Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1347: Invite

Let’s say Song Qingshu came to the discussion hall and saw Huang Rong pressing hard against Chen Youliang. She was still so beautiful and moving after a few months. The years seemed to leave no trace on her, and she was still as charming as a girl. (Eight)

Chen Yuanyuan heard about Huang Rong’s name for a long time, and came with Song Qingshu this time. He looked at each other seriously, and saw a bright and charming young woman standing there with grace, no need to do anything to have a lot of affection, especially her There seems to be a unique temperament in her body, which is difficult to describe. Chen Yuanyuan can only understand that she is holding Zhizhu, so she always seems so calm and calm, unlike her who always has to guess the thoughts of the men around him. To have both sides.

Thinking of this, Chen Yuanyuan looked at Huang Rong with envy in her eyes.

While Chen Yuanyuan was looking at Huang Rong, Huang Rong was also looking at her. After the shock of seeing Song Qingshu at first, her attention was quickly attracted by the woman next to him. After all, as a famous confidant in history, even if it is covered, her brilliance cannot be concealed.

"This **** will always be accompanied by beautiful women, and he is indeed a shameless and lustful lust!" Huang Rong felt irritated.

"It turned out to be Brother Song!" Guo Jing originally stayed while watching his wife talk to Chen Youliang, and silently pressed him. Now when he sees Song Qingshu, he walks over with a surprised look. After all, in his heart, Song Qingshu is a lifesaver for him. Yep.

"Guo Daxia!" Song Qingshu secretly screamed ashamed, suppressed those weird emotions, and greeted the other party equally enthusiastically.

Seeing the two of them so affectionate, Huang Rong's eyebrows jumped and her mouth opened, but in the end she said nothing but sighed secretly in her heart.

After exchanging greetings with Guo Jing, Song Qingshu came to Huang Rong again: "Mrs. Guo, long time no see."

"Master Song still has the same style," Huang Rong said with a slight smile without seeing any flaws on her face, "I heard that Master Song was poisoned by Jin Bo Xunhua before, and I thought the master was dead."

These words fell in the ears of others as Huang Rong cared about him, but Song Qingshu understood that the other party probably meant the opposite: "If I die, some people in this world will definitely be sad."

Ignoring the other person's meaningful eyes, Huang Rong smiled and said: "That's true, if there is something wrong with the son, I am afraid that the so many confidantes around him will be sad."

Seeing that her laughter Yanran was the same as usual, she couldn't see anything unusual at all, Song Qingshu secretly sighed, it seems that she has recovered from that incident.

In fact, Song Qingshu was prepared for such an ending. The reason why Huang Rong seemed to be at his mercy when she was in the Kingdom of Jin was mainly because the events of her birth were too shocking for her. Although she was resourceful and resourceful, she After all, it is a woman, or a woman with a husband. The world values ​​women's chastity very seriously. If they derail after getting married, without exception, they will not be regarded as the profligate Pan Jinlian and his like.

In the beginning, such a thing happened in a muddle, Huang Rong's heart was full of regret and fear, which caused the usual cleverness and wit to be less than 20%, so Song Qingshu was led by the nose.

After such a long period of time, she must have calmed down completely, and she will never let him control anymore.

"Just as the saying goes, good people don't live long, and the scourge remains for thousands of years. I am afraid that Lord Yan is also worried that I will hook up his wife, so he dare not accept me." Song Qingshu deliberately increased the pronunciation of the word "madam", trying to see Huang Rong's reaction .

"There is a **** three feet above the head, it is better for the son to speak carefully." Huang Rong obviously did not want to talk with him in this regard, and immediately returned the topic to business. "I just heard the son's words, I was puzzled. Chen You understands that it is. After committing a disorderly plot to murder the former gang leader, why did he become a beggar to help the beggar in the eyes of the son?"

When Chen Youliang heard Huang Rong publicly commenting on himself like this, his eyes flashed with deep resentment, thinking that if you hadn't been supported by Guo Jing, I would definitely catch you and concoct you to see if you still have such an air.

Seeing that Huang Rong didn’t accept the move at all, she questioned herself in an official tone. Song Qingshu was secretly disappointed, but he quickly eliminated the negative emotions and did not answer directly. Instead, he asked, “According to the system of the Beggar Gang for thousands of years. Shi Hongshi’s appointment as the new gang leader is actually very unruly. The yellow gang leader has always been known as the Zhuge among women, but has she ever wondered why she can become this gang leader?"

Huang Rong'e frowned: "At that time, the leader of the gang leader was murdered, and the gang of beggars was in turmoil. Let his daughter come out to preside over the overall situation. Although some do not conform to the gang leader's succession system, it makes sense."

Song Qingshu laughed and said, "Mrs. Guo accidentally ignored an important factor."

"What have I overlooked?" Huang Rong was secretly surprised. Song Qingshu was ruined by Chen Youliang back then. It stands to reason that the two should be in trouble. Why does it feel that Song Qingshu is helping each other instead?

If Huang Rongming knows that the other person is speaking for Chen Youliang, she will definitely find a chance to interrupt the other person and control the rhythm of the conversation in her own hands, but now Song Qingshu is talking, she hesitated, and decided to listen to him first. Say what.

