Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1340: Send your mother into the tiger's mouth

Hearing what he said, Huang Chang fell into silence. It took a long time before he replied: "Yes, with your cultivation base, I really can't keep you, but now you have to take care of a few of them. The situation is different. ?? "

Song Qingshu smiled slightly: "Lao Huang, you are a well-known senior in the martial arts. You exist like an earth fairy. How can you learn the behavior of those despicable villains?"

The martial arts of a person in the arena is high to a certain level, in addition to his own cultivation base, his mood and courage will also greatly affect his combat effectiveness. The most obvious example is the Golden Wheel Fa King and Bai Hsiao Taoists. As far as their martial arts are concerned, they are completely the top existence in the whole rivers and lakes. However, they are willing to be hawks and dogs.

The opposite is Ouyang Feng. Although he is a bad guy in the traditional sense, he is so bad that he has his own principles, such as self-respect, and grandmaster attitude. He is not as unscrupulous as some people, plus he is unwilling to accept others. Because of his majestic temperament, he is even slightly inferior to the King of the Golden Wheel and Daoist in terms of cultivation, but in actual combat, he is better than the two.

Similarly, there is Xiao Feng. Although his own cultivation base is also very strong, he is far from his own cultivation level in actual combat. It is precisely because of his heroism and anger that he swallows thousands of miles.

Song Qingshu deliberately said this in order to make Huang Chang scrupulous. Once he reached his level of cultivation, once he left a flaw in his mind, the impact on his strength would be very terrifying.

Who knows Huang Chang doesn't care: "As the saying goes, God is ruthless, despicable or unscrupulous, it's just some shackles that people put on themselves. Do you think I care about these worldly moral standards?"

Song Qingshu then remembered that Huang Chang was practicing Taoist kung fu, and Taoism has always been adhering to the concept of "the world is not benevolent and everything is a dog". Huang Chang has cultivated to this state, and it is strange that he cares about the means.

"This is a bit difficult..." Song Qingshu frowned. He was naturally not afraid of Huang Chang, but now there are three women around him. If Huang Chang deliberately attacked them, he would really not be sure to protect everyone.

And this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that unless he fights life and death, he will not be sure to keep Huang Shang. Once Huang Shang reveals the news here to Zhao Gou, the rare honeymoon period between the two parties will be interrupted. Produce a series of unpredictable chain reactions.

At this time, Huang Chang spoke again, and what everyone said was unexpected: "I know what you are worried about, so don't worry, I am not here to be your enemy this time."

"Eh?" Song Qingshu was taken aback. The two sides had fought each time during these meetings, which made him instinctively think that Huang Chang had come to trouble again this time.

"I will not attack them, nor will I tell other people what I saw today, but..." Huang Chang said, "but you have to promise me one condition."

"What are the conditions?" Song Qingshu asked in a deep voice, and at the same time quickly calculated whether he was sure to restrain the other party. After all, Huang Chang's conditions must be a difficult thing, and he didn't want to be shackled by this.

"This condition is actually mentioned by Concubine Wu just now," Huang Chang continued, "Take Chen Yuanyuan out of the palace."

"Huh?" Song Qingshu was dumbfounded, never expected that the other party's conditions were so simple.

As if seeing their doubts, Huang Chang took a deep look at Chen Yuanyuan, and then said: "This woman is unknown. Staying in the palace will carry me great luck."

Hearing his evaluation, Chen Yuanyuan's charming face faded away in an instant, and her body shook a few times. If Akko hadn't held her by the side, she might have fallen to the ground.

Song Qingshu heard a black line: "I said Lao Huang, why didn't you have the potential to be a sacred stick? Fortune is said to be illusory, and it is often used by some careerists to fool the common people. Grandmaster believes this too?"

He couldn't help but think of Newton in his previous life, the first in physics and the best in mathematics, and his energy in his later years has also plunged into theology. Are these geniuses to a certain extent, and they all return by different means?

"I don't have a hearsay, but have my own basis," Huang Chang said faintly. "In the last year, I watched the stars at night, and now since Chen Yuanyuan came, the purple star representing the Emperor of Song Dynasty has gradually dimmed. I don't want Song Zhong. Follow the mistakes of the Ming Dynasty."

Song Qingshu frowned: "To attribute the rise and fall of a country to a woman is really absurd for people of your age."

Hearing Song Qingshu fighting for herself, Chen Yuanyuan's eyes showed a trace of gratitude, and the expression in the eyes of A Ke who looked at him softened a little.

Huang Chang said lightly: "I didn't come here to argue with you about this issue. If it wasn't for you to save the princess of the dynasty and rehabilitate Yue Fei, I would not let her live, but directly So he took her life." In fact, there was another purpose he didn't say, so that he sold Song Qingshu a favor and held him a handle, so why not do it?

Song Qingshu frowned slightly, as he was about to say something, Chen Yuanyuan stepped forward and took his arm and said: "You don't have to speak for me anymore. I didn't want to stay in this palace. It's okay to take this opportunity to go out."

