Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1337: curious coincidence

In the palace, besides one Li Yuanzhi, there is also Chen Yuanyuan who was turned into a beauty by men of the world. During this period of time, she was too busy to take care of them, and she didn't know if anything happened to the two women in the palace.

With the thoughts together, Song Qingshu could no longer restrain his worry, even though the sun hadn't gone down now, he didn't care about that much anymore, so he went out and sneaked into the palace quietly.

After all, it was not at night. Now that you want to enter the palace in broad daylight, you must be cautious with Song Qingshu's peerless light work. Fortunately, there are already few people in Lenggong, so he sneaked in without any risk.

"I don't know how they get along, Yuan Zhi's strange girl, she has always disliked Chen Yuanyuan's mother and daughter, and Chen Yuanyuan has no power to bind chickens, so she won't be bullied miserably during this time." Song Qingshu couldn't help but squeeze a cold sweat for Chen Yuanyuan.

However, when he arrived at the residence of the two of them, he couldn't help being stunned, because the scene before him was very different from what he had imagined. Chen Yuanyuan did not shrink in the corner with a red and purple body, crying, and Li Yuanzhi did not laugh wildly in front of her with a whip like a witch.

The two women are sitting quietly and quietly facing each other. Chen Yuanyuan is as beautiful and elegant as ever, and Li Yuanzhi, who has always escaped from the lively, is transformed into a quiet beautiful girl.

With curiosity, Song Qingshu approached a few steps, and then it was discovered that the two women are now playing Go. Li Yuanzhi held the black man in his hand. He moved several times and finally retracted it. He bit his finger lightly, his brows frowned and looked quite thoughtful. Charming and lovely.

Chen Yuanyuan still looked at her with a smile, and didn't mean to be impatient at all. Suddenly she saw Song Qingshu next to her, and her whole body trembled.

Because of her back, Li Yuanzhi didn't notice Song Qingshu for the first time, until Chen Yuanyuan's expression on the opposite side changed, and then turned her head in doubt. After reading Song Qingshu, the cramped eyebrows that had just been tightened instantly stretched out.

"Brother Song~" Li Yuanzhi wrapped a scent of fragrance and jumped into Song Qingshu's arms with an exclaimed exclaimed joy.

With his arms around the girl's soft body, Song Qingshu gave a knowing smile: "Sister Yuanzhi~"

Looking at the scene in front of her, Chen Yuanyuan couldn't help being envious. Although she was so gorgeous, countless men bowed under her pomegranate skirt, but she had never found such a man to let her rush into each other's arms with such a girly heart. in.

The two hugged tightly for a while, Li Yuanzhi suddenly realized that there was an audience watching beside him, and instantly blushed and jumped out of his arms. In order to resolve his embarrassment, he took Song Qingshu's hand and came to the chessboard. , Said coquettishly: "Brother Song, come and help me see, how should I make this move?"

Looking at the dense black and white objects in front of him, Song Qingshu is one head and two big ones, and he travels through the crowd one by one. He is not a Go fan in his previous life, so how can he play this stuff? If he changed to gomoku, he still had the confidence to fight the opponent.

"I won't." Song Qingshu said wryly.

"The son is too modest." Chen Yuanyuan finally spoke, her voice still so soft and sweet, and it made people feel like a spring breeze, but she couldn't help but feel a little moved in her heart.

"That's right, I have lost two games in a row. Brother Song, you must help me save face." Li Yuanzhi shook Song Qingshu's arm.

"These two women sincerely look at my joke." Song Qingshu has a black line.

This is no wonder Chen Yuanyuan and Li Yuanzhi, after all, in this world, piano, chess, calligraphy and calligraphy are standard equipment, and those with a little ability in the family will be cultivated from childhood. Naturally, a young master like Song Qingshu is unreasonable, and Song Qingshu’s impression in their hearts has always been the same. A resourceful, immortal character, chess skill should be no less than a national player.

"Get down, whoever is afraid of who." Song Qingshu naturally didn't want to show his timidity in front of a woman, so he bit the bullet and wanted to get up. Fortunately, he has been in this world for a few years, and he knows at least some of the rules of Go, at least barely able to play.

"Huh?" Chen Yuanyuan was surprised when she saw the other party's fall. She couldn't understand why the other party behaved like this at all. Wouldn't it reveal a great flaw?

However, Chen Yuanyuan didn't dare to take it lightly. Only when the opponent's chess skills were far better than her own, then she had such a wild move. She was worried that the other party was deliberately lure the enemy into deep, afraid that what was waiting for her was a trap, so she did not dare to take the opportunity to attack. , Can only defend steadily.

Song Qingshu settled quickly, not at all hesitating like Li Yuanzhi before. Seeing the girl next to him could not help applauding: "Big Brother Song is great~"

In fact, she couldn't understand Song Qingshu's tactics, but the girl's lover was the best in everything. Since she played like this, there was a reason for him, but her level was not enough.

As the chess game progressed, Chen Yuanyuan's expression became more and more weird, and a thought in her heart became clearer and clearer, and finally she couldn't help but tentatively counterattacked, who knew that the opponent would collapse immediately, and the enemy would be defeated instantly.

Li Yuanzhi hadn't finished her compliment on the side, and she was instantly dumbfounded.

Chen Yuanyuan couldn't help it anymore, she covered her mouth and smiled lightly: "So the son is really...a stinky chess basket."

Song Qingshu looked depressed: "I said that I won't be anymore, you have to let me go." But in my heart, I was aggrieved. If, as described in the systemic flow of the previous life, I brought an Alpha dog in my body when I crossed. It's weird if you don't abuse it.

