Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1341: Hug right

Chen Yuanyuan's face turned red in an instant, and she couldn't help groaning, "Ake, what nonsense?" She knew in her heart that even if an ordinary woman lived with a young man, there would be no rumors outside, let alone her. The identity is so sensitive. ?

"I'm not talking nonsense. Didn't Song Big Brother and Huang Chang also say the same just now?" After all, A Ke is still a young girl who hasn't been involved in the world, and doesn't quite understand the various risks behind this.

"Person Song Song just dealt with Huang Chang's words." Chen Yuanyuan almost stomped her feet, thinking that my stupid daughter would definitely be eaten by a man and be grateful in the future.

"It's not something to deal with," Song Qingshu smiled slightly, "Well, if the wife doesn't dislike it, she can stay with me for a period of time first, and then talk about where she wants to go in the future."

Chen Yuanyuan's charming and moving face was flushed with whiteness, and his big watery eyes were extremely embarrassing: "This...I'm afraid it's not so good."

Song Qingshu waved his hand: "Madam, don't worry, I'm sitting upright, not afraid of gossip."

Chen Yuanyuan was speechless for a while, thinking that you are a man, of course you are not afraid of it. It is always our women who are hurt... But she soon realized that her reputation was bad enough. Kindly help...

"Then trouble son." Chen Yuanyuan leaned back and said softly.

Akke also gratefully looked at Song Qingshu: "Brother Song, thank you!"

Being watched by a big and a small and two catastrophic beauties, Song Qingshu was determined and lost for a moment, worried that he would be gaffes if he continued to watch, and hurriedly said: "Huang Chang came just now, maybe it has disturbed other people. , It’s better for us to leave the palace as soon as possible."

"In such a hurry?" Chen Yuanyuan glanced at her daughter subconsciously, and her reluctance was beyond words.

Although Ake was also reluctant to let her go, for the sake of safety, she still persuaded: "Mother, you go out of the palace first, I will often find opportunities to come and see you."

Song Qing was slanderous, thinking that you are an upright princess, even if you and Zhao Go are just a married couple, but others don't know how dare you let you go out of the palace casually.

Chen Yuanyuan obviously thought of going with him: "It's not easy for you to go out of the palace once."

Akke pursed his mouth and pulled aside Song Qingshu's sleeves: "Big Brother Song is so powerful in martial arts that he can come and go freely in the palace, the big deal is that if I miss you, let him take me out of the palace quietly?"

Song Qingshu has a black line, thinking that there is no reason not to wet shoes when walking along the river. He often comes to the palace to take the most beloved concubine out of the palace. The risk is too great, at least Huang Chang will definitely not sit idly by. .

"Naughty, Song Gongzi manages everything every day, so there is no time to take care of you." Chen Yuanyuan squeezed her daughter's face badly.

"Occasionally, it should be okay to take them out of the palace once in a while." Song Qingshu interjected, no matter what, I still have to give them a reassurance, otherwise it would not be justified to take them away like this.

The mother and daughter hid away for a while and whispered before they parted. Seeing that the time was almost up, Song Qingshu said to the two of them: "I will send A Ke back to the palace first, and I will take you out when I come back."

Chen Yuanyuan and Li Yuanzhi had no objection. After all, Akko could not be left alone in this uninhabited cold palace. For one thing, he was afraid of danger, and secondly, even if he returned safely, he couldn't explain it to the guards in the palace.

Song Qingshu hugged A Ke's slender waist and returned along the road, and soon returned to her sleeping quarters. After setting her up, he was worried about what happened to the two women in the cold palace, so he turned around and left in a hurry.

"Wait~" Who knew A Ke grabbed him, and said with a grudge on his face, "Am I just annoying you like that?"

Song Qingshu was taken aback: "No, why do you ask?"

"Then why did you leave as soon as you put me down?" Akko pouted and murmured, "I feel like a cumbersome."

Song Qingshu laughed: "There is no man in the world who would dislike such a pretty little girl as burdensome."

A Ke's eyes lit up: "Do you... also think I'm pretty?"

Song Qingshu looked at her tenderly: "Of course, the white jade inlaid with beads is not enough to compare with its appearance, and the rose can't be pure and beautiful at first."

Ake has been praised for her beauty since she was a child, but she has never been so happy as she is now.

"Big Brother Song, thank you for saving my mother." Ake Yanbo softened, and the grievance that he had deceived into Yanjing before seemed to have disappeared.

"It's just a matter of raising your hand." Seeing her beautiful and incomparable face under the candlelight, Song Qingshu's heart moved. Although A Ke and Chen Yuanyuan look a bit similar, they have completely different temperaments. Chen Yuanyuan is graceful and luxurious, mature and charming, and A Ke is youthful , Pretty and moving, one is the most beautiful young woman, and the other is the most beautiful girl. It is true that the plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum are each good at winning.

Seeing Song Qingshu staring at him, Ake turned away a little shyly.

A faint blush spread on the girl’s crystal-clear face. Song Qingshu was surprised by the shyness on her face. She subconsciously molested and said, "Before you said that if I fulfilled your request, you would promise me one thing, I don’t know. Does it count now?"

A Ke's heart jumped: "Naturally...Naturally counts."

