Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1346: Flower faint

Let’s say that Chen Youliang was shuddering when watching Wei Ruolan’s tragic situation. The Beggars had always been well informed. As a senior of the Beggars, he had naturally heard the name of the life and death talisman, and knew that it was under the control of Tianshan Tongmao of the Lingjiu Palace in the Western Regions. A kind of torture.

But I heard that it was one thing, and seeing it with his own eyes was another. He realized that he still underestimated the horror of this hidden weapon. He had seen Wei Ruolan's martial arts before, and he knew that he was a very proud man in his bones, but he was hit by this hidden weapon and rolling around on the ground was more embarrassing than a dog.

"If he used this thing to control me..." Thinking of the greatest effect of the Life and Death Talisman, Chen You couldn't help but shudder. Thinking about it now, it's better to eat Sanshi Brain Pill or Leopard Tire Yijing Pill. After all, you don't have to endure this before. pain.

At exactly this time, a beggar’s disciple came knocking on the door. He was still immersed in fear and did not fully wake up. He subconsciously replied, "What Huang Gang master?"

"Huang Rong, Huang Gang leader?" The subordinates were also a little inexplicable, wondering who else could be in the Huang Gang leader in the Beggar Gang?

"So soon?" Chen Youliang came back to his senses with a slight discoloration. After all, he just got the news that they had arrived in Lin'an, but he came to the door so quickly. "How many people are here."

"In addition to the leader of the Yellow Gang, there is also Guo Daxia." The disciple replied, with a feeling of reverence in his tone. After all, Guo Jing and Huang Rong and his wife are very prestigious in the hearts of the beggars' disciples.

"My son, look at this..." Chen Youliang looked at Song Qingshu with embarrassment.

Song Qingshu waved his hand: "You go to receive them first, and I will come over after I have dealt with the affairs here."

"That's good." Chen Youliang could roughly guess the purpose of Huang Rong's trip, and was worried about how to deal with it. Now with Song Qingshu's support, he is naturally more confident.

Seeing Chen Youliang's leaving figure, Song Qingshu seemed a little lost, and sighed inwardly, "I haven't seen him for a few months, but now I don't know what it is like to see you again."

However, Wei Ruolan's scream quickly interrupted his thoughts. He wanted to try to take out the relieving medicine of the life and death talisman from his arms. Although this pill could not eradicate the life and death talisman, it could relieve the symptoms of the life and death talisman. In 2017, those island owners and cave owners in 72 Caves of 36 Islands worked hard every year to get this annual antidote.

Song Qingshu looked at him coldly, and didn't mean to stop it.

Wei Ruolan hurriedly stuffed the antidote into his mouth, showing a smile of rejoicing, but his smile quickly stiffened on his face, because the itchiness on his body showed no signs of relief.

"How is it possible!" Wei Ruolan poured a few more into her mouth, but it was still useless.

"I advise you not to waste your thoughts." Song Qingshu said lightly, "Your life and death talisman has been improved by me, and your antidote is naturally useless."

It turns out that the essence of life and death talisman is to use human yin and yang, and Song Qingshu is a great expert in this field, so his happiness and true energy are mixed in the life and death talisman, which can be said to be the 2.o version of life and death talisman, used by Wei Ruolan Of course, the original antidote to life and death cannot be solved.

Although the Life and Death Talisman 2.o version is more powerful, it also has an obvious shortcoming, that is, it does not have the antidote of the first version, and can only be suppressed by him personally every time, so it is destined to be used only on a few key people.

Wei Ruolan hurriedly crawled to Song Qingshu's legs, tugging at his trousers, and said: "Please, please solve the life and death talisman for me."

Song Qingshu chuckled, "Are you willing to recognize me as the master now?"

"Yes, willing..." Wei Ruolan burst into tears, and her proud head lit like garlic at the moment.

Song Qingshu quickly tapped some of his acupuncture points, and then Wei Ruolan's feeling that he couldn't survive and death gradually faded away. Before he could be happy, he heard the other party say: "I just temporarily suppressed the life and death in your body. Fu, if I continue to suppress it in half a year, it will come back again, so you should know what to do during this period."

Although Wei Ruolan also knows the solution of the life and death talisman, Song Qingshu is not worried. After all, to solve the life and death talisman, it must be clear that the life and death talisman that penetrates into each acupuncture point uses a bit of yin energy and a bit of yang energy, and these only have to be applied. The Shuren knew it, so even if Wei Ruolan knew the solution, she couldn't get rid of it.

"I see." Wei Ruolan said bitterly.

"Actually, you don't have to be so discouraged," Song Qingshu replied, "Presumably you know how elusive it is to realize your family's wishes, but now with my help, your things will come true sooner or later. The specific details are yourself. Go back and ask your sister."

As the saying goes, he knows that blindly high pressure does not make the relationship between the two parties long, and he has to give each other a bit of sweetness.

"Really?" Wei Ruolan was startled. The education he had received since childhood was anti-Song Fuzhou, thinking that if he could really accomplish the mission of the family, it would be worth the suffering himself.

"Do you doubt me?" Song Qingshu's voice instantly turned cold.

"Subordinates don't dare!" Wei Ruolan was startled and hurriedly bowed his head in a salute. He now has a kind of inner fear for the person in front of him.

