Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1354: Teach by hand

"This..." Chen Yuanyuan showed an emotional expression on her face, but she was still hesitant. After all, in her opinion, these cultivation postures were a bit too shameful.

Song Qingshu saw her hesitation and decided to add another fire: "Sister Yuanyuan, you can practice this martial arts, and you can rank among the top masters in the world, not to mention that you can learn to stay young forever. Skills, and the power to protect yourself, when you and Ake fight the world with swords, how unrestrained and comfortable, you no longer have to accept the fate of being manipulated by others?"

Chen Yuanyuan was finally persuaded. Although the temptation of eternal youth is great, there is no real freedom. In recent years, because she has no ability to resist, she can only listen to other people's arrangements. If she has enough strength, it is not only herself. , Even Akko can get relief.

"Okay, I practice!" Chen Yuanyuan's eyes became firm.

"Go to your room or mine?" Song Qingshu asked with a smile.

"Huh?" Chen Yuanyuan didn't react for a while, "Why are you going to the room?"

Song Qing's book stall spread his hands: "You don't know how to practice here, right?"

Chen Yuanyuan looked around, not to mention that this was the hall, and he was not sure when anyone would come, not to mention that the tables were staggered, the tables were full of cold leftovers, and the air was full of alcohol. The nature of the woman. Aijie, this is indeed not a place. It’s a good place to practice.

"I'll go back to my room to practice, don't bother you." Chen Yuanyuan whispered, what a joke, this kind of practice posture is shameful enough, if she is seen by a man, then she still wants to live.

Song Qingshu smiled bitterly: "Sister Yuanyuan is worried that I will take advantage?"

Chen Yuanyuan's face was reddened, although she didn't speak, her eyes clearly meant this.

Song Qingshu had no choice but to explain: "Sister Yuanyuan, you have never practiced martial arts. You don't know anything about meridians and acupoints. You don't even know how to get lucky. How can you practice alone?"

"I..." Chen Yuanyuan was speechless for a while, knowing that he was telling the truth, but it would be too embarrassing to be with him.

Seeing her hesitating and hesitating, Song Qingshu finally became impatient, and walked forward and hugged her in exclamation.

"What are you doing?" Chen Yuanyuan tried to push him away, but her strength was like the difference between an ant and an elephant with Song Qingshu.

"Since you can't make a decision, I'll help you make the decision," Song Qingshu glared at her viciously, "We are obviously friends, so what's the matter with helping you practice? If you feel ashamed of those postures, I haven't seen them yesterday. Did you unlock it for you?"

"That...that's different." When he heard about yesterday's incident, Chen Yuanyuan couldn't wait to get in.

"What's the difference, let's talk about it," Song Qingshu snorted, and finally released a big move. "In the palace, we have more intimate relationships. Are you afraid that I will be watching by the side now!"

"Oh~" Chen Yuanyuan snorted and almost didn't faint. In order to avoid the search of the palace guards in Lenggong, the two hid in the dark and narrow space under the bed. Both sides knew what had happened, but afterwards they seemed to know what happened. Tacitly never mentioned the matter again, Chen Yuanyuan thought that the matter had passed, so she didn't know the other party mentioned it again.

Seeing Chen Yuanyuan buried her head on her chest like an ostrich, her exposed neck and ears were already red, and she couldn't even say a little bit of rejection, Song Qingshu secretly laughed. She tried her best to say good things before, but now she is going to be hard. On the contrary, she was subdued. No wonder that in the idol dramas in the past life, the warm men can only be used as spare tires.

Holding Chen Yuanyuan all the way to the inner hall, feeling the warm body and the soft and boneless touch, Song Qingshu had to sigh that it is no wonder that so many men in the world are crazy for her.

After hesitating, Song Qingshu chose to hug her into her own room after all. After all, it was to teach her martial arts, so she should be more relaxed in her own room.

Putting Chen Yuanyuan gently on the bed, seeing her holding her hands around her knees, still blushing and burying her head on her legs, Song Qingshu coughed and held the "Shen Foot Sutra" in front of her: "Sister Yuanyuan, let's start now. Come and learn the first picture, okay?"

Chen Yuanyuan then raised her head, biting her lip and staring at him bitterly, thinking that you just mentioned that, now that you are pretending to be okay, are you deliberately teasing me?

However, this at least avoided embarrassment. Chen Yuanyuan hesitated for a while or borrowed the donkey from the slope, pretending that nothing happened just now, and began to look at the first picture.

"You should be familiar with this picture. It is the pose you posed yesterday. Now you can do it again." Song Qingshu's tone is not embarrassing or unusual. He has already figured it out. If he shows a little embarrassment, Chen Yuanyuan It will only be more embarrassing, it is very easy to get confused, it is better to calm her down in a business tone.

Sure enough, Chen Yuanyuan felt a strong sense of shame when he heard that he was about to assume the same posture as yesterday. He raised his head and glanced at Song Qingshu, only to see that his face was as usual, as if he was emitting a stalwart and upright light.

