Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1343: Love to hear

Perceiving Song Qingshu's movements, Li Yuanzhi also faintly guessed what he was going to do, her pretty face became even redder than rouge, and her tone of voice was irritating: "Brother Song, how do you let me practice?"

Song Qingshu replied in a serious way: "Your inner strength is too weak. I will guide you with true energy and lay the foundation for you to get twice the result with half the effort. (8

Li Yuanzhi also admired his lover's serious nonsense ability, bit his lip and tried to stand up: "I really can't help you, I will serve you first and then practice."

Who knew Song Qingshu immediately held her down: "No, you continue to practice, so I can guide the circulation of true Qi in the meridians in your body."

Li Yuanzhi was immediately ashamed: "Is it in this position now?"

"Of course!" Song Qingshu wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth and threw directly on it.


Besides, Chen Yuanyuan was so hungry in her belly that she finally couldn't help going out. She was afraid that her whereabouts would be leaked and she dared not call the maid over directly, so she had to come to the next door to find Song Qingshu.

While hesitating how to speak while waiting, Chen Yuanyuan suddenly heard a whisper like weeping in her ear, and she heard her heart beating wildly.

She was no longer an unmanned girl. She naturally understood what the sound was. She blushed and sipped, and turned around to go back, but she didn't know why, but the ghost stopped again.

"Why... go and take a look?" Once this thought came out, Chen Yuanyuan could no longer restrain it.

She struggled for a long time, and when she woke up, she was already standing by the window.

Chen Yuanyuan's originally charming face can be called cuiyan and dazzling at this time, pursing her lips and constantly hinting to herself: "Just take a look, and leave immediately, never leave too much..."

The situation in the room through the small gap in the window was in sight. After seeing the scene inside, she almost exclaimed and hurriedly covered her mouth with her hand.

"These two people really don't know how to be ashamed~" Chen Yuanyuan sipped inwardly. Although the human nature of voyeurism made her want to watch for a while, her years of education allowed her to regain her sanity, blushing and trotting away.

Back in the room, Chen Yuanyuan closed the door smoothly, leaning her back against the door, and her full chest kept undulating. It was obvious that her mood was extremely uneasy.

I don’t know if it’s too hungry or something. I trot all the way just now, as if she had exhausted all of her strength. At this moment, her legs were so weak that she didn’t fall to the ground because she had a door leaning against her back.

Standing in place and calming down for a while, Chen Yuanyuan seemed to regain her strength and walked to the bed with difficulty. At this time, she naturally knew that she didn't have to think about what to eat, so she took off her clothes and shrank into the bed, planning to go to bed early and wait for tomorrow. Wake up in the morning and eat again.

But it’s so easy to fall asleep earlier. As soon as Chen Yuanyuan lay down, the pictures she just saw appeared in her mind. This was a pain for her. She was hungry and hungry, plus she kept thinking about those pictures and worked hard. I still couldn't fall asleep for a long time.

"The two of them are really crazy enough," Chen Yuanyuan sipped when thinking of the two postures just now. "Song Qingshu looks gentle and gentle on weekdays, but I didn't expect to be so uncomfortable with Xiangxiyu; sister Yuanzhi, too, was actually letting him go. Come on, use that posture to practice yourself..."

Thinking of Li Yuanzhi's twisted posture just now, Chen Yuanyuan's heart beat even more: "Is it not uncomfortable for her to twist like that? Wouldn't her waist break like that?"

There was a sense of curiosity in her heart. Chen Yuanyuan started to imitate Li Yuanzhi's pose just now. Although she hadn't practiced yoga and had no martial arts foundation, she was born with a natural beauty, and her body was as soft as boneless at first. It's difficult, but after all, I put the posture I just saw correctly.

"What am I doing!" Chen Yuanyuan suddenly woke up, was ashamed, and hurriedly tried to give up that posture.

It's a pity that she made a mistake during her busy schedule. The posture was too weird, and she didn't follow the correct steps to stretch her body, causing her joints to jam each other accidentally when unlocking. After several attempts, she couldn't recover from the previous posture.

Chen Yuanyuan's shock was not trivial. She hurriedly tried to restore her posture to normal, but the more anxious she was, the tighter she locked her body, and eventually a deadlock was formed. Unless she broke the joint herself, she wouldn't want to recover.

Chen Yuanyuan was really anxious and about to cry, not to mention whether staying in such an uncomfortable posture would cause any permanent and irreversible damage to her body. Even if there were no sequelae, she thought of being seen by Song Qingshu and Li Yuanzhi the next day. In the shameful scene, she would not need to be a human for the rest of her life.

I was really afraid of something, Song Qingshu's voice suddenly sounded outside the door: "Madam, are you asleep?"

"I'm already asleep!" Chen Yuanyuan blurted out with a guilty conscience, and was stunned as soon as he uttered the words. It was really a shame.

"Eh?" Song Qingshu obviously didn't expect such a nonsensical answer.

In fact, he came here because Li Yuanzhi urged him to come and probe Chen Yuanyuan's tone. After all, what happened just now was too shameful, and she later completely forgot to suppress her voice, for fear of being heard next door, so I found a reason to let Song Qingshu come over. Try it out.

