Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1344: Fate to meet thousands of miles

Song Qingshu's hand just touched Chen Yuanyuan's body, and she immediately felt her body stiff, and she couldn't help but smile and said, "Madam, didn't I say to relax you? You are so nervous that you lock it tighter now.??"

Chen Yuanyuan gave him a secret glance, thinking that if a woman is touched by a man other than her husband, can she not be nervous? This is just an instinctive reaction. But she also understood that it was not the time to be nervous, so she took a deep breath and tried to relax her whole body before saying, "Come on."

Song Qingshu's heart trembled when she heard it, as if this peerless stunner was making an ambiguous invitation to himself. He hurriedly converged his mind and focused on unlocking her.

"Madam, bear with me, it may hurt a bit at first." Song Qingshu has already seen her current situation, mainly because she was too eager to recover from this position, but was stuck instead, and now she can only get her to recover first. In the previous posture, she was able to free her hands and feet for her.

"Yeah~" Chen Yuanyuan's voice was low and inaudible, her cheeks were already very hot, and the other party's words sounded like a girl's husband's comfort during the candle night in the bridal chamber.

"Ah~" Suddenly she cried out in pain, and came to her senses from her random thoughts. It turned out that Song Qingshu was pressing down on her body.

"Pain~" Chen Yuanyuan's body was very sensitive, and her resistance to pain was almost zero, and tears appeared in her eyes because of the pain.

It made a beautiful woman full of tears. If there were other men next to her, she would have rushed forward to fight Song Qingshu desperately.

"Madam, I'll be fine soon." Song Qingshu also oozes a trace of cold sweat on his forehead. After all, it is indeed a bit embarrassing to unlock her posture and grasp the strength so as not to hurt her.

The astonishing touch from the hand made Song Qingshu unavoidable. He hurriedly used words to divert attention: "Fortunately, Madam has a very flexible body so that she can untie it smoothly."

Chen Yuanyuan's face blushed, but she didn't answer. Instead, she thought: "I would rather have less flexibility in my body, otherwise I couldn't pose in this position just now, and I wouldn't be seen by you in such embarrassment."

Under Song Qingshu's whips and tears, Chen Yuanyuan felt lightened all over, and finally returned to normal.

As soon as she regained her freedom, Chen Yuanyuan stretched her hands and feet excitedly. She had been locked for too long before, and she had forgotten how her hands and feet felt.

"Ouch~" Amidst the excitement, Chen Yuanyuan felt sore and tingling from all over her body, and she couldn't help but frown.

"Madam's posture was overstretched just now, which caused some damage to the corresponding meridians," Song Qingshu explained, "Or I will rub it for you, and use the real temperature to raise the damaged meridians."

Chen Yuanyuan gave him a weird look, wondering if he was accidental or wanted to take advantage of me?

Seeing that she hadn't responded for a long time, Song Qingshu realized that in this world, how commonplace in this world is for men to massage women and rub sunscreen on women? How could a woman in this world let a man touch her body casually?

"It's Meng Lang," Song Qingshu smiled apologetically, "Madam, don't worry, even if there is no real temperature to raise, you can recover after a few days of rest."

Chen Yuanyuan had thought that he had touched the most secret part of her body anyway. It was nothing to just massage. She was about to agree. Who knew that she would not be able to say anything after hearing what he said. She is a woman who begs the other person to touch her, right?

"Madam rest early, I'll leave first." Song Qingshu smiled and got up and walked out.

"Wait a minute!" Chen Yuanyuan suddenly called him.

Song Qingshu stopped the hand closing the door and looked at her suspiciously: "What else can the madam give you?"

Chen Yuanyuan blushed and said, "Can you keep the matter of your birth tonight secret for me?"

Song Qingshu was taken aback, and then an inexplicable smile appeared on his face: "Madam, don't worry, this is the secret between the two of us."

Chen Yuanyuan thought of the blinking motion when he left, and she got into the bed with shame, and covered her head with the quilt, as if she had returned to the age of a shy girl: "It's really shameful, shameful..."

Let’s say that after Song Qingshu returned to the room, Li Yuanzhi heard the movement and opened his eyes in a daze: "Brother Song, why have you been there for so long~"

Song Qingshu walked to the bed and smiled slightly: "There was a small accident. It was delayed for a while."

"What's the accident?" Li Yuanzhi twisted her body, put her head on his thigh, and looked up at him.

"It's nothing, go to sleep." Now that he agreed, Song Qingshu is naturally not good at telling the story next door.

"Oh," Li Yuanzhi did not ask, but suddenly remembered something, "By the way, what do you want to inquire about?"

"What's the matter?" Song Qingshu didn't react after something went wrong next door.

"That's..." Li Yuanzhi's face flushed, "Just to see if Sister Yuanyuan...he heard anything." She really didn't know why she was so bold and indulgent just now. After calming down, her first reaction was to be afraid that Chen Yuanyuan would listen. What's there, after that, I really can't be a human being.