"You bastard~ you made me lose my face~" Li Yuanzhi was so embarrassed that he could not help but punch his chest with a powdered fist, thinking that she had praised him just now.

"No more, no more," Song Qingshu messed up the chessboard with a guilty conscience.

Seeing him like a rascal on the street, Chen Yuanyuan couldn't help laughing.

Song Qingshu hurriedly changed the subject: "By the way, how is Madam's injury."

Chen Yuanyuan smiled slightly: "It's almost better." The scene of him treating his injuries suddenly appeared in his mind, especially when the guards outside came to search the room, the kind of "invasion" he had against himself was as beautiful as a peach and plum. His face became more and more beautiful.

"That's good," Song Qingshu suddenly asked with a strange expression, "has she bullied you during this period?"

Li Yuanzhi on the side suddenly quit: "Brother Song, am I such a barbaric person in your heart?"

Chen Yuanyuan smiled gently: "Sister Yuanzhi has always treated me very well." In fact, Li Yuanzhi was really hostile to her at the beginning, but she grew up in a brothel and later dealt with so many powerful men. She is best at it. It makes people feel like a spring breeze. Although Li Yuanzhi is smart, she is a young girl who hasn't been involved in the world after all. She used some means to draw the relationship between the two people closer.

"Humph~" Li Yuanzhi, who was next to her, couldn't help but glanced at Song Qingshu when she heard her.

Song Qingshu rubbed her head fondly, and then said to Chen Yuanyuan: "Madam, would you mind if I take a pulse?"

Chen Yuan-yuan gave him a white look, thinking that you have done something like that to me, and now you have to ask me about your pulse.

"Naturally don't mind." After speaking, he stretched out his hand in front of him.

Looking at the white and jade wrist in front of him, Li Yuanzhi couldn't help but touched it: "Sister, your skin is so white and slippery. I really don't know how you take care of it."

Chen Yuanyuan's face was reddened, and she pulled down her sleeves subconsciously, covering the skin on her forearms.

Song Qingshu coughed twice and hurriedly got rid of distracting thoughts to get her pulse up. She found that her pulse was calm and could not help but breathe a sigh of relief: "Madam's injury is already very good, as long as she calmly recuperates, she will soon be healed. "

"This is also a lot of thanks to the son's initial treatment." Chen Yuanyuan said with a smile.

"Eh?" Song Qingshu subconsciously glanced under her lower abdomen, and Chen Yuanyuan was taken aback. Only then did he realize that what he had just said was ambiguous, and a pretty face turned red in an instant.

"Ahem," Song Qingshu recovered quickly enough, hurriedly to resolve the embarrassment, "Since the wife's injury is almost healed, I should also send her home."

"In fact, I think this cold palace is a good place for cleansing. During this time, my heart is calmer than ever before." Chen Yuanyuan said softly.

Song Qingshu was startled, and didn't understand what she meant by her answer. Could it be that she lived here for feelings and didn't want to go back?

"I plan to take Sister Yuanzhi out of the palace. She should also meet her father. How can I rest assured when you live alone in this cold palace," Song Qingshu said, "Not to mention that this period of time is also very expensive for the daughter. worry about you."

Hearing him mention A Ke, Chen Yuanyuan swallowed what he had said. It was true that he had been out for too long, so it was time to go back.

"Can you really leave the palace?" Li Yuanzhi asked in surprise.

"Naturally it's true," Song Qingshu stroked her supple head, "you have been aggrieved in the cold palace during this period of time."

Li Yuanzhi was allowed to stay here because of her sensitive identity, but now the trend is set, she has become an insignificant figure in the palace, and now everyone’s attention is on the case of Yue Fei, which is quietly taken away at this time. She will not cause any waves.

"The biggest problem now is how to send you back," Song Qingshu looked at Chen Yuanyuan, and said distressedly, "I can't just take you to Akko directly. That way, I can't explain it to the people in the palace."

The three discussed for a while, and finally came up with a plan for Chen Yuanyuan to pretend to be imprisoned on the side of Lenggong, and then let the nearby palace maids or concubines in Lenggong "unintentionally" appear, attracting the imperial guards to take the initiative to rescue her.

"The biggest problem is your confession after being rescued. The Imperial Guard will definitely ask about your birth during this period." Song Qingshu looked at Chen Yuanyuan worriedly.

"Don't worry, my life has been through ups and downs. I can handle this little thing." Chen Yuanyuan smiled slightly, and there was a kind of grace and calmness in his tone.

"That's good," Song Qingshu also believed that she could make up a reasonable story, and then looked at Li Yuanzhi who was aside, with a playful heart, "Or you can become the concubine of the confession, maybe you can still do it because of this. Serve to restore the status of concubine."

"Bah!" Li Yuanzhi blushed and sipped, "I'm not rare to be Zhao Song's imperial concubine."

Chen Yuanyuan couldn't help but jokingly said: "Then whose imperial concubine do you want to be?" While talking, she deliberately glanced at Song Qingshu.

Although Li Yuanzhi may be bold and unrestrained sometimes, but after all, the girl has a thin face, how can she stand her teasing like this: "Sister, come and tease me! Ignore you, I will go out to the cold palace to see who is suitable to be the informant." After talking about escaping, he usually ran out.

"It's rare to see this girl shy." Chen Yuanyuan pursed her mouth and smiled as she watched her disappear outside the door.

"Is still a little girl after all." Song Qingshu couldn't help laughing.

Seeing him yawning while he was talking, Chen Yuanyuan said awkwardly: "Are you tired, do you want me to pinch it for you?" —

Many readers are leaving messages, saying that they want to see Huang Rong, here can be spoiled in advance, Huang Rong will appear again soon 8

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