Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1353: Persuasively

"Huh?" Chen Yuanyuan was actually diverted. She had also seen a lot of three religions and nine liu in Qinhuai River, knowing that people in the martial arts did have similar quirks.

Song Qing coughed: "After the test just now, the lady is indeed a person of pure character, so I can safely pass on this martial arts to you."

Chen Yuanyuan just couldn't remember what happened after she was hit by the soul-moving **, otherwise, hearing Song Qing talk nonsense seriously, it is probably just a slap in the face. At this time, she was dizzy, but she also understood that the other party wanted to teach her martial arts, and she couldn't help turning from worry to joy. After all, no woman can resist the temptation of eternal youth.

But she quickly frowned: "But at my age, the meridians have already closed. I am afraid I can't learn anything from the beginning of martial arts." Although she does not know martial arts, the martial arts masters who have been in contact with her in the first half of her life are not there. A few, so they also know some common sense.

"Yes, it's generally like this," Song Qing nodded, "but my martial arts is very magical. It allows people who don't know martial arts to quickly develop a powerful true energy."

"Really?" Chen Yuanyuan asked dubiously.

Song Qing smiled faintly: "Madam should have heard of my name in the arena, I said that it is natural."

At this moment, Chen Yuanyuan reminded Chen Yuanyuan that the other party was not only the dominant overlord, but also a well-known master in the world. She had no doubts in her heart: "That's great!"

In fact, she is not interested in martial arts training. After all, with her beautiful beauty, there are countless martial arts masters who just hook her fingers to help her, but the temptation to have the opportunity to stay young after having internal strength is really too great. , So that she jumped up like a little girl.

But after all, Chen Yuanyuan has experienced too many things in her life, and she soon calmed down from the excitement at the beginning: "Since this martial arts is so magical, it must be a very precious thing. I can't accept the so-called "no merit and no gain". The kindness of the son."

Song Qing admired the woman in front of her very much. Perhaps more than ten years ago, she was a Qinhuai stunner who brought disaster to the country and the people. Today, she is completely washed out and becomes mature and elegant. Unlike ordinary little girls, she knows how to score, and she is so tempting. Next, I can still stay awake, knowing that there is no free lunch in this world.

"Madam is worrying too much," Song Qing explained with a smile, "Aren't we friends? Not to mention this is just a matter of effort for me."

Chen Yuanyuan still shook her head: "I owe him enough. If I owe it again, I may not pay it off in my life." Free things are often the most expensive. The average girl doesn't understand this principle, but she Not the same. After all these years of ups and downs, she has already seen the nature of a man. Although Song Qing may not have any bad thoughts at this time, which man does not want her to pay her personal debts in the end?

Noting the caution between her eyebrows, Song Qing couldn't help feeling pity, knowing that she had suffered too much in the first half of her life that led to her being so cautious: "Isn't the madam owed to me already paid off?"

Chen Yuanyuan was startled: "What do you mean?"

Song Qing then smiled and said, "Didn't I say that my wife would accompany me to drink to repay my life-saving grace, now that I have drunk the wine, then my life-saving grace is also cleared."

"It was just a joke just now. How can the mere accompany with the wine compensate for the life-saving grace." Chen Yuanyuan said anxiously.

Song Qing shook her head: "If an ordinary woman accompanies me to drink, it will not be able to compensate for her life-saving grace, but the wife is different, the wife is famous all over the world, and the world does not know how many men want to say a word to the wife, but I It is definitely a blessing for Sansheng to be accompanied by his wife’s smile, and what a mere life-saving grace is counted."

"My son~" Chen Yuanyuan's heart seemed to have been hit by something. She understood that the other party said this deliberately to comfort herself, and she couldn't help but feel warmth in her heart.

"Aren't we friends? The madam is really awkward to hear each other," Song Qing scratched his head, "from now on, Madam will call me Qing directly."

Chen Yuanyuan gave him an angry look: "You are not a wife, and you don't look like you really treat me as a friend."

Song Qing raised her eyebrows: "Then I will call you Yuanyuan."

Chen Yuanyuan took a sip, and a blush appeared on her cheek: "Bah, I'm so much older than you."

"Who says you are older than me? If you don't believe me, let's go to the street and just ask someone to ask. The top ten people will think you are my sister." Song Qing said solemnly.

"With your mouth, it's no wonder that sister Yuanzhi was eaten to death by you." Although she knew that the other party was talking about it, which woman didn't like being praised, Chen Yuanyuan was amused by him and giggled, and finally recovered. "You yell like this...what a decent way, it really doesn't work."

Song Qing knew that she would definitely not agree to shouting so affectionately, so she was not disappointed at all: "In this case, I will call you Sister Yuanyuan like Yuanzhi."

"Then... okay." Chen Yuanyuan originally intended to let him call his aunt so that she could keep a sufficient distance from him, but she always felt that this was a suspicion of taking advantage of it, and after thinking about it, she finally gave up.

"Yuanyuan~Sister, Yuanyuan~" Song Qing deliberately stretched the tone, and coupled with the question of his sentence breaks, it made him feel like calling each other's nickname affectionately. Chen Yuanyuan's heart jumped when she heard Chen Yuanyuan's heart jump and she hurriedly changed the subject. "Ake would be **** off if he knew that you and my siblings are worthy of each other. For no reason, that girl will have to call your uncle." Chen Yuan could not help but round the corners of her lips as she imagined her daughter's swelling. A faint smile appeared.

