Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1349: Surprised and happy

Although Song Qingshu was not very satisfied with the servants in the mansion, they prepared the food and drinks very quickly. It didn't take long before the table was placed. Song Qingshu invited Guo Jing and Huang Rong and his wife to the table. Chen Yuanyuan was going to return to the house, but he was also sitting there. By the side.

It's always inconvenient for Chen Yuanyuan to wear a veil all the time when it's time to eat. Fortunately, Song Qingshu drove the servants far away, but he didn't want to be seen by others.

When Chen Yuanyuan unwrapped her veil, the whole house seemed to be three-thirds brighter. Even people like Guo Jing were dumbfounded. Huang Rong sighed: "I thought my sister must be a man of heaven, but I didn't expect it. I still underestimated the beauty of my sister."

Chen Yuanyuan showed a faint expression on her face, pursing her lips and replied: "Although I am not a member of the martial arts, I also know that the leader of the yellow gang is known as the first beauty in the martial arts."

Hearing the words of the two women and I praised each other, Song Qingshu wisely did not intervene, but toasted Guo Jing a cup, and asked by the way: "Is Brother Guo coming to Lin'an this time for business or to come out to relax?"

"It's both," Guo Jing said with a smile, "The imperial court and Mongolia ceased the war not long ago. There was no war in Xiangyang. Rong'er and I finally had time to rest. We are now thinking about finding a place to relax and make up for the past few years. For Rong'er's debt, Jia Shumi sent us a letter to let us come to Lin'an, so we stopped by."

Huang Rong on the side had a black thread, wondering how Brother Jing explained the affairs of the couple in such detail, and even said that Jia Sidao invited them to Beijing? But she has always known that her husband is open-minded and speaks everything to others, so she has no choice but to let him.

"Brother and wife Guo have been working for the country and the people over the years. It is really hard to take this opportunity to take a good rest." Song Qingshu was thinking in his heart, Jia Sidao must not be calling them to travel at public expense, nor Know what's going on.

Guo Jing picked up the glass: "Last time I was in Jin Guo, I couldn't find a chance. Thank you Brother Song for your life-saving grace, Rong Er, let's offer a glass to Brother Song together."

Huang Rong slandered, thinking that I had already repaid his life-saving grace, so what kind of respect. Of course, the reason for this cannot be stated clearly, so I had to stand up in desperation: "I am a little unwell, so I will use tea instead of wine. I hope my son will not dislike it."

Song Qingshu was startled: "Mrs.-in-law is unwell? Would you like me to see the doctor."

Guo Jing smiled honestly: "It's okay, your wife, she just has..."

Huang Rong hurriedly pinched her husband, interrupted him, and said calmly, "Maybe it's hard work, I'll be fine after a rest."

Guo Jing glanced at her unexpectedly. Even though he was relatively simple-tempered, it didn't mean he was stupid. His wife would naturally have her reason to stop him, and he would not be so stupid that he had to say it.

Seeing Huang Rong’s reaction, Song Qingshu was naturally not able to dig into the roots and drank the wine in the cup: "Brother Guo is polite, how much blood and sweat you have paid for sticking to Xiangyang City, it can be described as a great chivalrous man for the country and the people, any Chinese son , In that case, they will help."

Guo Jing sighed: "The last time I was dead, I heard Rong'er talk about the situation afterwards, and understood that Brother Song, you also risked your life at the time, how can I not be grateful."

Song Qingshu glanced unexpectedly, but he didn't expect Huang Rong to say something nice to her husband: "Compared with the dangers of the wise couple in Xiangyang City, I am nothing."

Guo Jing laughed haha: "It seems that Brother Song also has the heart of saving thousands of people from water and fire. Now that the rebels of Shandong Jinsheying are contained, it is the luck of the people of Song Dynasty."

Seeing Guo Jing’s bold smile, Song Qingshu secretly cried out ashamed. The more stalwart the other person’s personality, the more he felt guilty for what he had done. Let's change it to a bowl."

"I meant it!" Guo Jing smiled. He grew up in Mongolia and had an amazing amount of alcohol. He has not been accustomed to drinking with a cup.

Huang Rong hurriedly pulled her husband's sleeve: "Brother Jing, drink less."

"I am happy when I met Brother Song today, so don't persuade Rong'er." Guo Jing laughed.

Song Qingshu held the wine bowl and respected Huang Rong from a distance: "Sister-in-law, please feel free to talk to Brother Guo and I."

Huang Rong stared at him with scorching eyes: "Does the son really treat him as a brother?"

Song Qingshu was startled, knowing that she was secretly stabbing herself, and couldn't help smiling wryly: "Naturally it was right. I used to be young and frivolous and did a lot of wrong things, but now I regret not being the first, so I especially want to learn integrity from Brother Guo."

Hearing his sincere tone, Huang Rong couldn't help being startled, and her expression suddenly became complicated.

The conversation between the two was endless, Guo Jing was confused when he heard it, and Chen Yuanyuan looked at the two thoughtfully.

Feeling their strange gazes, Huang Rong immediately smiled, and cleverly rounded the words back: "Since you are a brother, don't keep persuading him to drink while it hurts. It's not good for anyone to hurt him."

