died early, and it is difficult to say what feelings there is between the husband and wife. In recent years, avenging her aunt and uncle, she has been burdened with great responsibilities and pressure, in front of the white lotus virgin who was wanted by the Southern Song Dynasty court, whether it is Both the body and the spirit are in great tension. She needs to relax appropriately to release these suppressed negative emotions. In addition, she was also a woman of extreme maturity at this age, and she also desperately desires a man's caress.

Of course, because of the social environment and moral system, she did not touch these thoughts at the beginning, and continued to be in front of the chaste wife of the widow, until Song Qingshu opened her door to another world, the kind of experience she had never had before. She has a bit of taste...

For Song Qingshu, Li Qingluo was mature and glamorous, and she was a very attractive woman; coupled with her special identity, it made his desire to conquer more satisfied. Especially the other party has matured to the extreme, and the martial arts is strong, he doesn't have to worry about their bodies being damaged and restrained like other confidantes, he can completely release his own most primitive **** on Li Qingluo.

So the two hit it off right away. In addition, both of them are mature people, and they did not talk about their relationship tacitly. After the incident, it seemed that nothing had been born. There was no responsibility and moral restraint, so that both of them were quite equal. Satisfaction and...easy.

In the next few days, Li Qingluo continued to take Xiaolongnv to learn about her parents. Song Qingshu ran to the beggar gang from time to time and became familiar with the organization structure of the beggar gang, and understood the abilities and qualities of each middle-level cadre, and which ones could serve him. Used, which must be replaced in the future.

In addition, after this time of getting along, he had to admit that Chen Youliang was an individual talent, and he was a talented person. The only pity was that there was a problem with his character.

But Song Qingshu is not very worried about this now. Although Chen Youliang is a double-edged sword, with his current abilities and precautions in advance, he is now absolutely confident that he will not be backlashed when he uses the other party.

After Chen Youliang's arrangements and operations during this period of time, the entire streets and alleys of Lin'an City were discussing the grievances of Yue Fei's murder. Everyone who brought up the murder of Yue Fei was filled with righteous indignation.

The people's sentiment was enthusiastic, and the discussion about this incident in the court gradually became fermented. Especially the students of Jianshan Academy, who were originally young and passionate, and Li Shouzhong was secretly contributing to the flames. It was like an angry volcano. I don’t know how many times I have organized myself to write petitions to the heavens. However, the energy accumulated by Wan Tumeng and Zhang Jun has been huge for so many years. Every time there are subordinates to help them resolve these threats. invisible.

However, the greater the oppression, the stronger the resistance, and an event later detonated the gunpowder keg completely.

The inscription on the wall of the Zichen Temple in the Shang Dynasty was written by Zhang Bolin, a guest of the doctor in the court of the Wuwu doctor in the court: "Fuchai, you forget the murder of the King Yue and your father?"

There was an uproar between the ruling and opposition parties. Huizong had already died in the Kingdom of Jin at that time, so everyone understood that this was a satire of Zhao Gou. It can be said that the death of Yue Fei has accumulated the dissatisfaction and resistance in the hearts of the people of the world to a dangerous level.

Zhao Gou dealt with Zhang Borin with a blue face, and at the same time he understood that it would be difficult to win people's hearts unless Yue Fei was rehabilitated, especially now that everyone no longer just attacked the ministers such as Qin Hui and Wan Yucheng as before, but gradually turned the spearhead. he!

If you don’t pay attention, you will burn your body, and maybe cause turmoil. So far, I can only make a decisive decision and abandon the car to be handsome.

Anyway, Qin Hui is dead, and the other two culprits, Wan Qidao and Zhang Jun, have done too disappointing recently... Zhao Gou looked at the two sides of the court, and his heart was cold.

Shi Miyuan's father, Shi Hao, as an emperor, naturally quickly noticed Zhao Gou's psychology. Before, no matter how his daughter Shi Xiangyun persuaded him, he had been standing still. The result was a thunderbolt.

The three systems of the Taiyuan, the Palace and the Procuratorate were operating at the same time, directly impeaching the left and right Zhang Jun for rebellion!

As an old fox in the political arena, Shi Miyuan did not immediately impeach the two of them for framing Zhongliang. After all, what happened back then was approved by the emperor. If he was not careful, he would involve Zhao Gou, and the crime of conspiracy was the most serious in history. Once a serious crime is convicted, it will be the end of the Jiu Clan. When the time comes, the crime of framing Zhongliang will be added, and no one will have objections.

The impeachment of the two of them was not made out of nothing. At the beginning, Wan Qianmao instructed Zhang Jun to privately mobilize the 5oo imperial army to siege the Mongolian mission. Shi Miyuan has long been investigated. He has been holding it in his hands and waiting for this one-shot kill opportunity! ——

Although the court of the Song Dynasty was weak in history, the people of the Song Dynasty were never an ischemic person. The peasant Zhang Shun and Zhang Gui who committed suicide before the break of Xiangyang City, the subjects of Yashan jumped into the sea.

There is also the Zhang Bolin mentioned in this chapter who complained for Yue Fei and openly satirized Zhao Gou's "fucha, you forget the killing of King Yue and his father"! 8

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