Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1352: Exhausted lead and upside down all beings

"What way?" Although Chen Yuanyuan also vaguely felt that Song Qingshu's eyes were a bit weird, she couldn't help the temptation of eternal youth and couldn't help asking.

Song Qingshu's eyes were even more red, and while drinking, he showed a wicked smile: "A person who has never understood martial arts, in order to gain deep internal strength in a short time, there are no more than three ways."

"The first way is to take the genius treasure, which can often add decades of skill, but the genius treasure is too rare, and few people in the whole rivers and lakes have seen this thing, plus the effect of the genius treasure on the practitioners. The biggest, people like Madam who don't even have meridians can not absorb the medicinal power even if they take it, and most of them are wasted."

"The second method is the Beiming Divine Art of the Xiaoyao Sect or the Sun-Moon Divine Sect's Absorbing Stars**, which can absorb the internal strength of others for their own use. Unfortunately, these two methods are too harming and no one wants to practice hard work. The internal force is sucked away, so these two martial arts are regarded as evil and crooked ways by people in the world, and cultivators can easily become public enemies of martial arts."

"The third method is to find a martial arts master, let him voluntarily make a wedding dress, and teach you his skills. After the transmission, the master will often run out of essence and blood and die soon. Let me ask who in the world is willing to do this. altruism?"

After listening to Song Qingshu's account, Chen Yuanyuan looked disappointed: "It seems that I have no hope in my life."

"That's not necessarily." Song Qingshu smiled slightly.

Chen Yuanyuan looked at him suspiciously, and Song Qingshu just continued: "The martial arts I practice is very magical. I can pass my skills to each other when I am intimate with a woman, and at the same time, my own loss is not as great as that of ordinary transmission. test?"

Chen Yuanyuan was startled at first, thinking that he had heard it wrong, but seeing Song Qingshu's somewhat evil eyes, she finally realized that she had not made a mistake, her blush was as if bleeding from bleeding, and she said coldly, "My son, please take care of yourself. !"

After speaking, he got up and walked out, but Song Qingshu grabbed his wrist and pulled it into his arms.

"Let go of me!" Chen Yuanyuan struggled to think about it, but it was a pity that it had no effect other than giving the opponent a bout of physical friction.

"Why do you have to leave in a hurry? We haven't finished the wine yet." Song Qingshu pinched her chin with his fingers, took a glass of wine, and leaned toward her rosy lips.

Chen Yuanyuan was embarrassed and angry. She didn't expect that the other party would suddenly become like this. She was about to scold him, but as soon as she raised her head, she met the evil and enchanting eyes, and suddenly a trace of blankness flashed in her eyes.

"Does the madam really want to stay young forever?" Song Qingshu's voice sounded as if it was near and far away, so vain and unpredictable.

"Thinking" Chen Yuanyuan replied somewhat mechanically, even though she felt something wrong in her heart.

"Does the madam hate me very much?" Song Qingshu lowered his head and asked in her ear.

A blush floated on Chen Yuanyuan's neck, and she shook her head subconsciously: "I don't hate it."

"Since you don't hate me, and I can keep you young forever, why reject me?" Song Qingshu ran her fingers across her face, only feeling that the delicate and watery feeling on the fingertips was really thrilling. .

Chen Yuanyuan also trembled, and murmured, "I don't know, I"

Before she finished speaking, Song Qingshu had already kissed her, and put all the rest of her words back in her mouth.

"Woo" Chen Yuanyuan was stiff, and just about to reach out and push her away, but there was a cloud of mud in her mind. Instead, the outstretched hand hugged the opponent's shoulder, and the whole body gradually softened.

With her arms around her fiery and moving body, Song Qingshu also felt that her whole body was getting hotter and hotter, especially when she thought of her inverting the identity of the sentient beings, her heart was extremely excited, and she couldn't help but quickly explore her body.

I don't know how long it took, there was a slight footstep outside the door, and a maid was poking her head at the door. Song Qingshu suddenly raised her head and said coldly, "Didn't I say that no one is allowed to come here to disturb you?"

"The maidservant is here to ask what else is needed?" The maid's eyes flickered and replied timidly.

"Nothing is needed. Without my order, no one is allowed to approach this garden!" After Song Qing waved his hand, the two doors slammed shut, and the maid felt her body supported by an invisible force, and waited. She was shocked to find that she was already several meters away.

"I don't know where she is the spy." Song Qingshu frowned and thought. If Chen Youliang doesn't send people over, he will look good!

After this episode, Song Qingshu regained his sense of reason, and suddenly heard a "夒咛" in his arms, and looked down, only to see Chen Yuanyuan was looking at herself with a pair of watery eyes in a blurry manner.

The previous dignified clothes were already messy at this time, faintly revealing the white and greasy breast gully, and what made Song Qingshu's pupils tighten is that his hands are deep in the **** of her clothes, and the warm and soft touch of the palms does not need to think about What is pinching.

"What's the situation?" Song Qingshu was stunned. It took a long time to straighten out the whole thing. He couldn't help but screamed. He was still talking about the problem of the inner demon before, but he didn't expect it to happen again at this time!