"Damn it, how could I feel this way." Chen Yuanyuan sipped inwardly, and now that she has figured it out, both of them have experienced even more shameful things, which is nothing.

"Okay!" Chen Yuanyuan calmed down, and once again assumed the weird and shameful posture on the bed yesterday.

Song Qingshu's eyes lit up. Chen Yuanyuan was indeed a natural stunner. Sister Yuanzhi, a teenage girl, tried several times before she succeeded. She was quite old for more than a round, but she was so relaxed in these poses.

"Have you seen enough~" Although Chen Yuanyuan couldn't see what Song Qingshu was doing in her posture at this time, she didn't even need to see how intently she could guess the other party.

Hearing her coquettish anger and anger, Song Qingshu subconsciously replied: "It won't be enough for a lifetime."

Chen Yuanyuan was speechless for a while. He didn't expect that he was so arrogant, but he didn't know how to deal with it. He hesitated and asked, "What should I do next."

Song Qingshu was worried that the saliva would flow out, and wiped his mouth and replied: "Contract your mind, recall the acupuncture points on the face of the portrait in turn, imagine that there is a flow of air flowing through those acupuncture points..."

"Okay!" Chen Yuanyuan closed her eyes, as if she was slowly condensing her breath, but it didn't take long for a pair of crescent eyebrows to gradually frowned.

Song Qingshu has been observing her state, and when he sees this, he asks: "What's the matter?"

"I don't know those acupuncture points, so it is difficult to memorize it. Every time I finally feel a little angry, I don't remember where I should go next. I can only open my eyes to see, and the air will disappear when I open my eyes." Chen Yuanyuan was embarrassed. Wudi said, she felt that she must be the kind of person with particularly poor qualifications in martial arts.

Knowing that her mind is extremely sensitive now, Song Qingshu did not blame her, but comforted: "In fact, from another perspective, fortunately, you are careful enough. If you remember an acupuncture point forcibly, it may lead to confusion."

Chen Yuanyuan has been dealing with men all his life, but how can he not tell that he is comforting herself, she can't help but secretly sigh: Although sometimes he is a bit rascal, sometimes he is really a gentle man.

"I'll teach you to recognize acupuncture points, so you can remember more." Song Qingshu stretched out his hand to press on her body, and said, "I will press all the acupuncture points in this picture once, so that you can remember the movement of infuriating energy first. route."

Seeing Song Qingshu's fingers stretched towards her neck, Chen Yuanyuan trembled, "This...it's not very convenient."

Song Qingshu smiled faintly: "What's inconvenient, I haven't touched wherever you are under your body."

Chen Yuanyuan suffocated his breath, and Xin immediately retracted his evaluation of him just now. For a while, he was ashamed and embarrassed, unable to speak at all.

"Okay, restrain your mind." Song Qingshu patted her lightly and began to explain the various acupuncture points for her.

Chen Yuanyuan's heart shuddered, and she really started to concentrate. Song Qingshu explained it while demonstrating the effect is much better. With the movement of the other's fingers, she gradually felt that there was really a flow of air in her body, which was different from the previous feeling that was fleeting. It's completely different. This time the qi has always been there, and I can't help but say excitedly: "I feel it, feel it~"

Song Qingshu has a black line: "Don't be overwhelmed with sorrow and joy when you practice. Your zeal that has just gathered with excitement has dispersed again, and you can only do it again."

Chen Yuanyuan stuck out her tongue with a guilty conscience, but the feeling of innocent energy flowing for the first time just now was really amazing, no wonder she couldn't help it.

"Don't get excited this time." Song Qingshu glared at her, and then guided her to become infuriated again.

I was worried that I couldn't remember those acupuncture points and it seemed too stupid, so Chen Yuanyuan kept focusing on the practice area. Now, after doing it again, she suddenly noticed the enthusiasm coming from Song Qingshu's fingertips, and her face turned red.

Song Qingshu suddenly felt that Chen Yuanyuan's body was getting softer and softer. Looking down, she saw a pair of peachy eyes covered with a layer of water vapor, watery full of blurry meaning, and moist red lips. As if gasping silently.

Song Qingshu saw his heart beating wildly, and with great perseverance, he looked away, and asked in a hoarse voice: "Have you remembered the route of the first picture of Zhenqi?"

"Remember...remember." Chen Yuanyuan's voice at this time also trembled a little more in normal days.

"Then let's practice the second picture, and try to take you to practice it again today, and then you can practice according to those lines by yourself." Song Qingshu swallowed and said forcefully.

"Okay~" Chen Yuanyuan's cheeks were also hot, and she whispered, "You...help me, I'm stuck again."

Taking a look at her tender posture at this time, Song Qingshu felt that a flame was burning in her lower abdomen: "Then you endure a little pain, and I will help you smooth it."

"Yeah~" Chen Yuanyuan tilted her head to the other side, unable to see how she looked at this moment.


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