Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1339: Get stolen

Hearing what A Ke said, Song Qingshu was stunned. He imagined a lot about A Ke's reaction after hearing Chen Yuanyuan's news, but unfortunately he couldn't think of this situation.

"Go away and fly?" Song Qingshu confirmed again. After all, her daughter asked a man to take her mother away, and she felt weird no matter how she thought about it.

"Yes." Noting the other party's weird look, Akko also reacted to the fact that it was inevitable that people would be misunderstood. He hurriedly explained, "The main reason is that it is too dangerous for my mother to stay in the palace. Gao Qiang has to enter the palace like no one, once my mother comes back, he will still look for my mother."

Song Qingshu's expression became even more weird, and he subconsciously touched his nose, and said in a whisper, "Don't worry, that assassin won't come."

"Why?" Akko obviously didn't believe him.

"Because I rescued your mother from that person. He was injured by me, and he won't get better in ten years." Song Qingshu originally thought that he had killed the assassin, but soon realized that this would be too bad. Geely, so he changed his mouth.

"Really?" Akke was suspicious, and suddenly his face turned red. "Then why don't you take the opportunity to kill him, so that you can...you can get my reward."

Seeing the coy face of the girl in front of him, Song Qingshu was pleasing to the eye, and could only find reasons to explain: "That man's martial arts is too high, I can only hurt him, but I can't kill him."

"Can't even your martial arts kill him?" Akko looked shocked.

"Ahem," Song Qingshu worried that her lie would be revealed by her continued questioning, and hurriedly diverted her attention, "Now you should rest assured that your mother will come back."

Who knew Akko still shook his head: "Actually, it is not the assassin that I worry about the most, but Huang Chang."

"Huang Chang?" Song Qingshu couldn't help frowning.

Akko replied: "Huang Chang has always loathed my mother. He thinks that my mother is an unknown woman. She has already broken the country of Daming. He doesn't want her to destroy the country of Song Dynasty again. He has persuaded the emperor to expel my mother several times. Gong Qu, I begged the emperor to stop him, who knew that he would actually take advantage of the last assassin incident to kill my mother."

Song Qingshu knew that she was telling the truth. Last time she saw it with her own eyes, Huang Chang did take the opportunity to take Chen Yuanyuan's life.

"If my mother continues to stay in the palace, Huang Chang will definitely look for opportunities to disadvantage her. His martial arts are so high, how can we mother and daughter have the strength to protect ourselves?" Akko said and looked at him pleadingly, "You Sending my mother back is hurting her, so take her out of the palace."

"Then where can I take her?" Song Qingshu frowned, "Shanhaiguan?" After all, Wu Sangui is still Chen Yuanyuan's nominal husband.

Song Qingshu secretly thought, if Akko really wants to take Chen Yuanyuan to Shanhaiguan by himself, he will refuse to say anything. After all, now he has no time to travel all the way to Shanhaiguan.

"Don't go to Shanhaiguan!" Akke also reacted fiercely. The mother and daughter are connected. She knows her mother's mind, and she may not want to go back in her life.

"Where to go?" Song Qingshu frowned.

"I don't know either," Akko shook his head, "Can you take me to see my mother."

"Okay." Song Qingshu did not hesitate, after all, Chen Yuanyuan had been thinking of her all the time.

Akko suddenly appeared embarrassed: "But nowadays, when I go out, I am accompanied by a lot of court ladies and eunuchs. Will it be horrified and ruin your plan?"

Song Qingshu smiled slightly: "Don't worry, I'm here." After speaking, he took her slender waist and jumped out of the window.

Suddenly being hugged by a man, Akko's first reaction was that the other party wanted to be unruly to him, and was about to call for help. Suddenly, he realized that the other party was to quietly go to Lenggong so as not to disturb other people in the palace.

After thinking about it, Ake no longer stiffened, and gradually relaxed. The tall walls and big trees whizzed past her ears on weekdays, but she didn't have the time to feel this rare experience, but looked up and looked at herself while holding herself. That man.

Song Qingshu obviously noticed her gaze, lowered her head and smiled at her, and then quickly returned to the front. After all, the palace was heavily guarded and there was a mysterious Huang Shang. He Ten thousand must be played carefully.

Although it was the dark night, Akko was dazzled by his smile just now, a heart pounding, but soon he thought of his current identity, and the humiliation that was rejected by the other party back then, she is charming His face gradually turned pale.

Song Qingshu has no mind-reading skills. Naturally, he didn't know that the girl in his arms had a thousand knots on the way. The two of them returned to the cold palace silently like a light smoke all the way.

"Ake?" Chen Yuanyuan was chatting with Li Yuanzhi, and when she saw the two suddenly appeared, she exclaimed in disbelief.

"Mother~" Seeing her mother, A Ke also woke up from her melancholy state, jumped out of Song Qingshu's embrace, and threw into her mother's arms excitedly.

Last time the mother and daughter had a goodbye, they thought they were on separate sides, how could they know there was a chance to see each other, they couldn't help but hug each other and cry.