"Very well, you go back first. After missing for so long, do you know how to tell the people around you?" Song Qingshu looked at him coldly.

"I'm not going to talk nonsense." Wei Ruolan swallowed, and then left with a pardon after saying goodbye to him again.

Seeing the other party's embarrassed look when they left, Chen Yuanyuan hesitated for a while, and finally couldn't help but said: "Song son, you bullied him like this, is it a bit...a bit too much."

Song Qingshu smiled slightly: "That's because my wife doesn't know how he harmed me. If I fall into his hands, I'm afraid I will end up miserably."

"So that's it." Chen Yuanyuan patted her chest, "You looked scary just now."

"Does the madam like me the way I am on weekdays or just now?" Song Qingshu couldn't help but jokingly asked.

"Of course it is usually..." As soon as he opened his mouth, Chen Yuanyuan immediately realized the trap in the other party's words, and couldn't help but yelled, "I hate it~" But I couldn't help comparing it in my heart, warm sunshine on weekdays, with a few rascals. The breath makes people safer, but the evil appearance just now seems to have another fatal attraction.

Of course, Song Qingshu didn't know that the behavior he unintentionally showed was in line with the overbearing president Fan Er described in some female frequency in the previous life, which caused a few strange ripples in the heart of Chen Yuanyuan, a woman who was completely washed out.

Worrying that Chen Youliang would not be able to hold on, Song Qingshu said to Chen Yuanyuan: "Madam, would you like to go with me to meet the yellow gang leader?"

"Although I have been pursuing repairs over the years, I have also heard about that Mrs. Guo, and I have always admired her as a woman, and she can be famous all over the world, so that men from all over the world can admire her." Chen Yuanyuan seemed to be admired. Laughing, she felt sorry for herself in her heart. In fact, she was not famous all over the world, but she was only remembered for her beauty, and Huang Rong was remembered for her chivalrous name.

Song Qingshu, who was walking in front, sighed secretly when he heard the words Madam Guo.

"Chen Youliang, don't worry about other things, where is the leader of the Shi Gang?" In the discussion hall, Huang Rongzheng Feng's eyes were magnificent, questioning the other party.

Chen Youliang's face changed slightly, and she had to explain: "Miss Shi thinks that she is not enough to be in charge of her own gang, so she abdicated and turned to be a virtuous person.

"Abdicate to let the virtuous?" Huang Rong sneered. "What a big thing this gang leader will do, how can it be silently abdicated to let the virtuous? I heard that this matter is only known to the people in the small circle of Elder Chen, which is a bit weird. "She didn't call Chen Youliang the gang leader, but she still called him for his previous position, obviously not admitting it.

Seeing her pressing harder, Chen Youliang hated him. It was not that he had never thought of using force, but seeing Guo Jing sitting in the distance, he could only dispel this thought.

Guo Jing's martial arts is world-renowned, and the eighteenth dragon is famous all over the world. Although he has learned the "Yi Jin Jing" martial arts, I am afraid that he may not be his opponent.

If it had been before, he might try again, but not long ago, when he joined forces with Master Cheng Kun, Song Qingshu had a great blow to his self-confidence. Knowing that there are people outside of heaven and outsiders, his heart has been robbed, so naturally he dared not make a move.

Moreover, Guo Jing and Huang Rong's prestige in the gang is too high, so that he can not use the power of the gang to deal with them.

However, Chen Youliang was never the kind of person who relied on force. He was better at tactics and tricks, so he replied calmly: "Dare to ask Huang Gang, when did our Beggar Gang become a family hereditary? "

"Nonsense, of course not." Huang Rong has roughly guessed his plan, but this question still has to be answered, "Every gang leader of our Beggar Gang is a very capable and persuasive person, but it must be assigned by the previous gang leader. That's fine."

Chen Youliang chuckled and said: "The Huang Gang leader would have deliberately reversed the order by saying this. It should be that the previous gang leader appoints the successor, and then that person will do a few major things for the gang, first to prove his abilities and secondly. Convince the crowd."

"But Miss Shi has no ability to convince the crowd, just because she is the daughter of the former gang leader, she has become the new gang leader, this thing is not in line with the gang rules!"

Huang Rong took a deep look at him. She had always heard that this person was deep-hearted and eloquent, but now she really deserves her reputation. She knew that Shi Hongshi’s succession to the gang leader was a bit unfair, so she decided not to entangle him on it, but immediately changed the topic to Chen Youliang: "Elder Chen, since we mentioned the gang leader, then let’s talk about it. Talking about how the leader of the Shi Gang was murdered, back then you colluded with Cheng Kun and killed the leader of the Shi Gang, and you dared to stay in the Gang. What a courage!"

Chen Youliang's face changed drastically. This is indeed his culprit. Although these years have cleared away dissidents and promoted his confidant and barely managed to control the Jiangnan Beggar Gang, there are still quite a few disciples who are dissatisfied with him in the middle and lower levels of the Gang. The rebellious force that had been suppressed took the opportunity to explode, and the situation might be completely out of his control.

"The leader of the Yellow Gang doesn't know anything, Elder Chen removed the leader of the Shi Gang purely for the sake of the beggars." At this moment, a clear male voice suddenly heard outside the door. Upon hearing this voice, Chen Youliang's face was beaming, and Huang Rong was a big face. change. 8

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