Maybe it was Huang Rong’s pregnancy that gave him too much shock, maybe Chen Yuanyuan was too glamorous, or some other reason caused Song Qingshu’s mind to have a trace of loopholes, and the lurking heart demon would naturally not let it go. With such a great opportunity, he destroyed his sanity with ** in an instant. Fortunately, during this period of time, his cultivation level has been getting higher and higher, and his understanding of the side effects of Huanxi Zen has become more and more profound. Therefore, when he was interrupted by the maid, he became sober. If he changes his job, I am afraid that he can only wait for him to complete it. Only by venting it can you recover your sobriety, but then, the inner demon will unknowingly grow.

"Why is it more and more like the Evil King Shi Zhixuan?" Song Qingshu had a headache, he didn't want to become that schizophrenic neuropathy.

"Qing Shu" At this time, Chen Yuanyuan suddenly made a sweet and greasy sound, causing Song Qingshu's body to swell again.

Seeing her curled up in her arms like a cat in spring, and the faintly moving body under the messy dress, Song Qingshu recalled that she had just tried to move her soul. At this moment, Chen Yuanyuan can be said to be compliant. Let him take whatever he wants.

Chen Yuanyuan seemed to be a little uncomfortable, twisting in his arms, just separated by two layers of clothes, Song Qingshu's scalp was numb with the other's round and full body.

"Otherwise, she would be wrong. Anyway, she was caught in Eternal Soul, and she won't remember what happened afterwards." Thinking that she could leave the beauty of this beautiful beauty in the mansion, the two of them get along normally during the day and at night. Just treat her as a bed partner who wants to play around without any responsibility, and she has no idea that Song Qingshu's pupils are gradually turning red.

Fortunately, Song Qingshu is not the one who just passed the time. After these two years of tempering and growth, his aspiration has become more and more determined, and he can restrain that tempting idea with great perseverance.

Withdrawing his hand from Chen Yuanyuan's lapels, Song Qingshu deliberately turned his head to the other side not to look at her. It took a long time to calm the agitated mood.

Turning back to tidy up Chen Yuanyuan's messy clothes, who knew Chen Yuanyuan took the opportunity to grab his hand and press it on his chest: "Qingshu, I'm so hot"

Maybe it’s because of too many ups and downs in his life. When Song Qingshu saw Chen Yuanyuan, the fascinating beauty who was once the best in the world had become the quiet layman with a calm heart, and he always looked dignified and gentle, but at this moment. She seemed to have become that peerless stunner again, her voice was so charming, her red lips were matched with a slight panting, and even a sage monk could not help but return to the vulgar when she saw it.

Song Qingshu took a look, and the nosebleed rushed out like he didn't need money. He almost lost his mind again and was controlled by the inner demon, and quickly sealed Chen Yuanyuan's acupoints before calming down.

"Fortunately, I didn't inject Huanxi Zhenqi into her just now, otherwise things would be a big deal." Song Qingshu was very fortunate. Although the spring breeze with a stunner like Chen Yuanyuan was once the dream of all men, Song Qingshu will inevitably feel uneasy in this situation. .

Song Qingshu closed his eyes and organized the rhetoric for a while, only then did Chen Yuanyuan unlock Chen Yuanyuan's soul transfer and at the same time unlock the acupuncture points on her body.

"What happened just now?" Chen Yuanyuan opened her eyes and asked blankly.

"Just now I was talking about how to increase your skill. Who knows that you suddenly lost your mind, and I just woke you up." Song Qing replied without heartbeat in writing.

"Really?" Chen Yuanyuan frowned, feeling vaguely uncomfortable in her heart. After thinking about it carefully, she suddenly angered, "I didn't expect you to be this kind of person!"

"Why did Madam say this?" Song Qingshu was surprised, awful, does she still have the memory of just now?

Chen Yuanyuan's face flushed, and she turned her head directly: "I just want to say that I won't accept your method."

Song Qingshu only breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out that she only remembers this, so good, then good: "Madam, don't get me wrong. The method I just mentioned was only used to test Madam on purpose."

"Tried me deliberately?" Chen Yuanyuan asked strangely and couldn't help but look back.

"Yeah, otherwise, how do I know the character of my wife?" Song Qingshu had to admire his own adaptability. "Madam also knows that with my current martial arts reputation, coupled with the power in my hands, many women will pass all kinds of To approach me by means, I must exclude those women who have bad intentions."

Chen Yuanyuan was so aggrieved, and she thought to herself that I was molested by you, how come I became a scheming woman in the end. The more she thought about it, the more angry she got up. "It turns out that Yuanyuan has always been such a woman in the young man's heart. I don't dare to make myself boring. I will leave now."

Song Qingshu hurriedly grabbed her: "Madam calms down her anger, it is my villain's heart that saves the gentleman's belly, can't I apologize to you?"

In this world, men are inferior to women. Few men apologize to them. Looking at the apologetic eyes of the other person, Chen Yuanyuan couldn't help being in a daze, muttering: "I'm just a woman, I'm not a gentleman."

"Madam is certainly not a gentleman, she is a lady," Song Qingshu chuckled, "Actually, there is another reason why I tempted, because I plan to pass a magical skill to the wife. When you give it to others, you must find out the nature of the other person."


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