Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1335: Tenderness

Song Qingshu chuckled, and quietly glanced at the little dragon girl next to her. Seeing that there was no fluctuation in the expression on her face, she secretly breathed a sigh of relief and felt a little disappointed. ?

"Call her to come in, and then tell us about your confidante." Li Qingluo said with a smile. They have been together during this time, and they know Song Qingshu's affairs. They will come to him at this time. Apart from Shi Xiangyun, there is only Tang Saier, but Li Qingluo knows the temperament of her apprentice, so she won't inform the outside quietly, but broke in with light effort.

The maid looked at Song Qingshu with embarrassment to ask for his opinion.

"Let's go check it out." Song Qingshu coughed twice, thinking it's better to go out and have a look first. In case it is really a confidant of her own, she should give her a vaccination in advance, so as not to see herself unprepared. Li Qingluo and Xiaolongnv next to them, it would be a bad idea to make a Shura field.

"Let’s go and have a look together. It would be too polite to wait here." Li Qingluo stood up with a smile. Although the little dragon **** the side didn’t say anything, she still stayed with them, which is enough to explain her. Attitude too.

"It's true that those who are close to Zhu are black and those who are close to Mo are black, and the three-no girls like Xiaolongnu have been made a little black by Li Qingluo." Song Qingshu thought bitterly, but he did not dare to say these words openly in his heart.

The three people in the group walked out with their own ghosts, and soon came to the gate. They saw a handsome white horse standing at the gate, and a girl in a white shirt fluttering next to him, with a white face and a very beautiful appearance. Pretty, but she can clearly see the dusty look on her face.

Seeing the beautiful and innocent face of the girl, Li Qingluo couldn't help but slander, the **** was lustful, but his eyes were really good... While she was sighing, she suddenly thought that she was not boasting herself in disguise, and the corners of her mouth rose slightly.

Seeing the girl’s appearance, Song Qingshu was surprised and delighted: "Girl Shui, why are you here!" This girl is the heroine Shui Sheng in "Liancheng Jue". It's been a while.

"Big Brother Song!" Seeing Song Qingshu, Shui Sheng's eyes burst out with a ray of brilliant light, and he leaped towards him with a scent of fragrant wind.

Song Qingshu stiffened all over, feeling her slightly trembling body, and she couldn't help but feel tenderness in her heart. He stretched out his arms and hugged her in his arms: "You are haggard during this time."

"Cough cough~" Li Qingluo on the side heard goose bumps all over the place, and couldn't help coughing twice.

Shui Sheng now discovered that there were two unbelievably beautiful women next to them. Their small faces turned red all of a sudden. They instinctively pushed Song Qingshu away and broke free from his arms: "Big Brother Song, are they?"

"Uh, let me introduce to you. This is Mrs. Wang from Manduo Mountain Villa. This is the Dragon Girl from the Tomb School. They are all my... my friends." Song Qingshu thought about it, but didn't know. How to describe the relationship with them, I can't tell Shui Sheng, these two women, the mature one is his own friend, and the young one is not satisfied with the lover above Youda?

"Mrs. Wang is good, Dragon girl is good." Although Shui Sheng has been praised for her beauty since she was a child, the two women in front of her are really beautiful, especially the aura of their bodies, which made her feel a little embarrassed. .

Xiaolongnu pursed her lips and nodded towards her. For a girl like her who knows nothing about the world, this kind of etiquette has been a great improvement.

Li Qingluo was more natural: "Hello girl." Then she turned to Song Qingshu and said with a smile, "Don't you introduce this girl to us?"

"Forgot, forgot," Song Qingshu smiled awkwardly, "this is the daughter of Lengyue Jianshuidai in Nansiqi's "Luohualiushui"."

Song Qingshu couldn't help being a little strange. How could this atmosphere be a bit like seeing Xiaosan in a Xiuluo field? These women are neither their own wives nor their own lovers. What a guilty conscience.

"Nan Siqi?" Li Qingluo nodded, "There has always been a chivalrous name, and sure enough, a tiger father has no dogs."

Song Qingshu knew that with her identity as the Madonna of the White Lotus, it would be difficult for her to put people like Nan Siqi in her eyes. Now that she praised him a little bit is considered to be a face to herself.

"Let's go ahead and talk about it." Seeing the eyes of many passers-by looking here from time to time, Song Qingshu felt a little uncomfortable, as if the little dragon girl and the others were too much to see him.

Let Xiao Si take Shui Sheng's Zhao Ye Bai to take good care of them, and Song Qingshu led them to the hall.

"Is your father's funeral settled?" Song Qingshu couldn't help asking. At the beginning, something happened to her father in Jinsheying. Then her uncle, who is also a leader of Jinsheying, Shui Jian, escorted Shui Dai with her. The coffins of the others returned to their hometown for burial.

Hearing this incident, Shui Sheng's eyes blushed: "Everything is settled. I will bury him and a few uncles together so that they can continue to knot Jinlan under Jiuquan."

Song Qingshu sighed: "They have spirits in the sky, and they will also thank you for doing so. When I am free, I will go and worship my uncle with you."