"Madam ignored that Shi Hongshi was able to become a gang leader. The most important reason was the power of a person." After Song Qingshu finished speaking, he secretly sighed, wondering if these words were passed to that person's ears and would offend her. ...

"Girl in a yellow shirt?" Huang Rong reacted quickly, and immediately understood who he was talking about, and couldn't help falling into thought.

"Yes," Song Qingshu nodded, "everyone in this world always has his motive. What does the madam think is the motive of the woman in the yellow shirt?"

"Ms. Yang drew her sword to help each other because of the injustice in the road..." Afterwards, Huang Rong's own voice was lowered. Over the years, she has experienced the rise and fall of gangs and the brutal fighting on the battlefield. She is no longer a white one. The paper girl naturally knows that everyone's behavior has its own motivation.

There are indeed people in this world who have no motivation to help, but it is often a trivial matter, and it is easy to help within the scope of ability. If it involves a major event, it will definitely take action after careful consideration. And helping an orphan to be the leader of the beggar gang is not like a trivial matter that can be solved easily.

Noting Huang Rong's expression, Song Qingshu knew that she was also aware of some of the strangeness, and had to lament that communicating with smart people would save trouble.

"The girl in the yellow shirt is not Xianyun Yehe, she belongs to the Jianshan Academy of the court." Song Qingshu did not rush to reveal the answer, but let the other party think about it, because people subconsciously believe what they reasoned out.

"So what?" Huang Rong frowned, "Does the court want to control the gang of beggars?" But as soon as she said the words, she denied this speculation. Although the gang of beggars is known as the largest gang in the world, it is in front of the country. , It was completely an ant-like existence, and the court didn't need to spend such energy.

Song Qingshu reminded: "The reason why Wan Tuyu was invited back as prime minister was because the former prime minister Zhao Ruyu was taken down by Han Yunzhe. The relationship between Zhao Ruyu and Jianshan Academy has always been close, and even Jianshan Academy has also been severely hit. Without the help of one person, the science of the academy's research is almost officially defined as pseudo-science."

"Whose help?" Huang Rong has been on the front line of Xiangyang for these years, and knows much about Mongolian intelligence, but because he is far away from the capital, he is not as clear as Song Qingshu about some matters in the court.

Song Qingshu didn't answer her directly, but said in a somewhat unreasonable way: "Whether it is Shi Huolong or Shi Hongshi, they all have the same surname."

Guo Jing, who had been listening to the cloud in the mist, couldn't help but speak: "They are father and daughter, don't they have two surnames if they don't have one surname?"

Seeing her husband's dazed look, Huang Rong smiled knowingly. After all these years, Brother Jing is still the same as before, with a gentle smile on his face: "Brother Jing, Song Gongzi means that they are both surnamed Shi."

Fearing that her husband would not understand him and make a fool of himself in front of outsiders, she went on to add: "The long history of Taiwan's remonstrance officer."

Song Qingshu smiled slightly: "Madam is really ice and snow, I guessed it so soon."

Huang Rong gave him a blank glance, thinking that you are so obvious, if I still can't guess, I'm not an idiot.

Song Qingshu recalled that Huang Rong saw Guo Jing's gentle gaze just now, and sighed secretly in her heart. It seems that for her, I was really just a passer-by.

Chen Youliang is also a clever person. He also reacted when he was prompted, and hurriedly said: "Not long ago, Shi Miyuan’s daughter Shi Xiangyun also came here to try to regain the position of the leader. At that time, she said that Shi Huolong Shi Hongshidu It was sent by her father. Many of the brothers in the gang heard about this. If the leader Huang doesn’t believe it, you can ask someone to ask."

Seeing what he said categorically, Huang Rong understood that the other party didn't need to lie on this, and couldn't help being shocked: Shi Miyuan unknowingly controlled the Beggar Gang in his hands, what on earth did he want to do?

Song Qingshu continued: "Elder Chen discovered the conspiracy of the gang of beggars by Shijia secretly. He didn't want the gang of beggars to become victims of the political struggle, so he had a showdown with Shi Huolong, for the reputation of the gang of beggars, and at the same time worried about incurring revenge from Shi Miyuan , So I didn’t make the truth of the matter public. I would rather bear the infamy for committing disorder and be ridiculed by fellow martial arts. The bitterness of this is still hoped by the Huang Gang."

Chen Youliang's mouth opened wide when he heard it. He has always been an eloquent person, but he did not expect that Song Qingshu was even better than him. In a few words, he washed his stains into acts of loyalty and righteousness.

Huang Rong also gave Song Qingshu a fierce look. With her wisdom, how could she not see that Song Qingshu was deliberately trying to excuse Chen Youliang. However, she also understands that although Chen Youliang is shameless, objectively it does prevent the beggars from falling into the hands of politicians and becoming tools.

At the same time, Huang Rong also knew that Chen Youliang was despicable and shameless, and he must not let the Beggars fall into his hands! Because the previous plan to seize power was disrupted by Song Qingshu, she was thinking about what to do next, but Song Qingshu said: "Guo Daxia, the leader of the Huang Gang, since the last time Jin Guoyi parted, we have not seen it for a long time, and now you are thousands of miles away. When I came to Lin'an, it happened that I, as a landlord, received the wind and dust for the two in the humble house."

"No!" Huang Rong exclaimed subconsciously. 8

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