Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1350: You are the exception

Song Qingshu also didn't know why other people's wives were so excited when they were pregnant, and ran behind her in surprise all the way.

"How old is the baby?"

"Are you serious?"

"Do you like spicy or sour? People are sour and sour..."

Huang Rong heard a black line and didn't respond to him, but in the end she couldn't help it: "Have you ever finished?"

Song Qingshu was a little at a loss: "Who keeps you from answering me?"

Huang Rong replied coldly: "Brother Jing's and I, why do you want to answer you?" He left without looking back.

"Uh~" Song Qingshu was immediately blocked by her words. When she recovered, the other party's figure had disappeared before her eyes.

Although he knows that Huang Rong is very reasonable, he can't help thinking about it. If he knows that he has been a man for two generations, he has never been a father. Now he suddenly learned that he might have a child. How could he not be excited? , How can I not lose my attitude?

Worried that others would see some clues when he went back soon, Song Qingshu continued to stand there and took a few deep breaths before reluctantly calming down. At this time, his brain can also think calmly. From the probability, his own guess is really unreasonable. , It was just a whim. No matter how you look at Huang Rong's pregnancy, it is a matter for both of them. What does it have to do with themselves?

Thinking about this, he finally calmed down completely, but his face inevitably had a faint disappointment.

Returning to the table, he found that Guo Jing was helping Huang Rong to go out. Song Qingshu couldn't help being shocked: "Brother Guo, Madam, are you?"

Guo Jing apologized: "Brother Song, Rong'er is a little uncomfortable. I want to send her back to rest."

Song Qingshu hurriedly said, "Since my wife is unwell, she should rest here, come here, and get ready for a room to go to!" At the same time, she secretly smiled, is she so terrible? Huang Rong actually found this kind of reason to avoid her.

"No need," Huang Rong said hurriedly, "Thank you Brother Song for your kindness, but we still have business tomorrow morning, so I won't bother here, Brother Jing, let's go."

Feeling the firmness in her tone, Song Qingshu knew that she couldn't keep her, so he had to arch his hands: "In this case, I won't force it. My wife is unwell, I will arrange a carriage to send you off."

"Thank you Brother Song!" Guo Jing said gratefully.

The couple boarded the carriage and declined Song Qingshu's delivery. After they had gone far, Guo Jing couldn't help asking: "Rong'er, why don't you rest in Brother Song's house anymore?"

Huang Rong smiled secretly, wondering where I could say the real reason, so she had to find another reason: "Brother Jing, have you forgotten our identity?"

"Our identity?" Guo Jing was confused.

Huang Rong had no choice but to explain: "We have been sticking to Xiangyang these years and have worked closely with Lu Wende, and Lu Wende is Jia Sidao's confidant, who has already been branded Jia Sidao in the eyes of the world; and Song Qingshu and Han Dongzhan are very close. , I heard that the house was sent by Han Tong. If we lived with him, what would Jia Sidao think of us?"

Guo Jing frowned when he heard it: "Guo sits upright, asking himself to be worthy of the world, no matter what he thinks of me."

Huang Rong shook her head: "As the saying goes, I would rather offend a gentleman, not a sinner, Song Qingshu is a gentleman..." She thought that Song Qingshu was a gentleman, but when she thought of what happened in the Kingdom of Jin, these two words didn't come out, so she changed her words: "Song Qingshu is our friend, even if he offends him, he won't go to his heart, but Jia Sidao is a deep-minded man, sinister and vicious, if he doesn't want to offend him, I'm afraid it will cause disaster."

Guo Jing suddenly slapped the wall of the carriage, and said angrily: "I guarded Xiangyang for the Han people, but not for his Jia Sidao. How come I have become a member of his faction!"

Huang Rong hurriedly persuaded: "Brother Jing, General Yue's lessons are not far away. Do you want to repeat the same mistakes?"

Seeing her husband’s silence, Huang Rong continued to add: “Brother Jing, Chaotang is like this. Even if you don’t think you are a member of the Jia Sidao faction, Jia Sidao’s political opponents will also regard you as a thorn in the eye. It is better to be sheltered under Jia Sidao’s wings if you are both sides. We must know that he is the privy envoy of the dynasty after all. With his care, all weapons, military payments or soldiers can be dispatched in time. We also need to keep Xiangyang convenient. many."

Guo Jing sighed: "Rong'er, you have to be right. For the people of Xiangyang City, it is nothing for Guo to be aggrieved."

Huang Rong then smiled and said, "Then you have to put up with your bad temper when you go to Jia's Mansion tomorrow, and don't confront Jia Sidao then."

"Don't worry, I have a sense of measure." Guo Jing looked at his wife's delicate face and couldn't help but sigh, "Fortunately, Rong'er always reminds me these years. I have a wife.

"Brother Jing, I'm actually not as good as you think." After touching her swollen belly, Huang Rong couldn't help sighing quietly, her expression on her face becoming inexplicably complicated.

Guo Jing didn't notice the strange tone of his wife: "In my heart, Rong'er is the best in the world!"