"Well, I'll take you out later." Song Qingshu nodded. After all, it is dangerous for her to stay in the palace, and Ake also meant that, there is indeed no need to fight to stay here.

Huang Chang looked at Song Qingshu thoughtfully: "Friendly advice, it's best to send her as far as possible after taking him out. This woman is unknown. If you bring him around, it will hinder your luck. You This achievement is hard-won at a young age. Don't make mistakes because of beauty."

Song Qingshu sneered and said, "You don't bother to worry about it. I don't believe in these messy things. Not only will I not send her away, but I will also bring her by my side. Time will prove everything."

Hearing what he said, Li Yuanzhi's face changed slightly, and he was worried for the lover in his heart. He was about to say something, but thinking of Chen Yuanyuan, who had been getting along so well during this time, he finally did not speak.

Chen Yuanyuan's face, which had become pale because of Huang Chang's evaluation, was now blushing, wondering what he meant by taking me by his side?

Akke knows the heavy pressure that his mother has been carrying over the years, and his father is only greedy for the beauty of his mother, and has not cared about his mother's thoughts at all in these years. Therefore, the slander and ridicule of the world can only be accepted by the mother in silence. Now I see Song Qingshu's understanding With protection, her beautiful eyes are also brilliant, and there is even a voice in her heart. Is it because he did all this for me?

After all, Chen Yuanyuan and Song Qingshu are about a round of age difference, but Ake didn't think about anything else.

"It's a young man after all, there is a knife on his head..." Huang Chang didn't say anything, his figure gradually disappeared into the darkness.

Huang Chang's departure made a few people in the room look weird. Fortunately, Ake broke the embarrassment in the room: "Big Brother Song, I don't know where you plan to send my mother?"

On the one hand, she hates this man who has changed her destiny, and on the other hand, she has an inexplicable feeling for him, but she has just seen him stand for her mother, and her words are naturally softer.

Song Qingshu gave a wry smile: "You have to ask yourself, your mother and daughter should discuss it carefully and see where you are going."

Chen Yuanyuan sighed quietly: "After leaving the palace, the son will send me to a nun's nunnery. I have been a green lamp for the ancient Buddha for these years, but it is a pity that I have not made up my mind. I did not make up my mind. I just took advantage of this. I missed the practice this time, and it’s forgotten what I have always wanted."

"No!" Song Qingshu and A Ke said in unison.

Akko glanced at Song Qingshu, then hugged Chen Yuanyuan's arm and pressed her cheek up: "Mother, you are such a cruel monk, do you want me?"

"Why would I not want you?" Chen Yuanyuan touched her daughter's head affectionately.

"But the monks pay attention to the four being empty. Then you will be brainwashed by those nuns, maybe you won't want to see me." Akko seemed to see the picture of the future, and the more he said it, the more sad.

Song Qingshu coughed, and said: "The madam is outstanding, if you go to practice, it will probably not be long before you will attract men from nearby. In addition, the wife's reputation is too high, I am afraid that it will attract some extreme people. At that time, Madam’s safety cannot be guaranteed."

In fact, it is not convenient for him to say a lot of things. You must know that in ancient times, the nun's nunnery and the women's Taoist temple were reduced to some romantic places for various reasons, such as the Yu Xuanji of the year. After being a monk, there was an endless stream of benefactors.

Chen Yuanyuan is far better than Yu Xuanji in terms of fame and beauty. Song Qingshu can already imagine what she will be like after entering the temple.

This is not Shanhaiguan, Chen Yuanyuan has no strength to protect herself, and Song Qingshu does not have much energy to protect herself all the time, so she feels that it is too dangerous to practice in the temple.

"Yeah, what Song Big Brother said is exactly what I want to say." A Ke hurriedly agreed.

"Where can I go if I don't go to the temple?" Chen Yuanyuan sighed, feeling a little lost.

Song Qingshu suggested: “Why not return to the Chen family in Haining? Didn’t the wife recognize the ancestor and return to the Chen family before? The uncle of the wife and the patriarch of the Chen family today are the three envoys in the imperial court, in charge of the world’s wealth and high authority. It’s called scheming, and he must be able to protect you well."

Sansi was a system in the early Northern Song Dynasty and was abolished in the later period. Because of the chaotic butterfly effect in this world, the Southern Song Dynasty still retained this system.

Chen Yuanyuan shook his head: "The son doesn't know something. The Chen family prides itself on the scholarly family, poetry and heirlooms. In their eyes, I am a humiliating woman. Who is willing to accept me? The reason why he recognized me before. The identity is because his uncle Chen Ziqiang is the core figure of the Han Tong group, and Han Tong used a gesture made by him in order to unite with Wu Sangui."

"What's more, I escaped from the palace. As long as I step into Chen's house, they will send me back to the palace that day."

Hearing this, A Ke could no longer sit still, and hurriedly said: "Yes, you can't go back to Chen's house! Brother Song, can you let my mother stay with you for a while?" 8

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