Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1338: Go far

Song Qingshu was startled, he didn't have such thoughts, but since the other party took the initiative, he certainly would not refuse.

"Okay." Song Qingshu sat on the couch, leaving enough space behind him, beckoning her to come behind.

Chen Yuanyuan was a little regretful when she opened her mouth just now, but seeing that he didn't mean to be modest at all, she couldn't help being angry and funny. After hesitating for a while, she bypassed the chessboard and crawled over, half kneeling behind Song Qingshu and pinching it for him.

When Chen Yuanyuan's fingers touched his shoulders, Song Qingshu only felt that an electric current was flowing through his body, and that the countless pores under his body were very comfortable.

"With this technique, the technicians in the high-end clubs in the previous life can't catch up with the horses." Song Qingshu secretly sighed, but quickly realized that Chen Yuanyuan was the world's most popular top card in the past. A better technique is a matter of course.

"Really comfortable~" Song Qing couldn't help but closed her eyes, relaxed her body, and began to enjoy the service that even the emperor could not enjoy.

"My son, you can lie down when you are tired, and take a good rest by the way." Chen Yuanyuannuo's soft and pleasant voice is easy to make people feel happy on weekdays, but now Song Qingshu can't afford the slightest evil thoughts. His heart only has the warmth of home and Relax.

"Okay." During this period of time, Song Qingshu was really tired when he was running around for Yue Fei's case.

With his approval, Chen Yuanyuan smiled, gently holding Song Qingshu's head and neck and slowly laying him down.

Song Qingshu completely relaxed his muscles at this moment, letting her play with herself, and suddenly noticed a soft but flexible part under his head, he couldn't help being a little surprised.

Chen Yuanyuan's face was also reddened at this time. She put down Song Qingshu. She originally wanted to find a pillow to cushion him, but she looked around and found that the nearest pillow was far beyond the range of her hand. If she got up and took it , Inevitably, it will alarm the other party and wake him from a relaxed state.

She hesitated again and again, and finally put Song Qingshu's head directly on her thigh.

Feeling the round and tight thighs of the other party, Song Qingshu and Liu Xiahui couldn't help but feel a little bit arrogant. Fortunately, Chen Yuanyuan's fingers gently rubbed his temples, and the gentleness of the fingertips gradually resolved his heart agitation.

"If she doesn't have this beauty that reverses all living beings, she should be a very attractive woman..." Feeling Chen Yuanyuan's gentle technique, smelling the scent of her body, and adding to the fatigue these days, no After a while he fell asleep.

Looking at this young man who was pregnant with him, Chen Yuanyuan's expression was quite complicated. Because the other party had deceived Ake into Yanjing city as a hostage before, she had no good feelings about him; but meeting him again is a fame. The man who moved the world, who shined in the palace a few days ago, is a completely banal character; but when the two of them were hiding under the bed, she was ashamed of the hot fingers of each other.

"Which side of you is the real you?" Chen Yuanyuan's eyes became complicated and difficult to understand when he looked at the man's statue-like solid and handsome lines.

"Big Brother Song, Sister Yuanyuan...eh?" Li Yuanzhi went out and wandered around, and finally found a suitable candidate, happily ran back to confess good news, who knew he had seen this amazing scene.

Li Yuanzhi only thought that Song Qingshu actually hooked up with Chen Yuanyuan for a while, jealous and aggrieved, her eyes were red, and she was about to attack, Chen Yuanyuan hurriedly made a silent gesture to her.

"He is too tired, let him take a good rest." Chen Yuanyuan whispered to her.

Li Yuanzhi was taken aback, walked over and noticed the tired look between the lover's eyebrows. Only then did he know that he had misunderstood the two, and the feelings of grievances disappeared. What was left was distress and pity.

"Why don't you replace me." Chen Yuanyuan stood up and said unnaturally. She had a clear conscience and felt the beauty between the two was beautiful, but after all, the other two are lovers, so she told her in front of Li Yuanzhi. His lover is resting on his lap, and it always feels weird.

"No need, so as not to wake him up." Li Yuanzhi hurriedly stopped her.

Seeing Li Yuanzhi looking at Song Qingshu with her cheek in her hand, her eyes full of tenderness, Chen Yuanyuan couldn't help being envious. This kind of innocent, carefree love was something she would never have.

When Song Qingshu woke up, he subconsciously wanted to sit up, but when he bumped his head into a soft spot, he instantly remembered an exclamation in his ear.


Song Qingshu came back to his senses only then, and found that Chen Yuanyuan was holding her chest and looking at herself with grotesque expression. She didn't understand what she had just hit.

"Sorry~" Song Qingshu smiled wryly.

"What's going on?" Li Yuanzhi was asleep just now, just now he opened his eyes in a daze.

"Nothing." Chen Yuanyuan took the initiative to round the field, and at the same time shrank back without a trace.

"It's been a long time since I slept so comfortably." Song Qingshu stretched out, feeling refreshed.