"Then can I make a request now?" Song Qingshu looked at her with a smile.

A Ke's heart beat even harder, and the girl's reservedness made her subconsciously refuse: "But you didn't know that you didn't fulfill my request."

Song Qingshu was immediately depressed: "Although I didn't kill the assassin or Huang Shang, I saved your mother, and I will take care of her and protect her for a while, no matter what your previous request. "

"Then... after my mother settles down in the future, even if you... you complete the request." Akko said with a blush.

Song Qingshu's eyes lit up: "Is it OK to ask you any request then?"

Ake regretted leaving him behind, and knew that he was blushing badly without looking in the mirror, and wondered how would you tell me to answer this kind of thing.

Seeing the girl keep her head down and silent, Song Qingshu suddenly felt very interesting: "If you don't speak, I will be your default?"

Akko opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say.

Song Qing smiled: "Well, I won't tease you anymore. I'll go now. Take care of yourself in the palace. If you have any urgent matters, you can contact me according to the method I taught you just now."

"Well, you have to be careful yourself." Ake only felt a flower in front of her eyes, and Song Qingshu was no longer visible in the room, and she couldn't help standing still in a daze for a while.

When Song Qingshu returned to Lenggong, now whether it was Chen Yuanyuan or Li Yuanzhi, the expressions were a little weird, and he couldn't help but ask curiously: "What's the matter with you?"

Chen Yuanyuan smiled without saying a word, or Li Yuanzhi said lively: "Just now I bet Sister Yuanyuan and Yuanyuan how long you will be back. Sister Yuanyuan said that with your light work, you will be back in three cups of tea; but I understand your temperament. , I must stay there with Akko for a while, so I conclude that you won’t be able to come back with half an hour missing."

Seeing Chen Yuanyuan's smiling but not smiling expression, Song Qingshu was embarrassed. After all, it was her daughter who was molesting herself. He wanted to pull Li Yuanzhi over with some irritation: "Well, you stinky girl, did you deliberately prevent me from coming to stage?"

I don't know that Li Yuanzhi was prepared for a long time, like an agile rabbit, hiding behind Chen Yuanyuan in an instant: "Sister Yuanyuan, someone wants to kill someone~"

"Don't hide, no one can save you today." Song Qingshu said viciously on purpose.

Seeing Song Qingshu rushing over, Li Yuanzhi exclaimed and pushed Chen Yuanyuan forward, taking the opportunity to hide further behind.

Chen Yuanyuan thought that Li Yuanzhi was just using her as a shield, but she expected that the other party would turn her into a moving shield. In fact, she couldn't help it even if she expected it. After all, Li Yuanzhi was a martial artist, and she was just a delicate woman.

Hearing Chen Yuanyuan's exclamation, Song Qingshu subconsciously stretched out his hand to hold her steady so as not to fall, but he couldn't help but feel embarrassed because of the softness of the start.

You must know that with his temperament, if he wants to take advantage of it, he will take it upright. He doesn't bother with such small tricks at all. Therefore, the situation in front of him is what he hates most. Obviously it is not out of the original intention, but he makes his glorious and majestic image fall Into the Mariana Trench.

Chen Yuanyuan was still smiling just now, but her smile was frozen on her face at this time, her eyes fell on the other hand on her chest, her mouth opened, but she couldn't say anything.

"Hey, what's the matter with the two of you?" Li Yuanzhi hid behind, who knew that Song Qingshu didn't chase him after waiting for a long time. Looking back, they found that the two were quietly hugging each other.

"No... nothing." After all, Chen Yuanyuan is a person who has experienced strong winds and waves. After the buffer of this moment, she has recovered and stepped back without showing a trace. "Just now you almost pushed me down. Fortunately Song Gongzi helped Live me."

Li Yuanzhi stuck out his tongue: "I'm sorry, Sister Yuanyuan."

"Why are you so polite with me?" Chen Yuanyuan touched her head dozingly.

Seeing Chen Yuanyuan acting as if he had never given birth to anything, Song Qingshu had to sigh that mature women and young girls are really different in rank, and it is so much easier to interact with mature women.

"It's getting late now, let's go out of the palace first." Song Qingshu couldn't help saying, seeing the two of them chatting endlessly there.

Li Yuanzhi said with a smile: "Okay, I'll give you a chance to hug the right and left." As he said, he opened his hand and motioned Song Qingshu to come between the two of them to hug them.

Chen Yuanyuan on the side couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed. She thought that she had been repairing for so many years alone, and the man hadn't even touched the corners of her clothes. Who knew that Song Qingshu was hugged and touched during this period of time, really...

But thinking that Song Qingshu had had such contact with himself before, it wouldn't be a big deal to hug him alone. Chen Yuanyuan picked up his mood, and his face returned to the usual gentle smile: "I have a son."

Song Qingshu nodded, hugged the two of them into a sharp arrow, and flew quickly outside the palace.

The waist of Li Yuanzhi in the left hand is slender and energetic, while the waist of Chen Yuanyuan on the right is plump and well-proportioned and extremely soft. He smelled the fragrance of two beauties, one big and one small. With his current concentration, he was also a little bit confused. 8

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