Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1336: Woman's Heart, Needle on the Seabed

"Guess it?" Song Qingshu couldn't help being disappointed. He didn't expect that the girl Shui Sheng also had a talent for funny. ???

Li Qingluo's face was as sinking as water. If it weren't for considering that the other party was Song Qingshu's friend, she might just use her as flower fertilizer based on her usual temperament.

"Why would you guess like this?" Worried that Li Qingluo would explode, Song Qingshu hurriedly came out to make a round.

Seeing them reacted so strongly, Shui Sheng thought he had said something wrong, and his voice lowered involuntarily: "My member of the tribe, Uncle Liu, is called Liu Yunsheng..."

"Liu Yunsheng?" Song Qingshu was confused, this person had never heard of it himself.

Who knew that Li Qingluo was excited, and grabbed Shui Sheng's hand: "That person is really called Liu Yunsheng?"

"Yeah~" Shui Sheng was startled by her reaction and nodded subconsciously.

"Who is this Liu Yunsheng that excites you like this?" Song Qingshu couldn't help asking, and the little dragon girl next to her also looked at her curiously.

Li Qingluo sighed, with a look of recollection on her face, and began to tell a story from the past: "The little uncle was framed by Qin Hui, and Wan Lumao was sent to preside over this case. At that time, the Dali Temple Cheng Li Ruopu and He Yanyou were both Believing that the little uncle was not guilty, he tried his best to dispute with Wan Tongmao and was dismissed from office. In addition to the court officials calling for injustices for Yue Fei, the common people also exploded. The most famous of them is Commoner Liu Yunsheng, who appealed to the little uncle. As a result, Dali Temple was already under the control of the dog thief in Wantong, and he was ordered to be executed."

Song Qingshu was horrified, and couldn't help but praised: "What a righteous man!" Even the little dragon girl, who has always been a three-no girl, changed her expression.

Shui Sheng said: "Before Liu Yunsheng wrote the book, he expected that he would not escape death, so he found in advance Liu Chengfeng, the famous'Rouyunjian' among the tribe, who was my father's righteous brother. Entrust him to Jiujiang to do one thing."

Li Qingluo exclaimed, "Little uncle and they lived on the edge of Mount Lushan in Jiujiang before they came to Lin'an!"

Little Dragon Girl couldn't help but ask: "Ms. Water, what happened afterwards?"

Rao is the same woman, and Shui Sheng is still amazed by her: "Because San Bo was worried about what happened in the middle, it would be difficult for one person to support it alone, so he deliberately found the uncle'Benevolence and Righteous 6 Big Swords' 6 Tianshu, and the second uncle'Zhongping Wudi' Tie Gan, and my dad will go with him."

Shui Sheng paused, and continued: "My father's handwriting didn't write what he was going to do, he only wrote what he was doing after he saved Zhongliang, and their brothers were very happy."

After listening to Song Qingshu, he couldn't help feeling full of emotion. The reason why "Luo Hua Liu Shui" is famous is that four pairs of a master of the same level were finally killed by the blood knife ancestors, which made the other party's reputation for actual combat against the sky. Their nickname is "Luo Hua Liu Shui". Become everyone's laughing stock, especially the slavish maidservant Hua Tiegan who sells friends for glory, is even more contemptible.

Song Qingshu prevented Shui Sheng from killing Hua Tiegan at the Golden Snake Camp before. The main reason was that the four of them had been a knight for their whole lives, and they could not deny all of him because of a mistake. Now it seems, fortunately at that time. Without taking action, these four rescued Yue Fei’s orphans. What a righteous act. If he were to be killed, Song Qingshu would definitely be condemned by his conscience. Of course, he didn’t know that Hua Tiegan died of A Qing afterwards. Hands.

Li Qingluo became more excited as she thought about it, and couldn't help muttering to herself: "This is a complete fit. When Liu Yunsheng wrote the book, the little uncle had not been killed yet, so Liu Chengfeng and the others went to Jiujiang to rescue me in advance. A cousin who later made the killers of Qin Hui's Wanzuo faction rushed out. It is assumed that those killers were afraid of being blamed by their bosses, so they have completed the task in a unified way, and even Qin Hui and Wanzuo have been concealed. No wonder it doesn't matter to me. How to tortured those who dealt with in those years, and there was no useful information. It turns out that they were also deceived by those killers."

A ray of light burst into Xiaolongnu's eyes: "Cousin, are you saying that my brothers might still be alive?"

"Well," Li Qingluo nodded excitedly, looking at Shui Sheng with a look of diligence, "Miss Shui, does your father's note record where they saved those people?"

"I didn't say it clearly," Shui Sheng said hesitantly, "but there are several places mentioned in the notes..."

"Where?" Li Qingluo hurriedly asked.

Shui Sheng shook his head: "I just looked at it casually, and didn't pay much attention to the place names. Now I can't remember them."

"Did you bring your father's notes?" Li Qingluo asked without giving up.

Shui Sheng still shook his head with an apologetic expression: "No, in Jinling's hometown."

Little Dragon Girl looked disappointed, Li Qingluo hesitated, looked at Shui Sheng and said, "Miss Shui, I have an unrelenting invitation, can you take us to your hometown?"

"Yes." Shui Sheng did not refuse.

"Should we leave right away?" Li Qingluo said excitedly.

"Huh?" Shui Sheng looked at her in surprise.