Hearing what he said, Shui Sheng's pale cheeks blushed, and he gave an impenetrable hush. She didn't refuse, after all... After all, because of the relationship between the two, Yuqing should also take this man back for Dad to see him.

"By the way, how did you find this place?" Song Qingshu asked suddenly curiously.

A shyness flashed across Shui Sheng’s fair face, and he replied in a low voice, “I used to be a filial piety for my dad at home, but then I accidentally heard the news that you were hit by Jinbo Xunhua and worried about you... …So I came out to look for you, and I don’t know how you are now. After thinking about it, I went to the Golden Snake Camp to discuss with Ajiu’s sisters. Later, I learned from them that you are safe, but I always wanted to take a look at you myself. I felt relieved, so I came to Lin'an..."

Song Qingshu was moved and pity upon hearing it. She was a young girl who had gone north and south in this turbulent era. She had no idea how much she had suffered along the way.

Seeing that Song Qingshu had been holding Shui Sheng's hand and asked for warmth, Li Qingluo subconsciously glanced at the cousin on the side. Seeing her Yun Danfeng lightly looking out of the window, there was a trace of sadness between her eyebrows. She felt uncomfortable and coughed deliberately. Said: "Song, let's talk about business first, and later there will be time for you to express love."

Shui Sheng was already a little nervous by the aura of the two peerless beauties, and when he heard the words, he retracted his hands as if being electrocuted.

Song Qingshu gave Li Qingluo a depressed look: "Song whose surname is Song, can't you be more polite to me?" At the same time, I thought in my heart that when you were happy, you called it sweet. , Even good brothers can be called out, how can he turn his face and refuse to recognize people in a blink of an eye.

"It's good enough that you didn't call your **** surnamed Song," Li Qingluo snorted softly, and the corners of her mouth rose slightly. "Well, let's continue to talk about the problem of my aunt and heir."

Xiaolongnv finally turned her face and sighed faintly, "Is it really possible for my brothers to live in this world?" She grew up in an ancient tomb and never thought there was anything wrong with orphans. It wasn't until I was with Yang Guo that I felt the warmth of getting along with people a little bit, but it was a pity that he...

In the scene that I saw in the ancient tomb, Xiaolongnu was disheartened. Later, she wanted to commit suicide when she was assassinated in the palace. She suddenly learned the news of her parents. During this time, Li Qingluo took her to visit her parents who had stayed. In some places, she gradually had a concept of home in her mind. Now that I learned that I actually still have a few older brothers, a feeling of blood thicker than water can't help but rush to my heart, but it's a pity that those older brothers who have never met may have been horrible.

"It's not that there is no hope at all." Seeing the light in Xiaolongnv's eyes gradually receded, Li Qingluo didn't want her to return to that state of despair, and hurriedly persuaded, "Although I haven't found their whereabouts, neither Seeing their bodies, you have to know that your elder brother Yue Yun died of slashing, and your second brother Yue Lei died in exile. I have already confirmed these, but I am not so sure about the whereabouts of the other three elder brothers. I will go to torture the party members of Wan Tao to see if there are any insiders of the year."

"Cousin, why do you deliberately comfort me like this? With your power, you can't find out after so many years of investigation, and then you can find out what you can find." Although the little dragon girl does not know the world, it does not mean she is stupid, she is very stupid. It was easy to see through Li Qingluo's mind.

Li Qingluo was speechless. In fact, everything that should be investigated over the years has been investigated, and even Wan Qianmen's subordinates were secretly arrested by her for interrogation, and the answer was that they had been secretly assassinated, but no one could tell their bodies clearly. Where, it gave her a hint of illusion.

"Are you talking about the orphans of General Yue? I may know..." At this moment, a weak voice suddenly came from the side.

Song Qingshu, Li Qingluo and even the Little Dragon Girl, who had always been indifferent to the outside world, suddenly turned their heads and looked at the red-faced Shui Sheng next to her.

"Do you know where they are?" Li Qingluo grabbed Shui Sheng's hand and said excitedly.

Noting that Shui Sheng frowned, Song Qingshu hurriedly pulled Li Qingluo's hand away: "Don't be so excited, your martial arts are so high, it hurts everyone."

"Just take pity and cherish jade." Li Qingluo gave him a white glance, but now she didn't have the time to get angry with him, but looked at Shui Sheng eagerly.

"Some time ago, I found a note when I was sorting out my father's belongings." Seeing Song Qingshu caring about himself so much, Shui Sheng felt sweet in his heart. Then he explained, "The above mentioned that my third uncle Liu Chengfeng received him many years ago. A member of the tribe asked to save a few children. San Bo was worried that his loneliness would ruin the tribe's major affairs, so he invited my father and a few brothers to join him."

"How do you know that those children are the orphans of General Yue?" Li Qingluo asked suspiciously. Over the years, she had received a lot of news like this, but the facts proved to be false. She knew that the greater the hope, the more disappointed. The bigger I don’t want my cousin to experience such pain.

"I... I guessed it." Shui Sheng blushed and said with an embarrassed expression——

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