And Song Qingshu stood quietly at the door and looked at the distance. He did not remove his eyes until the carriage disappeared on the street. At this time, Chen Yuanyuan's weird voice suddenly came from his ear: "People have gone far."

Song Qingshu came back to his senses and couldn't help but smile a little embarrassingly.

"Why, I can't bear it?" Chen Yuanyuan stood by the side pretty, looking at him with a smile.

"Don't be foolish." Song Qingshu's face blushed. The relationship between him and Huang Rong violated a taboo. If it is exposed, whether it is Huang Rong or himself, it will be ruined and accused by thousands of people. Therefore, he is extremely cautious. Dare to be careless.

Chen Yuanyuan shook his head: "The son, why bother to deceive yourself? Just now, you and Huang Gangzhu occasionally looked at each other's eyes, but Guo Daxia, who was too careless, could not hide from me, who is also a woman."

Song Qingshu was shocked, but he immediately realized that she might behave a little bit abnormally just now, but how can a shrewd woman like Huang Rong leave a handle in front of Chen Yuanyuan, she must be deceiving herself.

Thinking about it this way, Song Qingshu immediately relaxed: "If we really have a relationship, then it will be fine. Huang Gang is beautiful and moving. How can I have such a good Yanfu."

Listening to his natural tone, it was Chen Yuanyuan’s turn to be surprised. She was indeed just probing. The woman’s sixth sense made her feel that there must be something between the two, and the taboo between the identities of both sides made her even more so. The fire of gossip is burning.

In fact, she knew that it was definitely not a good idea to break this kind of thing. She had already resisted the urge to inquire, but when she saw Song Qing, who had always been smart and free, stood at the door blankly like a stone for his wife. The impulse that didn't know where it came from just blurted out.

Song Qingshu understands the truth that a long-term defense must be lost, knowing that if she continues to ask, it is impossible to guarantee that she will not show her feet, so she grabbed her wrist and walked to the mansion: "Go, drink with me."

"Hey, let go, you..." Chen Yuanyuan couldn't help being embarrassed when she felt the temperature of the man's palm, and she kept patting the other party to try to pull her hand out, but it was a pity that she still didn't move.

Pulling Chen Yuanyuan back to sit down in the table, Song Qingshu let go of his hand, and smiled while pouring the wine: "Madam's hands are quite slippery." In order to divert her attention, Song Qingshu returned to the frivolousness before. personality.

Chen Yuanyuan's face was cold: "My son, please respect yourself."

Song Qingshu smiled slightly: "Everyone is friends now, so why bother to see others like this? Come and have a drink together at the bar."

Chen Yuanyuan's expression looked a little better when he heard that they were friends: "I have been pursuing repairs all these years and don't drink alcohol."

Song Qingshu didn’t care about that much, and took a glass of wine and stuffed it into her hand: “What does Qingxiu have to do? In the early years, there were eminent monks who used to'drink and meat through the intestines and sit in the Buddha's heart.' As long as you are firm in your heart, why bother to stick to those What about the external form?"

Chen Yuanyuan looked at him in astonishment: "Which high-ranking monk would make such... such absurd things?"

"The Taoist monk of Lingyin Temple," Song Qingshu said with a smile, "so they are high-ranking monks, you are just pursuing cultivation."

"But I really can't drink." Chen Yuanyuan still declined.

Song Qingshu sighed: "I feel a little depressed, I really want to take a drink to ease my sorrows, but it's boring to drink alone. As the only friend by my side, can't my wife accompany me?"

Chen Yuanyuan hesitated again and again, and finally nodded: "Well then, but I can only drink a little."

Song Qingshu couldn't help but laughed: "Madam was the top of Qinhuai's eight beauty back then, how could she only drink a little." All the women in the night market of later generations can drink a thousand glasses without drunk. This kind of thing is in the same line. It's certainly not much worse now.

Chen Yuanyuan's face changed, she took her wine glass and drank it, and laughed self-deprecatingly: "You're not bad, you're born in the dust, who can't drink?"

Song Qingshu reacted and couldn't help but apologize: "I didn't mean it."

Chen Yuanyuan chuckled and poured another glass of wine: "I know you didn't mean it, but I am more sensitive to it myself."

"Forget it, just watch me drink it." Song Qingshu hurriedly grabbed the glass in her hand and drank it.

Seeing him put the wine glass he had just drunk into his mouth, Chen Yuanyuan's face blushed imperceptibly: "It's okay, just treat me as thanking the son for his life-saving grace."

Song Qingshu suddenly looked disappointed: "Ah, everyone has to promise me life-saving grace, and I will be rewarded by my wife drinking a few glasses of wine with me?"

Chen Yuanyuan noticed the jokes on his face, knew he was joking, and didn't care, she smiled: "Don't look at me drinking with you, you know how many men in the world want me to accompany you. No. It’s been more than ten years since I last drank with a man. I once vowed secretly that I would never drink with a man again for the rest of my life, but...you are an exception."


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