Song Qingshu also took the opportunity to take the opportunity to say: "Sister-in-law, please don't worry, with Guo Daxia's drink, I was the only one who was drunk by him." Indeed, on the surface, Song Qingshu is like a suave son, and Guo Jing is a Mongolian with big eyebrows and big eyes. The big guy, no matter how you look at the two people's drinking capacity, they are not on the same level.

Next, Song Qingshu and Guo Jing drank one bowl after another, while Chen Yuanyuan and Huang Rong talked with a smile, and the atmosphere became more and more enthusiastic.

"Brother Guo, I heard what you said before that I just arrived in Lin'an today. I'm afraid I haven't even found a place to stay. It's better to live with me." Song Qingshu took the opportunity to say when he touched the bowl.

Although Huang Rong was talking with Chen Yuanyuan, she kept her ears up and paid attention to their situation. She was worried that her husband would agree to take a sip and hurriedly said, "Thank you Brother Song for your kindness, but we have other things to do on this trip. It's convenient to interrupt here."

Guo Jing was startled. He was very moved when he heard Song Qingshu’s invitation. He originally planned to take advantage of this time to have a good exchange with Song Qingshu. After all, the other party is an expert whether it is marching or martial arts. If he can live together for a period of time to discuss daily. , It will definitely benefit a lot. But since his wife had already declined, it was naturally inconvenient for him to say anything.

"That's it..." Song Qingshu's disappointment flashed. He knew very well that something like that had happened before. Huang Rong could only agree to a ghost. "In that case, I won't force it. Come, Brother Guo drink."

After a while, Huang Rong frowned suddenly, and quickly said, "I'm sorry, I'll go out first." After that, she ran out, covering her mouth.

"Madam, is this all right?" Song Qingshu looked at Guo Jing worriedly.

Who knew that Guo Jing, who had always loved his wife, smiled and waved his hand: "No problem, don't worry about her."

Hearing what he said, Song Qingshu had no choice but to suppress the doubts in his heart.

Besides, Huang Rong ran out to the garden and retched against the railing for a while. He wiped the corners of his mouth with a tired face and was about to turn back. Who knew that when he looked back, he saw Song Qingshu standing behind him, and he hurried back a few steps in fright.

"Am I really so scary?" Song Qingshu smiled bitterly.

Huang Rong did not answer his words, but frowned and said, "Why did Brother Song come out?"

Listening to her still in that polite but alienated tone, Song Qingshu sighed: "There are no outsiders here, do we need to talk like this?"

"There is nothing to say between me and you." Huang Rong looked cold and walked directly to the other side of the house.

Song Qingshu subconsciously grabbed her hand: "Wait a minute."

Huang Rong's expression changed suddenly: "If you don't let go, I will call Brother Jing."

"I have a few words I want to tell you, so I'll let it go when I'm done," Song Qingshu still clutched her arm, "I followed it because it was inconvenient to say something during the meeting, and you didn't agree to live here. I'm afraid I won't find any chance to tell you in the future."

Huang Rong tugged for a few moments, and now she didn't move, her face was reddish and whispered: "You just say it, let go first, if they see it, it's nothing!"

Song Qingshu also knew that if the two of them were pulling and pulling, they would definitely cause a big disturbance, so he hurriedly let go of his hand: "I sincerely apologized for the previous Jin Guo's affairs this time."

Song Qingshu was like a demon when he was in the Kingdom of Jin. Huang Rong didn't expect him to suddenly become so kind, and he felt that his tone was extremely sincere.

But Huang Rong is not a three-year-old kid, how could he forgive him like this, and replied coldly: "What happened to Jin Guo? I don't remember."

"That's right, if it is useful to apologize, what will you do in this world?" Song Qingshu smiled bitterly, "I know you still hate me in your heart, and you won't forgive me for anything I say, and I don't want to beg you this time. Forgive me, I just want to tell you that I will not disturb the lives of your husband and wife again in the future, please rest assured. I will always treat that matter as a secret in my heart, and will not let the third person know." After speaking, he sighed. He turned around to leave in one breath.

Hearing his words, Huang Rong's eyes became extremely complicated, and suddenly a feeling of boredom came from her chest and abdomen, and she couldn't help but vomit on the railing again.

Hearing the movement, Song Qingshu hurriedly turned around, and was shocked to see her painful appearance, and hurriedly supported her: "What's wrong with you?"

Huang Rong pushed him away: "I'm fine, don't worry about it."

"How can it be okay? How many times have you vomited since just now," Song Qingshu said anxiously, "No, I'll call a doctor to come over and see for you."

"I said it's all right!" Huang Rong couldn't help but exasperated. Maybe it was because of excitement. Her cheeks were a little red, and she pushed him away and planned to go back.

Song Qingshu's eyes suddenly noticed her slightly raised lower abdomen, and a bright light flashed in her mind: "Are you pregnant?" Because she has been wearing wide clothes, and the bulge of her lower abdomen is not very exaggerated, Song Qingshu has never noticed before. To this point.

A blush flashed across Huang Rong's neck: "So what?"

Song Qingshu was surprised and delighted immediately: "Whose child belongs to?"

Huang Rong was instantly angry: "It won't be yours anyway!" He left without looking back. 8

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