In fact, Song Qingshu had already appeared when Chen Yuanyuan was hiding outside the window, but he couldn't tell the truth to Li Yuanzhi, otherwise the girl wouldn't be ashamed, and I'm afraid she wouldn't be willing to cooperate with her like that in the future, so she pretended to come over and ask.

With Song Qingshu’s current cultivation base, it was natural to realize that Chen Yuanyuan was not asleep, so he continued to knock on the door and said: “It’s really a bit abrupt to come here so late, but I was reminded by sister Yuanzhi just now that I remembered that you two have not eaten yet, so Send something to eat." Of course, there must be an upright reason to come over, and the one to give food is obviously a valid reason.

"No... no need." Although Chen Yuanyuan's eyes were dizzy from hunger, she didn't dare to let him in at this time.

But what made her break down was that there was a squeak in her ears, and the door actually opened!

"Uh, I didn't mean it. I just knocked on the door at random. I didn't expect your door to be...it's not closed." Song Qingshu also hurriedly explained. After all, he was a man who came to find a beautiful woman in the middle of the night. He also opened the door of his house, no matter how he looked at him, he seemed to be unruly.

However, when he saw Chen Yuanyuan twisted into a ball on the bed at this time, her soft figure and the curve of her lordosis and back curl appeared vividly and vividly, and she almost didn't spray nosebleed.

"Ah~" Chen Yuanyuan also exclaimed, obviously not expecting this situation. Only then did she realize that she was upset after she came back just now, but she subconsciously concealed the door and forgot to lock it!

"This...I'm really sorry, I didn't mean it." Song Qingshu behaved like a pure virgin at this time, looking very embarrassed, and at the same time, he was also a dog in his heart. Could it be because of stealing incense and jade too much before. Recently, one after another?

"Close the door!" Chen Yuanyuan was almost crying in a hurry.

"Oh, good." Song Qingshu closed the door blankly.

Chen Yuanyuan almost didn't faint when she saw that, Feng Mei glared at him, "Who let you in?"

"Huh?" Song Qingshu realized that she was telling herself to close the door outside and leave, and couldn't help but smile bitterly, "It's really a sudden lady, I'm leaving now."

After speaking without hesitation, she turned around and left. Chen Yuanyuan just breathed a sigh of relief, only to see that the other party suddenly turned around again, raising her heart again.

"This is the cake that Sister Yuanzhi asked me to send over. I think the lady must be very hungry too. I will put it here first, and the lady will eat it slowly by herself later." Watching a miserable stunner put on the bed so exaggerated. Posture, Song Qingshu rarely blushed and said, and he planned to leave in a hurry.

"Wait a minute!" Looking at the food on the table, Chen Yuanyuan suddenly shouted to him, her expression gloomy, and she was obviously undergoing a fierce psychological struggle.

"Do you have any other orders, Madam?" Song Qingshu turned around and said with ears, noses, noses and heart. Although the scene in front of him was so bloody, he also knew that Chen Yuanyuan must be extremely embarrassed at this time, so he didn't dare to show anything. A strange look came.

Chen Yuanyuan bit her lip: "You... come here."

When Song Qingshu heard it, he couldn't help but raised his head and looked at her in surprise, his heartbeat speeded up a bit. He couldn't help but get entangled when he looked at the little pity and peerless stunner on the bed. Could it be that she has been lonely and unbearable all these years? When it comes to the scene where I am intimacy with that girl, it is difficult to tolerate drought and drought, do I need to find me to moisturize? At that time, will I accept it or refuse to accept it...

"Come here!" Seeing Song Qingshu standing still looking at herself, Chen Yuanyuan was shy and angry.

"Here, here comes!" Song Qingshu trot all the way, hesitating how to start, shouldn't it be a prelude? But for a mature woman like her, it might be just right to get straight to the subject.

"Please also my son... Help... Help me, my joint is stuck and there is no way to get back to normal..." Chen Yuanyuan's voice is getting lower and lower. Although she feels embarrassed, she is not the kind of ignorant after all. The little girl, she recovered quickly after the initial panic and shame. After all, I don’t want such a shameful picture to be seen and has been seen. Instead of continuing in such an embarrassing posture, it is better to ask him to help, otherwise it will be tomorrow morning. You have to face this problem, and maybe even Li Yuanzhi will see it.

When I thought that I was imitating Li Yuanzhi's actions just now, if I was seen by her tomorrow, I am afraid that the two of them will not be able to face each other in the next half of their lives.

Hearing what she said, Song Qingshu realized that he had misunderstood her meaning, but he couldn't help but want to laugh when he thought that Chen Yuanyuan imitated those yoga movements and made him so embarrassed.

"Don't laugh!" Chen Yuanyuan noticed his smile, wishing that a seam could get in right away, and couldn't help groaning in anger.

"Okay, I won't laugh." Song Qingshu put aside his smile, but the slightly upward corners of his mouth showed how much he liked to hear at this time.

"Relax your whole body and don't resist me. I will smooth your joints little by little." Seeing her signs of doing something again, Song Qingshu knew that she could no longer make fun of her.

Chen Yuanyuan blushed and lowered his head, and hummed quietly. 8

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