Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1342: The beauty of yoga

After returning to the mansion, Song Qingshu did not go in through the main entrance, but still went up and down like a thief and sneaked into the house. Because she was worried about Chen Yuanyuan’s safety, she specially arranged her in the next room, and then ordered the maids to prepare toiletries. Something was placed at the door of her room, and she didn't meet Chen Yuanyuan from start to finish.

The reason for doing this is mainly because Chen Yuanyuan’s identity is too sensitive. It is not only a beauty in the hearts of the people of the world, but also secretly brought out from the palace by himself. The maidservant in this mansion was prepared by the court for him, and there must be something in it. The spies of the various forces, if someone knows that Chen Yuanyuan is here, the trouble will be great.

Song Qingshu has made plans, and decided to go out tomorrow to find some trusted maidservants to replace the original servants in the house, but if it is too late today, it is not convenient for him to stay in Chen Yuanyuan’s room, so she let her go to bed early.

"Hey..." Facing Song Qingshu's back, Chen Yuanyuan stopped talking.

Song Qingshu smiled and said, "I'm right next door. I'll come over to protect you if there is any trouble, so Madam, don't worry about the danger, go to bed early."

"I have a son." Chen Yuanyuan's face was reddened. In fact, what she wanted to say was that because of seeing Song Qingshu, she hadn't eaten anything so far, and now she was groaning with hunger.

But after all, a woman pays more attention to her own image. She always feels that begging a man for food is a bit indecent. After hesitating, she still did not say anything, thinking that Li Yuanzhi did not eat anyway, and when she was hungry when she acted like a baby to Song Qingshu. Naturally, the two of them would also remember that they were still hungry next door.

Furthermore, when Song Qingshu returned to his room, Li Yuanzhi jumped into his arms.

The two stayed warm for a while, and Song Qingshu asked, "Sister Yuanzhi, when are you going to leave for Yangzhou?"

Li Yuanzhi's little mouth curled: "Why, you want to drive me away so soon, are you afraid that I will ruin the good deeds between you and Yuanyuan?"

Song Qingshu was speechless for a while: "What do I mean by this, I just want to know in advance to arrange the later time more reasonably, and don't make that kind of joke, if people hear it, I don't know how embarrassing it will be."

"I feel sorry for them so soon?" Li Yuanzhi chuckled, "I'm kidding you, I plan to leave early tomorrow morning."

"So early?" Song Qingshu asked in surprise.

Li Yuanzhi gradually put away his smile: "I have been out for so long. If I don't go back to visit my parents, I will be unfilial. I couldn't do anything in the palace before. Now that I have come out, I have to go back as soon as possible. Otherwise, I will feel uneasy. Go to my father, he... After being defeated by you, the gap between the front and rear is too great. I am afraid it will be difficult for him to turn around. I also need to deal with him."

"In that case, I'm not good at stopping you," Song Qingshu nodded, "but I haven't finished the matter yet, so I can't personally send you off. The Golden Snake Camp has a sub-rudder here, but there are no masters. I'm worried about you. Safety issues along the way."

Li Yuanzhi raised his chin and said confidently: "Don't worry, Brother Song, I've been walking north and south all these years, haven't I been alive and kicking all by myself?"

Seeing her self-satisfied appearance, Song Qingshu squeezed her nose indulgingly: "This is different from the past. You used to have no enemies by yourself, but now you are my woman. If my enemies can't deal with me, look for you. What should I do?"

"This has to be guarded." As the daughter of one of the princes, Li Yuanzhi naturally understood that he was not aimless. When he thought of the enemy holding him against Song Qingshu, he couldn't help but change slightly, but when he heard the lover say that he was his woman, she soon My heart was replaced by a piece of sweetness.

Song Qingshu went on to say: "I teach you a set of exercises that will allow you to protect yourself even in danger."

"Wow~" Li Yuanzhi's eyes lit up, thinking that she was also a martial idiot girl back then, so she spent no time in order to let Master 6 Feiqing teach her martial arts.

"Do you know the directions of the Book of Changes?" Song Qingshu asked. Among his light skills, Lingbo Weibu is the most suitable for women to practice, and it also has a dodge effect against the sky, which is very useful when facing masters.

"Roughly remember." Li Yuanzhi is a daughter of the Admiral's Mansion, and Master 6 Feiqing is from Wudangmen. Whether it is military education or Taoist tradition, it will involve some things from the Book of Changes. In addition, she is smart and smart, so she is very smart. I printed those things in my mind when I was young.

"Then it will be twice the result with half the effort," Song Qingshu was overjoyed, "I will teach you formulas while demonstrating them. Please take a closer look."

"Ling Bo stepped slightly, Luo Soi gave birth to dust... Guimei... Wu Wang..." Song Qingshu demonstrated in front of her several times, and Li Yuanzhi remembered almost, but when she actually started to walk, she couldn't take a few steps. Falling down inexplicably, obviously ended in failure.

"What's the matter?" Song Qingshu's own practice is like a plug-in. He has never practiced martial arts step by step. Naturally, he doesn't quite understand what problems Li Yuanzhi encountered. At first, he thought she was not qualified enough, so he had to patiently tell a few more times. Unfortunately, Li Yuanzhi Still ran into the same problem.

"I don't know, I clearly remember those steps, but after a few steps, I feel annoyed and disgusted, and I can't go on the next step." Li Yuanzhi pouted and said, obviously hitting the wall several times. She felt a little embarrassed.

Song Qingshu stretched out her hand to put her pulse on her, and suddenly there was a flash of light in her mind, and found the reason: "I understand, Lingbo Weibu is a very advanced martial arts, and the practitioner must have deep internal skills. Every time. Taking a step is closely related to internal strength. It is by no means only a walking step. If a person without the foundation of internal strength will walk the Lingbo with a small step, it will cause the danger of extinction of the meridian."