Song Qingshu frowned, "It's only when people come here. You want them to accompany you on the road. It's indeed an unsympathetic invitation."

Li Qingluo sighed quietly: "I also know that this request is a bit difficult, but I have been investigating this matter for twenty years, and finally I have seen hope, and I don't want to have many dreams."

"Why do you have so many nights and dreams?" Song Qingshu said strangely, "Anyway, the court has already announced to the world, and several Master Yue will come to Beijing when they hear the news. Why are you so anxious?"

Li Qingluo shook her head: "No, Wan Tumao and Zhang Jun have been prime ministers for so many years, and they have formed an extremely large group. Although the two are dead, they still have a lot of party left. For example, the Dabie Mountain area is called Zhongyi. Zhang Rou, the army is really a bandit, if they avenge their master, my cousins ​​will be in danger."

Song Qingshu frowned, knowing that what she said was reasonable, and because of the grievances between Wan Tumen, Zhang Jun Group and Yue Fei, it is impossible to guarantee that he would not get revenge on his sons.

"Big Brother Song, you don't have to worry about me, I'll take these two sisters back to Jinling." Shui Sheng said suddenly.

"But you are in the dust, so why don't you have to take a good rest for a few days." Song Qingshu said distressedly.

Shui Sheng shook his head and smiled slightly: "Saving a few Master Yue is what my father is most proud of in his life. If an accident eventually leads to a failure, if his old man knows well, he won't be scornful. How can I do it because of this. Work hard to be an unfilial girl?"

"This..." Song Qingshu didn't know how to persuade him for a while when the other party mentioned her father.

"What's more..." Shui Sheng's face was reddened, and he glanced at Li Qingluo and Xiaolongnv next to him, showing a hesitant expression.

"Cousin, let's go and pack our luggage first." Li Qingluo wittily took the little dragon girl out.

Seeing them leaving, Shui Sheng said: "Big Brother Song, my father is still dead. According to our rules, I have to observe filial piety for three years. This time I ran out specially when I heard you had an accident. Now that I see you safely Nothing, I'm relieved."

Listening to her feelings of affection, Song Qingshu felt tenderness in her heart and gently embraced her in her arms. Shui Sheng's face turned red, but he did not refuse.

"Big Brother Song, I really want to be with you, but I really should go back to keep my father's filial piety..." Shui Sheng leaned his face on his chest, feeling his breath, and suddenly felt that this period of time had been coming. The boats and carts were exhausted and disappeared.

"In that case, I won't keep you anymore. When I finish my work, I will come to Jinling to find you." Song Qingshu said softly.

Shui Sheng's eyes suddenly gleamed brightly: "You must come, I'm waiting for you."

Seeing her cheering, Song Qingshu suddenly thought of teasing her: "What if I accidentally forget?"

Shui Sheng snorted: "If you dare to forget, I will come to you to settle the account after the three-year period of filial piety, and I will tell the people of the world that you will always give up.

Song Qingshu heard a black line: "Don't use this word indiscriminately, OK? Where did I mess with you?"

A hint of shame flashed across Shui Sheng's face, and he bit his lip and said, "You messed up my heart."

Song Qingshu's heart warmed when he heard it, and he lowered his head and kissed her lips.

With a cry, Shui Sheng hurriedly pushed her away, her cheeks redder than rouge, and she was ashamed and angry: "People are still filial piety for their father~"

Song Qingshu realized that she was Meng Lang, and hurriedly hugged her and coaxed her, and finally made her feel angry.

It didn't take long for Li Qingluo and Xiaolongnv to pack up and salute, although they were reluctant, Song Qingshu sent the three of them to the carriage.

"Take good care of them." Song Qingshu asked Li Qingluo before leaving.

Li Qingluo glanced at him with a faint smile, "Do you think I should take care of my cousin or the water girl?"

"Of course it is Girl Shui." Song Qingshu saw through her thoughts and gave her an angry look. Anyway, Xiaolongnv is her beloved cousin, and she will take good care of her if she doesn't say anything.

"You are clever." After Li Qingluo smiled, her voice turned serious, "After we went to Jinling to find out the information, we should leave for Jiujiang immediately. Lin'an City is treacherous. Be careful. Don't wait for us to come back next time. died."

Song Qingshu's lips twitched: "Are you caring about me or cursing me?"

"What do you think?" Li Qingluo turned and boarded the carriage, leaving a string of coquettish laughter, "By the way, don't bully my female apprentice while I'm not here."

Song Qingshu directly ignored her words and looked directly at the little dragon girl. Unfortunately, she didn't know if there were other people present or for some reason. The little dragon girl didn't mean to say goodbye to him, and got on the carriage early.

I noticed his gaze from the window, Xiao Longnv just nodded at him slightly, and turned her gaze to the distance again, which made Song Qingshu depressed: a while ago, the relationship between the two parties was so close, how can they suddenly become separated now? Did the temptress Li Qingluo say anything bad about me in front of her this time?

It's a pity that until the outline of the carriage disappeared from sight, he didn't think of an answer, and sighed for the first time: "Women's heart, needle on the bottom of the sea."

Back in the house, looking at the empty house, Song Qingshu suddenly became a little sad. It was still lively before, and after a while, everyone went to the empty building.

Bored, lying on the bed and looking at the roof, he suddenly sat up with a carp and slapped his head in exclamation: "Oh, I was busy with Yue Fei's case during this time, and I forgot the two people in the palace! "8

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