Song Qingshu secretly smiled, thinking that these two women are really interesting. They have secrets and shame on them. I'm afraid that the other party will know it. Compared with them, it seems that Chen Yuanyuan is more ashamed.

"What are you laughing at, answer me quickly." Li Yuanzhi suddenly became anxious.

"Don't worry, she didn't hear anything." Song Qingshu explained.

"Really? Then why did you stay there for so long?" Li Yuanzhi looked at him suspiciously.

"Talking with her for a while," Song Qingshu worried that she would continue to get to the bottom, and hurriedly changed the subject. "Have you remembered the two skills you taught you before?"

"Remember." Li Yuanzhi's skin was blushing, thinking that you used such a shameful posture to induce the infuriating energy in my body. That unforgettable feeling might not be forgotten for a lifetime.

"Do you know why I teach you these two skills?" Song Qingshu asked.

"In order to satisfy your lust~" This was the first thought that came out of Li Yuanzhi's head. He secretly stuck out his tongue and threw this thought out of his mind before replied: "For me to protect myself in the future. Power."

"This is just one of them," Song Qingshu nodded, "This time you go to Yangzhou, you will see your father, and at the same time...cough cough, and some sisters. You also know that your dad joined Wan Tu to harm me. A lot of people are still worried about it. I am worried that they will anger you, so after you arrive in Yangzhou, you teach these two martial arts to those sisters, so as to bring the relationship between you closer. They are too embarrassed to bully you."

Li Yuanzhi stared at the man in a daze. When he thought of these details, he considered these details for himself. A layer of mist floated in his eyes, and he was moved to hug him: "Brother Song, why are you so good to me!" "

"Silly girl, I'm not good to you, who is good." Song Qingshu gently patted her pink back, and said softly.

Li Yuanzhi's eyes were shining, she threw him down, and said sweetly in his ear: "Brother Song, I will depend on you for whatever posture you want from me in the future~"

Song Qingshu had been irritated at Chen Yuanyuan's place just now, but now when she heard that she was stunned by the sky, the two of them rolled over to the bed again.

After sending off Li Yuanzhi the next day, Song Qingshu and Chen Yuanyuan walked side by side on the trail outside the city. Of course, in order to avoid trouble, Chen Yuanyuan was covered with a layer of veil at this time, covering the light of the allure.

"The son didn't sleep well last night?" Chen Yuanyuan finally asked after seeing Song Qingshu yawning all the time.

"Uh, sleep time is too short." Song Qingshu smiled bitterly.

Chen Yuanyuan was confused, thinking that although she delayed you for a while last night, it was not too late at that time, right? However, she has always been a person of ice and snow, and she quickly realized that after the other party went back, she probably spent the night with Li Yuanzhi Hu Tianhu again.

"Bah, these two people are really shameless." Chen Yuanyuan sips secretly, and some want to persuade him not to ruin his body because of his youth, but it would be too weird to think of such a thing, she hesitated again and again, she still did not Persuade to export.

After following him for a while, Chen Yuanyuan couldn't help wondering when seeing that this was not the direction to return to the city, "Where is this going?"

Song Qingshu smiled slightly: "Beggars!"

Since Shi Xiangyun had already moved her father to do things as agreed, he should abide by his promise and release Ruolan. In fact, he didn't want to expose his relationship with the beggar gang to others, but Chen Yuanyuan's identity was sensitive. If he stayed in the mansion, he would not be at ease, so he would simply take it with him.

"Beggars?" Although Chen Yuanyuan is not a member of the world, she has heard the name of the beggars more or less and knows that it is one of the best in the world.

It didn't take long for the two to come to the gang of beggars, and Chen Youliang had already received news to greet him: "Youliang has seen the son." When he saw Chen Yuanyuan next to Song Qingshu, his eyes could not help but be surprised.

Although Chen Yuanyuan was covering her face at this time, her graceful figure and the aura of standing there quietly were enough to show that she was a peerless beauty.

Especially the eyes that are as beautiful as a starry sky, Chen Youliang has always been a bad girl, and his heartbeat has increased a bit.

"The surname Song is really beautiful, there is always such a beautiful beauty around." Chen You forgive the abdomen, he also met Zhou Zhiruo back then, the other party's fluffy appearance left a deep impression on him, if it weren't for him to be intoxicated. In relation to power, Zhou Zhiruo needs to be used to blackmail Song Qingshu at the time, and maybe he will do something wrong with Zhou Zhiruo.

"How about Wei?" Song Qingshu asked as he walked into the main rudder.

"The cold toxin in the body has gone all the way, but I feel lost all day, like a cripple." Chen Youliang replied respectfully.

Song Qingshu nodded, it's strange that a proud genius like Wei Ruolan has suffered such a big blow, and it doesn't become decadent. As he was thinking about it, he suddenly noticed Chen Youliang's eager expression, and couldn't help but ask: "Hey, why are you frowning? Have you encountered any difficulties?"

"My son," Chen Youliang replied, frowning, "just got the news that Guo Jing and Huang Rong and his wife have arrived in Lin'an City." 8

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