Seeing the mother and daughter love each other sincerely, Li Yuanzhi's eye circles on the side were also red, and she choked up and said, "I miss my mother too."

"Don't you want your father?" Song Qingshu gently hugged her shoulders and comforted, "Don't worry, you have already paid back what your father owes me. I won't trouble him again. I will leave the palace this time. I'll send you back to meet your parents."

"Thank you, Brother Song." Li Yuanzhi nodded while wiping tears.

"Mother, the mysterious assassin who robbed you last time was Song Qingshu?" Akko suddenly looked up at Chen Yuanyuan and asked.

Song Qingshu, who was next to him, almost didn't choke to death with saliva. He was still very tender just now. How could this style of painting change so fast?

I was wondering how to explain to her while waiting. After all, I had been lying to her before. Who knew that Chen Yuanyuan was taken aback for a while, and he directly replied: "Silly boy, why do you have this idea? It was Song Gongzi who saved me. "

Song Qingshu was startled, but he didn't expect Chen Yuanyuan to conceal the truth for herself, while Li Yuanzhi on the side looked at him with a smile but looked at Chen Yuanyuan, his eyes were rather playful.

Akko looked into her mother's eyes quietly, and saw that there were no flaws, and then smiled: "It's nothing, I just ask casually."

Song Qingshu was worried that if she continued to ask, Chen Yuanyuan would reveal any flaws. After all, there were some things between the two that could not be told to Akoming, so he hurriedly diverted her attention: "Just now Akko said not to send you back to the palace... …" Then they recounted what they discussed just now.

Chen Yuanyuan smiled slightly: "What does it have to do? Huang Chang killed me just to cleanse me from the sins of my life."

Akke was anxious, and was about to say something, but Song Qingshu was the first to speak: "Everything is ruined and ruined. Madam has heard too many rumors, and now even he feels that he is a confidant."

Chen Yuanyuan smiled sadly: "Isn't it?"

"Of course not!" Song Qingshu categorically said, "Pushing a man's failure on a woman is a kind of cowardice and evasion. This is the most contemptuous behavior. Madam, the reason why you are called a confidant is that. People try to conceal their own uselessness and incompetence."

"Really?" Chen Yuanyuan's eyes lit up. In fact, no one had said similar things before, but the same words would be very different when different people said the same things. Wu Meicun, a great talent, had persuaded her like this before, but Wu Meicun After all, he is just a scholar, and it is inevitable that there is something to please her; Song Qingshu is different, he is now famous in the world, and he is a dominating prince. The evaluation effect of such top figures in the world is naturally better than ordinary people.

"Of course it's true," Song Qingshu said, "Actually, you don't have to worry about the name of "beautiful beauty". In our hometown, words such as "cause water" praise women."

Don't talk about Li Yuanzhi next to him, even Akko can't stand it anymore. No wonder he is a confidant all over the world, and this ability to please women is really amazing.

Chen Yuanyuan didn't seem to feel the numbness in it, and just groaned: "The son is joking, how can you praise a woman with misfortune."

Song Qingshu replied: "People in our hometown will often use the words "a beautiful woman" when they meet a beautiful woman, but if they meet a woman who is above the beautiful, other words are no longer describe, they will praise her with misfortune."

"Really?" Chen Yuanyuan pursed her lips, "The concubine really wants to go to the son's hometown to have a look."

From her tone, she knew that she didn't believe it, and the two women next to her also looked suspicious. Song Qingshu suddenly became anxious: "The conscience of heaven and earth, if I tell lies, a thunder will come down and hit me."

Although the flag can't stand in disorder, this time he really didn't deceive people. There were different levels of beauty on the Internet in the previous life, and it was indeed a disaster level above the country and the city.

"Master, don't make such a poisonous oath," Chen Yuanyuan said hurriedly, "I believe in the head office."

Li Yuanzhi curled his lips on the side, thinking that Brother Song was really good enough to please women.

"Sure enough, it is the existence of disaster to the country and the people, even the famous Golden Snake King is so ghoulish in front of her." At this moment, an old voice suddenly sounded outside the door.

Several people in the room looked back, and when they saw Huang Chang’s iconic black cloak, the women changed their colors, but Song Qingshu didn’t panic, and smiled slightly, “As the saying goes, it’s hard to buy a beautiful lady, and I This person has never seen a woman sad, so a mere oath is nothing."

Huang Chang said faintly: "It's clever teeth, no wonder so many women turn around."

Hearing what he said, the three women next to him were immediately embarrassed, and Song Qingshu couldn't help but feel depressed: "I said Lao Huang, this time you came to see me on purpose for a joke, right?"

Huang Chang's body became stiff, and he was obviously caught off guard by his old Huang's sentence. After a long time, he snorted: "You kidnapped your concubine, and now you have been stolen by me. Why don't you seem to be worried at all?"

"Who said I kidnapped the imperial concubine? Concubine Wu could testify for me," Song Qingshu shrugged. "Besides, we have fought against each other so many times, you should know that you want to keep me and you can't keep me." 8

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