"Huh?" Li Yuanzhi's pretty face paled, thanking that she hadn't succeeded just now, otherwise if she was paralyzed, she would be better off dead.

"I originally planned to pass on another internal strength to you. If this is the case, then we will first learn internal strength and improve your internal strength." After all, in this martial arts world, internal strength is the foundation of everything, only internal strength is higher than other abilities. To advance by leaps and bounds.

"What kind of inner strength?" Li Yuanzhi asked curiously. She used to study some Wudang sect inner skills from 6 Feiqing, but because 6 Feiqing itself is not very high in Wudang sect, she naturally learns Less than Wudang School's top pure Yang Wuji Gong, Wudang Nine Yang Gong and the like.

Song Qingshu took out a booklet with various human silhouettes painted on it, and some red lines inside the human body: "This book is called "The Magadha Kingdom wants to samadhi to break to achieve the God Foot Sutra", which is passed from Tianzhu's Majesty The Kingdom of Tuo is a magical technique." When I met Azi You Tanzhi, I learned from Shaolin Temple's hand-written "Yi Jin Jing", and then

Unexpectedly, Li Yuanzhi's head shook: "What devil, earth, broken leg, the name is ugly, or the Kung Fu of Tianzhu, I don't want to learn it, Song brother, you can teach me more powerful Zhongyuan martial arts."

"This internal strength is also referred to as "Shen Foot Sutra". Uh, although the name is a bit ugly, it is really powerful. It is the deepest internal strength of the Tianzhu Kingdom. Its position in Tianzhu is similar to the Central Plains' Yi Jin Jing and "Nine Yin Scriptures" and the like." Although Song Qingshu also has "Yi Jin Jing" and "Nine Yin Scriptures" in his hands, the "Yi Jin Jing" is in Sanskrit and has not had time to be translated; the "Nine Yin Scriptures" are too Sophisticated and obscure, even top masters like Wujue and Guo Jing who have practiced for decades are not considered to be truly successful.

Li Yuanzhi's martial arts is even worse, and the results are too slow to practice. If you learn Zhou Zhiruo's method and the foundation is unstable, it is easy to get confused.

As for the other "Huanxi Zhenqi" and "Shenzhaojing" are not suitable for women to practice, the threshold of "Immortal Changchun Gong" is also high. "The Method of Sucking Stars" has too many drawbacks. After thinking about it, the most suitable one for Li Yuanzhi is "Shenzujing". "

Song Qingshu continued to explain: "This inner strength is very suitable for people who have no foundation to practice. The progress is very fast, and the inner strength obtained is amazing..." He did not tell lies. You must know that the original midstream Tan's aptitude is mediocre, halfway through the practice of a monk. With this skill, the internal strength gained has actually suppressed the internal strength of the martial arts wizard Xiao Feng. Although there are many merits of the ice silkworm, the "Shen Foot Sutra" is the root.

"Well, since Brother Song said that, it must be okay. Tell me how to practice." Li Yuanzhi looked at him excitedly.

"Practice in the poses of these villains. The red lines represent the route of Zhen Qi." Song Qingshu handed her a booklet containing the "Shen Foot Sutra", which was originally rubbed from the Sanskrit version of "I Jin Sutra". of.

Li Yuanzhi couldn't wait to take the booklet and practiced according to the posture painted on it. After a while, she couldn't help but look weird: "Brother Song, is the founder of this Kung Fu a thief?"

Song Qingshu was at a loss: "Of course not, people are eminent monks, why would you ask like that?"

Li Yuanzhi's face flushed, and he said: "This cultivator's... posture is too shameful."

Song Qingshu had been guiding her infuriating route just now, and only after hearing her words did he notice her posture at this time, and her nosebleeds almost came out.

It turned out that Li Yuanzhi was standing on one leg, leaning forward slightly, the curve of the small and exquisite chest was very obvious, and the other foot was raised high and placed behind his head.

At this time, her posture showed the girl's femininity to the fullest, and the more she showed her good figure with front and back curls, of course it was nothing in the previous life, but in this feudal and conservative era, it was indeed a bit shocking.

"This is the unique yoga secret technique of Tianzhu. Although these postures...Although they are a little weird, they can not only strengthen the practitioner's sea of ​​knowledge, but also greatly expand the flexibility of the practitioner. If a woman practices, she can still maintain youth." Song Qingshutun He swallowed his saliva and explained in a hoarse voice.

"Really? Then I have to practice seriously!" Li Yuanzhi's beautiful eyes lit up. She completely ignored other effects, but was interested in the last sentence to keep youthful. After all, there is no woman who does not love beauty.

Seeing Li Yuanzhi posing in postures that made people snorting nosebleeds, Song Qingshu only felt that the fire in her lower abdomen was getting more and more intense.

Finally, when she put her hands on the ground again, one foot on the ground, and the other upturned to pose as a horse, Song Qingshu couldn't help it anymore and jumped directly on it.

"Brother Song, they're still practicing kung fu~" At this time, Li Yuanzhi had a layer of sweat oozing on his skin during the practice, and his face was flushed red, which was very attractive.

"You continue to practice, I play mine." Song Qingshu only felt that his body was getting more and more swollen, and couldn't help but leaned behind the girl.

At this time, Chen Yuanyuan on the other side waited for more than a long time, and the expected situation did not appear. After all, she couldn't help the hunger panic that hit the tide. She got up to go next door and decided to find something to eat even if she was embarrassed. Up. 8

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