Song Qing couldn't help but stared blankly: "We will be divided into different generations by then. I will call your sister, and I will call sister Ake. Anyway, you mother and daughter stand together, and outsiders look more like sisters. "

Chen Yuanyuan seemed to feel the heat of his gaze, and turned his face slightly, "Yell as you want."

Song Qing realized that her gaze was too aggressive, and screamed ashamed. He retracted his gaze and said, "Sister Yuanyuan, the reason why I want to teach you martial arts is not only our friends, but also a bit of selfishness as a man."

Chen Yuanyuan's heart jumped and she gradually put away her smile.

Song Qing didn't seem to notice the change in her expression, and continued: "Sister Yuanyuan, your beauty is a combination of heaven and earth. It is a work of art of nature. If it gradually disappears in the years, it will be heartbreaking. So out of selfishness, I hope that this perfect work of art can live forever in the world, and I hope that Sister Yuanyuan will not refuse my selfishness."

Chen Yuanyuan's face turned red when she heard it: "How can you say so mysteriously, but it's just a pair of stinky skins."

"If this is a stinky skin, other people would not be ashamed to commit suicide that day." Worried that she would still be unable to look down, Song Qing smiled and took out a booklet from her arms. "Sister Yuanyuan will practice this first. Martial arts, lay the foundation for internal strength, and I will teach you the "Unold Changchun Gong" for eternal youth."

Chen Yuanyuan did not refuse this time. Looking at the ordinary pamphlet in front of him, she couldn't help wondering: "Can it let me learn profound internal skills?"

"Don't look at its appearance, but it is the supreme magic of Tianzhu, called "The Magadha Kingdom desires samadhi to achieve the Shenfu Sutra"," Song Qing explained. "Its practice method is different from that of Chinese martial arts, and it is more Paying attention to the exercise of the human body’s muscles and bones and developing the human body’s potential, it is most suitable for people who have no basis in martial arts.” Because the original version of "Shen Foot Sutra" was written on the Sanskrit "Yi Jin Jing", it was inconvenient to take out on weekdays, so he made several The copy came out and gave Li Yuanzhi a copy, he still had more in his hand.

"Really?" Chen Yuanyuan looked surprised, but soon showed a look of embarrassment, "But how should I practice this secret?" She has never practiced martial arts, and naturally she has no idea at all.

"This martial arts is a bit difficult for men to practice, but women are inherently flexible and easier to practice," Song Qing turned a page, pointed to the villain on it and said, "There are detailed illustrations on it. The postures of these images, as well as the line of lines running the true energy, can be used to practice this magical skill.

He did not tell lies. The practice of "Shen Foot Sutra" requires practitioners to pose many anti-human postures. The ability of Tanzhi in the middle of the original book was also a coincidence. At that time, he was poisoned, causing muscle spasms to be twisted into several of them. This is a posture to get started. For normal people, those postures have to be taken, and they have to endure great pain. If you are not careful, your muscles and ligaments will suffer irreversible damage.

Chen Yuanyuan originally thought that the advanced martial arts must be recorded in extremely obscure words, and worried that he would not be able to show a joke in front of Song Qing. Now that it is a simple image, he couldn't help but feel happy, but he just flipped through two of them. She faintly felt a sense of familiarity: "Why do I seem to have a sense of deja vu?"

"Of course I'm familiar with it," Song Qing said with a smile, pointing to a picture on the book. "The pose you posed last night is this picture."

"Ah!" Chen Yuanyuan finally reacted, and instantly threw away what was in her hand, as if her hands were hot, her originally charming face became more and more charming, "I won't practice!"

"Why?" Song Qing secretly smiled, but on the surface he was confused.

"You know why," Chen Yuanyuan gave him a blank look, thinking of the embarrassing posture last night, the whole person was about to explode, "This is not serious martial arts."

Song Qingyan quickly grabbed it to avoid the secret book from falling into the soup and water: "This is a serious technique of Tianzhu, why is it not serious?"

"How serious is it for a woman to pose like that!" Chen Yuanyuan knew that her cheek was burning badly without touching it.

"Regardless of whether the cultivator is a male or a female, he has to pose in all kinds of weird poses. These poses are called yoga in Tianzhu, and they can exercise the roots of people. Because of this, they are suitable for people who do not have a martial arts foundation to practice." See The other party looked unbelievable, and Song Qing had no choice but to say, "Presumably you saw Yuan Zhi also posing in these poses yesterday. She is practicing this magical skill."

Chen Yuanyuan sipped: "Bah, she is obviously... catering to you." Thinking of the scenes she saw at that time, her heart beat faster and faster. You must know that she was born in the dust, and there is no one in Qinhuai River. With such a bold gameplay, you can see how shocking the picture last night.

"Isn't there a difference between practice and entertainment?" Song Qing smiled awkwardly, and then said with a serious face, "Sister Yuanyuan, if you still don't believe it, you can try to practice a picture to see. If you can't feel the internal strength, then Can you stop practicing?". (.)

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