"Of course, Sister Yuanyuan's thighs are comfortable on the pillow," Li Yuanzhi said with a pouting mouth, "This is a beautiful blessing that the emperor can't enjoy."

"Don't talk nonsense." Chen Yuanyuan gave her an angry look.

Seeing her rubbing her thighs from time to time, Song Qingshu apologized: "I have slept for so long, are you uncomfortable?"

"Fortunately," Chen Yuanyuan smiled slightly, "it's a bit tingling."

Song Qingshu smiled apologetically, came to the window and noticed that night had fallen, then turned around and asked Li Yuanzhi, "Sister Yuanzhi, how did you find the person you were looking for?"

"Huh, is there anything that this lady can't do when she goes out, don't worry, I have already found a good target." Li Yuanzhi raised his chin triumphantly.

"Okay," Song Qingshu nodded, "I'll go to Akko for ventilation and unify my caliber while it's dark."

"Be careful yourself." Chen Yuanyuan and Li Yuanzhi said in unison, and after speaking, they looked at each other in surprise.

"Don't worry, even as Longtan Tiger's Lair, I want to come and go, who can keep me in the world?" Song Qingshu smiled confidently, and his figure quickly disappeared into the night sky.

I don’t know how many times I have entered the palace. Song Qingshu is already familiar with the road. When passing by some concubines’ residences in the harem, he even guessed without malicious intention that if one day comes to mind, come to this palace to sleep one or two imperial concubines. , It is estimated that no one can find it.

It’s a pity that he now has that ability but he doesn’t have that thought anymore. Like many people in his previous life, he wanted all kinds of toy snacks when he was young, but unfortunately he didn’t have money. As a result, he had money when he grew up. I can't go back to the desire for toy snacks back then.

At this time, Ake dispelled the maid and was sitting alone by the window looking at the bright moon in the sky. The scene of Song Qingshu walking down from the sky was constantly in his mind. At that time, there seemed to be such a bright moon behind him.

But thinking of her current identity and destiny, she couldn't help but sighed faintly.

"Why is the little lady sighing and sighing? Isn't it lonely and unbearable for the long night?" A joking male voice suddenly sounded in the ear.

In this deep palace, a man’s voice suddenly appeared, and Akko was originally unprepared. After being frightened, the whole person subconsciously hid behind, but it was a pity that she was sitting by the window, and this hiding was lost instantly. The center of gravity fell down.

"Ah~" Akko exclaimed, he was ready to fall to the ground, and he was even panicked whether this fall would accidentally disfigure or something.

The collision and pain of imagination did not come as expected, instead she fell into a warm and powerful embrace.

However, she didn't have a hint of happiness, and what followed was endless panic, struggling desperately instinctively: "Let go of me!"

"Am I so scary?" A depressed male voice sounded in his ear.

"Why does it sound familiar?" Akko looked up subconsciously, and saw a hateful but dreamy face.

"It's you!" Akke exclaimed.

Song Qingshu smiled slightly: "Otherwise, who do you think it is?"

Akko flushed, and pushed him away: "Let go of me quickly."

Song Qingshu didn't deliberately take advantage of her. Hearing this, he helped her well before spreading out his hands: "I just saw you fall down just now."

"You came to me at this time, have you completed what I entrusted you before?" Akko took a step back and said slightly guarded.

Song Qingshu smiled bitterly when he heard the words: "You entrusted me to kill that assassin or Huang Chang, but these two are masters of the world, how easy it is to kill." One is myself, the other is not under myself. Huang Chang, how can he kill him?

"Then what are you doing to me." Akko bit her lip, but her heartbeat speeded up a bit.

Song Qingshu shrugged: "Although I didn't kill those two people, but I helped you out to save your mother, can this work?"

"Is my mother okay?" Akko grabbed Song Qingshu's arm, her trembling eyelashes showed that her mood was not at all calm. She originally thought that with her mother's beauty, coupled with being slapped by a half-immortal figure like Huang Chang at the time, she might have been abducted by someone now, but now she is already fierce. Now that she learns about her mother, how can she not get excited?

"She was hurt a bit before, but I have cured her." Song Qingshu replied.

"Where is she now?" Akko asked nervously.

"I came here this time to tell you about this," Song Qingshu explained, "I am planning to send her back, but you also know that the way she disappeared was more sensitive. If I send it back directly, there will be a lot of trouble. , So I plan to..." Then I said the previous plan again.

"My mother is over there in Lenggong now?" Akko asked.

"Yeah." Song Qingshu nodded, "I'll come over to inform you to make you a little bit prepared. I will go back and start the plan now."

He was about to turn around and leave, but Akko grabbed his hand: "Wait!"

Song Qingshu looked back at her suspiciously, only to see A Ke hesitated to say something, obviously her heart was in a fierce struggle, and after a while, she took a firm breath: "Don't send her back, take her She flew far away."


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